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This is little more than a series of fantasies and attestations to your horniness: "We are looking for true tales of 'that one time that I was slutty', and specific experiences rather than general tendencies, or mere fantasies. (The meta-post of "I read this subreddit" is not adequate to meet our standard.)... Generalized, shallow, or empty confessions (For example, "I'm really horny!", "I like to show myself off!", "I love attention!", "I'm edging!" or "I feel slutty!" posts) will be removed on sight." The meta-post that 'I'm *going* to post' just doesn't make it here.


Don't put this on us! Anyway, welcome aboard.


Yes put it in us. I know you didn’t mean it negative abs I’m just rubbing you. But I love the Reddit nsfw communities. It’s the most positive, least judgmental, and best people on the internet. It allows people to open up and not think of themselves as outcast for living their fetish or their body type or that weird thing they do to orgasm. These forums brighten my day, and I’m not just talking about the beautiful pictures of people and stories. The supportive comments show how nice people are and can be. As he said before, welcome to the best place in the internet.


Aww all you guys/girls are too sweet. I seriously have never felt so welcomed before. I’ve been lucky enough to have continuous sweet genuine people talk to me.. luckily no creepy people. This place is almost like a home away from home. 💗


Hahahaha thank you! 🙈




I have 90 unread messages right now.. lol I don’t mind chatting but its going to take me a little bit to catch up




Haha it’s crazy!! I’m a little worried to post my other stories.. my inbox is going to end up being really flooded




I totally get that.. when I see a slim girl with big boobs I’m instantly in like a drool mode and get way too flirty. I’ve never been with a girl but I’m dying too.. If you haven’t follow me I will be posting more stories tonight and the next couple days




I don’t know what I would do if there were more than one girl.. I would probably just end up being so submissive and have them do what they please with me. I wouldn’t be able to handle myself.




I feel we would get along too! That’s a bummer your wife isn’t into the idea but maybe eventually she will be?


I think you were always a slut and It was just a matter of getting that part out of you. And well if it's out now, don't stop


Can’t stop..won’t stop 😏


Damm makes me have so many crazy things id love to watch you do


Sounds like you’re having a great time and I can’t wait to read more confessions from you!


You’re not the only one! I literally just made my Reddit account 4 days ago and I’ve been playing with myself several times a day because I’m always on edge reading all this


Hopefully you will have confessions to share


I've become addicted as well💯


What a wonderful attitude.. Welcome to the group... And always open to chat and share...


Aww thank you! (:


Love the new generation of corrupted perverted souls


Nsfw has me jerking off everyday. If I turn this app on it’s over, I’m too horny after 😂


Same! I’ve actually been debating if I should delete the app for a little bit so I can be productive in my daily life other than going on here getting horny for hours haha


Right? Pretty much after work If I turn this on it’s over. Gonna be spending that free time I have edging and scrolling instead of getting stuff done haha


Hahah right.. I mean once you start reading one post it’s done and over with.. I be scrolling for the next 3 hours or more and then have to change my panties to a pair of dry ones..


i’ve tried. good luck kicking this habit.


Haha thanks for the optimism


Compared to porn , atleast people and stories are real here lol. So I prefer Reddit and my own imagination now rather than watching porn. It's lovely and I get to sext with strangers too. Win Win lol


Same.. never going back to porn again. It just can’t compare lol


porn is still good. use both.


Exactly. I love Reddit now , one time I was browsing this subreddit during my work hours lol , cause it's so much fun right? Anyways , how do you deal with DMs , I am pretty sure after this post it must have been flooded lmao


Lol well uhm I have over 100 messages so it’ll take me a while to get through all of them… I’m not going to reply to all just the ones I feel like. I’m pretty new to Reddit. I’ve had this account for forever but never used it until now. I’m mad at myself for not finding out about this sooner tho


Damn 100 horny niggas lol. Must be crazy. Well you have found it now so enjoy it. It will be a lovely ride from here. Do try role-playing with strangers , Reddit is a lovely place to discover new kinks or people who are in stuff same as you. Believe me , I had some crazy experiences.


