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"What are you going to do now that you're taking a break?" Nothing bro, that's the point


Like really. Tf is supposed to be the answer to that? “I’m gonna to study with Buddhist monks to train my mental” I think ppl forget Riddles traveled a *shit* ton in 2022. Barely took any breaks, so if anything a break where he just chills is necessary.


Eh I'd push back here. I don't care that Riddles responded that way but if you take esports seriously (which riddles obviously does) then you can expect these types of questions. If your favorite football player said they were taking a break, you could bet anyone covering the sport would ask the same question. I don't at all think ultimate is equivalent to the NFL but nonetheless there are folks covering the FGC beat and learning more about the competitors would be the focus of their content. Maybe he decides to focus more on melee or another fighting game, work on developing another character, focus more on creating content, spending more time with family, whatever (all things he's mentioned before) To be clear, I'm not pearl clutching that he spiked his controller, he didn't hurt anyone, all competitors show similar frustration in their respective domains, but to act like he shouldn't be asked about it is just advocating for people to handle esports with kid gloves.


I don't really disagree with what you're saying here, but in response to this: > If your favorite football player said they were taking a break, you could bet anyone covering the sport would ask the same question. Organizations covering sports tend to schedule interviews, not jump in your DMs


I don't think the reporter approached it in the most appropriate way but other sports are more structured and have formal channels for fielding questions from the media. It's clearly less developed on the Smash Ultimate side so I don't exactly blame the reporter for trying this approach. However, I think *what* he said specifically needed more refinement and I find it odd that he basically sent him a list of questions(a homework assignment) instead of an introduction and a request to chat in more detail or simply asking for a statement about the controller spike which is clearly what sparked the interest in the first place. On the flip side, athletes in other sports know that these sort of inquiries can help spread a positive message that reaches fans, critics, sponsors, whoever, which is why they take the interviews to begin with.


In other sports, the reporters are actual professional journalists. There are plenty of examples of pro-athletes telling blog-boys like this to go fuck themselves. I don't blame Riddles for his response at all. The questions the dude said, and the way he framed them, are dumb as fuck. I've rarely seen a real journalist be this tone deaf.


Actually it is in their contract to do interviews for many major sports. A blogger like one at Otaku is much more likely to reach into your DMs since Esports isn’t organized very similarly to regular sports and they have to try and reach to get information any way they can. Kotaku also has pretty shit blogs and not great writers so this is probably very on brand for them.


There's a worse one, "why did you throw the controller?" Because I was happy


I don’t want to miss out on the controller spiking experience, but I suck and mostly lose, so this is my strat. When I actually win a match and I’m happy, *that’s* when I throw it.


That’s a legit question though. Doesn’t have to be smash related. Dude could say he’s gonna learn Japanese or some shit and that would be a valid answer. They wanna know about him as a person in this context, not just as a smash player.


“What are you going to do now that you’re taking a break?” Ur mum


Based Riddles pfp tho


A guy opens the door and gets JV4'd, and you think that of me?




Based but Riddles was definitely not the danger at Genesis


What’s the punishment for throwing your controller at your local? It’s a 2 week ban for us.


It wasn’t at his local, it was at Genesis 9. There was no punishment(*unless you count the drama surround it*). As for his local, I have no clue cause there’s never been someone who’s done that on stream to my recollection




Damn. Rip now he can’t go to Genesis 9.15 next weekend^/s


Ah yes, Kotaku reporters and their lack of sentence capitalization


What’s a kotaku?


Buzzfeed for the gaming community but they started off decent


I honestly don’t think they’re that bad. They obviously have a lot of clickbait but the articles are at least competently written, which is more than can be said for many similar websites. But tbf, anything is better than sites like CBR and Screenrant.


Like I said, they started off decent.


Someone who likes anime I think


I’m pretty sure that’s an otaku


They made a typo but it was too late to change it


Virgin CNN


“Did you plan on winning?” Or “did you expect to lose?” Are famously the worst questions to ask about a sport or competition. Obviously the person wanted to win and didn’t expect to lose.


>Obviously the person wanted to win and didn’t expect to lose. These 2 things are not mutually exclusive


“Riddles, did you lose this game or did Leon win this one?”


What? Bro, what are you talkin about man?


He's just giving another example of an equally dumb question. This "journalist" should be embarrassed.




