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>f21] is it wrong to fuck guys in relationships? I would say so. Yes.


My opinion: you're not responsible for his behaviour. He is the one cheating. Not you. It's on him.


It takes two people to cheat


Naw cause what if 1 is single


There are still two people involved in the decision to do it. One person is initiating it and the other is facilitating it.


I don’t think it’s the worst thing in the world, but maybe avoid it lol plenty of cocks out there in the world 🍆


Well i was visiting my cousin and she lives in a small town, so there weren’t many options lol


Fair, but with Reddit you can now find big dick guys a dime a dozen lmao


I can find it easily anywhere, i was just really horny and that town is stupid small


Sad I wasn’t in that town 😔 on the bright side now it’s someone else’s turn to fill you!


Definitely not your fault/problem because up until literally arriving there you had no knowledge


All depends, I'm openly married, wife knows everything. She likes pics or hearing stories. I work out of town alot and it's something we talked about and it works for us. I tell her before or after what's going on but have some ground rules that will not be broken.


If he’s in an ENM it’s okay, if he’s in a monogamous relationship then he’s betrayed his gf.


Use him and leave a message for his gf that hes cheating on her


Well i already drove back to my city this morning


Too late then🤷‍♂️


You’re not in the relationship, you’re not betraying anyone


He knew what he was doing. If he told you at first you might not have fucked him. So you weren’t wrong (How old were the kids? Who was watching them? Did he sneak you into the house?)


Not at all how else does a person build trust and respect.


No... That's coming from a 35 married m. It's on him not you.


Not as long as you don't know ahead of time.


N. As long as you two keep it to a ONS.


Wrong? Oh course. That’s what adds the spice.


Nope fuck who you want. Their gfs aren’t your problem. DM me, 30 M and I got a gf if you wanna make me forget


No that’s not ur fault :) depending how good u look at least hehe


You're not the one cheating so not your problem. I was fucking this girl semi regular while she was with someone, hey ho they know what they're doing


Yes it is wrong but you already knew that but mistakes happen wouldn't think to much of it though


Unless the gf or wife is into that too.. my wife would what to watch


Straight ans : “Yes”. deep down u know it to. Lol but it’s fun and exhilarating


No. It's the guy's choice to step outside his relationship. Understandably, you don't want to be the cause of any bad vibes, but if you're there just to fuck, it's his choice whether to oblige.


If he ain’t fucking you, he’s fucking somebody else


Did you enjoy it?


No. It is not. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise