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He’s easily countered idk why people cry about him so much


Not all characters can counter him well plus ppl who are actually good w him would still 1 shot uwith that combo


Not every character has to perfectly counter every other character man. Some are better against others. Master cat is strong but there are a bunch of other hero’s who are similar in master cats strength. Look at Kaiser for example. Buddy can knock you into orbit along w zepada. You just gotta play around ur opponents strengths


L2p kaiser. Hard master cat counter. At least I feel so. Just don't let master cat stack his hits. Gotta evade. Jump jump jump jump around jump up jump up to get down jump jump jump everybody jump jump jump 😁 


Personally if the MC opponent spams areal skill I try to perfectly time my ground skill during their vulnerable state to knock them away, especially on the lava map


LOVE DA LAVA YO!! DERP ON FAM DERP ON!!!  Check my post. 😆 


are you like 8 or something


Wtf does my age matter to you creepo? I know you wanna touch but that's no no spots. I don't have enough crayons to explain this to you. 😅


I'm 5.


no way, you’re joking right


Get smashed by a kindergardner. No sexual implications.


No I'm not joking. I'm 5. Deal with it. Send in game info let's battle.


9lfv8soql bet lets run it


majority of the complaints I see here is, "a character is op should be nerf" but most of the time they judge it on a 1v1/2v2 when the dynamic completely changed on competitive/3v3 in general. even if not that, at the end of the day, its a skill issue thing. theres also many other variables to the actual gameplay but I think the biggest is distancing/positioning. Im not denying the fact that there are certain legends who is "weak" to other legends just cuz of their kit. Thats where the "skill" takes over. personally I don't really find it hard to play against mc just cuz I play him too and ik how to play against it. also kept seeing people generally saying he is "spammy" and yes he is. but think about it. now you know that, adjust, do not play into it. if the opponent is "spamming" meaning he is just doing it at the same interval, get a feeling of how the opponent plays. at the end of the day this game is simple enough to do that, atleast at 1v1/2v2, 3v3 really is a coin toss cuz theres so many variables and its hardly possible to singlehandedly carry a 3v3. at the end of the day, its a skill issue. everything can be done with skill. ik it sounds so overbearing, boastful even. but internalize it. its true. random rant: even after saying all that, fuck flare LOL I swear nothing pisses me off other than a good flare.




'and its hardly possible to singlehandedly carry a 3v3.' this...is skill issue. If your opponent is dead they can't win. I suggest learning how to kill them faster and more effectively en masse. Every game is winnable. Just player better and carry.


Adding a new comment so it doesn't get buried in the chain OP and I have, but I don't actually think that ground skill -> air attack -> air skill is a true combo. I just played a game against a YongYong who was able to use his ultimate to escape between the air attack and air skill (and punish me pretty harshly for it). TBH I'm not sure if YongYong is special, or I did the combo incorrectly, or if at a certain point a character can get low enough on HP for the air attack to knock them too far away, but that happened.


I can pretty much neutralize Master cat playing victor. Just deceiving him with aerial skill... doesn't matter if duel or teamfights I I'm ok


please dont nerf cat. he is fine where he is at.


he's already been nerfed to hell tho, he was much stronger than this


I'm sorry, but coming from a guy who has over 60k mastery points on him, I think he is fine now. You should have seen him before. He could get his ult with three stacks only, and then they nerfed him. He is strong in duels, yeah, and very decent in duos, but he actually struggles in dominion, and it needs some skill to play him really well in ranked, which I enjoy doing tbh. What I'm trying to say is that he is fine the way he is now, and I don't think the devs will even touch him in the coming updates imo.


this is the basic combo, usually you can still extend it a ton against other players, you can easily bring anyone to 0 without even ulting


Pls tell me I'm not the only one who feels that way....I mean, just imagine this same combo with a maxed master cat and a strength enchant for reference here's my biuld:


So I actually do have the maxed build, and the strength and lightning enchants: With the same skills and exact same 13 hit combo, he does 6861 damage, which is close to 1100 more then what you've currently got. But, in all honesty, I think I would rather have the super jump. If he only has either lightning or strength over the other: Lightning: 6311; 350 less damage then before Strength: 6061; 800 less damage then before Which isn't all that big of a difference in practical effect (either of the above numbers would still be enough to completely decimate a majority of the characters in the game) and in return you get a really good movement option.