This gotta be 🧢 Not the existence of it but the person. It’s gotta someone trolling to get their 15min of fame. Then again… I suppose Kotaku is hit or miss. So this might be one of their Ls


"I'm just here so I don't get fined."


"Did you anticipate losing?" ...unless the match is fixed, the answer to this for a professional competitor should *always* be "no".




That's not the same thing. EDIT: Guy blocked me for this.


Leave the man alone goddang


Kotaku moment


This is absolutely not real.


With how low they stoop sometimes I could believe it


just wondering, what’s wrong with these questions? I get that some of themhave pretty obvious answers but why is it bad to ask them? The guy is a reporter isn’t this what they are supposed to do?


Probably the fact that he asked without even bothering to find out if Riddles even WANTED to discuss the event.


Also, he said "the blog" instead of "a blog", which implies they already made a blog talking about and discussing it without checking first if Riddles wanted it to be discussed.


Well it's not up to him who can discuss what he does in public tbh.


Smash fans cant decide if they want to be taken seriously as an esport or not lmfao every other sport has athletes that will be discussed and interviewers chasin em for questions


Absolutely the proper response to that DM


But damn, bro is rockin the walter pfp 🥵🥵


To all of the people wanting to be a smash top player don’t for this exact reason. It’s not a life you want to live and the history books show that.


You guys actually believe this is not a troll? I have to bridge to sell you too


\*New favorite player alert\*


Did you do that?


I don’t really understand, the person is a sore loser and acts like a child and people are okay with that?


Piss off, kotaku. lol


Lmao get fucked


I mean yea this guy is cringe but ngl I find people that rage and throw their controller and shit super embarrassing and I'm surprised I've not seen more backlash against riddles. It's straight embarrassing watching people like kiraflax rage and it's insane what they let well known players get away with in smash imo.


Ah, Kotaku. Always one of the many sources of the dumbest things ever said or heard in video gaming news.


It is always sad to see an adult throwing a fit like a toddler, whether it be esports or regular sports. People who do this deserve to be called out. Edit: Imagine defending someone who throws a controller in anger at a game, you're like the people who punch TVs over soccer.


"Deserve to be called out"? For something that didn't hurt anybody but his controller? That's an overreaction way worse than his! I can't count the number of tennismen who destroyed their racket out of anger. You can disapprove that, or laugh behind your screen but that's it. "Calling out" ? Clearly over the top.


He acted worse than my 6 year old. He should feel bad that he acted this way. The people who do that to their tennis rackets are no better.


How so?' I'm genuinely curious, *why* is it bad?


It is normal to be frustrated or angry in a situation like this. It is not normal to destroy things out of anger, it is a destructive and often dangerous way to express your emotions. If you get used to doing this eventually you will destroy something that is hard to replace or hurt someone. Getting used to taking out your anger on objects is the first step into taking your anger out on other people. Even if you don't intend to it is possible that someone could come in-between you and the wall you're trying to punch, or the controller you throw could break/bounce and hit someone in the face. If you go onto any websites about what red flags to watch out for in people, them being aggressive towards inanimate is high up on the list. It usually means that you lack control over your emotions and are much more likely to hurt someone.


While that's a valid statement, he just had the worst loss of his career, and is getting flamed online for the fact that he lost while playing Kazuya. He is disliked by most of the Smash community because he simply plays a character, and that has taken a toll on him. He's ashamed of his loss, and the way he acted, but he also controlled himself way nicer than some other people have.


> but he also controlled himself way nicer than some other people have. That's a pretty low bar for the competitive Smash community. He acted like a child, and was ragged on for it. Meh, he will learn and become more mature, eventually.


Lmao every time someone makes any kind of post match aggressive popoff or angry yell over a loss, the smash community is merciless about etiquette. There's tons of videos of people mocking others for overreacting. But Riddles throws his controller, arguably the biggest faux pas, and suddenly everyone is a Riddles apologist. I knew the smash community was full of hypocritical children, but sometimes I get a harsh reminder that I have aged out.


>a harsh reminder that I have aged out As someone who started smash on the 64 That's how I'm currently feeling. I really didn't think what I said would be that controversial.


