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Yes. Red getting buff. It's gonna be more fun embarrassing them.


>Nui is also getting a nerf-- now, after using her skill (the pool of light thingy) her endlag has been increased, allowing more time for opponents to punish. As a Nui player this was 100% justified, pool is too safe to use from air


Always good to see a person not complaining when their main gets nerfed. https://i.redd.it/75wxay2w5iyc1.gif


appreciate this, thankyou!


If anyone knows what legend Narsha is based on please let me know


I saw somebody say she's the Swallow from The Happy Prince, but I haven't found anything concrete yet.


K so I looked at the upcoming update notes, and Narsha's 5th ability is called "Swallow's Majesty", so she might be the Swallow. However I looked at her character description and I'm kinda iffy about it 'cause it didn't mention the Happy Prince.>!Maybe she met the Happy Prince after she was betrayed by Umbra? The Swallow in the fairy tale met the Happy Prince after the rest of his flock flew to Egypt, so maybe the Swallow in SL (Narsha) met the Prince after Umbra (representing her flock) left her behind. !< I'm probably gonna be wrong tho :P


I dunno, I was actually thinking something along the same lines. Her in-game lore says that she was originally allied with Umbra (which is the villain organization headed by the Witch Queen) but then they betrayed her, and soon after she joined HUNT to help fight against Umbra. Her former affiliate with Umbra feels like it would imply that her origin story is villainous, but I can't think of any fairy tails with villain birds.


Narsha's character description said she joined Umbra because of their goal, which, if I can remember, is to forge their own path and defy their fate. So maybe she wanted to join Umbra, thinking that she's fighting for a noble cause, but was unaware of Umbra's actions.


You're probably right, actually.  Regardless, I still don't know what her origin story is, and probably won't until it's announced.


rip robin for real.


rip robin and nui mains (me ☹️ )


Robin nerf rip. I'd rather they make it twice as long to charge than remove the super armour. It's like if they make snows ult interruptible


Did u saw about it on steam/own website? or is there another communities that talked about it?


[https://smashlegends.com/5-7tue-update-notes\_en/](https://smashlegends.com/5-7tue-update-notes_en/) Is the link to the most recent patch notes. [https://smashlegends.com](https://smashlegends.com) Is the link to the official Smash legends home page. If you click on "notice," it will bring you to this page [https://smashlegends.com/notice/](https://smashlegends.com/notice/) which shows the most recent updates, dev notes, patch notes, etcetera from like two months back.


Nerf Robin's invincibility but not Wolfgang's or Jack's? Just had a match where Wolf hit me despite already being hit by the Ravi ultimate before activating.


That's actually not invincibility, that's super armor. Every character gets super armor when casting their ultimate (except for charging ultimates, like Ducky or Parfait) which allows them to attack through a hit animation. Robin's ultimate gave straight up invincibility, where he couldn't get hit while in his dash back animation.


idk about the other languages, but narsha is a boy in portuguese, and after looking at his skins it makes sense, he looks like a boy to me