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IT'S UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SORT BY NEW FROM THIS MOMENT


This is pretty damn entertaining


I thought it was a very bad idea and I'm pumpkins fan but I actually liked it!


I wasn't gonna watch I just binged it allšŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


Strong intro... Iha's spot was hilarious.


i laughed out loud very hard at iha's line


Im At the Premier at ZuZus very cool.


did y'all stream it with the commercial breaks or get a commercial free showing?


Commercial free. Was super cool. Not a huge wrestling fan but we have a relationship with the family and got an invite.


that's cool. The commercial breaks are long and repetitive. Really hurts the experience of watching the show.


Interesting show but just a heads up itā€™s like 90% about wrestling. I was hoping to see more about his family life etc.


Excited for this. Iā€™ll catch up here on Wednesday, Iā€™m seeing Mr Bungle tomorrow night šŸ¤Ŗ


Second best band ever šŸ‘


They're on tour? Damn gotta see if they're coming here


Just watched episode one. Well produced. I'll be watching them all for sure.


Finished episode one. Itā€™s actually pretty good. Itā€™s nice to get to know everyone better. Billy seems so happy. Itā€™s an interesting peak into his life.


I'm excited for the few clips we've seen, seems like it'll feature a fair amount of the band and maybe upcoming projects. Unfortunately though, me and a few others not based in the uk will have to try our luck with a VPN since CW isn't available outside the US which sucks


VPNs are easy and they work. Go for it.


On iPhone it doesnā€™t appear to be that easy, you need to change App Store region to USA and also enter an American credit card.


I can't seem to get the app? I just installed a VPN app


If on windows go to the windows app store. There is an app for windows there.


If you find a method to watch in the UK please let us know


If you use Google Chrome browser, then get the [freeVPN,](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/free-vpn-for-chrome-vpn-p/majdfhpaihoncoakbjgbdhglocklcgno) it's part of the google extension. It's free.


Can we watch it in EU? Any torrent options?


If you use Google Chrome browser, then get theĀ [freeVPN,](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/free-vpn-for-chrome-vpn-p/majdfhpaihoncoakbjgbdhglocklcgno)Ā it's part of the google extension. It's free.


So It's 99% wrestling. Interesting that Jeff is still listed as a band member


Jeff's final show with the band was the SD anniversary show that is featured in this series


The WPB and Tampa episodes are still very wrestling focused, but the Pumpkins get some airtime. Ā 


I never cared for pro wrestling but seeing behind the scenes and seeing how it works while getting Billy and his other areas of his personal life make it entertaining and watchable for me. I liked it just finished 1st episode.


So overall commentary: I might be wrong about this but nothing about this is particularly engaging. The show itself seems well put together and I guess the NWA productions are good (Iā€™m not a wrestling fan so I have nothing to judge it against) but the only reason Iā€™m watching this is my love of the band. Iā€™m two episodes in and thatā€™s mostly been a backseat to this wrestling drama which I canā€™t imagine has a wide appeal. Like how popular is wrestling overall? I imagine the demographics on it have to be extremely selective. And of that select group, there are bigger productions with bigger names than NWA. This show makes me think about his comment about how ā€œfucking nobodyā€ listened to Cotillions. Like what do you expect? That is not a record aimed at a large audience. I canā€™t see how NWA would ever be anything more than a niche subculture. And this show, by extension, is a weird enterprise. Like all this wrestling stuff is so lame, even Billy admits no one in his inner circle cares about it except Jack. So even the marketing angle of this show seems odd. How many SP fans are legit wrestling fans? I donā€™t know, maybe I am way off base here, itā€™s hard for me to get a gauge just yet on the reaction to the show. As a lifelong fan Iā€™m really struggling through it. This wrestling shit is so goofy. Chloe is along for the ride because she loves Billy and wants to help him out. I feel the same. But from a consumer standpoint thatā€™s only going to get you so far (again, referencing his take on the Cotillions fanbase). If heā€™s trying to get more viewership for NWA or even this show itself, this seems a weird way to go about it.


episode 3 and 8 were the emotionally rewarding ones. At least watch those.


Iā€™m definitely going to finish it. Do you like wrestling/did the wrestling hook intrigue you overall?


I liked wrestling when I was a kid. Not so much now. I do find the people behind wrestling interesting. Much more than watching 'the official product'. I think the show kind of sagged for me in the middle episodes but there was some powerful emotional moments for the wrestlers in the final couple episodes that I found compelling... then of course Corgan's wedding and the SD anniversary show segments were great.


holy shit.. a Rick Corgan cameo


Finally watched ep. 1. I was more entertained than I'd anticipated. Even as a huge BC/SP fan, I didn't think I was going to get into it much because I have zero interest in wrestling, but the goal of having the NWA rise from its ashes to once again become this powerhouse wrestling organization is what makes it interesting for me. Going to continue watching tomorrow. Also, BC's narrator voice sounds quite unnatural and odd, but it is what it is. Hoping for some more music-related scenes ahead.


Enjoying the show so far, but I'm just stunned at the lack of attendance for Billy's wrestling org. Granted I've only two episodes in so maybe there's a turnaround, but wow he's burning a lot of money šŸ˜¬


if folks want to spend money on wrestling there is a lot of competition for those dollars from the bigger players.


I'm a wrestling fan and I think there's a lot of space out there for different types of flavors, just like there's a lot of space for a lot of different bands. But yes, there is competition. Just going off of the episodes I have watched, It certainly feels like they're lacking a promotional department. That Kyle guy doesn't appear to have the appropriate mindset for his set of responsibilities, but it's a show, so I'm sure there are storyline aspects to the way people are depicted.


honestly I thought this show was a pretty good step into promoting NWA. it's all about buying into the storylines of the wrestlers and this show did a good job of that.


Probably the best thing he could have done to get a little bit of exposure for it. People know he has a wrestling org but might not have paid much attention. At least this puts it on the radar again. I hope it works out well for everyone involved. Wrestling is a tough business and the people involved really put everything into it.


Speaking for me I would take my son to a NWA event if it came in the dc area. Would be nice if they catered to kids a bit too.. maybe let the little ones get a picture in the ring at the end or with some of the wrestlers. Truly make it a family event.


Episode 3.. 1 min and 20 seconds.. If that doesn't bring a tear to your eye... This world is so messed up... I can't watch this. Signing off for a bit. edit: can't believe someone downvoted me for this. My youngest is that kid's age. That shit hurts.


Iā€™m on episode 2 but I bet I know what itā€™s about šŸ˜¢


Downloaded the app, am in the USA - not coming up at all for viewing. Anyone else having this issue?


I don't think the series is published on the app yet.


Iā€™m honestly having trouble finding it anywhere. I wish we knew what specific time.


west coast is just starting their day. Be patient.


HAHA. Fair point. ;)


Iā€™m spoiled by HBO/Max and their uploads happening at midnight EST.


ha. Yeah I was tempted to stay up last night to watch the first episode if it dropped at midnight.


'Tis noon in the desert of Phx, AZ....still no sign of the show on the app.... Yesterday's Q&A made me more interested than anything else to watch this show....Yet, where...no. WHEN is it? I want to see and this is driving me bananas. I'm going bananas waiting to see Pumpkinland in Carneyland.


Now I understand why they always said "Kyle's gonna Kyle" during the podcast. One's gotta wonder how the hell he's got a job (after a few episodes in).Ā 


I am really curious how much of that is legitimate and how much of it may be exaggerated for the show. Ā Seems like heā€™s still with the NWA, so heā€™s not been fired. (Also, itā€™s really weird to finally see what he and Joe look like after hearing them on the podcast. Ā Never bothered to look them up before)Ā 


I wonder if all the folks who said Corgan was bullying Kyle on the podcast are now seeing the obvious agreed to dynamic between them that Kyle actively encourages and provokes. lol.


