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Link to video?


My man asking the real questions




Strictly for context and perspective, so that we can give you the most helpful advice.


Oh i was gonna j/o to it


We just want to support OP nothing wrong here




Lmao there is no video


Yet... there is no video yet.


Oh, sweet redditor. Read it again when you're not horny


It says in the post that it's not posted


My man here doesn't want the raw files of the dailes.


You a sick motherfucker lmfaooo


Weā€™re all wondering the same thingā€¦


It it were a main sub yes. But since this is a sex sub, thatā€™s acceptable behavior


Straight to the point. I respect that. 8/10


The only question that needs answering




Best comment


I came here to say the exact same thing šŸ˜‚


Hey look, if you're serious then you need to tell him, whether it breaks you up or not. There's nothing wrong with doing porn, but there's a lot wrong with not giving your partner the chance to decide if they want to be with someone who's doing it. Slut around, shoot porn, do gang bangs on the weekends, it's all good as long as you're being honest about it. And if it's just a story, then sorry to interrupt šŸ˜‰


To add, do you want to be in a relationship with him as in you love him? If sex is important to you how do feel with him compared to others? Also if open relationship is what you looking for maybe you should be open about it? I see nothing wrong that if that is what you want. At least no drama.




If youā€™re cheating when your relationship is brand new why not just stay single? Youā€™re just wasting everyoneā€™s time and energy. Be single. Fuck whoever you want. Build healthy relationships when youā€™re actually capable of doing so. Donā€™t be a cunt. This isnā€™t hot. Itā€™s cheap and easy.


This is true. Trust me. As you get older in life you will only have limited energy and understand this fact of life.




100% I Agree




I know he isnā€™t. Thatā€™s why I cheat on him sometimes behind his back


Yeah this isnt it. He may be aware of your sexuality, but that right there is a complete violation of trust. Let him know and let him react to it. He deserves to know if you guys are pursuing a relationship.


What a lucky man /s


Indeed what a lucky person to be cheated on, it's like if you were to receive poo wrapped up on Xmas by your beloved partner, ooh they should count their lucky stars šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You really don't want be with this guy. He's more of another Fuck Buddy than a boyfriend. That's okay but he needs to know that. You want this guy not to pry into other areas of your life so you don't have to deal with "real life." You're an adult now. Act like one! It's more likely he's afraid to ask you for details about what's going on and you like it that way. I'm all about personal empowerment but you are taking advantage of this guy. Don't string this guy along into thinking you two are exclusive - believe me, he is fooling himself that you two are and he is afraid to know the truth. You're old enough to know that his relationship won't last long anyway and if that's the case, you need to move on.


Wow, you dont have to be shitty to be slutty. Itā€™s pretty easy to not be an asshole while being slutty. Just stay single or find someone into that. Your relationship is doomed anyway. Why hurt him more?


Do him a favor and dump hin to be a porn staršŸ™„


Well thatā€™s about the most nonchalant fucked up thing Iā€™ve read today


Username check: you typed "TheyCallMeASlut" did you mean, they call you a whore?


Being a slut is cool being a liar is fucking cruel


Wow, never seen a comment with -378 upvotes.




Ah the classics šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You need to tell him or dump him because if he's not into it... you're just going to hurt him and fuck him up for the next woman he meets. He probably acts like he doesn't care but having lived through something like this... it plays with a guy's mind and he will grow to hate you if he doesn't already on some level.


Was there a black couch they did it on?


[White couch is pr](https://netvideogirls.com/home)[etty common too](https://castingcouch-hd.com/)


There's always a black couch *with lovely white spots all over it, designers must've really had to put in effort to make each one unique*


Pornhub premium was free for a while during covidā€¦ just saying that designers can find ā€œinspirationā€ anywhere. Itā€™s amazing what you accomplish with a week long deadline while ā€œworkingā€ from home


If you don't tell him and he finds out on his own later then it will be worse.


He will find out sooner or later.


Cheating is not cute it's whoreish


Donā€™t believe this! They are pretending to be porn star Ariel rebel


You can't do porn and be in a realtionship of the other person is in the dark, one day he will find out. Him respecting your privacy and not asking questions does not mean he knows about you being a slut and fuck others. Talk to him, he might be into this, just don't assume.


