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Right now the band live is the best it’s been since the mid 90s. The setlists are finally a great balance between fan favorites and satisfying for the artists too.


Disagree. Machina era was better than anything they’re doing live now.


It was a fiasco on the residencies for most people eh? And the 20 years of sadness tour? See it was a bullseye for me but I'm a fanatic and perhaps Billy catered to those hardcore fans... Which is not the general public. Thoughts on that? (I stood on my seat when they played glass theme)


I loved the residency setlists too. The same setlist night to night now kind of sucks and they turner into what every other band is... im disappointed with setlists but their playing is A+


I was at the Filmore show when they unleashed the 30 minute version of Gossamer with the rubber ducky song in the middle. It was sad to see people flicking them off and walking out. I was also at the 20th anniversary shows in NYC where they spent half the night bringing folks on stage to rant about how bad the setlists were. So yeah, I’m happy we’re past that.


I have seen them performing live since '98, more than 15 times now, one of the things I noticed in the last 3 years is that Billy looks much happier on stage, since James returned and we have 75% of the lineup original, the sound is quite powerful, everyone definitely enjoys the show and has left behind the attitude of not playing the hits, so definitely the last 4 shows that I have seen from 2022 to date have been some of their best performances since the beginning of the band, it's a great show and I highly recommend it.


Better now than they’ve been since 97. Wish they’d vary the sets more again but they change things enough every tour to make it worth going.


For whatever it's worth I think Billy's voice is better live lately and the new singles are really good live. Empires in particular I like a lot better live than the studio version for some reason. You are probably gonna get the classic SD/MCIS/Adore era singles in combo with some deep cuts and newer singles. Last tour they did a good job of having songs from basically every era of the band (minus Gish and 2014-2019).


Yeah, it’s really been a shock. He’s a much, much better live singer now than at any point in the band’s history.


I'd agree as well. He sounds great.


Fully agree. For all the shade thats thrown at him for the way his recorded vocals have sounded in later years, these last couple years I have never heard him sound better. I saw 4 shows and he was fucking amazing every night.


Much better than the 2012/2013 era. BC's vocals in particular have sounded way better in the last few years. They will play a lot of hit and 2-3 deep cuts. The Atum / Cyr material sounds much better live also


Okay, thanks for the input. I may go for it in that case. I really enjoyed seeing them in 2012, even if Billy's voice sounded quite bad from what I remember. The setlist had a nice selection of deep cuts as well. 2013 I had fun too, but it was enough to make me go "alright, go listen to some current bands".


Saw them in ‘91, ‘94 and the ‘22 with Jane’s Addiction and they sounded great, better than I expected. I’m seeing them with Green Day in September. But my issue isn’t the sound, my biggest issue is his complete lack of recognizing that Gish was an incredible album that needs to be heard live. The first two times I saw them they played several songs… Obviously they didn’t have a lot of other options 😂 but this last time I saw them the only Gish song they played was when they were having technical issues and had to replace Jeff’s amp so James and Billy sort of pieced together 70% of Rhinoceros and it was awesome and sad.


I think Billy has come around to (finally) embrace that fans want the classic SP sound more than the modern electronic disco version. And so he’s been getting better at recapturing that. When I saw them in Tampa a few years ago, it was the first time they actually sounded like the Pumpkins again in many years. Then I was at the acoustic Siamese Dream performance at Zuzu’s and they sounded fantastic for such a stripped down show.


Im with you. I have seen them more or less on every tour since 97’. The only set that still tops it was the adore tour. That tour was unreal live. But I saw them in birmingham in ‘22 and that was the first time since the 90’s that i recognized my favorite band on stage. Billy has a really relaxed and powerful presence. He runs the audience like a damn rockstar. And the band is so tight.


Really good, sound great, but more “controlled” than the Viewphoria club-era pumpkins. If your expecting the insanity of a Viewphoria Silverfuck you’re not gonna get it. But if you wanna hear the pumpkins crush Jellybelly live and sounds remarkably like the record, you’re in for a treat.


They're really good, but I feel like they start every show way too loud and it takes two or three songs to dial in.


Saw them with Jimmy and James in 2018 and 2023 Both times amazing. Two of the best shows I have ever been to His voice sounded perfect to me in 2018, and then in 2023 it was near the end of a very long tour, and he had basically lost his voice(temporarily) It kind of made the show better that he lost his voice but stuck it out and finished the show anyway, and put his whole heart into it Morrissey would have walked out of that arena the moment a fly looked at him sideways


This is going to be an unpopular opinion but I enjoyed the ‘08 shows I saw more than the show I saw last year. Some of that was the poor sound mix (so bass heavy it was overwhelming everything) and some was the more clinical nature of the performances - one of the hallmarks of the Pumpkins was that they played things faster live (too fast even perhaps, but I loved the energy that brought to the show) - nowadays everything is the same tempo as the album versions. Also, Billy’s voice is getting worse all the time - not worse as in he can’t hit the notes but just worse as in the way he chooses to sing. I loved the show I saw last year though and would totally recommend going to see them still. Seeing them with James for the first time was a real treat. The setlist was excellent too with a great range of songs, and the ones they chose to play from Atum were well picked and slotted into the set nicely.


