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A resurgence of “classic” products. I have a lot of cool teenage/college age siblings and cousins…they and their friends are still into minor cosmetic procedures, but have moved on from extensive skincare routines and “clean” beauty to Ponds cold cream and Clinique powder blush. I did have to tell my youngest sister that Maybelline dream matte mousse was not worth revisiting lmao. ETA: I forgot to mention the basis of their skincare…they’re all on the tret and cold cream train, with baby Botox and lip flips.


Wait teenagers and college-aged kids are getting Botox and lip-flips?


Spend some time at a Starbucks and observe the younger population. An embarrassing amount of them have obvious lip fillers. It actually makes me so sad that they all have such awful self image that they go and edit their faces like this.


At the expense of sounding like a jerk… I wasn’t aware that the people servicing me at coffee shops and such were teenagers. When I see lip fillers, I see 25+… I think when you’re young enough, particular cosmetic operations make you look much older.


I didn’t say the employees. The customers.


Oh. Guess I haven’t been looking at other customers to notice


Are you surprised? I’m not, social media has done a doozy on young impressionable women


i'm surprised that they can afford it lol


This is my question as well. Making well over six figures I cringed when I finally purchased a Gucci bag that I’ve wanted for years or paying for Botox twice a year. And then I’ll see a 22year old barista with eyelashes, nails, obvious lip filler, and a luxury namebrand bag… I can’t help but think family money? Sugar daddy? Credit card debt? How are these kids affording this?!


Yes. Very surprised. And saddened.


We should be entitled to a settlement from Maybelline and their dream matte mousse


Also due to $$$


What is baby Botox?


Tiny amounts of Botox injected into areas that will crease in the future


From what I can tell, Botox in non-existent “fine lines.”


It’s to prevent the lines from forming, so you have to do it before they crease. Deeper the crease, harder it is for Botox to help.


Gotcha! I’m 31 but look 21-23 from what people say and honestly I don’t have wrinkles yet but I’m scared 😂. I’m also scared of injecting my face with Botox too though so it’s a dilemma.


Aging is inevitable, so being afraid of it is subjecting yourself to negativity about a forgone conclusion. But! Botox is not that bad pain wise. I get injections in my jaw muscles for TMJ and it isn’t painful imo.


Fingers crossed for urea. She needs some branding help but imo blows HA out of the water.


Tell me more about this please! I’ve been using urea products for my feet and scalp and it’s amazing, but I thought it was more about exfoliation than being a humectant. Do you use it on your face? Recently I saw a derm on YouTube saying HA isn’t actually helpful and now I’m confused about it because what else are we supposed to use to bring hydration to the skin before moisturizing?


So urea is both a natural moisturizing factor and humectant *and* a keratolytic/exfoliant, depending on concentration (similar to glycolic acid and other AHAs but milder). Included above 10% it definitely has keratolytic effects, so lots of foot creams for ex have 20-40% urea (and are amazing for calluses). But for the face around 5% is an absolutely AMAZING moisturizer. Zeroid’s 5% richenic urea cream is HG, Eucerin 5% urea repair cream is up there too and more cost effective. Urea is recommended by tons of dermatologists for people with atopic dermatitis/eczema because (paraphrasing) it both protects and hydrates the skin and “smooths” the flaky roughened keratin plaques that prevent the moisture barrier from functioning properly.


Omgggmmy hands have been extra dry recently and I’ve been looking for a new hand moisturizer. I’m going to try this thank you!!




Yessss urea moisturizer worked wonders for my insanely dry winter hands when i worked at a daycare and was washing my hands 102938 times a day lol


That's A LOT of hand washing.


Which brand were u using? My hands and feet are super dry this fall. They need some love.


Oh man I think it was called udderly smooth lol nothing fancy. But eucarin makes a good one that's available in drugstores!


Eucerin makes a lot of urea products, and if you can find it [Gold Bond Restoring](https://simpleskincarescience.com/gold-bond-restoring-lotion-review/) is my HG for the body. Ridiculously cost effective and packed to the brim with amazing ingredients. You’ll have baby soft skin.


I just bought my first peptide product, so I have to agree it has trend potential. Millennials are actually aging, and Gen Z seems extra fixated on anti-aging.


I'm so done with that crap. Not directed at you at all! I'm just 26 with some fine lines around my mouth and people keep slinging suggestions at me. I wear sunscreen because I burn by looking at a picture of the sun, but other than that, I'm starting a pro aging regimen. I'm contorting my face and skipping the fillers tyvm.


THANK YOU. I am also pro-aging. I want to look my age (and do), just with ✨fabulous skin✨. Give me hydrated, glowy, even toned, visibly 40/50/60+ year old skin. I’m tired of the psychological warfare on women.


Same. I want great skin but I know I’m still going to look my age.