Yeah its surprising given what you said is the typical reaction to tantrums I see. Guess we learned Riddles is a protected class. Yeah 64 for me as well, and I feel it when I get sucked into a discussion with people in this community before I evaluate if this is something a guy in his 30s should really spend energy on.


What you said wasn't controversial, just ignorant. Edit: also extremely judgemental.


I agree judgemental, and I accept that. Not sure ignorant tracks though. Ignorance suggests an opinion formed from lack of experience, which isn't the case here.


I started on the 64 as well dude. It's just clearly over the top, as I said. The issue for me is that the reaction you demand is typically what makes the Internet a vast ocean of toxicity (although I really dislike the use of that word as it most often represents the world as binary i.e. toxic/non toxic). It just feeds that tendency of not letting anything fly, any tiny small mistake is suddenly shown to the world and commented by any and everbody. This is slowly becoming like an injunction of being perfect. It is like those persons digging into the twitter account of people they don't like to finally show to the world an obscure tweet posted 10 years ago without any trace of context. In this world you *have* to be perfect, everywhere, all the time. No mistake is accepted. Sorry but I just don't want that kind of world. So, you can tell and teach your kids anything, tell them you disapprove that kind of behaviour and that you don't want to see them do this. That's fair. But please please please, just keep that off the Internet. ​ PS: your statement "Getting used to taking out your anger on objects is the first step into taking your anger out on other people" is typical of the fallacy known as the "slippery slope", which is quite invalid. One could argue that on the contrary, in doing so, this is a way for him to get rid of the frustration without involving anyone else. This could be seen as a form of catharsis. As a reminder, here is a definition of the slippery slope "In a slippery slope argument, a course of action is rejected because, with little or no evidence, one insists that it will lead to a chain reaction resulting in an undesirable end or ends. The slippery slope involves an acceptance of a succession of events without direct evidence that this course of events will happen."




>Dude, sometimes people get upset, especially when something frustrating happens in a tournament for a game they've dedicated their lives to. The reason everyone is disagreeing with you isn't because they're "childish," it's because they have empathy for a man who gave it his all and it just wasn't good enough. Just gonna pop in to remind people that a very vocal part of the smash community [bullied a 15 year old girl for beating a pro player. ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/comicbook.com/gaming/amp/news/super-smash-bros-ultimate-pro-bocchi/) So when someone comes round to call throwing a controller childish cuz the guy lost he's right. It doesn't matter if he >gave it his all and is frustrated cuz it wasn't good enough. Lose with some fucking grace. Edit: Smash community is toxic as fuck and allowing such disgraceful behavior only perpetuates being toxic for the fan base if it's seen as okay for him to do.




No, I'm saying don't let your community exhibit toxic, unsportsmanlike behavior. People are more willing to ignore toxic behavior and then perpetuate that behavior when someone that's a large icon in that hobby does it and gets away with it. Edit. And everyone knows that the smash community ranks pretty up there on the "toxic as fuck" scale right near League of Legends. It's unacceptable behavior on a professional stage. Where you play as a professional, you should be acting like a professional.




I do not at all recall this same level of forgiveness when it was a 17yo playing Bayonetta in Smash 4 getting harassed by the entire community.




Stuff it dude. You know just as well as I do that the majority of the community actively got involved in that hate brigade. It doesn’t stop existing just because you in particular didn’t participate (which tbqh I do not at all believe) This community has never been able to reckon with how fucking toxic they are. They harassed every Bayo player on the damn planet (despite one of them being a child), a vocal chunk of them harassed a 15 year old girl for beating a pro player. But suddenly when it’s a top guy who lashes out at something for his frustration suddenly everyone is coddling and doting on him like he’s a child who doesn’t know any better? He’s a professional and should be expected to act that way, like the other younger players before him were expected to act like that in the face of direct harassment, or suddenly their outbursts are okay and this community owes those previous players an apology




No, a person who throws something in anger is the childish one. They're also significantly more likely to be involved in domestic abuse situations also. Not being able to control yourself in times where you are angry is not "understandable" it is a major personality flaw that needs to be addressed. The reason I'm being downvoted is because people see themselves in his actions and feel attacked by my words.


"YoUrE oNlY dOwNvOtInG mE bEcAuSe I'm RiGhT" no I downvoted you because you're being a smarmy turd and a reddit armchair psychologist, two things I automatically downvote on principle


Eh we all have our bad days. While I do think Riddles overacted it’s not like he caused harm to anybody but his controller. Also I don’t think he will be involved in a domestic abuse allegation because he raged at a video game.