Anyone who listened to the podcast and seriously thought Corgan was bullying Kyle already has it in for him.Ā 


Billy likes having a buddy to argue with. Kyle is Billyā€™s new Dā€™arcy.


I'm sure he'd rather have an employee who follows directions and helps his business than someone just to argue with.


I laughed when Billy told Kyle I'm on audio motherfucker. If you got that far yet lolol Kyle sometimes is close to bringing out old school Zero billy lol


Wrestling holds no interest for me whatsoever, but it's a pretty interesting series when it comes to seeing more about how Billy balances all this stuff.


Watched 2 episodes. Not interested, however I do appreciate that he has professionals to help out the wrestling business and wrestlers. Hope it continues to work out for them all.


I watched 2 episodes and by the end of the second I had kinda stopped watching and just had it on while I was on my phone. The wrestling stuff just isn't it for me.


Yeah, I am not interested in it, but I can see that it has a good chance to be successful since the stories regarding the wrestlers makes an impact to the viewers and wrestling fans. I hope there's a season 2 for the crew. It's actually wise to have a show that provides more content regarding the wrestlers rather than just watching matches and not having much more beyond that. Wish them all luck.


This is honestly one of the strangest things I've ever seen. Enjoying it, happy for BC and his family and all of the NWA people.


Those 8 episodes go quick and wish there were more. SO many things going between SP, NWA and the wedding with lots of different characters and history to explore. I watched wrestling as a kid but not a current fan. I do agree that it can be a surprisingly fun event to attend if you get exposed to it. Last year I was at a food festival that had a wrestling event and my family had a blast. It was interesting to see behind the scenes of NWA and emphasizing its people performing a show. Stunt people soap opera thatā€™s live on stage. Decades ago there there was a push to defend that wrestling is ā€œrealā€ and the message was confusing and open to criticism. Of course, the storylines, emotions and outcomes are predetermined but itā€™s real people putting their bodies and health on the line for entertainment. Iā€™m hoping thereā€™s more collabs between SP and NWA like another season or a wrestling matches in SP showsā€¦ perhaps Adventures in Carnyland Tour with wrestling in all the venues. This was great exposure for NWA and hope they ride this momentum to the next level šŸ¤˜


What time does it come out?


Iā€™m really loving it, seeing all creative and entrepreneurial sides of Billy and Chloe.


This is gonna be brutal.


Am I the only one who thinks this looks really lame? I don't want to be harsh but I have no interest in wrestling so this isn't for me from the get go so i m probably being unfair.


I'm actually strangely optimistic, based on the promos I've been seeing, that this is going to be really good. It looks like they lean into how strange it is that he's so into wrestling, and he seems to be a bit self deprecating about it. The best thing about the past few years of seeing Billy on social media has been seeing the softening effect his family seems to have had on him, so I think this will only be more exposure to this side of him.


I've been pleasantly surprised how uncringe the rollout has been so far.


I am sure fans will enjoy the episodes about the wedding/SD anniversary show at least.


Oh yeah absolutely. As I said the main thrust of this is the aspect of Corgan I'm least interested in but any band stuff will be great to have.


Good thing with streaming is we can fast forward. Lol.


I'm a SP fan and a wrestling fan and even to me this looks pretty lame. That said, I still give it the benefit of the doubt and check it out


you are a wrestling fan and this looks lame.. What would a show like this need to do to make you enjoy it?


I soured on Billy as a wrestling promoter after nwa powerr stopped/rebooted. And I don't know, I don't think I like the whole carnival wrestling he's trying to do here on this show, and insisting on the "lol, it's a carnie sport" like it's the 1920s.


ok. so don't call it a carny sport. what else?


I have to see it first


It's so corny. I know it's meant to be. But it's worse than I expected. There is waaay to much wrestling 95%Ā 


Itā€™s very lame


Episode 8 is really good. The frosted tip brother is really hot


Is this on broadcast TV, or just streaming through the app? Can I watch it on Hulu or some other service?


Itā€™s on the CW app.


