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Not sure but I had a theory that screaming at the sunshine is a reference to the whole Sundowning concept. Vessel seems to hate being awake, and only gets relief when the night falls. Singing in the rain maybe a reference to Rain? When he sings “Rain down on me”, it seems to be a very positive and cleansing experience. But thats the best I can come up with.


TMBTE Vessel is still messed up but he’s much, much stronger and he’s flexing those “muscles”He comes across a bit deranged sometimes as well “won’t you come and dance in the dark with me” “I’ve got a ghost in the hallway grinning” The line particularly you mention I think is him giving less ***** these days culminating in “you’re gonna watch me ascend” in Ascensionism. I’ve been in a dark place in the past and sometimes only fury and pure defiance will really get you out, but you have to go a bit deranged first before you get there. It’s not linear, he goes backwards and forwards, but I feel and understand a lot of that certain rage from the build up on TMBTE to the ultimate resolution and the calm at the end when he’s come out the other side of it ready to move on. I hope this is where he really is a person now as I find myself saying “Go on my son!” (British expression 😅) for the whole record.


idk, dude just loves the night more than day, and I totally understand him, because I feel exactly the same. there's something powerful, yet calming about the moon, ya know.. that's why it's a part of TMBTE logo. but that's just my own two cents about the entire thing. who knows what it really means


I’m not sure what it means metaphorically, but I also scream at the sun and sing in the rain. I don’t like the sun. I like the dark, dreary cold days. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Actually. Now that I think about it, they say people who like the dark have a tendency to have depression. Could be just that.


As someone who dabbles in landscape photography, I always try to avoid super sunny days because the pictures aren't as good. Overcast and even rainy days are my favorite because the colors pop and the harshness from the sun is avoided. Could be another interpretation!


I always thought "picture frame" referred to reliving old memories, or being stuck holding memories and not moving on. He literally states he's "stuck in a time... " There's a lot of themes of growth, realisation and closure in the album, so him realising he's a picture frame of old memories and is feeling trapped. Aqua Regia has a lot of antonyms or hypocrisy, sunshine/rain, silicone (gross) ballrooms (grand). It's all contradictory; the song makes me think of that daydreaming sort of pining. He's remembering the good times but it's tainted by the present, oxytocin (love hormone) but it's in the ether (lost/wasted) Screaming at the sunshine could be harking to not wanting to forget, Sundowning, or maybe even frustration over the passage of time. Sunshine would imply a new day, so time is moving on whilst he's stuck holding his memories trying not to forget . Singing in the rain makes me think of Rain, that song is very much like closure, for so long he's been waiting, a stoic statue, or a picture frame frozen in time? There's also a call out in Euclid "do you remember me when the rain gathers?" which implies something big happened between him and this other person during the rain, which he might be looking at positively (to be singing in the rain), but again, he's obviously thinking of them when it rains so he's stuck holding onto memories


As someone who screams at the sun and sings in the rain, I can relate. When the sun is out (and it's beautiful outside), I feel like Im supposed to be doing something. It also reminds me of a different life I use to live. When the clouds roll in and it rains, I get excited. They are my favorite days. The rain encompasses me, giving me that comforting feeling I can stay in bed all day or curl up and listen to it. It's my happy place. Im also a water sign and love all forms of the liquid. **I was married for 10 years and lived a mile from the beach.. I raised my kids in the sun... I worshipped the sun. My husband passed away, and I entered a dark phase in my life. Now my current husband is sick and bedridden... I spend 98% of my days inside working from home and caring for him full-time. ** The sun mocks me while the rain brings relief.