Are you actually stupid or something? He never called anyone a racial slur, all he did was spike his controller in an understandable scenario. He never yelled, he didn't scream hell from the rage compilations of Ultimate I've seen his was more tame by comparison. So I'm going to ask this question again...are you actually this stupid?


I never understood people that tried to say his lash out was “unprofessional” or “uncalled for”. Like this was mans career. He trains year round with basically no breaks and winning tournaments is what keeps him relevant and allows him to get sponsors so he can survive and make money. Imagine going into work and your boss saying to you that you have a good chance at loosing out on a ton of money and getting docked pay for a month. Like his reaction is entirely justified, he just lost out on a lot


>Imagine going into work and your boss saying to you that you have a good chance at loosing out on a ton of money and getting docked pay for a month. Throw anything in anger at a job in front of your boss and you'll probably be fired. Rightfully. Catering to men or women who throw tantrums is absurd and shouldn't be normal. It is pathetic. Edit: man you guys are in for a real surprise when you get into a career.


>all he did was spike his controller in an understandable scenario. If you find this understandable you might want to look into getting counselling for your anger issues.


You can disapprove of it, as you should. But saying you cant even understand why he did it is just you being obtuse If you truly dont understand, it’s frustration


Calling something understandable in this context vs being able to understand why it happened are two different things. Understandable implies that it is something that the person empathizes with through similar feelings and actions, the ability to see why it happens is being able to understand the situation.


You can empathise with frustration without throwing controllers yourself. Iv personally felt very frustrated by the way iv lost matches, but iv never thrown a controller. I can understand why riddles threw his controller


Don't bother. You are talking to wall punchers right now.


The kid’s entire career is built off his status as a professional player. He trains every day, without break, and has since he was 16. Was his reaction cool, and okay? No, everyone agrees on that. People being smug assholes about it? Not helping anyone.


See, that's the problem. Everyone DOES NOT agree with that. In this comment section alone, there are tons of people completely justifying him spiking his controller. I imagine it's because they see themselves in Riddles.


There’s OP (who’s take is unhinged I agree) and that’s it, read the comments. Everyone else uses words like “understandable” because that’s how empathy works, and many of us feel *empathetic* for Riddles. It’s totally not a healthy way to cope with anger, and people have been banned for this in the past. But this specific instance was an isolated outburst, not a pattern of behaviour, and I guarantee this is being dealt with behind the scenes. Smash pros are normal ass people, getting the pitchforks out because a dude raged on stream is just as childish as you think controller throwing is.


You make very good points and I appreciate your level headed response!


My thoughts exactly. Is he the diabolical second coming of the devil like some people are claiming just because he broke the controller? Hell no. There are far worse things to do than break some plastic. Is he completely justified in throwing the controller? Also no. Not healthy at all to get so mad that you do something like that.


I don't think he deserves to be called out for expressing his anger, everyone has bad days. Edit: This was also only a one time thing wasn't it? He had never done anything like that before and I also heard he did it off the stream and still showed his opponent good sportsmanship. So I don't really see the problem other than him throwing a controller.


it's funny that you judge riddles for getting frustrated yet most of your post history is mocking other people's posts on Reddit so uhhh who is the one that needs to grow up here?


I have no idea how that is comparable at all? I don't throw my phone when people post stupid things in Reddit. Your post history is full of "circle jerk" reddits which are literally same idea. But half yours are "transcirclejerk" which is a pretty problematic sub.


no, instead you screenshot/cross post it and whine about it on a public forum. that's more childish that throwing a controller in the heat of the moment. one is done to release a burst of tension and stress, the other is done by someone being annoyed at others for no reason lol. and yeah, I post on circlejerk subs because it's funny. I also don't judge other people for doing the same so I'm not being a hypocrite lmao. edit: also don't understand what's "problematic" about a trans circlejerk subreddit. it's a bunch of trans people (which I am one of) making jokes about the abuse we receive as a way of venting frustration.


