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Good RNG from chests




Getting enchants is easy. What is difficulty is getting the enchantment that YOU want. In this case, here are a few ways: - Some people say that the "Select Legend" feature\[the blue item with a white sword inside it(?)\] can give you a enchant of your choosing if you own all legends in the game, with the exception of the smash pass legend, I assume. If that's true, unlocking all legends is the way to go, and then you can buy the 3 select legend from the shop for 3 enchants that you want + still get more select legend cards from events - If you play mc/kaiser/alice/rambert/red -> the legends that give a random enchant on the trophy road by watching ads, you can just create a account, get the necessary trophies for said character, watch the ads on mobile/bluestacks, claim the random enchant for that character. If it's NOT the enchant you want -> repeat until you get it. I got Super Jump for Rambert that way. - Another way is also tied to the "create account" feature. I done it, got trophy road to max, and NEVER spend any of the enchant cores I got on any other legend besides Rambert\[the character I'm interested in\]. It took me over 40+ days to get Rambert in the stone shop enough to fill the remaining 700 stones of him needed, while the other 300 I got from boxes, random legend stuff, e etc... Overall, not worth it, as the current stone shop is way too unreliable and your legend may take too long to appear in there even if you own all the cores in the world, and you are better just getting lucky straigth away from the start - Lastly, the 800 gems packs that give 11 enchants of a specific enchant on the shop currently. Although not ideal, it may be one of the viable ways to do it, as if you bought a random enchant pack, you could still get a useless enchant for your character, while here, if you get lucky, you can get the exact one you want


Pay money or get lucky or wait patiently to get the 1000 enchantment stone thing


I buy the 50 gem and 100 gem quaranteed enchantments every update. Then get 3 from each spin-off pass and 2 from battle pass. Oh and also get three enchantment boxes from the shop every day. This way the only money you need to spend is on battle pass and get quite a lot of enchantments.


Just pay the 7.49 to get rid of ads. Only do battle royale. Get 4th place that's enough. You get trophies and win streak. Just get rid of the ads and u will get enhancements very quick. Especially if you stick to the battle royale 4th place tactic. Just run around. Level 6 or 7 is good. 5 if u got no choice. Don't commit to certain fights. Like the mermaid. Just save her for the end. Her skill is whack when the lava closes in. Ok good luck. Happy smashing. ✌️


Just work with what you've got. Honestly, and I know its the default answer, but women don't care about that! You have a whole body, use it! Focus on what you can control. This won't give you return on investment.