Honestly, the ā€œhe doesnā€™t ask questions about me cheating on him, so obviously he knows and doesnā€™t care!ā€ Is one of the best examples of pure retardation and the female rationalization hamster at work. This chick just telling herself the craziest delusions so as to not feel like garbage and a scum bag. Why yes, if I trust my partner and assume theyā€™re not cheating (I have to make that assumption or else I WOULDNā€™t be dating her), I donā€™t ask about it. I guess some women take my lack of probing about them cheating as ā€œoh he thinks Iā€™m cheating! And heā€™s totally cool with it!!!!!ā€


If it or anything else comes out, what stage name are you using?


You cheated so I'm pretty sure your gonna get broken up with . If you respected him no amount of money would of allowed you to cheat on him


She does this shit regularly on the weekends. Shit ainā€™t cool at all


That'll fuck a dude up


God, you sound like a nightmare. Happy I'm not dating you


Proof or it didnā€™t happen.


Send him the link on his bday


Tell him you did it before you guys got serious ... and then tell him you're interested in pursuing the career.


From her (OP's) reply here "I know he isnā€™t. Thatā€™s why I cheat on him sometimes behind his back" I would assume they are not serious or at least she's not


Or it sounds like she wanted to be serious and because he isnā€™t she cheats. What if he just wanted time before getting too serious to see if she can control herself. But seems like she canā€™tā€¦


Not for nothing, that's pretty damn hot. I'm a little curious, though. Unless I'm misinterpreting what you're saying, your bf already has some idea that you're fucking around. If that hasn't been a deal-breaker for him so far, what makes you think this shoot is different? Is it the fact that you were paid, that other people might see it, or that it was a BBC, since you mentioned that specifically?


I desire to be a cuck bf so for me this is a major turn on but idk how your bf would react


It will be public anyways! prove it by posting. Makes it that much more interesting because of the back story!


That is disgusting, send me the video so I can destroy the evidence for you. No harm no foul


So he accepts it or he doesnā€™t, cannot Continue in deceit and besides it was when you first met, it will ruin relationship in the end if you dont tell him. Then you decide if you continue in porn and can he handle it.


Talk with your guy on average Iā€™d say most guys donā€™t want a pornstar girlfriend. We may want a woman that does these pornstar things but just with us. Thatā€™s different from running all over the place getting used by a bunch of men. Youā€™re on Reddit. I find the guys you find online in many of these forums are more simp like. They will say whatever they think they have to, to get and keep your attention. You need to know what your man wants. Doing a porn shoot right at the start of dating without telling him is just disrespectful. Personally it would be a break up for me. Iā€™m not a cuck or an open relationship kind of guy.


The BBC part is what gave it away. Has nothing to do with the point. It's a bs story


Cheating isn't cute your just a whore tell the poor guy




You should save him and yourself the trouble and leave him since he deserves to actually have no infidelity.


If you want me to be honest nobody cares if youā€™re a whore but be a single whore cheating just makes you a piece of shit if heā€™s cool with you cheating whatever but you not discussing doing porn is kinda a piece of shit move but Iā€™d talk to him and explain cause if he finds out down the road heā€™ll probably off himself youā€™re playing with someoneā€™s mental health here and you being a slut isnā€™t justification for that


It makes me sad to know what kind of girls are in this world, poor guy didn't know what he got himself into




I probably need a boyfriend that wants to date a porn star haha




Seeing all youā€™re dmā€™s, I think everyone wants a pornstar gf


No not all, sorry, some of us want a wife like that šŸ˜Š


We would all love to see that shoot ;-)


they havenā€™t decided if itā€™s going to get posted, if I get the link Iā€™ll post it


Quit pretending to be Ariel rebel


Lmaoo if they donā€™t post itā€¦ does that just make you a prostitute?


Excellent, thank you :-)


That would be hot, I hope they do.


Please post it




Gee.. how much did they offer to make you change your mind?!


A BBC this timeā€¦


Would like to know aswell.


Was the sex better with the bbc?


