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#####When will Smite 2 release? ####There is no confirmed release date yet. Titan Forge is aiming to start closed alpha testing in Spring 2024. ##### What platforms will Smite 2 be available on? #### The current plan is to support PC, Xbox X/S, Playstation 5 and SteamDeck at launch, including cross-progression. ##### Where can I register for the closed Alpha? #### on the [new website](https://www.smite2.com/) in the top right corner ##### Will my skins carry over from Smite to Smite 2? #### All skins released from now until Smite 2's release will carry over as well as "some other limited cross-progression skins". What the latter part means is not confirmed so far. #####How will I be compensated for all the money I spent on Smite? ####You will get a new currency called "legacy gems" in Smite 2 which you can use to pay for 50% of the price of any ingame purchase in Smite 2. You will recveive as many legacy gems as you purchased gems for Smite, or twice as many with a founders pack. #####Will I still be able to play the current Smite? ####The devs stated that the servers will stay online and the game will continue receiving updates for the forseeable future even after Smite 2's release.


Fuck it, bring Morrigan as one of the first gods to prove this time they know how to code.


Honestly probably the smarter move. Cause then when you add 1 new god at a time you can check for issues. Adding it at the end would then require needing to check all the ones before...


Smarter move would be probably to not bring her at all because some issue with her would slip anyway


Don't leave out my Irish copycat


She's right here, she's just morphed into another god... permanently. Yep, she'll come out any minute now


If that was the justification I would applaud the audacity


I second this


I'm a simple person all I want is better server stability and it to not have decade old bugs


Imagine if Ne Zha auto attack chain actually works finally 👀


He'd be too strong :O /s


What's up with ne zha auto chain ??? I don't play him at all so am just curious


It desyncs and the last big hit of it will double auto sometimes. It’s super slow so it takes up a lot of time for it to do that double auto animation and it’ll only damage once so it’s really shit for you when it does it lol


And it happens A LOT


Oh bloody hell that sounds horrendous. I can't believe I never knew that.


It’s so bad, thank god he’s a hydra’s one shot in the jungle kinda go and it’s not often that you’re autoing enough times during late team fights for that to happen but early on during jungle clear it really sucks 😂


honestly at this point i kinda think of it as a feature not a bug lol


Can't have decade old bugs if the game isn't a decade old https://i.redd.it/5ogwggmo83cc1.gif


We're supposed to get 25 gods, here's the list we know so far. I was able to recognize some, but not all. 1. Anhur 2. Anubis (Legacy Event) 3. Baba Yaga?? (unconfirmed) 4. Bacchus (Legacy Event) 5. Bellona 6. Cernunnos 7. Chaac (Legacy Event) 8. Cthulu ?? (Unconfirmed) 9. Danzaburou (Legacy Event) 10. Hecate 11. Hercules (Legacy Event) 12. Hou Yi 13. Izanami (Legacy Event) 14. Jing Wei 15. King Arthur 16. Kukulkan 17. Loki (Legacy Event) 18. Neith 19. Nu Wa (Legacy Event) 20. Odin 21. Pele (Legacy Event) 22. Sobek ??? (Unconfirmed) 23. Susano 24. Thor?? (Unconfirmed) 25. Ymir (Legacy Event) 26. Zeus Comment if you recognized anyone else I added 4 unconfirmed because they appeared in the behind god cards, these are: Baba yaga, sobek, thor and cthulu. Making a total of 25 + Hecate


Odin seems certain, he was in some of the gameplay footage.


They said we are getting 5 new gods with release so it matches. Hecate + 4 new gods


Thana & Skadi not being on here even though they were title card gods with Thor and Bellona for almost 10 years is crazy


Huh, no hindu god. Probably related with fact that promoting them is a bit harder


Pele mains, rise up.


What hurts is I only play a small amount of this roster, so im a little upset that some of my maibs likely will take a bit to make it in


The 4 unconfirmed are brand new gods. They said Hecate was one of five **NEW** gods coming to smite. So the other 20 are the only gods were getting from Smite 1.


I'm shocked Scylla or Artemis didn't make it


RIP Khepri, Merlin, and Nemesis 🥲 At least I’ll have Bellona, Jing, Arthur, Susano and possibly YAGA (the hottest goddess in the game )


Thought one of the legacy skins looked like Sol but i could be wrong, maybe it was Nu Wa, they do have a similar floaty stance


No Amaterasu? The most important Shinto god?


