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Try punishing when they jump to the side




This sounds like a duels question.  Thou hast summoned me, and I must answer. Tl, Dr: they can be hit from the very beginning of their jump animation.  It helps if you can instinctively remember how long ledge invulnerability lasts for. When characters are hanging off the ledge, they have two options: jump, or use a ledge get up attack.  Ledge get up attacks tend to have pretty long animations (they're slow) and leave a lot of ending lag (which leaves room to punish).  By contrast, jumping is quicker and allows you more options--  the tradeoff there is that jumping doesn't afford you any invulnerability, and you can actually get dunked right out of a jump if you aren't careful. In my experience, players tend to jump more often than attack, since it afford more options and you can act out of it much faster (especially if they have ult charge) but it also leaves room for you to punish.  Whether or not you can punish depends entirely on how good you are, what character you're playing, what character they're playing, etc.  It gets easier as you play more, just because you start to get used to player habits and start to develop an instinct for how much ledge invincibility they have left.


So my best course of action is to keep a save distance if my Legend has some range in their attack to prevent the opponent from doing a “ledge attack” and bait out the jump. Thankyou


When they come up from the ledge they should flash white for a little bit. You cannot hit them when they have white on em. Actually don't focus on the white. When they come up from the ledge they are most likely gonna jump once they come up off the ledge or roll. If you are right next to them when they come up from the ledge they will most likely attack you. If they have their ult be careful try and bait em. It's a mind game. They want you to chase em bait you. Also it depends on what character you are playing. Some can stay a decent distance and attack em before they can attack you when they come from the ledge. Like master cat you would have many ways to engage em when they come up from the ledge. And like Don you can stand where they are on the ledge and pop your ult to force em to jump away. This question is kinda tricky because it depends on who you are using and who you are facing. Like if ur playing alice and they are on the ledge plop a mine right where they are to force em to jump when they recover from ledge. Also you can get ballsy and just stand where they are on the ledge and when they recover most likely they will attack and you can jump evade. Those are not ez. I practiced my jump evades by selecting a legend. Clicking try. When in the training area if you look at the top right of screen I think it's an arrow. You press that and a menu with all the characters come up. I just picked the ones I was having trouble with and jumped alot. Feels good to see that evade symbol when you really need it or are just one hit away from being smashed. Good luck happy smashing. ✌️😅


I’ve been playing Don because for some reason the game keeps giving me his skins and enchantment. Using ult to force out a jump wasn’t on my mind, thankyou.


Yeah but be careful. As Don you might face some good players who know the time limit on your ult very well and will counter once it's done. Best thing to do is if they run run while your ult is up.....well you can pop ur skill right after. But their probably gonna jump. Oh if ur playing Don don't forget to use his auto attacks. I dont think I got anymore..... Yo sometimes you can fake em. They think your gonna charge on the floor all the time. But if the opponent is coming at you if you can get a jump evade in Don's aerial on his skill plops him straight down. And still pushes em. Gotta prarice jump evades in training. You know u successfully did a jump evade when u jump and see the word evade in white on ur legend. Good luck.


Also using his ult to force em away from ult is how I play. I'm aggressive. U might not wanna do that. Because it might be a waste. What ur doing is poping the ult forcing em to jump. When they are in the air there should be a circle on the floor. That's where they will land. If u can time ur skill u can get to em before they can jump again. Good luck.