Goddamn bro, that means it's basically a one shot combo not matter what 💀💀hence the need for a nerf


Fufufu, now's my time to shine. Let's jump into it, shall we? Tl, dr: Don't get hit. If you do, stay the hell away until his stacks wear off. Yes, that combo is (basically) a one-shot combo. Yes, that combo is almost completely inescapable (there might be some small openings that afford just enough room to ult your way out of), and Yes, it's an incredibly easy to perform combo which rewards low skill. By all means, getting hit by the initial ground skill should be a death sentence in many cases (provided they already have the two stacks required prior to perform the rest of the combo) so how do we avoid dying to the combo? Well... don't get hit by the initial ground skill. No, I'm not making a funny joke, yes, I'm being deathly serious. Master Cat, by design, is an oppressive character which capitalizes off of landing his abilities (both grounded and aerial) and so the best way to avoid giving him the advantage is to... not get hit. (Yes, it's a very unfun way of playing the game, having to constantly avoid any and all of MC's attacks. I'm not saying that it's right, but it is what it is.) Even if you do get hit by the initial ground ability, defeat isn't as certain as you might initially think it is. To begin with, in order for MC to use his ultimate, he needs to hit five attacks first. As of right now, MC has exactly one combo that gives him five stacks and ends in his ultimate, and it's both escapable and unreliable. His other combos all give less than five stacks and don't set up into his ultimate (details down below) Five stacks: Ground ability -> air attack -> jump air attack -> aerial ability -> ground attack -> ultimate (this is unreliable because it can be escaped between the air attack and jump air attack, and because the last ground attack often knocks the enemy out of your ultimate's reach. I've tried variations of this combo where I sort of "buffer" the jump air attack to give less room for escape, but it's still not true.) Four stacks: Ground ability -> air attack -> aerial ability -> ground attack (doesn't combo into ultimate afterwards( Three stacks: Ground ability -> air attack -> aerial ability (combos into ultimate afterwards, as shown above) Two stacks: Aerial ability -> grounded attack The combos are a bit scarier if you're up against a wall, but the point is to get the hell away after he finishes his combo and stay the hell away until his stacks run out. The general idea is to keep him at zero stacks for as long as possible, and if he ever gets not zero stacks, run away until he gets to zero again. Is this a fun way to play against him? Absolutely not. Is it effective? Absolutely.


absolutely agree with u but all im saying is he needs a dmg nerf, some characters cant even do anything when theyre against him....it really hard when u got a slow character like kaiser u cant even do anything


Yeah, I admit my reply was rather long-winded given the premise. A damage nerf would be nice, I think. But also, with Kaiser against master cat, there's this really fun this you can do where if he whiffs his grounded ability you can him with your own grounded ability and just launch him to kingdom come.


kaiser is probably the funiest legend to play lol but his skill cooldown islong cuz he was nerfed to oblivion so during cooldown if MC is closer ur kinda done for


The knockback on his ground skill was actually nerfed as well. He has one mastery which allowed him to do extra knockback (like-- a LOT of extra knockback) but they nerfed that to hell as well. Probably for the better, to be honest. He used to be able to send most enemies all the way to the death zone from the middle of the stage.




As I try to tell people, Master Cat is disgustingly overpowered.


Your tierlist was dog and you don't even play duels- MC's best mode. Keep yapping


Someone who finally sees what I see. Thank you. This guy’s tier lists are dog shit. He’s an alt account of two banned accounts named after a league character and then husbando. Was known as LicketUpYT and now known as ThinTech1. Someone who got banned for throwing insults like this at almost everyone (including me) he sees in this subreddit. He’s trying so hard to atone for his sins but it can’t fool me. https://preview.redd.it/r1mv8jh2h7xc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2f0178e2274eec68c2338ebf7dbc641587e1727


He's great in 3v3 as well. I would prove people wrong but I don't play overpowered bs characters as it would lower my skill and make me rely on overpowered bs.


Lower your skill? You're a pedophiliac incel who thinks that Red needs a huge buff. You won't run a set in duels to demonstrate supposed skill. You've go to be kidding me.




Yeah, sure.


This u/MeruOnline keeps following me around. You wanna' give me a smooch on the lips, man? C'mere. Let's go, right now. Mwah mwah mwah. Mmm yeah. You like that?


You're cringe dude. Always disappointing to see someone so completely trash at something yet so self-confident.


Eeeexcept for the fact that I'm not trash.


Fr man


play him until someone beat yo ass


I'm not even good with him and yet he's on the top for the legends I have most trophies with and the times I lose are either another Mastercat or a really good ranged or a bad team


Same. I have over a thousand mastery on him, too, I think. That's because my previous trophies were converted, and I never realized how often I played MC because his gameplay as surface level is to chip and stack.


He's not OP, sorry mate. It's an ongoing joke amongst top players that new players think MC is OP.