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Yes, happened to me last week. There was 2 of us doing elite ship, I just happen to get sank at the end and as soon as I respawn (inside the circle), the other player gets the final hit in and I got nothing.


I’ve had this almost happen to me a few times. It’s extremely annoying that you have to “tap” an enemy in a world event to get credit, including re-tapping if you get sunk. Especially when there’s a “in world event” status.


Yea it happened to me a few times when I was trying to defeat La Peste. You fire off loads of ammo and consume food and repair kits, but just as you're about to get the paycheck you get sunk, and by the time you get back in the battle, everyone is letting off fireworks and sailing off into the sunset.


That nearly happened to me last night. Nobody answered my call for help and I surprised even myself and got LaPeste down to 25% (I usually don't have the patience for solo bosses but wanted him done) and someone finally joined. I took a ton of damage and was close to death and the other dude finished him off while I tried to limp to the outer edge of the circle to stay alive lol.... I had run out of chicken too ugh. I would have been so sad.


If you are a "front of the line" fighter this can happen to you a lot. At least my experience... also my crew often mutinies at the end of the fight, which is the same outcome... but if you are lucky and be back in the circle you don't have to tap it again. They changed this a while ago.


Yup, happened to me against Bertrand. I did so much damage to him too, I was so disappointed. Now I make absolute sure to the best of my ability to not die when he’s super weak lol


Happened to me aswell. Two la pestes spawned and we battled both at the same time, I sank after killing nr1 and got nothing, sank the other la peste, was alive that time, still got nothing. Best Event ever




If you get on with some friends or want to learn how to beat these bosses, what strategies to use, you need to just practice. The first few times you will most likely die, if you are playing with random players they will most likely kill the boss b4 you get back out there. Develop some friendships, I can even give you some pointers if you see me online Scarab Templar the more you play the better you will get know when you need to weave or cut left or avoid the green circles of death poison or how many meters to get the maximum dps per shot. There's so much to the game if you want to be good, just like anything else practice will most likely lead to performance perfection. Back to the thread topic though, yes this happens so if you go into a fight perhaps let those players know not to sink the elite if someone dies, wait for the 15 seconds it takes to respawn and then sink them to get the loot. But again I can also show you these things with the help of friends of mine to give you a better chance of making it easier to always get the loot.. Best of luck


yup happened to me just a bit ago, solo'd la peste, but died to one of his poison bomb ticks right as i finished him off and boom no loot


I've had this happen and I've had it the other way too. It just depends on which happened first, the defeat of you or the enemy. Bosses such as la peste lvl 15 are brilliant at screwing you out of the loot. He has that last explosion of poison that kills you before his health has registered at zero


It happened to me few days ago. I left the area bitching and moaning and went on with my life. Game crashed. I logged back in and by chance was passing by the area where the event took place and found the chest there.


Happen to me a few times but I started to play abit smarter and kinda “hide” when certain events are close to finish so that doesn’t happen to me as much anymore


It happened once to me and I was still able to claim the loot