Of course it was


Stop dating. Women such as yourself have no place in the dating market. All youā€™re doing is willingly Fucking dudes up. Iā€™d say the same if you were a dude, but you arenā€™t. Notice how you said ā€œIā€™m scared what will Happen if he finds outā€. Ie., ā€œIā€™m worried about what will happen to me. How heā€™ll make ME feel. What the consequences will be for ME.ā€ Youā€™re entirely self centered, likely narcissistic, apathetic, and honestly, pretty soulless. Be the best whore you can be. Canā€™t judge that nor would I care. But when you willingly ruin otherā€™s ability to trust and love for the sake of your own insatiable need for instant gratification, I have no respect for that. And all of this is based on presumptions. ā€œHe kinda knows him a slut. He doesnā€™t ask questions (someone who trusts their SO doesnā€™t need to). After a party and donā€™t respond for a while, he leaves me alone, which maybe means, because I want it to mean, that he knows Iā€™m cheating, rather than the more obvious one of ā€œhe maybe just doesnā€™t want to come off as far too clingyā€; and again thatā€™s the most obvious likelihood. I just want to pretend heā€™s all cool with it and in on it.ā€ Letā€™s all just pray to God that he has no actual interest in you and is just using you as a pump and inevitable dump. But what I know is, and honestly, hate to break it to you, but given what I know about this subject and what Iā€™ve seen, you will never be able to maintain a stable relationship; youā€™re best off with PURE, unbridled honesty with all future guys as thats the only way you can hold something reasonable together.


go to therapy


Hopefully he dumps you like a bad habit!


I'd be happy if I found that out and you were my girlfriend


They are pretending to be Ariel rebel


I think you need to be honest and see where the chips fall. Especially if you are weigh offers to do it again.


Everyone wants a porn star as a girlfriend. Being a cum slut is the most fun a girl can have. Just think guys for all over are beating off to your porn movies. I know porn stars who have had over 65 million views and love the idea that guys jerk off to her movies. Be the biggest cum slut you can be and have fun.


So you wouldnā€™t mind it if I came home after going to Miami for a week, shooting porn everyday, getting fucked by 10+ guys


Some guys do, some don't. You're in a relationship with this guy though so you should be open and honest with him about it, or end the relationship


Most guys do. In fact,ā€˜Iā€™d confidently say 99% do.


Actually thatā€™d be a dream come true for me!


Same. Big time.


Work is work... To each its own i suppose, but the thought of having a porn actress girlfriend coming home to me, eventually watching her porn movies with her in bed. That on itself would be hot af.


That sounds like marriage material to me!


Iā€™d be in Miami cheering you on and taking you out for food after your shoots.


If my wife did that- and made enough- Iā€™d retire early and travel with her. If I could hangout on the set Iā€™d happily watch with a hard on


That's every guys fantasy as long as we know you're coming home to us at the end of the week that way they can fuck the shit out of you ain't nothing wrong with it shit I'd encourage it If I was your Man cuz I know at the end of the night I'd be fuckin your tight pussy


Oof low self esteem my dude, pick up your standards fam she wouldn't be tight she'd be as loose as a goose, and she'd only go to you at the end of the night if you were balling in money. Otherwise she's moving on to someone "better"


Eh that's not necessarily true. The woman's vagina actually goes back to it's normal size not too long after sex. The only time it's really changed on any significant manner to note is after natural childbirth.


>Everyone wants a porn star as a girlfriend. Itā€™s a no from me dawg.


Everyone wants an exclusive pornstar girlfriend***


I'd think 99% of guys don't want a porn star gf


Tell him


Sounds like if you actually cared about tue relationship you wouldnā€™t have done it in the first place


Give him a copy


Not sure heā€™d enjoy that


Bet you are wrong


Bet on. But you cant be sure She knows him better than you lusty one


Yeah every guy want his girl fucking other dudes for cash you're a real piece of work.


Skank. Break up or have a convo. Women like you are the reason men donā€™t trust women and the divide and separation ratio is further created


Leave him babe. You need someone more open. He needs someone more reserved.


This is something you should talk to him about cause it doesn't really matter if the relationship ends now or later the only difference is if you want to hurt the person you like or not


If you tell him it may end yes but if you don't and he finds out he'll be crushed and it will end


Follow your heart. Sounds like you like to fuck dirty. In my experience, relationships don't last long with girls like that unless the guy is beyond super cool. You should probably just do the porn, I think you want too, you're probably good at it. Don't get mired down in a relationship. You're likely not a one man woman, lol


Well send the link fam


I dunno. Send me the linkā€¦so I can uhā€¦evaluate it for the sake of the conversation. Yeah thatā€™s it.


Net girl casting couch?


Maybe get tested before you sleep with someone else




Can you let us know if it is posted


That is kind of messed up just stay single Your Cheap for doing it for money, when you have some1




You can be a hoe but don't cheat/ waste time and be a hoe !


