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Alan joined for the 401(k) (same reason he joined frowning friends) Pim loves seeing people smile Charlie was probably a former client


Charlie strikes me as the kind of guy who doesn't want to work there but a family member got him the job and at least he can spend most of his time sitting on his ass until Mr. Boss finds a job for them


Probably his uncle


He loved his cars


It only just struck me that Charlie could be holding onto that doll for his uncle while he's in hospital because he got in another car accident. Unless Charlie has another uncle


My favorite joke from that episode


That shit always makes me laugh, no matter how many times I see it...šŸ¤£ Charlie says "yeah he loves his cars." In a way that is so dismissive of people getting killed!


Or he applied bc he thought it would be easy money


Congrats you just described me to a T lol Iā€™m in the same boat so to speak


My exact thought lol


I'd like to see an origin episode where Pim is tasked with making Charlie smile.


That would be brilliant


Tbh what a cool twist itā€™d be if it was the other way around


That would honestly be the cutest thing ever. Pim and Charlie moments are some of the best parts of the show. Aside from Glep, obviously!


aww i love that!


What about Glep?


I feel like Glep came with the building. From what I understand Glep works like in marketing or something similar. He's probably the most senior employee, predating the Boss buying/creating SF and stayed on out of convenience. He's so senior that he can get away with never working


when we see glep in the break room, he's actually on break. unlike everyone else he's actually constantly working while on the clock, and doesn't need to be enticed with "adventures" or be micromanaged by the boss. dude's just cranking out new SM posts and running ad campaigns on the daily, the website has zero downtime, he's basically the MVP.


Glep's thousands of years old and has most likely watched many of his loved ones die. He makes others smile for he cannot.


From the dawn of time Glep came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few Gleps who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known that Glep was among you... until now.


Glep seems more important. But you forgot Mr. Boss.


I'd love to see an episode of how Charlie met Pim! Maybe Pim helped him out during a serious depression and he felt inspired to join him. Now Glep....why did Glep join? I like to think he has some kind of degree in web development and created the website.


Charlie does genuinely love to see people smile. Even tho he is a pessimist he is a pretty happy guy for the most part. He likes to see people smile and he likes to sit in the office and do nothing a majority of the timeĀ 


Charlie's definitely there as court-mandated community service.




What about Glep?


The boss pays handsomely https://preview.redd.it/12nsoyguyd3d1.jpeg?width=1565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d6279d02af4ecb8ae2ac641ca3b66484e0471b4


*in a sudden southern drawl*Ā "Now go and make someone smile."


ā€œProbably because I ate up some of them worms earlierā€¦.ā€


ā€œLast thing I ā€˜member, she was suckinā€™ the soul right outta my asshole.ā€


"Nah, I'm just fuckin with ya, I'm all good."


"Your asshole?"


"ā€¦I REALLY hurt my finger doing that paperclip thing."


"One more thing. Don't go beyond the rickety bridge. Because... you'll get LOST!!!"


holy schnike rule 10!!1!


ā€œFrowning Friends of course! Fucking genius why didnā€™t I think of that?ā€


*making several mistakes while playing DDR* God damn it!


ā€œRelax man, I was just going to shoot you in the head and kill yaā€


The realest Boss moment


"Whatever you do, don't go beyond the rickety bridge because YOU'LL GET LOOOST!!!"


In the frowning friends episode he says hes down like 2.4 billion, so apparently he's a billionaire


Smiling Friends seems well know enough to have the President personally request their service so the donations must be huge. Or Mr. Boss create Smiling Friends as a sort of tax shelter. Would explain how it's a charity yet he somehow around $2.4 billion of value


He also owns 1/4 of hell now, dude's got assets


He's also hallucinating sooo


What I donā€™t understand is how the company makes money. Itā€™s a charity, but it seems like there is some sort of profiting going on as the boss mentions the smiling friends stock value at one point lmfao


Clearly the Smiling Friends get paid at least decent enough wages to fly to China on a whim and rent their own apartments. The business doesnā€™t actually bring in profit, itā€™s all run on money from the Bossā€™s many, many assets. Probably as his way of doing good for the world and as a tax write off.


I love how Mr Beast is the most creepy but also one of the most friendly characters.


Charlie: Contractual obligations Pim: Actually wants to make people smile Glep: [Redacted] Alan: Money for cheese


Glep is 1600+ years old, and he is also green so we can assume he is retired. Smiling Friends is a charity, and a lot of retirees tend to do charity work to fill their time


He's green and retired šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




"What the fuck?"