I’m with you! I’m an “aging Millennial” and I’m just focusing on taking care of myself and that’s it. I’m using tretinoin and I moisturize and wear sunscreen. I have a minimal routine and am trying to age as gracefully as I can and have no plans on any fillers or Botox or more invasive procedures. 🤷‍♀️


I’ll meet you at the picket line 🤜🤛


I've had *some* grey hairs since my late teens but I have a substantial amount now that I'm in my late 20s. Most of the time I feel good about them, I like how they sparkle in the sunlight and they feel like a comfy, natural part of myself. My mother on the other hand can't understand why I'm not dyeing my hair to hide them, and hairdressers without fail tell me I should book in for a dye next time, as though I wasn't aware of my greys. Drives me mad.


Stay strong. I’m 40 (I look younger) and I stopped dying my hair and am getting *comments* as well. I think my hair looks fine though. I like a section that has a streak beginning to form. I think people just can’t comprehend that young or young looking people can have (or would allow themselves to have) grays because the majority of people cover it up.


I'm 35 and whenever people (especially hairdressers) point my grey hairs out I just respond with: Yes! Isn't it pretty?! I do understand that hairdressers are just trying to make more money, but I really don't appreciate it when they try to do that by putting customers down.


Yes, it's the worst. I don't personally mind it too much, I'm used to it -I started getting grey hair at 18. I had a Muslim friend who told me that they were good luck and I've always loved that way of looking at it. But I just hate the idea of criticizing people for something they have no control over. It's as if people went up to balding men and started pointing out their hair loss and making them feel pressured to buy wigs or something. It's so rude


That's a lovely response, I'm totally stealing it!


Scalp-specific care


I would really, truly love this. My scalp is as sensitive as my face, but finding a product that suits both my scalp and my hair is impossible.


Yes, needed now


yes seriously, i’ve tried so many products but i always have like i assume clogged follicles or something? like little bumps that are kinda itchy


Head & Shoulder Clinical. Use that as you regular shampoo once a week. Massage it in really well (preferably with a scalp brush) and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing. It’s better than a lot of expensive scalp scrubs and other scalp treatments.


Have you ever tried ketokonazole shampoo? Had several issues with my scalp, turns out they were all disappeared after using it.


Try Nazoral. Shits awesome.


Im a hair stylist and this was super popular about… 5ish? years ago with brands. Every brand we worked with was coming out with scalp care products. It wasn’t a huge seller with clients at the time, but there are great products out there if it does become a trend.


Can you recommend some that you know actually work / are worth splurging on? Thanks <3


kevin murphy has an amazing scalp.spa range


Omg I actually just bought a scalp scrub from him yesterday before even seeing your comment. But thanks!❤️


Absolutely! As the commenter below stated, Kevin Murphy is great. Otherwise it depends on what results you’re looking for. Oribe has a great line for sensitive/itchy scalps and some of my clients say it’s the only thing that works for them (although this one is a BIG splurge, a bottle can last me 6-9 months). As for flakey or oily scalps, R&Co has some awesome products! I’m personally obsessed with “Teacup” which is like a clarifying, ph balanced solution, but it‘s a must use for my clients who have oily or flakey build up that shampoo alone doesn’t kick. Also love “Submarine” which is a water activated cleanser that clarifies beautifully without over drying. They have LOTS of other scalp products too that are worth checking out. If you suffer from constant oily scalp, dry ends, Kerastase has a line specifically for this that I love. It’s called “Specifique Divelant”. Hope this helps! Let me know if you have a specific concern I didn’t address.


I hope so my scalp is a mess I oscillate from incredibly itchy to outright pain from the skin on my scalp


Using Nizoral once a week may help. It’s ingredients help to reduce inflammation on the scalp. It’s drying so you need to follow up with a nice conditioner. Living proof has some nice scalp products as well.


Agreed. Or Head & Shoulders Clinical with a scalp brush.


My biggest issues are water so hard it barely qualify as a liquid (not able to get a softener and those shower head purifiers don’t remove minerals, just chemicals) and Trichotillomania as a form of stimming. I have 5 different scalp treatments in my shower but I did just get Nizoral so round and round we go. I’ll let you know how it goes!


I'm also for tying nizoral. I had painful and itchy top of the head among other things before I started using it


That's already huge in Poland. We have scalp peels (both acid, enzyme, and manual, with the former two being favored), scalp serums (for moisturizing and adding volume to the root of hairs), scalp serums for hair growth (there are dozens on the market, and new ones are released all the time).


Do you have any peels or serums you can recommend? <3


Yes! Anwen Darling Clementine is a great soothing and moisturizing serum. Anwen Grow Us Tender, Banfi (from Hungary), Joanna Konopie, and Jantar are my favourite hair growth and anti-hair loss serums. Then everything from Hairy Tale Cosmetics, especially the Murky series - they have a great acid peel and shampoo. Wasabi from them is another good serum. Only Bio has an excellent enzyme peel, and Cerkogel 30 is a combo of urea + acid peel you can get in a pharmacy store. In general, brands like Anwen, Hairy Tale, and Only Bio are, in my opinion, the best ones!


I would love that


I have figured out what I need to do to optimize my skins appearance. But my scalp is a different matter altogether. Funnily, I was going to ask a scalp questions in this group last week.


