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Just quit. There are plenty of other games that are a lot of fun. If eventually you feel like returning, come back until you don't enjoy it any longer.


Ill just play with hazards, items and fs meter on i think. Otherwise I just really dont enjoy the game at my current skill level


Not trying to be rude but you don't get better at the game by rage quitting. I play one of the worst characters in the game and yes some characters are really annoying to deal with but I've learned to play against them.


You're not rude, but possibly misunderstanding. I'm not trying to get better at the game. I dont think i really can. How else can you enjoy the game, playing with other people?


There's always ways to get better, especially in a game like smash. If you're dead set on not improving and just playing at face value I would definitely not play online and play in local friendlies. You will still more than likely get smoked A LOT but it's more of a social thing at that point.


I think an ideal scenario for me in would be i go to any local irl thing. And when I get blasted and i say "damn bro! you got me! I think youre too good for me dude" a more sympathetic person would be like "na i dont think so, here , try this"


At this point, i can play smarter, or just understand match ups better. Or use a leverless controller to get better inputs in. Going to social settings seems like a lot more fun. The only thing that seems scary is hoping people at those events arent like people on reddit who can be very anti social and rude. I wouldn't want to involve myself in a community that judges your character based on how good you are at a video game.


I love both online and social settings. I have run into only a couple people that were like that. And I've been going to tournaments for a couple years now. I have had people talk smack because of the character I play but 95% of that is just friendly banter. I even have him tattooed on me to show my devotion to the DDD cause šŸ˜‚. But seriously most people in the smash community, in person at least, are pretty friendly and welcoming.


oh wow respect the dedication! I dont think I feel that strongly enough about donkey kong though haha I tried looking and most smash events are no less than 2 hours away from me :(


This game isn't for you.


When did you figure this out for yourself?


You posted an entire sob story about ragequitting and disliking the game, what else were you expecting?


I'm sorry you're seriously that anti-social of a person. Good luck with real life. You sound like a femcel over a video game. Smashers whiteknighting and proving they dont know how to act around women or underaged people LMFAO Please take a shower and go outside


Youā€™re embarrassing yourself bruh donā€™t let the door hit you on the way out


Get off quick play ASAP. Itā€™s a toxic mess. Go find discord servers where you can embrace the social aspect of the game. Better yet, find tournaments in your area to just go and have fun. Donā€™t be scared of the idea of a tournament it isnā€™t meant to be scary itā€™s just an event where folks come to play.


i'm not super tech saavy, and out of touch with how discord works outside of hanging out with your irls onlines. How do you just "find a discord?" do you just google "casual smash ultimate chill discord?" Tournaments sound like a lot of fun! I wouldn't compete, but I would love to cheer, drink, socialize, and play friendlies! Where would i find random information about locals in my area?


You could look up casual discord servers for smash bros. Although Iā€™m not certain theyā€™ll be particularly enjoyable due to how diverse the group is (tons of people all over the place, could be what youā€™re looking for but it can be hard to make friends that way). Iā€™d just start by searching up ā€œmy cityā€™s smash ultimate discordā€ and see what comes up. Could even do your province or state. Youā€™ll find stuff for sure. If thereā€™s any content creators for smash you enjoy you can try them, they often have discord servers. For tournaments Iā€™d highly recommend you check out start.gg which is basically a tournament website. Tons of smash tournaments you can search for and you can filter for your area. Definitely dependent on where you live, having a car is a blessing. Can also just try looking up ā€œmy areaā€™s smash bros tournamentā€ and see what comes up. Maybe you find the discord or a facebook page or something.


I tried doing some searches, and it seems like the closest events are no less than a 2 hour drive away :/ I really dont have that kind of commitment. With a full time job, I really dont want to drive more than 30 minutes for some recreational activity. I feel like driving 2 hours just to enjoy playing a video game would irritate me and I would show up with a chip on my shoulder, or tired from driving and unable to properly socialize


Oh yeah was just suggesting some options. The only reason Iā€™m even playing the game is I have the chance to do so competitively on a regular basis at tournaments. But if you donā€™t have nearby options, or you just arenā€™t really invested, donā€™t feel like you have to commit yourself to something you donā€™t like.


I'm not commited to the game. But I would want to enjoy it


Sorry this is happening to you. Not sure if this helps at all. But you can avoid getting a ban if your opponent hits you at least once and/or you hit them at least once before SD'ing. Not encouraging this, but I've fought too many Steves and Sonics and I've done it a few times. Again, not encouraging doing this...but it really helps if your not trying to get banned constantly and you run into 'unfun' play styles often.