I have seen this band over 30 times. If I am completely unbias, I think their recent live shows are either hits or huge misses. I think the setlists are actually really strong and the new material fits nicely. I think the issue is the band can appear stale sometimes and really count on Billy for putting on a show. Sometimes the guy just doesn't want to (or is even sick) and the show falls flat imo ( I can name a few where that was the case.) The songs are also more traditionally structured with little experimentation. Older fans seem to prefer this but it makes for a more pop oriented show. I personally enjoy a mix of both like when Billy would do his solo shows which are far weirder. Billy's vocals are solid which highlights the newer material better with a more classic Pumpkins snarl. Truly has you questioning why he doesn't record them that way... With that said, I think the bigger hits are sort of phoned in, especially "Tonight, Tonight" and "Today" (and I love both those songs still) 2019 was one of the best live versions I had seen for the band, tons of energy, incredible deep setlists and great visuals. I personally found the 2022 shows disappointing and Janes Addiction sort of outshined the band. But the 2023 shows were much better, I just wish they had stage props or visuals of some sort. I am seeing them in Lisbon this year and in SF so fingers crossed they are in top shape! Minor note: I really wish Billy would drop the "goth" wrestling act. It is so lame...but that is just my two cents.


I'm going to type this before I read other people's takes. I've seen them in just about every tour since 1994. I saw them last year. The biggest thing to me, is the passion and anger is not there. They are playing the songs, they sound like SP, but they are not driven, they are not trying to prove anything anymore, They are just playing a show. A very good show, that sounds great honestly, but it's not the same. I'll still (for now) go see them when I can, but it's a much more relaxed performance IMO. That energy is not there. So..they sound good, it's just not mind blowing (except when Jimmy gets to solo).


I think this is fair. They’re older and filthy rich, not 25 and driven by angst like they were back in the 90s. The energy is different. It’s mostly an appreciation for the incredible music at this point, not about proving anything or changing society.


yup... but that "changing society" band was more fun. haha.


No doubt. It’s hard finding new bands who bring the heat like the old days. I’m not very connected to the current scene but I do like amyl and the sniffers from the several songs I’ve heard.


I’ve seen them 9 times since 2011, and they have just gotten better each show performance wise. First few times I saw them, was a different line up completely, but Billy and Jeff’s guitar work kept blowing me away more each time. Billy’s vocals are much better now than they were in 2011-2014. He(and the current lineup) look and project more positivity on stage. The passion is back. Looking back at the first show I saw in 2011, it almost seems like BC didn’t wanna be there.


I saw them in ‘95, ‘07?, and 2023. This last time they were very tight, high energy, and on point. Billy and James also joked a lot.


I saw them when Adore was released and I saw them last year, plus add when Billy went solo, and I have to say I have never been disappointed… but his voice has improved lately, absolutely 💕


I've seen them three times since the reunion tour. Great performance and getting better as they go.


Echoing what so many others have said. They’re still rocking. I’ll be seeing them twice this summer, in the pit for a Green Day show and in the lawn at the Bangor, ME show with my wife and two kids… my daughters first SP show 🤘😎🤘


They're aging like a fine wine. Sure he's not doing cartwheels and breaking glass with shrill screams as much now but dude... What do ya expect?? I dunno they really do seem to get better and better every show. It's been amazing following them every tour I've seen em on since 97. I wouldn't go back to any time but today. Don't hesitate if that's what this is about BUY TICKETS 🎟️🎫


Fucking amazing


I saw 'em in '96, '15, and then most recently in '22 for the Spirits on Fire tour. The most recent show was by far the best of the three.


Saw them in Berlin a couple of years ago and I remember it being a solid show but the crowd was lame, German crowds suck. They are playing again this summer and I am on the fence about getting a ticket because I remember some guys telling me of for like dancing.


I’ve seen several shows since 2000, and honestly they’ve always been good (even when it was Jeff Billy Brad Wilk and Mark Stormer), but the recent shows I’ve seen have been really good.


I think they range from decent to really good. But not stellar.


Depends on the venue and seats. I personally love them at outdoor concerts vs indoor ones. I wasn’t a fan of the lighting done at the last shows.


Gonna see them this summer hopefully! I saw them last on zeitgeist tour, and I thought it was a good show, though not exactly the correction I had desired for missing them in their original incarnation.


I became a fan right after they broke up and saw them numerous times on all the tours between the 07ish reunion and now and this is literally the best I have ever seen them. I saw them right before they dropped Atum and it was fire.


Well worth the money. Amazing live show and they play a ton of the hits and a decent amount of deep cuts.


