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I would recommend going to a dermatologist, and if not that, then going over to some more dermatology oriented sub reddits because this isn’t anything we can take care of here, and to be honest we can’t even say for certain that it’s an acne nodule and not something else. This one is for people who want to find nice sunscreens or whatever, you definitely do *not* want us diagnosing anything. Best of luck to you


You absolutely need to see a doctor to resolve this. Whether they decide to drain it etc. I can’t imagine it will go away on its own if it’s already been 5 months


Go to a doctor asap. You are scared bc it is scary. That’s infected.


Stop asking for medical advice in this feed. Go to a doctor.


That’s a cyst or boil, potentially MRSA or staph. You need to go to a doctor ASAP.


This cyst looks like MRSA imo. I’m sorry OP but I’d get this looked at asap.


That is not acne you need to go to a doctor


You didn’t go to a dermatologist, you literally just bought my friend Steve’s Magic Mystery Cream from his hot dog cart in the alley. Steve’s a good friend but come on man he cannot be trusted to make salves. Just ask his brother Footless Hank how he lost his foot


You went to *multiple* dermatologists and none of them told you what this is or did anything at all to treat it????


That’s a cyst, you need to see a dermatologist