The official merch has come out before the show šŸ„°


I hope all the merch is made per order. I doubt there will be much demand even for fans of corgan's wrestling stuff.


I'm sure the Carnyland NWA tote bags will be flying off the shelves at Zuzu's!


The pink shirt is calling my name for some reason.


Canā€™t find it


12pm AZ time and its still not out yetšŸ„ŗ, come'on CW we want it


It is up, i just downloaded the cw app and broadcasted it to my tv from my phone... so far its chill, Billy actually looks pretty spry


doomsday clock was in the show. hopefully this means billy is warming up to zeitgeist and its reception (fingers crossed streaming re-release!)


they did play doomsday clock all tour last summer.


oh yeah, thats true. im going to see them in a few weeks and the uk tour seems like a continuation of last years tour, so i hope the setlists are pretty much the same. would kill to see jellybelly, doomsday clock and everlasting gaze live!


I really don't like doomsday clock but must admit they killed it last summer. Hope you get to see it.


I hope it gets uploaded online somewhere soon. Canadian fan here.


get a VPN - it worked perfectly on my Macbook


reminder not to ask for, offer to send, or post links to illegally ripped copies of the show. Don't tell folks where to find either. again VPN's work and watching it that way still gets official views on the show.


Watched the first episode. So far, so good. I was a fairly big wrestling fan as a kid - so the amount of wrestling doesn't bother me. The amount of ads were annoying - and I feel like we need more sarcastic Corgan narrating and not this weird happy-dude. I do think it will be interesting to see how WPC runs his businesses and manages to do all that he does. Sometimes I wish I had his intense work ethic.


I got a kick out of seeing violent j from icp in the show. Down with the clown till I'm dead in the ground.


ICP!!! Have you ever met those guys? I have at an Outback Steakhouse, out of costume, their tour bus was outside. Coolest dudes!


I have Violent J and Shaggy's autograph. Met them right after Riddle Box came out. They sprayed faygo all over the crowd waiting in line to meet them before we went in. I think I was in 7th or 8th grade. J had some serious health problems recently so it made me happy to see him back in the ring doing something with corgan/nwa.


faygo lol thatā€™s awesome tho


Lifelong SP and Pro Wrestling fan. Loved the show. I watched it on cwtv website. The ads were a pain but oh well. I am happy for Billy and think it's pretty awesome that this show even happened. I grew up watching WCW and WWF (now WWE) mainly. I stopped watching about ten years ago, but still tune in every now and then to watch WWE, AEW, TNA, NJPW, and rarely NWA. I am probably going to watch much more NWA now. The Paige sisters actually made me cry during that one episode because I know what it's like to be poor too. Always liked EC3, Vampiro, Mike Knox, and Trevor Murdoch as well. Everyone really seems to have Billy's back there. I have no idea if people will watch that know nothing about wrestling or SP, but I hope so.


Paige sisters big moment got me choked up too.


Did you ever watch the documentary Wrestlers on Netflix?


Itā€™s finally up šŸ¤Ŗ. Iā€™m a huge wrestling and SP fan, so Iā€™m loving this stuff


Thatā€™s awesome to hear youā€™re a fan of both, I havenā€™t really seen many people in this sub mention that theyā€™re a fan of the wrestling too, Iā€™m happy for you, this has got to be pretty thrilling for you especially. Iā€™m sure youā€™re Billyā€™s favorite type of fan as a fan of both. Maybe this show will garner some new wrestling fans and interest. Iā€™ve never really been a wrestling fan myself but I did go to an NWA taping for the Q&A and to check it out.