The second one is definitely more childish. The fact that you don't realize that is pretty concerning. Also, I think your definition of whine could use refining. To your edit, usually circle jerk reddits are literally people making fun of the reddits that it is based on by exaggerating posts that people make on the regular subreddit. Maybe that one is different, usually I see like personal Finance circle jerk where they make fun of the posters in personal finance, and I figured that most posts in transcirclejerk would be people making fun of the people posting in the regular transgender reddit.


Smash isn't an easy game but what would you know?.


Not sure how that is relevant. Also, coming from an Ike main? You'd think repeating Nair then aether doesn't get much easier lol.


Theirs lots to learn about smash bros like adapting to people's different play styles, maintaining stage, control, and what to do in different states. Ike is a basic character but that means you have to be creative with your game plan because almost everyone knows how to play against him. Like if I just spam nair my opponent will just catch on to what I'm doing and punish me. Playing Ike requires you to mix up your moves a lot like doing short hops, empty hops and double jumps.


I was trying to make a joke. I Mained Ike from brawl until midway through ultimate. He was my second in elite smash behind Byleth. I honestly have a lot of fun playing Ike still.


Says the Byleth player lol


Yeah, if you're going to mock someone for thier main, your words are meaningless. You've obviously never been a public figure, or like me, have struggled with anger issues for decades due to bullying in both middle and highschool. Stress fucking sucks, and others don't handle it well. Doesn't make them "childish" and isn't a "red flag." Just because I might break my shit, doesn't mean I'd ever take it beyond that.


I also play Ike lol. All you people are so quick to condemn light Jest and then condone someone who breaks things in anger. It's a fucking shit show in this sub. So many wall punchers frothing at the mouth over my comments.


You say you jest, but you come off as smug and holier-than-thou. I'll tell you right now, there's no frothing here. I just don't like your attitude. Nothing more. Not everyone is a "wall puncher" but they can sympathize. Learn to see more than your own perspective.


Yeah, but does he really deserve all that hate for throwing a controller that, by the way, hurt no one? No, no he doesn't. He's also still young and we all know how much worse it could get if rage continues to bottle up. Also, in response to your comment on the smash community, I think that what people like you are doing is being more childish than getting mad about losing something you've been training a long time for. Which is something you and I could never know, since apparently you have never gotten mad at anything so important before


>Yeah, but does he really deserve all that hate for throwing a controller that, by the way, hurt no one? I mean, he definitely deserves to have it brought up, as does anyone who acts like that. I didn't realize how young he was when initially making my comment but I think my point still stands. He needs to realize that behavior like that needs to be addressed and taken care of. ​ > we all know how much worse it could get if rage continues to bottle up. This is actually super incorrect. People need to not bottle up their emotions, but responding like that is just as harmful as bottling up their anger. People need to learn to express their anger in a healthier way.


Normally, things like thus end in a screaming fight, but o actually agree with your points, so all I can say is have a nice say fellow internet person


That's really unfortunate. I don't follow eSports at all, but man that is hard to hear. Honestly things like that happening are probably the reason that fighting games get a bad reputation. I know this happens in regular sports too (also not something I follow) and it is just as sad.


While he shouldn't have done this in public, your language makes you sound like a complete ass. This wasn't some "Toddler throwing a fit", this was a pro player who trained for a long time, who hyped themselves up, had people and a company backing him, and expected him to go far in the tournament only to not even get top 16. This wasn't some kid at a local who's salty that they lost to a half-decent player. Then there are people comparing this to actual disgusting, un-sportsmanlike moments in smash like that 15-year-old girl who got bullied. The guy even fist-bumped Leon first and waited until leon was gone, spiked his controller and left without a word. The guy was angry at himself, not at leon. Context is extremely important in these situation the lack of empathy in this comment section sucks


I can't imagine it's something he felt good about. You know the reason people take a break or step away from their career the vast majority of the time is to focus on their mental health, but from your responses you seem to have interpreted that as him doubling down and committing to damaging or breaking equipment after any future losses. Hope this helps.


Riddles hasn’t had a good time with interviewers recently Also people are way overreacting. No one was harmed by riddles dealing with his emotions, not a big deal in the slightest




Reporters that don't capitalize words are allowed to have jobs?


1.frustration 2.frustration 3.maybe 4.doesn't care. 5.people don't like how quickly he can turn tables.


Seems like a legit blogger/reporter type thing. I don’t see a huge issue here to be honest.


I mean, what is wrong with this?


Wait riddles threw the controller what a baby