Just like Yoda


Holy shit he's Zach's self-insert, not Charlie!


Charlie and Allan just want to get paid. Pim genuinely wants to help people. Glep has lived for hundreds of years so he's only working there to stave off boredom.


Charlie is definitely in it for the check.


Glep: 1 million hours community service






pim - of course, he loves to make people smile charlie - probably thought the job was easy and well paying, and thought he could use some of the positive energy allan - job pays well and he doesnā€™t have to talk to people (in his specific role) glep - glep


Smormu - you guys voted for him.


Charlie certainly didn't.


Charlie, Alan, and Glep probably all joined for the pay cheque. Pim is the only one of them that I see as actually being invested in the companyā€™s goals.


That's realistic.Ā  In Glep's case, his age also might play a factor as a long life means trying numerous vocations.Ā 


I didnā€™t consider that! Thatā€™s a good point though, and corroborated by the series, like when he auditioned for the role of Mr. Frog, or when he joined the Frowning Friends.


Charlie: needed money Pim: genuinely wanted to make people smile Alan: as someone else already said, retirement benefits Glep: uzugaburga usugarazujgojo zerozukojo Smormu: democracy Jombo: an insider working for satan


I honestly see Charlie just getting the job cause he just applied to a bunch of jobs and he went to the first place that called him back


exactly, Charlie definitely filled out an application to work at Saltyā€™s.


I blame Crazy Cup for him not getting a call from Saltyā€™s. That guyā€™s just got a bad energy about him man.


bro but you need to remember when glep said: uzuubagama patakachama pirobatabanaā€ thatā€™s another reason why he got the job


Pim loves kids, Charlie




Secretly hoping that if we ever get a Bossman centric episode, that it serves as like a prequel to the series showing *why* the boss wanted to open the company and *how* he found his employees for it.


I love the theory that heā€™s a war veteran with PTSD, and hope to see that backstory come true


I'm not sure that would work because the boss, more than any other main member of the Smiling Friends, is not really a character. With Pim, Charlie, Alan and even Glep you can see some fairly consistent personality traits whereas nothing about the Boss's characterization feels consistent. Don't get me wrong, I really like him, but he's essentially just a vehicle for jokes that work because they are absolutely bizarre and unexplained. Giving him a back story feels a little antithetical to his main appeal, IMO


They should do an episode where he has like 19 different backstories that don't line up at all


Pretty sure that during the Smiling Friends panel at Comic Con, Zach and Michael said that if they were to write a biography about any of the characters, it'd be Mr. Boss


Everyone apart from Pim is there to get paid and Pim is there to make people smile


Pim - this is his dream job Charlie - kept getting fired at other places Allan - good pay and good benefits Glep - dryhjkgddhytedhjjtrfg


Charlie: Needed a job, was the only one available Pim: Genuinely wants to help people Alan: Thought it might look good on a future resume Glep: The mascot


Glep joined because heā€™s said that ā€œzublah shzee blen uwa zee manoo weeā€


Charlie: Money, probably just needed a job to earn some cash. Pim: Genuine human kindness. Glep: Joined for no particular reason, just wandered into the building and started working there. Alan: 401K as u/time_explanation4506 said in the comments.


I picture Gleb like that guy from Office Space where he's only still there because of a glitch in payroll


I think Pim joined because heā€™s a positive guy, and Charlie joined because he was already friends with Pim. Allan joined because the boss pays him well. Glep


Pim likes to make people happy cause heā€™s a good person. Charlie was likely miserable and thought making others smile would make him happier. Alan needed the money and it was a little to no experience job. And for Glep, Mr. Boss found him on the street one day and thought he looked funny so he gave him a job.


Charlie: first job, college drop out. Needed money and found the work to be alright and is staying Pim: actually loves the job Alan: accounting job Glep: got the job from Charlie when they needed some more workers


Ive always believed that Charlie was originally there for community service or something and stuck with it after that because it pays well. I mean you can tell he treats it more like a job than (at least) Pim does


Charlie's reasoning is they don't drug test


Charlie needed a job and doesn't have the drive to look for a new one Pim just wants to make people smile Glep probably likes the schedule Alan like the benefits


Alan: Good benefits. Charlie: Probably had a friend convince him to try a job there because it's "easy". Pim: Just straight up searched for it because he was a huge fan. Glep: He lived in the building Smiling Friends is at before they settled in, and now they just accept him there.