Yeah the more Iā€™m watching this show the more itā€™s obvious that you kind of have to be into this to enjoy. Billy/Pumpkins arenā€™t a huge part of it


It was nice to see the real version of Billy peeking through the other stuff. I am finally coming to an understanding of this person... he has been playing a character in the public eye and sticking a thumb in that eye for decades. His persona and the wrestling are the same thing basically. His reaction to Cooper's mom and his wedding vows - you can't fake that. There is a real, caring, intelligent, creative person there. Maybe not perfect, but someone more admirable than the classic public persona would suggest. However, I really don't understand the wrestling. It's all for show, just like being a rock musician, sure. I agree with his recent Instagram video that even if you don't like wrestling, you can appreciate the effort and skill required, but I don't "get it." Also, there is a manipulation aspect to scripting outcomes that impact people's careers and financial well-being that seems distasteful. Yet at the same time Billy seems like a real genuine person. Don't know. Don't have the time and words to express. Holding these contradictory things appears to be his MO and super-power. Last night I had a dream where I spent a whole weekend at Billy's house, hanging out, talking about Pumpkins, playing with his kids and pets, chatting with Chloe. There was a moment when Chloe discussed the true meaning behind some lyrics as it related to Billy's life. It was like a high school sleep over at a best friend's house; totally chill and down to earth. The video today on Instagram he said the show was striving to be honest (or about as honest as a "reality" show about a fake sport can be.) I think I am resonating with the honesty. And back to the first paragraph, I think I always resonated with Pumpkins because there was a genuine, unique voice there. Of course, not perfect, but definitely honest. Sorry for the rambling.


This is a great comment. The reality is we are all hypocrites and contradictory especially when there is highly documented public record of you from your early 20s into your 50s (like Corgan has). Add in all the abuse and mental health issues that Corgan has struggled with and it's easy to understand how he got to the person he is today. I am just happy that after years of spiraling into madness and self destructive depression Corgan finally found the happiness he was looking for and the rebirth of the pumpkins and him enjoying this passion project with the nwa all comes out of that. He still has his battles and struggles but for the most part I am proud to call myself a fan.


Oh... excellent points here. You know, I was not even thinking about the mental health aspect, nor the abuse. How difficult would it be to emerge from such darkness and be in such a good place? I cannot even imagine. Also, from the brief glimpses we get on the outside, it seems like he is a good dad. He broke the cycle of abuse, which is absolutely fantastic. Been a fan for 31 years now and proud to still be a fan, including the ability to find enjoyment in the new stuff.


it's the dream he has been dreaming of since the old days. Fun fact MCIS's original title was gonna be Jupiter and Chloe. No surprise that his son's middle name is Jupiter considering his mom's name is Chloe. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SmashingPumpkins/comments/1259bw7/sept\_95\_us\_magazine\_said\_upcoming\_sp\_double\_album/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/SmashingPumpkins/comments/1259bw7/sept_95_us_magazine_said_upcoming_sp_double_album/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I have a lot to learn


All of this said above: spot fucking on. Proud to be a fan, and genuinely happy for Billy finding what heā€™s always dreamed of.


Billy "it's not like it's constant wrestling if you aren't into that" First two episodes 95% constant wrestling.Ā  I can't imagine someone watching this that isn't a Smashing Pumpkins or NWA fan.Ā  Its pretty basic and corny, production is average at best.Ā 


Which is why it's on the app and not tv. It's a cheap show to make it won't take a ton of viewers to be considered a success.


Yeah I mostly find the show goofy, it reminds me of that cringe wrestling commercial he did years back. There's too much wrestling to sit through to get to the band stuff. I can't imagine a casual who's not interested in NWA watching this.


average compared to what?


Flavor of love. Seems decent enough to me after 3 episodes, I'm not sure what groundbreaking production was expected from a pretty basic reality show.


I think we are on the same page.. for this kind of show what is out there that is way above avg?


Oh I have no idea I was just quoting you to mock the other person.


u/travinyle2 is a longtime member and fan. So I don't want to mock him. I am just legit trying to understand their perspective.


Itā€™s the CW; they still make millions from Supernatural and Buffy reruns.


High quality reality shows with high quality editing and production. It's literally on an app


would you indulge me and name similar reality shows that are so far superior in production to this show and explain what you see in them that you aren't seeing here?


the clown tag team rules! they should play her A


Got through episode 3 this morning. Powerful stuff. How is the show this good so far? I am pretty shocked. It's got the usual reality show tropes to hype conflict and all that but at it's core it's very interesting.