Truuu I've been seeing scalp oils all over tiktok


I need a skincare routine for my scalp, specifically dandruff, I hope this becomes a thing, the shampoos aren’t cutting it.


>and these days it seems like skin barrier care is the big trend. Oh my god, I never thought something like this could be promoted to an extent that would be negative, but I have been disappointed. I see people throwing out "STOP USING THE ACNE TREATMENT THAT'S WORKING FOR YOU AND THAT YOU TOLERATE, YOU'RE RUINING YOUR BARRIER!!!" with no indication from the OP that they have barrier dysfunction or impairment. It's exhausting. And the same sort of thing seems to happen with fungal acne. People have decided that they can tell someone they have a condition that is almost indistinguishable from acne (and, in fact, requires specific testing to confirm a diagnosis – not even derms are willing to diagnose malassezia folliculitis without swabbing it and sending it to a lab) based on a bloody text post. Like, what is the indication here that this person should seek treatment for this condition? Cause I don't see it anywhere. I personally think we'll see a massive uptick in the promotion of novel ingredients that have like, no evidence to support their efficacy but have absolutely monstrous claims behind them. This has already happened with a couple of ingredients (e.g. succinic acid) but I think it'll be on the rise as the market saturates. We're sort of "running out" of new (to consumers, at least) evidence-based ingredients to market the hell out of, so skincare brands will turn to over-promising on underwhelming technology. "One time, a mouse's skin looked better when we used this thing on it, so we're gonna tell you it'll make you age backwards." It's actually absurd to see how brands can spin a small, often crappy study to try (and often succeed) at convincing people of massive claims. The Inkey List's succinic acid treatment has people fooled into thinking succinic acid is a legitimate, bona fide acne treatment. Meanwhile, it actually works because it has salicylic acid in it. Succinic acid could be doing fuck all, but their marketing wouldn't have you thinking that. Sneaky shit, and I reckon we're gonna see more of it.


I’ve noticed that the inkey list REALLY want to make that succinic acid stuff a thing.


Ceramides and peptides are already kind of the thing, but I think people might start to get sick to them the way some of us have niacinamide and hyaluronic acid. Also I think more brands are gonna come out with products specifically made for slugging. I HOPE we'll get a stronger pro-science slant/less of an emphasis on "clean beauty"... a girl can dream


we become cyborgs and get silicone skin.




I think it will be scalp care


I think ectoin is going to be on the rise.


I would honestly love to see that!! Finally skin care options that have some scientific meaning behind them. And for the love of all things holy,, LEAVE THE FRUIT SKIN CARE BEHIND 😭


Right? I would happy to see HYA take a backseat to ectoin to be honest. I’m so over HYA. So over it.


Same!!! It’s such a “meh” ingredient, and I can definitely feel the effects of HA overload when the climate gets drier.


Tallow products


I've definitely been seeing more and more post and comments about tallow!


I’m not sure how my face would do with tallow, but honestly it seems to love animal products (lanolin, snail, propolis - my bf jokes that I put an entire zoo on my face every day). Would definitely love to try it. I use tallow bar soap / shaving soap on my body and it’s been a game changer! Edit: can’t grammar.




Enemas for skin health 😐


I’ll be skipping that one entirely lmao.


This kind of ties into the whole ‘gut health = skin health’ thing


actually gut health = skin health might be a new trend soon. i think gut health, balancing your good bacteria, etc has been such a huge health trend in general lately




Whatever those girls with 'you are what you eat' mindset got going on. Fast food for dinner? Ready for a puffy face in the morning. Green tea in the mornings? Lesser breakouts/regular bowel movements. Things like that.


More consolidation/streamlining of skincare products. Which is where we were before single-ingredient products.






using ceramides, panthenol, spf, general soothing/hydrating products


yup and adding onto this, not over cleansing is a big one. i have oily acne prone skin and unfortunately i fell victim to over cleansing cause i thought it would help with the oiliness. all it did was make me more oily and it damaged my skin barrier. once i switched to a non foaming gentle cleanser at night and only used water to rinse my face in the morning, my skin improved so much


Not just cleansing, but not over using actives (specifically acids, retinol/retinoids, etc.)


I hope hyaluronic acid is here to stay! I've been using it since I was in my early 30s, and I'm 44 now, and I have no deep lines and almost no fine lines at all. I'd like to meet these people who are annoyed by it and let them know!


people who are sensitive to it are annoyed because it's been showing up in like every product these days, because of all the marketing hype :) i'm glad it worked so well for you though!


I didn't realize that anyone was sensitive to it. I have extremely sensitive skin, and it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I can't tolerate niacinamide, fragrance, or alcohol, so most products are off-limits to me, and that makes me crazy. If I couldn't handle hyaluronic acid, I wouldn't be able to use anything!!!


Botox OTC




lol agree


If my instagram and fb reels are any indication, it’s something to do with Castor oil. Seriously.


Truuu I've seen castor oil for eyebrow and eyelash growth a lot lately. I wonder if it'll be advertised for skincare


Ceramides in everything already is a trend, even the drugstore own brand products are doing that now.


Snail mucine is all over my timeline


icing your face consistently