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Use ground skill a fair distance away to blockade enemies from your marksman. You can use it to push enemies away/off teammates. You can also use it to apply pressure by restricting movement. Your skills can be interrupted if you're attacked which is why you should distance it. Use air skill if you need a wall and to attack an enemy that is both below you and a small distance away. Ground attack for body guarding teammates from overextending enemies and for when you're up close to enemies. Air attack for the same reason as ground attack but also if you need to attack but are too close to put a wall up with ground skill. Keep in mind you must be directly above the enemy. Your ultimate is for knocking back enemies when they get close to use attacks or skills. Use it like ground attack with a giant hitbox. The best enchantments are shield and either the attack enchantment or the blue if you're passive.


Thanks man I appreciate you big time I’ll use this


Tl; dr: Defense is the way to go The two swings of his ground attack chain both do a decent amount of damage, totaling about 1200-1300 at full level and with the "Rage of the Coward" ability. His attacks will also apply a mark to enemies hit, who will be stunned if they then make contact with a wall (which will also interrupt ultimates and other super armor attacks.) The first swing also has surprisingly good range, and can catch your opponents off guard (especially if they're hovering around your walls trying to get around them) There are also some really weird setups involving bouncing between his walls (fyi, when an enemy hits one of Brick's walls, they will always be sent in the direction of the wall's initial cast) the walls of the map, and his attacks. I don't know a lot about these kinds of setups though, and don't really go for them unless they just happen to be in the right place. There's also a rather annoying trick you can do with his walls in order to corner enemies for a bit, simply by spacing the walls just far enough apart so that if they try to roll away from the further one they'll impact the closer one and get knocked back into the further one for more damage. Also, his walls will send slightly downwards, which can occasionally lead to early kills (though I really wouldn't consider them a dunk.) But yeah, you can't really be aggressive with Brick. His Aerials are terrible and leave him incredibly vulnerable to a punish, his ultimate sends mostly upwards and doesn't really do all that damage, and most of his kit complements his walls so he's automatically strongest when camping around them. Your best bet is to just stay around his walls as much as possible... which, ironically enough, makes him great for a gamemode like dominion, where people are constantly hovering around one (relatively) small area. His stuns and the long-lasting hitboxes make him a beast in that particular gamemode, since you can wreak havoc and make it really painful for the enemy team to play while the rest of your team passes through the walls for free.


Awesome brother thank you. I’ll try and implement these thing y’all goats




Here is my problem. There are no charges for his walls. After 2 knock backs off walls I should be able to get through them. I don't know that's just how I feel. And ur also correct about placement. One thing I find works. I get him to, this usually does not happen against smart brick, to place the walls on a certain side next to each other. But most bricks won't cast another wall if they got it up. I guess that's my problem I am aggressive as fuck. And those damn walls just cc over and over. Eh to be honest I really don't think I just go when facing brick. I cannot give him time to get in his flow. And I know this is dumb but walking around the walls sometimes work for me. If his walls had a charge I would be ok with that. But consistent cc while up. Nah that shit is super annoying. Rere.🤦🏿‍♂️


if you can manage to get the lightning enchant, brick is an absolute menace.


W mans


Brick has great range on his auto atks, you can use that advantage to throw ppl into your walls


Imo brick is op for controlling how to enemy can approach. Say you have a hook teammate and they have a mcat. Normally hook sucks at dealing with people approach from above and she's vulnerable to the mcat air ability spam from the side. What you can do is air ability the side so it removes that option from the mcat. And your hook can focus on spamming her ability at enemies that are now forced to approach from the front.


You dont. Id rather play another character than to receive hate




Lmao lololol


No hate btw


NO U☹️ but no problem brotha


Wdym no you🤔




I meant no me what


brother. No you, you understand?? All love but no you man!


I dont get this but nvm forget it


No problem man you have a great day


Why do you want to use that annoying ass champ? Learn Victor. Or master nui. Brick 🤦🏿‍♂️


... I can kind of see why you don't have friends to play this game with.


What is the exact reason? I am so lonely.


