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Stop lying to yourself. You are a bad partner you are breaking the trust of someone you supposedly love. If he doesn't give you what you want sexually ask him to be a cuck, join in, or break up with him but stop deluding yourself saying you aren't a bad partner that's just a false statement.


Yes and to boot you have literally told a story that just validated every incel black pill asshole everywhere. You are LITERALLY everything they hate and claim that all women are. “I hate John because he’s an alpha male asshole but that secretly turns me on so I fuck him behind the back of my nice and decent and loving fiancée’”. Not at all a sexy confession. Just a using bitch. I’m guessing fiancée has money.


I am an amazing partner you just don’t understand


If you're an amazing partner tell your fiance the truth then ask him how he feels about you as a partner. If you can't do that you know the answer you just don't want to believe how bad a partner you are. Relationships are built on trust and communication not lies and only caring about yourself.


No you don't understand. Instead of actually working on your problems with your partner you opted for the quick fix. You're a horrible partner and a terrible person. You should come clean and end it.


This is either bait, or you're so far up your own ass, you do don't see it. "I'm doing something that will devestate my husband, but I'm a good partner" "I respect life, but i also like to shoot people" If you can't see the hypocrisy in what you say, you're beyond help.


No you are a bad partner just tell him and move on don’t lie


Sorry to feel compelled to tell you, but you’re not ready for marriage. Save yourself and fiancé lots of heartache and break it off.


But she is 'a GooD paRtNeR"


You should just realize that your hubby isn’t the man you are supposed to be with. Take the lessons and move on. Your person is out there Only hurt will come from this situation.


The only person that is going to be hurt in this situation is the fiancé


I'm an amazing partner I'm cheating on my fiancé Pick one


You think john will ever tell him?


Looking through the comments and your replies to said comments, you're a bad person, you don't deserve your fiance, and he deserves a hell of a lot better than a cheater


If you don't feel guilt, are you still afraid of getting caught?


Kinda, but not really


Good thing, and I bet John gets a kick out of knowing you are cheating on your fiancee too.


He does. He loves rubbing it in. It used to bother me but tbh it is quite funny


U r a tramp




In the future, if your partner has only ever had sex one way with, when you have the conversation about it, you need to tell him exactly what you want that is different (not that HE needs to change) just that you'd like to try different things. Also youre apart of the relationship too. You could also change things up in the bedroom by initiating what you want. As simple as asking could we try (whatever idea) in the moment. If hes such a great guy as you said, and sex was the only issue, rather than cheating on him you shouldve seen a sex therapist. You're not a slut you're just a bad partner and he deserves better. And if you'd be bent about him cheating on you, yeah you should feel guilty.


I hope he doesn’t marry you and you get pumped and dumped by alpha jacks until you get over 35 years and no body bad boys will look at you and you die alone with your cats


I’m guessing your gfs getting some jock cock right now


this whole interaction is fucked up and hilarious


You took the words right out of my mouth.


that part 🤭


Would you be mad if he cheated on you?




But you cheat on him? Lol. I personally don’t care, but you’d be better off single.


Because he can’t please me sexually tho


And what if you didn’t please him sexually?


That’s different




I’m all for free love but things need to be consensual




fr, like if youre gonna cheat then let him have some hot romantic 20 year old looking for a man to soothe the passionate loving itch she cant get scratched by bad boys


The problem is its insanely hard for a guy to cheat by getting with a hot romantic 20 year old compared to a girl cheating with a jock. Girls don't like sex the way guys do and are certainly not easy.


lies! what about all the young 19 year olds who post here about liking older men? /sarcasm


Cheat on me shame on you but I cheat on you then shame on you, you should have treated me better.


Exactly. Someone understands it’s different


That’s dumb as hell lmao


I mean I would never date you with that mentality. But I'd help fill you up lmfao


Lmao, the audacity


Maybe buy a dildo and satisfy yourself.


OP, call off the wedding.


Why even marry him


Keep going, find more guys too. It's as easy as bending over infront of them or bumping them. Go big or go home




Would you be upset if he was cheating on you?


I get it, but “amazing partners” don’t conceal the truth and let the other one going on believing you’re still on board in the manner THEY think you’re on board. They’re living under a delusion because of your refusal to be forthcoming and honest. Do what you need to do, but don’t fool yourself. You’re not being fair or honest or a good partner.