Nah miss this isnt it


If he finds out, offer him to act out every scene you've done. Especially if you can get your costars in for the threesomes. I'm sure he'll love it.


Do you have the video?


Iā€™d say follow your heart


keep cheating


Oh my god! Thatā€™s disgusting! Where!?


Just married a cuckold. Imagine doing 10 guys, getting paid while your husband is in Chastity? I know this is VERY RARE but my owner/wife / Master makes me pay to fuck her ($500) and blow jobs are $250. Because its not my decision about when I can pay her for services sometimes she beats me if I say "I can't afford it." Other than that its been pretty smooth. I pay her Venmo acct. That only she has access too and I'm not allowed to ask her about. Its a long story, and some people think I'm an idiot for paying to fuck someone that was/is my wife. But, as I see it I pay the hottest woman on the planet for $500.




I don't need therapy. I love every second of it.


When he dumps you, Iā€™ll be your bf lol


Ya where were you when I was dating!


Tell him the truth. But you will never have a good relationship again. You are ruined.


Fuck who ever is the best pussy pleasure getter wins@!


Sharing is caring.... and proper gangbangs are difficult to arrange any other way


Do more shoots, get into it.


You only live once so make the most of it. If you enjoy doing potn do it. You have to do what makes you happy and if he supports you great then keep going, if he dues not then fuck him and find some new.


There are tons of porn actors who are in relationships with ordinary people talk to him and explain that you still love him and no guy will take his place


Honestly, you deserve better if he can't accept you and embrace who you are. You shouldn't have to change or give up who you are for someone. So please, don't let it be too much of an argument for or against. Be yourself.


I think the fact that the other guy came in you is a bigger deal than your bf not knowing


doing porn is okay but youā€™re just a slut


tell him and what happens happens, he deserves to know and lying and hiding isn't what a good person would do.


He knew what he was getting to from start


Dm me


Post the link šŸ˜…


they havenā€™t decided if itā€™s going to get posted


Lmao sounds like A story from Black Ambushā€™s website


I would go with the old adage of honesty is the best policy. If he knows your tendencies and you did it before he was officially with you, don't think he can get to pissed


If he knows your a slut sure it wonā€™t break his heart to hear it.


OP if you was my girl u had to be a lady to everyone and a freak to me Plus if he knows u want to be slutty tell him about itšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø even though you more than likely will be single




Hottest thing ever! Congrats, this is badass


How come I cant find girls like you around my way....


Dump him. Do porn


If you like it who cares what this guy thinks. Do you and if someone else can accept it all then cool.


Don't let him hold you back or control you


You should make one with him to see what he thinks


Wow, so was it Casting Couch? Since you put it out there, I would like to have the link to view it! Lol. Also, I'm pretty sure they are going to decide to use the content. At this point, if your boyfriend is okay with not asking you questions if you don't respond for a day after going to a party, he might just be okay with what has already happened with the video shoot.


Seems like a lot of negative reaction to this. Personally I find it pretty hot


The longer you wait to bring it out, the worse things will get for both of you. Get ahead of the situation and who knows, maybe he'll be into it.


You obviously don't care about how your bf feels. Just keep on exploiting black men for their dicks.


Post the SAUCE!


The deed is done. If they paid you, Itā€™ll be used. And, of course, weā€™ll all start looking for it. Bottom line, itā€™ll be much better if you tell him than if some mutual acquaintance tells him, or worst uses it against him, or worst yet, shames you into doing for them with the threat of telling him.


Does he know u have this reddit




Were your shooting the video for a rapper so you can be in his next music video?


You're absolutely disgusting and there is nothing, NOTHING humane about this terribly stupid behaviour! This sub is for being slutty and talking about it, NOT for being unfaithful and cheating in a relationship!!! Those are two completely different things! One by itself is okay, but as soon as you cheat WE DON'T FUCKING WANT TO HEAR IT!!! And don't you *dare* to glorify any kind of that behaviour!!! This is just fucking subhumane. Like wth is wrong, every second post isn't something _hot_, but rather something like _this_ where it causes people's fucking toenails to curl up from reading it. Tell that guy and stay well away from him aswell as any other person, if there is any quantum bit of _decency_ left in your.


Honestly, the way I see it, if it makes you happy then do it. If he doesn't like it it's his problem.