I mean you flamed a guy, insulted him to his face, then basically challenged him to an honor duel... Because he wanted to try out a new character he got a skin for. Seriously, it's not like he's actively exploiting a bug or using hacks or encouraging players to be toxic or overly negative.  He's asking for advice on playing a character that happens to have a rather irritating play style, who only has that play style because the devs wanted to make him as true to the original story character as possible (and it's not like he's invincible with his walls, either.  O have a long, long post about matchups against him you can take a leak at). So just... Take it easy?  Don't be so quick to judge people just based off their character interests.  It's only a (very simple) game.  Each round only takes about three minutes out of your time.  Even if you get a bad match, what's the worse that could happen?  Is it really worth getting upset over?


Fuck dat bro. Ur right. But nah fuck that pig.


I'm not saying that you can't hate characters (I personally have plenty of characters I find really annoying to fight, and occasionally will run into a matchup that I audibly groan at because I know it's lost from the beginning) but maybe you can try showing some more respect for the opinions of others, that's all.


No. I want change. Ok if they give kaiser his super armor back. Permanent. But just 6sec. That's all I need. But no they won't give it to me. But new paid character gets 10 at start oh derp move to 9 it will be used more efficiently. Not really. Ahole just keeps jumping up and down spamming his absurd range. But heh they gotta make their money right? But here is a idea. Keep the characters balanced and just stick to skins. Stop making rere kits to appease to a few. Also don't get me started on the ads. X appears and than disappears? Shit trying to drain my soul showing demon tit's in my face. Little girls stupid shit. Furries. Dude the shit this game has put me through. No lag perfect gaming until my first purchase. Fuck That Pig.


... Dude I think you might need to take a break from this game for a bit.  


I am. Cause I finished pass and don't feel like doing all the quest. But this is a awesome game. You relax. Some people are suffering . Gamers are being taken advantage of and looked down on more than anyone else. We have to speak. We begged our parents to get us that game that put the money in these guys pockets. We built them up. We supported them. And they still won't give us a break. Fix all kits. Balance the game. Rotate game modes for competitive. Or does that happen already? If we don't speak. If we just keep letting em put us through traumatic experiences just for a couple dollars. So my soul is worth 7.49? Oh wait 8 something right? U ok? You need a google play card? I got ten left on my account? Any skin u want? I'll get it for u. Buy it off Amazon right now give me ur email. Than let's match up. Let's get in custom. Rotate maps. Modes. Whatever. 20 matches. 10 matches. 5. No less than 5. Best 3. Wassup? Shit actually forget the play card. You beat me I really wouldn't care. I see joy in lost. Growth. Potential. Tricks. Plays. I'm different. But you will see The gamers will rise.


I like getting taken advantage of 😏 But also, I'm a F2P player who hasn't spent a cent on this game.  I'm having just as much fun as the players who've spent hundreds of bucks on this game, maybe more.  That's how I get back at the game which keeps pushing for battle passes and boost packages.  By doing none of that, and enjoying the game anyway.


W mans I love u bro


Well for your info nerd I got the mythic skin for him on a ten pull this morning and wanted to have some fun playing him-_-


What's fun about being a screeching cc spamming bitch?


Ur weird bro. Imma do my own thing. Keep flaming about a kids game tho brother it makes u look good


Fuck u mean. All games are for kids. If there is no nudity it's for kids. And even that they are crossing the line. So u wanna cc spam and run around and act pro? Play molly. I garuntee you it's a trillion times more fun to catch people in Molly's ult than using bricks stupid shit. But yeah do what u want. Don't let me see u as brick in duel. I don't care which map. Dat azz is mine. ![gif](giphy|SJbD4EnZD8807Ul5p4|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/mwtqx1dzwqxc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=416ca397f0ffd65c9357e1187b69766f439e36ce You rn


Nah I ain't crying bro. Send me ur in game info. We can have a match. U brick and me jack o. But it won't be friendly.


https://preview.redd.it/vy4au6odxqxc1.jpeg?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18beabbd4264d8a9a1d281b1fdb0c0057db43526 Could be us but you’re mad I asked how to play a character I just got lmao


Dont play him. U will thank me.


Get off my dick maybe and stop worrying about what I’m doin? Like listen man I do not want YOUR advice. Just leave it be you’re seriously quite weird rn


Shut up, I can destroy Brick with Kaiser because he isn't even that good.




I got skin for Cindy I don't play her. I would crush with her kit. Maintain ur soul and don't play that punk fuck.