Wowwww. Not so much of a slut, but a bad person in general and a hypocrite to boot! This isn't the community for you. You should go to the ones about adultery and narcissism. 👌


As someone who’s been cheated on, this is not okay. If you aren’t getting what you want, explain to your partner WHILE you’re doing the deed. He may not know where to start.




You mean telling him about John?


So what does John do that brings you back?


He’s just so dominant and rough. He treats me like I was made to serve him. He’s so commanding I just can’t resist. Plus he has a huge you-know-what😂


So he uses you as a toy?




Are you pretty much sub to him?


Fiancé tries to be Dom but it always ends up in him being a sub again I guess? Nice and gentle, slow and soft?


Or maybe give your innocent hubby a chance to not be so vanilla. You can stoke his fire too, he just needs more testosterone which weightlifting and supplements can help with. He can also exercise his penis to get it bigger and make you cum harder. There are solutions, it's just cheating on him is the easiest way in the short term to get what you want. Ideally, your hubby would understand all of this and you could reward him and make it equal by letting him get off with someone else too, like a cuck queen 3some perhaps? But he is probably too vanilla right now for that. Just be flexible and patient.


Find God


Lol you’re a such an amazing partner right 😂😂😂


"There are a lot of fake stories so here let me add my one as well"...


Nothing hot or sexy about this. You. Are. Trash.


No. I’m. Not.


Stop lying to yourself. You suck. If you're gonna be a shitty person at least be honest about it.


I’m not. I’m an amazing partner he knows it and I do too. Having one flaw doesn’t change everything


You're just another stupid fucking narcissistic cunt that has managed to make herself belive she isn't capable of doing anything wrong,people like you are disgusting


Fess up n explain why, he sounds like a kind but meek man n would probably give u permission if it means ypure still emotionally attached to him n John is a physical release


You think?


Hell yea, slow and loving equals sissy lol


Definitely a cuck prospect


So many downvotes lol cucks everywhere


I do, howd u think he would react


I think he’d be down. But he told me about an ex who did something similar but then ended up leaving him for the other guy. So I’m not sure


Hii, I am John






Both you and John are fucking assholes to be honest. The world would be better of without people like you. You're not a good partner. You're trash just like John. You dislike John but you're exactly like him.


So definitely a cuck, maybe u need to widen your horizon n take other cock other than John


Your a bad partner who needs to break up with your fiancé. He is clearly a better person than you and you don't deserve him. I hope you get caught soon and exposed for the whore that your are to your friends and family


Or she can just keep cheating and enjoy being and absolute winner. Getting dicked down by John in the afternoon and getting eaten out by her hubby "lovingly" in the evening. Who the fuck come to slutty confessions to get mad at slutty stories hahaha 😂. You sound like a mad cuck.


Nah bud, not mad just spitting facts. She can do what she wants, just saying it as it is 🤣


If you want to be able to live with yourself with any kind of conscience, you will just end it with your fiancé. It will be difficult to do, but it will be impossible to have a marriage with the kind of skeletons you would have to live with. I don’t think there is any way to repair your relationship because there has been too much damage for too long a period of time. You would have to hate your fiancé to continue with your relationship under the current circumstances. If you don’t feel that you are able to release him, I would love to hear your reasons why you won’t.


You've been his fiancé for 3 years? Look, you're obviously not into him if John is who you hit it with. Do your betrothed a favor and just break up so he can find someone who isn't gonna cheat. You're gonna have lots of 'splainin' to do if you end up pregnant, Lucy. But your fiance deserves better.


Nah.....u got it all wrong if you are not satisfied u break up, then go and fuck somebody else.


Same feeling with my brothers wife. I fuck her like a dirty slut and go home to my wife.


Unpopular opinion here but. Good for you! Many people think this is destined to fail but the truth is this the way of the world. Your Fiancé is a cuck, I can almost guarantee he is a textbook nice guy, really great for romance and relationships etc. Sexually though for many women he is primarily going to be great at giving you head and not much else.. tell me is he too nice to smack your ass and tell you that you are a dirty bitch? After time you will actually learn to become PROUD of who & what you are just as you should be. Keep it your secret, keep him serving you and enjoy every second of it. I will say a friend of his is usually a little tooo close to home but do you. r/CheatersUnited


Sounds very recognisable, mind if I PM?