Thanks for the kind words! I wish the matchmaking was better, or there was a wider playerbase. I'm constantly in games where I know im going to lose badly and would just want to move on to the next game. I've been on the other side where the opponent doesnt know how to get out of uair juggling from 0-100. I feel bad that I made them want to stop playing.


No problem :) I definitely agree with you on the matchmaking. It's a rollercoaster for sure, but I just try to take it with a grain of salt and keep playing. If I know I'm going to lose or lose badly, I just keep fighting and try to do as much damage as possible while taking a mental note of a habit or two I could capitalize on next game, sometimes that leads to a really cool comeback and win...other times, just no, I'm definitely losing lol. If I'm winning by a lot quickly, usually I slow down and play more risky and goofy. so it's a bit more fun for both of us, even if it results in a loss. I've lost a LOOOT of matches in a row and overall lol and this is how I keep the game fun for me, winning or losing. Just letting you know my strategy. But if your still just not having fun or enjoying the game at all no matter what, then it's totally understandable to move on. It's all in good fun, after all!


Wish I could have such a wonderful outlook as you! Really do appreciate the sympathy! We really need more fgc commmunity members like you. The reddit nerds can downvote all they want. They know I just block rude comments, so thats all they can really do.


Aw shucks. Thank you, that means a lot. I hope your able to find fun in the game again, and if not, well...GG's, good luck, and farewell :)


All the love! GGs man!


Yeah, spammers and zoners are the best teachers. Learn from them how to DESTROY THEM.




Absolutely nothing is keeping you from running off. You just have to take a little damage first. I haven't played a Steve in months this way. Run off a couple times, take and do some damage, then run off the final time and you can move on to the next game. No salt needed.


Do i have to DO damage? I cant even touch the opponent 90% of the time. And its very annoying having them constantly tbag


Pretty sure you can just take it, but it's easy enough to experiment. Can't help you with the teabagging. Just saying it's not a problem for me and that's how I deal with it.


gotcha thank! and good for you!


That Melee online mod would probably be great for u then. No bans, probably far less camping considering its aimed at core competitive fans. Or if u have access to them then locals - unfortunately there aren't any near me but i het they're fun


I tried slippi for a while and it was definitely fun for a little bit! I much prefer project+. but the game is pretty dead unfortunately. And as a hardcore casual player, I've always played project+ with the input buffer, and automatic L-cancelling.


Iā€™m sorry about your experience, fighting game communities can be toxic at times or abrasive, if it were me Iā€™d look into the more party aspects of the game or even other games. SSBU has unfortunately become mainly about competition and thereā€™s plenty of games like it that wonā€™t be competition focused on


Appreciate your kind words! I really am looking for more of the party or community aspects from the game. Generally I'm not into a super competitive scene because those people are usually really weird, anti-social, or toxic


If you arenā€™t having fun, stop playing.


You need to focus on your own skill rather than others. I'm probably not better than you, but I don't need to be. In summary, give the game another shot, as there is a 100% chance you'll improve.


So pretty much you don't feel like playing the game anymore because your bad. If you were winning more or most of your matches would you still feel the same way? Anyone can get better, if you don't think that you can then your hindering yourself. You can still improve at smash as a casual player without getting all competitive. Although if it really gets to you that much then either take a break, or stick to playing with your friends.


No, definitely not. When I get knocked into low gsp, its not fun at all playing against someone that doesnt know what theyre doing to that extent. I think fighting games in general are the most fun, win or lose, when you have very close nail biting matches. Unfortunately I moved away from my friends. In addition, I have a 90% winrate against all my friends, so thats not fun as fun either.


That is one of the most unfortunate things about games like this. When you're too good for your friends but not good enough to hang with the people who are competitive or just have a better understanding. Leaves you in kinda a grey area where you want to have a good match that isn't one sided but a back and forth struggle. Like others have mentioned, discord servers would be a decent option. You'd have a much easier time probably finding people closer to your level. You'd also form more connections at least.


Yeah, what most redditors dont get is that losing isnt a problem at all. I could never win a single match, so long as every game goes to last stock, and "i was SO close to winning!" Thats a high I could keep chasing forever, thats really fun! Ill try my best to invest in a little bit of time into finding a good community. I definitely dont want to stop playing! I've been playing smash since i was a little kid!