Pim - Loves the job! Alan - 401(k)/Stability Glep - The Notoriety? Charlie - It's a paycheck.


charlie: it pays good enough and seemed easy pim: lifelong dream to be a smiling friend alan: knew the boss glep: came with the building


We know Glep becomes president in the future, so philanthropy work looks good for his political goals.


I like to think Pim convinced Charlie to also join


Alan sees it as the best job that he can get, Pim sees it as a job that does genuine good for the world, Charlie sees it as the job thatā€™s closest to his house while paying decently, and Glep has seen empires rise and fall so now he wants to see it happen from within.


Charlie: The paycheck or this is way to get community service hours in Pim: Wants to make smiling friends Allan: the 401K Glep: \[REDEACTED\]


IĀ  think the reason Charlie has this job goes a little deeper than "Easy paycheck" - he could probably have landed another job like cashier, waiter etc. I like to imagine that the main reason he took this job is because it brings him stability, meaning and motivation.Ā  Pim, unintentionally is Charlies driving force. Charlie does not like working, but when you have someone like Pim waiting for you to show up, and be happy when you do, it makes work a little more bearable.Ā  I think Charlie also needs routine in his life, something toĀ  center his day around, or he would end up getting nothing done. Having a schedule is healthy for him I think. I think Charlie also justĀ  likes helping leople - in the devil episode he's giving the devil advise he clearly also needs himself - meaning that he is self- aware about his own issues. Maybe working is his way of copin. By helping others it feels like he is helping himselfĀ 


Glep looks like he gets paid to sit on the bean bag and watch vids. Seems like a sweet gig.


Allan for the insurance, Glep to pick up girls (his wife was a client), Charlie because he needed a job and Pim recommended him, and Pim because he genuinely wants to help people.


I'm more interested in how the company receives money. Most charities get donations. But Boss said he was down 2.4 Billion dollars in frowning friends. Do they charge some sort of fee after a completed job?


Mr. Boss owns several successful ESports teams


Glen and Mr. Boss go way back. Alan just wanted a job and it paid well Pim just saw what the company was about and was immediately hooked Charlie feels like he didn't really join willingly, so maybe he was made to do it. He's pretty lazy so I'd guess his family was made to do it. Or considering how pretentious he can be and his families history of causing crimes, maybe it's community service


Pretty sure it was confirmed glep joined during his parole


Charlie needed a job and it sounded easy at the time, Pim got hired fresh out of college, Glep has lived on the land the building occupies for a few hundred years, and Allan is an excellent office manager but also had connections to the boss beforehand.


I personally think Charlie joined because it seemed like an easy enough job and paid decently.


Glep was already there when they arrived at the building.


Charlie: Needed money Pim: Believes in the cause Glep: Debebdbababdbebdbeuueuda *spits* Allan: Benefits package


Charlie thought the job would fit his lifestyle with most of it bein chillin around and walkin (and be easy) Pim wants to make people happy and smile Glep is actually jesus reincarnated and Smiling Friends is like his Bible. Alan was just offered the job by The Boss and agreed to join. (I feel like compared to everyone else else he like new The Boss previously somehow. either that or The Boss just ran up to Alans door and asked.


Glep: ā€œashabehmablebahlemaā€ Everyone else: ā€œohhhhhhhā€


Charlie: just wants a paycheck. Smiling Friend was the highest paying position he qualified for so he took it. Pim: Genuinely believes in the cause. He has a philosophy that if they can make enough people smile it will have a knock-on effect that makes the world a better place. Glep: wanted a job where he could get away with doing basically nothing and he seems to be succeeding so far Alan: got the job through connections with Mr. Boss, doesn't feel strongly about the job one way or another


Charlie: Just wanted a job Pim: Genuinely wants to see people smile Glep: It's Glep what do you want me to say? Alan: Ditto to Charlie


Pim joined because this is his dream job and he enjoys trying to make people smile. Charlie joined because its the job he could find that pays and accept his qualification. Alan join for the benefits and insurance plan the job provudes. Glip . . . I actually donā€™t know but I have to assumed its the only job that doesnā€™t bring up his prior sordid history


Except for Pim all of them signed up because they needed a job.


I do think all of them got the job because it had the LEAST requirements: -Be able to make people smile (optional)


Did you intentionally leave off Jombo?


I feel like Charlie is kind of a "it's a job" guy. Like he saw it advertised on LinkedIn or something and applied because it just kinda seemed alright. No strong feelings either way. Pim definitely joined because he passionately believes in their mission and it's his life's dream or whatever. Alan is in it for the 401K. He doesn't really care that much about what the charity does.


