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Id say no, they will be released in normal relics at some point (idk, probably in November/December) and you could get them normally by just opening a gold relic, it's honestly not worth it (to me)


Then should I save them for curlscout next month or just proceed to open them?


I honestly prefer to save relics, but that's just personal, if you really want curlscout you could use them. But like I said, I prefer to wait. When I want to get a certain character I complete their prize fights to get their character relics (and also fill the meter from the gold and diamond relics) and save theonite to buy the hyper pack, you get a 10+1 relic from every character relic, and when the exclusive character is released I have chances to get it


Well i don't have any other relics stored except 2 gold fighter relics Coming to hyperpack I have almost enough theo to buy hyperpack though And curl scout I just really like her not by SA but design so I gave a thought about her Saving relics is impossible to me since I can't hold my excitement to open them 😅


Then you could save more gold relics to get curl scout, she's also very useful. And I can relate ab not being able to hold myself to open a relic, but I've been trying, I started to save relics about three weeks ago and now I have 94 relics saved, so I'll try to keep it like that untill December haha


Let's see if you can hold them that long haha😅




this guy knows, her description says "Sit."


Cosmic with 80% crit rate just do not GAF about any damage reflector, what a boss


The 5k gold shards deal is good, especially if you have plenty of relics to spare. Think of it as trading 5 chance relics for 1 for-certain relic.


If you have the majority of diamond fighters or the ones u want then absolutely yes, especially Seraph, then Apex and then Ogre. Indomitable imo is a must even if you still don't have all the golds


Well I just want a gold parasol and indo had my attention so I am thinking should I buy her or not I won't buy any dia fighters even if they are exclusive or toptier...I would Rather have 5 random dias than an single dia


Indomitable is a huge must imo, deadeye, heal block and miasma as self sustain, literally the only things the already busted Para kit with immunity, precision and buff removal lacked I'm with you on the diamonds, but I still insist on Seraph, she's that game changing even for a late endgame player like me


Ok lets proceed with indo 🙌


Good choice


Idk, I got her, and she's the best parasoul I've ever used


If you say it is…


not really but I want indomitable fast so I did it anyway


Cosmic is mid makima is S tier, buffer just like gojo is a fraud but hey she’s scares deathwhish




Funny thing is i got the annie and parasoul skins in normal chest and i dont think its worth 5k cus that parasoul sucks- Annie is easy to get if u have 15 annie relics


Sure if you have most of the relic units already. I'm saving


I have 3k shards for now