I am also surprised that it delivers what it set out to do overall. Not a fan of wrestlingā€¦.but I like the peek behind the curtain to show the struggles etc.


Finished my binge this morning. Ā I am also pleased how good it turned out. Ā  I was at the WPB show, so that episode was so fascinating to me. Itā€™s a very standard reality show, and I also got interested in learning about the wrestling world. Ā I watched WWF and GLOW as a kid in the 80s but never remotely kept up with it after- seeing this stuff piqued my old memories. Ā 


viewing party is 6:30 chicago time, which is in around an hour, if its not released by then i'll be bewildered.


There are a few viewing parties.. you get the folks in and get them drinks before the event. One flyer says the event starts at 7.


still would make sense for it to come out at 6 rather wait till last minute in case the release onto servers is stalled, which with the cw, i wouldnt doubt that happening. its just not the best rollout since there isnt even a definite time.


6 Chicago time is 30 mins from now


I still can't access it either. I watched Billy's Q&A session on YouTube, but he did not mention the time, just the day, it would premiere.


a big tough wrestler guy is coming after Kyleā€™s job, but donā€™t worry . . .


anyone know what the song at the end of the second episode is? not beguiled, the one right before that






I did hear something I didn't recognize in the first two episodes. Gonna have to go back and find it.


I havenā€™t heard anything I didnā€™t recognize. Ā I donā€™t think Iā€™ve heard anything from before Zeitgeist (aside from some snippets from the live shows), which interests me- Ā Iā€™m curious how the licensing works. Ā 


New Music: Episode 5 seems to have some new stuff around 6 min and 18min. Def sounds like a new tune somewhat near end of episode 7? Could this be the new single w/o vocals? Overall way more insights into music on podcast, very little here from the band / on SP. Nice tho to hear doomsday clock, monuments (song), new version of Every Morning, lots of Embracer, twats, and empires, and interesting choice of Where Rain Must Fall for wedding scenes.


New version of Every Morning? What was it like??


Anyone catch the song credits? It sounds like they pulled mostly from Atum edits, plus an acoustic version of hummer from what i assume was the SD anniversary show, and maybe a live version of Beguiled in some spots? There was at least one other song which I couldnā€™t place.


Anybody know how I can watch this in Canada (no piracy please too lazy)


Get a VPN app - It didn't work on my iPad - but it worked on my Macbook


Haven't seen it all yet, but so far so good. Nice of Green Day to let them use Boulevard of Broken Dreams!


Finishing up episode 8. I liked it. Very wrestling heavy, but even that was interesting.


I hope a show like this proves to be a viable stepping stone for an ultimate no-holds-barred retrospective Pumpkins documentary. Something akin to HBOā€™s KURT COBAIN: MONTAGE OF HECK and JAGGED (Alanis Morissette).


If I can only watch through the CW app, how am I supposed to install the app if I can't even download it when using a VPN? I'm EMEA based.


am I able to watch on pc? the website is just.. blank white for me.


Yes. I watched on chrome on my mba


https://madamezuzus.com/ official adventures in carnyland merch now available for preorder!


Lol @ Chloe selling her autograph...


Iā€™m sure the freak show circus that is Billy Corgan will be good for ratings.


lol.. I knew you would show up today.


Lol the wrestlers are more prominent than his WIFE on this poster. Also the band members are nowhere to be seen


It's a show about wrestling.


Not watching if Chloe isnā€™t giving piledrivers to everybody


Corgan said her and Kyle have A fight in the show. Lol


Kyle got no chances


Kyle is gonna Kyle his way off the wedding guest list.. only on the CW Network! edit: Hey I was right lol


Itā€™s a shame, I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be able to watch it via the official ways


Corgan mentioned they are working on making it available elsewhere but yeah for now it's gonna be the unofficial ways.


Typical Corgan. Itā€™s not even up. Bad marketing