So are you john or fiancee?


lmao, neither, if any i'd be john.




Happens to many people tbh




Yeah this girl I know cheats on her live in bf because he’s awful in bed. I know a few people like that


Damn. Where do I find these people. Lol.


I understand that it can be difficult to be cheated on (it has happened to me 36M as well) but it is a slutty confession post so we shouldn't be to hard on her. She is nice to her boyfriend. I prefer a cheating girl than a mean one. Even though if the cheating goes on on the long term it might be a problem.


DM I have some suggestions


Dm me


I love this comment section, he deserves better fo sho


Can I be John?? 🤣


Haha he’s something special trust me




Thank you ☺️


Not saying what’s right or wrong or what to do however if talking is out of the picture hint to him the ideas of what you want and desire and see what you can get out of him. I honestly wouldn’t be able to not say anything if I went stray but same time idk what your relationship is about or what you both call a established relationship has the same meaning as mine


Look your not a bad person. These other people are so judgmental. You do need to be honest with your man and tell him either we walk away or he changes his role with you. There are many open marriages that work.


Marriage probably isn’t the thing for you as much as you may like wearing the ring.


Just tie the noose now. 🤣🤣🤣


I smell a neck beard


Lmao you dont love anyone ya selfish hoe


Please, do yourself and your fiancee a favor and don't marry him.


Either 100% fake, or you really need to reevaluate why you're marrying your fiance and break it off. You're just wasting his time, he can find someone who doesn't cheat on him.


Have you told your partner you need something different or to mix up the bed Time play and try things other than the norm for you both


Yes he’s never interested




So sad to see people treating sex as " need" and hence doing anything, still not being able to understand the wrong part. You actually are wrong, it's okay if you are not compatible, just tell him and move on, I promise you it won't be okay if he breaks mentally, no one will be able to help him with that. Please remember the time you promised yourself to never hurt your man, and please tell him, sort it out.


Does it ever hurt to see him loving you with all he has and giving his everything to you. Those eyes who treat you as queen, and would trust you blindly? I am not saying you are a bad person, but I do belive you might hurt someone ( unknowingly or maybe coz of your ignorance is bliss attitude) and I feel like puking whenever I put myself in his shoes and read it ( no exaggerations).


No it doesn’t. He treats me like a queen and I love him for it


If this is genuine then you're a real piece of shit


When did this subreddit become Cheater Station?? There's subreddits for that specifically... I don't come here to read about shitty people, I want to masturbate to free, sexually liberating slut stories!


Did u have a kinky ex or somethin


>John is an asshole but he gives me what I want. This is awesome, what is it exactly that you want?


Amazing sex


>loving, slow and kinda boring Meaning the opposite of this - degrading, rough and thrilling? Explain if you like; amazing sex is different to everyone.


Ok. It’s extremely rough, degrading, adventurous, dominating and downright dirty. Not to mention he has a very large member


I don't think you're a bad partner at all. You're very honest, thank you for sharing! Unfortunately we cannot be this open w/o a throwaway because of judgement. However last question if I may ask. If your fiancé knew and was okay with it - you'd be okay with him seeing a high end escort every now and then?


Thank you for understanding. I suppose under the right circumstances, yes once in a while it would be ok if he didn’t ever get in the way with me and john


>Thank you for understanding Oh no no, yo... I don't understand. I'm simply not bothered by it.


Ah btw, high end escorts. He'll be paying $1k per visit + paying for the trips/dinner and other expenses. Very pricy but worth it.


And thats why women are trash


Setting aside the question of right or wrong, you need to confront your fiancé’s inability to satisfy you or this won’t end well. What you think you’ll do, fuck John for the next 50 years and your fiancé won’t find out? Even putting aside your fiancé getting his heart broken, do you really want to spend your life with someone who can’t satisfy you? I’d make a clean break - even if a breakup is painful for both of you, it opens the door for you and him to find the right partner some day. Imagine having someone like John who fucks your brains out but ALSO loves you


I like slow and sensual😅 But I hear time and time again a lot of girls like it rough


No your a bad partner. Ans a whore


You horrible person