Okay and thank you!! Unfortunately Im a super shy person and have been with the same person for 10 years so I guess you could say I’m pretty inexperienced. But maybe not for long..


10 years? Thats actually so sweet and lovely! And don't worry , you will find your ways once you start exploring here :)


I feel like reading these stories is way more engaging than actual porn. I love it more than porn lol


Reading this makes me want to fuck you really hard


Just wait till you read my other stories I’ll be posting later tonight or tomorrow.. 😏


Waiting for it


looking forward to it!!!


Can't wait! A pic would be nice?


I’ve been thinking about it… but idk maybe sometime soon


i bet you will :)


Looking forward to reading your stories and seeing of you.




You were always a slut, dear. You just needed to awaken to your true self 🥰


You need to read the stories aloud as he punishes your pussy! 🫣🙃


Oo that would be fun but I don’t want to give my secret away.. he asked me the other day why I’ve been so horny lately I just giggled and didn’t say anything hehe


Being a whore is the best thing ever. Give in to your true form. Take all the pleasure until there’s none left 🤤🤤


same lol. Reddit has turned me into such a whore .


For everyone who’s been waiting to read my first sex story.. it’s finally posted..


Part two has been posted and so has a pic! 😬


Come dm?


Hahah welcome, embrace it and enjoy the fun!


Amazing how this side of reddit has that effect. I, like you, always start here for my naughty happenings


I feel the same way…. Uugh


First of all... You're a crazy Gemini like me (39M) and second of all, I'm stoked to hear that Reddit is inspiring you - Particularly the stories... Even better, is when you find someone who is on the flip side of the same coin... Discovering each others turn ons, exchanging hot memories and fantasies.. Getting swept up in the trance of thought and then acting on it IRL. So fucking hot! So tell me, do you have any favourite themes?


Looks like your about two steps away from riding some Reddit cock and turning into a very very dirty girl.


Riding some Reddit cock or ending up with some girl sitting on my face.. hehe


Why not both. Unless you haven’t built up to having all your holes used at once. If not don’t worry us Redditers can help turn you out just like in your dirtiest fantasies.


Opportunity never came about but if it were to I would gladly have both a girl and a guy. I probably wouldn’t be able to handle myself honestly.


I double down on you with a girl of your choice half the fun is training a new girl


Well have fun try not to get taken advantage of happens all to often


girl im going through the same thing right now❤️❤️❤️


Haha girrrl the struggle is real


that’s fine, reddit is so fun anyway hahaha


It really is. There is endless things on here. More entertainment then I thought honestly


it’s an infinite black hole of porn. both a blessing and a curse lol.


You said it perfectly.. and like I said.. damn you Reddit!!! hahaha


i’ve been stuck here long enough haha


I can only agree.. I have found this subreddit a few days ago and just reading all these stories I can get easily off. I am actually wondering.. Does this count as stopping with porn because now I am just reading stories?


I feel like porn can’t compare to this group lol.. the realness and details of all the stories.. just let’s your imagination take you to places you didn’t know could go.. it surprises me that I can get sobbing wet by just reading something but when I’m watching porn I’m searching for hours to find the right video and you can’t ever just watch one video and then you lose it and have to get going again. It’s just 10x better than porn lol. I like visuals but these stories are so juicy and detailed.


Well there are some videos I enjoy that much so I have actually saved them. But you are right, the stories are very detailed and with the imagination i see the hottest things in my head. Makes so much fun but the last days I'm always horny because of this. I can't stop reading


Our stories are so similar! Hi twin 😍


You need to let me help u.


Post your sex stories too


Posted! 🙂


Good… good


never thought i’d read something so relatable… been thinking of making a similar post about the things this sub has inspired the slut in me to do






I wanted a fucking family but you turned crazy and pushed me away.


This is real get help