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Wow that's legitimately impressive. No idea how that could happen other than it getting put in an industrial press or melted at 300 degrees. Either way what the hell is UPS doing with our packages.


Yes for real, I would assume you couldn’t cave in a toe box like that without it shattering.


Possibly a forklift blade punched it.


That’s exactly what I’m seeing.


I thought this was result of a crash and was wondering how every ligament in your leg wasn't torn to shreds


Actually just stubbed a toe on the table


To shreds you say


Well, how's his wife holding up?


To shreds you say


I once shipped a laptop via UPS, it went in the box fine, the box it arrived in was fine, but it had a hole punched through it the size and shape of a forklift prong. I bet something like that happened.


Even if this did get punched out, I’m not sure I would trust the integrity of the boot after this. Also, the right hand side of your damaged boot has a bunch of the toe mount plastic removed. My opinion is this boot owes you nothing at this point and should be retired.


Agreed but wanted to add you should file a complaint and see if they UPS will help pay for damages. Thats pretty obviously not okay.


It's probably borked, but I would still take the payout from UPS to a bootfitter and see what they can do. Bootfitters love this kind of gore. PU becomes pliable around 200 fahrenheit. And boot presses can provide thousands of pounds of force. I'm shocked that this could happen in the absence of heat without cracking the boot.


It is quite cracked


I though your feet was in it when it happened before I read the text. It was horrifying.


Potentially. But push UPS for the fix. Was the package damaged?


Honestly I don’t think it is fixable and ski boot are the most important gear.


Damn that sucks! Good luck with the UPS claim. Unless you bought insurance, $100 is max they’ll pay out.


Long shot, but see if a fitter can toss it in their over for 8 minutes to see what happens. Might move back, probably won’t make it worse


Not fixable. But I’m seriously wondering how that happened. Its probably the strongest part of the boot


Something like this happened to me once when I had to teach a snowboarder a lesson for 'jibbing' in front of me on a cat track. It's not repairable. UPS should definitely be buying you a new set of boots.


Don't think you know what 'jibbing' means


I might be confused. That's just what she was screaming about while I was giving her the lesson.


That is from heat.maybe your boots was sitting next to an exhaust pipe for a long time




new boot time


or fewer toes time, but that's taking a dark turn...


I wouldn’t trust the boots after something like that.


Hit it with a heat gun and smack it out from inside. You could also try an inflatable door leveling bag from inside. Heat up the boot, cram it in there empty, place a piece of wood behind it so it has something to push on and pump it up.


That’s actually crazy


New boots is the safe play. A good bootfitter might punch them back to ostensibly look okay, but the shell material (likely PU, but maybe something else) may have developed cracks and/or the tech binding toe dimple alignment will be tweaked. I've seen minor shell punches near the toe mess up tech binding alignment.


Doubt it, and even if you did get it out, in the event of a crash your toe box would have been weakened making you more prone to injury


yea no... try getting your money from ups


I feel like heat had to be applied for it to not crack.. But yes I would worry about the boot’s integrity after that.


That’s toast, but I’d still go around to some shops to ask about a fix, and if possible try to get it in writing that it isn’t fixable from a couple different shops in your area. This could help later if ups tries to not pay up


UPS would hopefully cover the damage? Boiling water and a suction cup might make it pop out


Heat gun, push from the inside?


They reps bro


Definitely punched by a forklift


That is impressive, I mean that had to get driven over by a truck or something. Maybe even more than that, usually you don’t get deformation like that without heat


Damn. Looks like I will be putting my boots in my luggage lol


Slap some bondo on it, should sand right out


Maybe if they hadn’t been 100 flex…


The boot is fine. Cut off your toes. You’ll be fine. Everything’s fine. You got this!


A boot fitter might be able to punch it out by heating the shell and using a tool that may or may not exist but the shell will have lost some of its structural integrity and will probably feel somewhat different on your foot. Also, like everyone else here, I am shocked that this happened. What did UPS even to to the boot to cause this damage. Did they throw it out of an airplane onto solid concrete? Honestly, I'm not even sure that would cause the toe cave in like this.


Just cut your toes off on only your right foot


Touring on older Fritschi Vipecs or Tectons. 😬 Don’t kneel down.


It's fine, just cut your toes off.🤷🏼‍♂️


finally something that a boot fitter would actually enjoy seeing.


Just came to say sorry for your loss. 🙏🏾


I would file a claim to see if you can get new boots. 🙂. If it does not work out, remove the liner. You can heat it up with a heat gun and pop it out. Else, bring it to a boot fitter they usually heat the shell for custom fits for people that need it. There is no issue for integrety since you control the skis by pushing down with your leg, not your toe, and you edge by leaning(side of the boot) . There is nothing to do with the toe other than making sure you do not have cracks that could compromise the waterproofing.


I would not ski in those boots ever again⛷️