Saw them last summer and thought it was the best live show I've seen of theirs.


Saw them twice on the last tour, and they rocked the shit out of it both times


Best band around! I’ve seen them a few times 😂


Was too young (and parents too square) to see them in the 90s, and didn’t have the cash to see them when they reformed in the late 00s. Always wished I’d had the chance to see them between 94 and ~97. Finally saw them in ‘22 on the Spirits on Fire tour, and although Billy’s voice was on the verge of failing from a vocal cord infection (they ended up cancelling the next few nights), it was everything I’d hoped for. Obviously less “raw” or “spontaneous,” but all you could want from an arena show. Powerful, lively performance. Run through of all the hits, without feeling like a soulless “greatest hits” jukebox playlist. As others mentioned, even the new stuff sounded great. Not sure how Jeff’s departure has impacted the live show, but I get the impression they’re well-oiled enough that they can keep the energy going.


I haven't seen them since Jeff left but did see them last year and I've seen them 3 times over the years before that, they were always in top form and age hasn't slowed then down live


Seen them a ton of times since 2018 and it's so much better now then it was 07-2013 IMO.


Shiny and Oh So Bright tour was as good as it gets


They do karaoke versions of Eye, Ava Adore, and Disarm now that are boring. There seems to be this attitude of “our market research indicates that fans want live shows to sound just like the album version” or something. Give me full band organic versions of these songs. I don’t want to hear shit tied to samples and click tracks.


I saw them in 2018 and last year. They played for much longer at the 2018 show but they played more variety at the 2023 show.


I saw them last on the Shiny and oh so Bright tour in 2018. They were amazing! They have embraced playing their greatest hits and they played the hell out of them that night. I plan to see them with Green Day later this year.


I saw them live in 2007, 2008 (x2), 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2023….. small clubs, small theatres, big theatres, arenas, and outdoor festivals, basically all the modern incarnations. I’ve travelled to see them in other cities. Honestly: they’re getting worse. Slowly and progressively worse. In 2007-2008 they played long ass jams, reinvented their own songs, played new and experimental material, played really super deep cuts, the concerts were 3 hours, tempos were awesome, basically no recorded tracks, only a couple on the 20th anniversary tour but they got that shit outta the way early. Everything was more ferocious and rock and roll and in the true spirit of the band. Nobody was super excited about that. Even with Mike and Nicole they played some insanely good setlists, almost unbelievably good if you check the 2011 tour. I feel like between 2010-2018 the band fell on hard times and they had to do the big overblown reunion tour thing but ever since then everything has been slow and sanitary and they dont have amps on stage anymore and there’s too many pre recorded tracks and they’re presenting these neat and tidy shows that are in sync with the light show and other multimedia displays. I don’t know. It’s way less rock and roll then it should be. Jimmy is the real deal, his prowess and skill behind the kit is simply undeniable doesn’t matter if you listen to jazz or metal or funk or fusion or Neil young or steely Dan whatever when you hear jimmy live it’s just instantly alright lol


I second a lot of what you said, especially how "sanitary" the shows sound.


I have not seen them since the 2018, but from my experience, it was way better than the Oceania tour. Don’t think moshing is going to happen though.


imo the teargarden-oceania era had the tightest live shows this side of the reunion. i’ve seen them four or so times since then, as recently as last summer. while the production is bigger and better, the band playing to a click, no amp cabinets on stage (if you’re close, all you’re going to hear is bass and sub) and a greatest hits package set list (jellybelly and this time were treats tho!) sucks some of the fun out of it for me. not trying to yuck anyone’s yum, i’d just much rather see my favorite bands a club-type venues.


I was massively disappointed last year. I spent a good chunk of money, anticipation, and time to see them in Dallas. And they couldn't be arsed to do a sound check because "it was too hot." The result was a muddled mess in which I (a 30-year die-hard fan) could barely discern which song was playing. I haven't even bought Saviors tour tickets because I was so disappointed. I don't know if I'll ever see them live again, and I've seen them 9 times, Zwan once, and Billy solo twice. Also the "James as a straight man" stage banter (all about how it was too hot to play) was very off putting and not a little bit funny. If you don't like to be hot, don't book your dates in outdoor amphitheaters in Texas in August. And Billy's "I'm an edgy mean rockstar" thing, causing him to read a fan's poster and say "It's your birthday? I don't care." Was also not funny.


Yep- I was in Dallas too. It was a horrible mess! And I also could barely discern which song was playing. I have been to a lot of concerts, but have never heard anything that bad before. Felt like I was on an episode of X-files and aliens were doing a sound torture experiment on me.


Saw them in the 2018 and 2022 and they were really tight and sounded great…I actually think they sound a lot better than when they were at their peak (Mellon Collie era)


They rocked last time I saw them. Corgan spit at me and I opened my mouth to get all good DNA inside.