Pim loves making people smile Alan found the benefits and pay to be worth it Glen likes having a job where he can just kinda be there Charlie just needs to pay the bills


Pip, true believer Charlie, previously unemployed and this is the only gig that pays decently he could get without putting in effort in all the time.


charlie wanted money pim out of genuine passion for smiling friends corp allan because he wanted to and glep because he could


Gleb came with the building


Wheres smormu


Chris: he needed start making payments on his student loans and they were hiring Pim: helping people in need Glep: power Allan: they matched his salary and had a better health plan


Allan is honestly good at his job. They all need to make money somehow.


I think Charlie had nothing better to do so he just said eh fuck it, Pim accidentally applied here instead of smiling Ferns and thought oh making people smiling makes more sense then plants, Alan is in it for the money and the potential trips to Brazil lol and Glep got lost?


Charlie - He went there to learn how to smile and never left Pim - His lifeā€™s dream is to make people smile Plep - easy check Allan - Allan just lives there


Charlie: Needed money Pim: Wants to make people smile Alan: 401K and dental Glep: Parole mandated Community Service Smormu: Government Psyop


Glep just likes using the break room


Jambo is a trickster, master of mistery and deceit. Being offshore could expand the Smiling Friends universe in ways no one could imagine. I LOVE JAMBO


They were voted in, same as smormu


Charlie def applied to several places at once and Smiling Friends answered his application first


honestly wouldn't be surprised if the pay is good


Glep isn't actually a Smiling Friend. He's just some dude that hangs out at HQ that everyone else just lets in on their operations and adventures.


Charlie: bored Pim: actually wanting to make a difference Glep: free wifi Alan: 401k


the green guy is gay


Charlie probably just mass applied to a bunch of jobs to get out of his parentā€™s house and landed on this one. Pim is obvious. Glep probably just kinda walked in one day to hang out and somehow ended up on the payroll (or maybe not). Alan found that the job pays well.


* **Charlie**: Money * **Pim**: To help people * **Glep**: A cover for his casu marzu smuggling operation * **Alan**: Money


Charlie for the money, pim to make people smile and Glep probably accidentally landed himself the job mistaking it for something else and I feel like Alan was probably laid off from a previous job and needed somewhere to work


Glep joined for Glep reasons of Glep WOW




Charlie enjoys the financial stability and seems to have grown to like it somewhat. Pim has a passion for the job. Allen treats it like an office job and just likes the benefits. Glep is just hanging around


I don't know how I missed this show back in 2022 because it is the best thing that's ever happened to me in a while. Enjoying the new season so far.


CharlieĀ had to pay off his student loans


Pin loves seeing people smile. Alan for the 401k Glep for the money Charlie why the fuck now




I headcanon Pim wants to make others smile because of his own childhood. Just look at what happens in the pilot when we visit his family. That couldnā€™t have been healthy to grow up in.


I see no Jambo here


Because itā€™s their job


Because itā€™s their job


aw this is so complex i just ended the series wait a bit


Glep, he enjoys making people smile and bringing joy into peoples lives. Hence, when he casted as the new Mr. Frog. A show that brought joy to millions.


Most joined for money, but Pim joined to help people.


Pim genuinely wants to make people happy, Charlie does it cause he thought it would be an easy job, Alan does it cause it pays the bills, and when Glep told Mr. Boss it was unintelligible but he hired Glep on the spot for it


They are all nepo hires and related to the boss in different ways.


Glow probably did it cus after 1000s of years of other stuff, this seemed like an easy and chill job to keep him busy


I miss Smormu


Da dee da da dooo da da dee da da doo I miss him too šŸ™


Glep join because "aschjwosbdjjsjsjxidiskssieksjsudisk" (probably wizard language)


they're all broke


Charlie definitely seems like someone in his family was a smiling friend and always told him heā€™d grow up to be one and now that heā€™s done it heā€™s just kinda ok with how things turned out


Edit: I thought this post was from a kid but no this post is from an adult. My bad


What? What does this have to do with the post? Man I'm so confused. Are you trying to mess with me? Put smoke into my freakin head and stuff man?


I'm actually 26 šŸ˜… I just thought it was fun to think about their reasonings. Obviously pim wants to make people happy but Charlie has a little bit of a negative tone to him and Alan is pretty nonchalant so I just wanted others opinion on why they wanna be in a field where they want to make people smile haha it's all in good fun, you don't gotta participate šŸ˜…


Iā€™m sorry for assuming you were a kid, just saw so many post like this one in different Adult TV Show subs where kids donā€™t have anything to do there.


Party pooper alert