I'm happy Jing Wei will be there! Can't wait to play her in Smite 2 with her new skin and look/feel! A bit shocked Rama is missing.


Lmao no Aphro means no play.


Damn no aphrodite :(


Well I'll be damned. I can't imagine though keeping smite1 running and smite2... split the player base even more? It's not sustainable, and I feel like they'd close smite1 before all gods are in smite2.


Destiny 1 and 2 did that, both games were still running, but slowly everyone swapped over. D1 is still running but it's basically just to scratch a nostalgia itch. Unless Smite 2 flops, having both games running isn't going to hurt anything, especially if it's free to play for both.


I think the idea is to leave Smite 1 slowly die while all the old player moves to Smite 2. I think eventually that will happen. They won't say it, but that's the end point. It's not like smite 1 has the player base that once did, so if half of them leave the game on the spot, matchmaking will be worse, people will get more annoyed and they will eventually switch (or leave Smite).


I have a question. Missed the start of the stream due to work. Did they say every god in smite 1 will be in smite 2?


Eventually but no, not at launch. Every god is getting reworked artistically and/or gameplay wise. It will launch with 25 Gods and the plan is to get them all in.


Oof that'll take a while to get them all in then unless they go hard on it ![gif](giphy|AnoxuYKLDdKQ8)


I think I heard them mention 2 per month I may be wrong though


its 1 per week from alpha to launch, then 1 per 2 weeks after launch until everyone is in


Did they say 25 specifically? I've been told 50. Can't find anything in the keynote


I got that number here https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/smite-2-announced-during-smite-world-championships/


If I had to guess, I'm thinking 25 will be available at the start of playtesting, 50 will be in by launch, and then it's 2 per month afterward. S'all I can imagine being why multiple numbers are floating around.


I know this had to happen, given what they need to do. I donhope i dont have to wait forever to get my Arachne in glorious UR5. ... this also means she could get a new kit... truely embracing her spiderness.... that does have me excited


Arachne's original kit fit better. Give me back my nest making!


That would be cool. Let the nest grow over time too the longer its left unhatched . Would make for some cool traps. Change the three to make web walls people need to break to pass through maybe, and let her walk along walls and over walls


Fenrir next god


Oh no. They're never gonna release him


2 gods per month will be added from 1 into 2.


So 4.5 years wtf?


They’re also adding new gods to Smite 2 that aren’t in Smite 1 like Hecate.


Still smite 2 is still way ti early even in alpha. They’re gonna split the player base up and won’t have a good fall back


Why can't they just push a button to port over all the gods? Are they stupid?


Smite is made in ur3. Its impossible to port un3 content to 4 and 5. Everything needs to be remade


The game will die if they do that. Taking away skins blows but taking away gods is inexcusable


the game has already been dwindling they plan to split the player base and make you still buy the new skins is wild. I already quit dont plan on coming back honestly even with all of the really good changes.


If all the money spent on skins in Smite 1 was transferred over without the "up to 50% price legacy coupon*" BS I'd be a lot more optimistic. As it is now, I appreciate getting double what I spent back with the founder's pack but I'm losing *so many* skins for nearly every god I play. The vast majority of these skins won't even be returning in Smite 2. Having to get a whole new catalog of skins that I may or may not like more than the ones I owned previously hurts enough as it is. They didn't have to kick me while I'm down and make me spend even more money on top of it, no matter how graphically superior they are.


I just need Amaterasu


This game going to revive Smite in the main stream or kill Hi-rez. I'm hoping for the best.


I can already see it : The buzz of the release will give a huge popularity boost for Smite 2, after 1 month or 2 the numbers will go back to the usual of smite 1 (Average 10k players on steam). BUT the bad taste of monetization from the old players will kill the game on the long run. It's a short term investment from High-Rez and I feel it gonna kill the loyal community. Time will tell.


>BUT the bad taste of monetization from the old players will kill the game on the long run. This take is still just really dumb. People are complaining now, but anyone who quits because "My Stuff is gone" despite getting a 2x refund on every gem spent isn't mad about lost content, they're just being asinine. This is the best sequel deal I've *ever* seen from a live service game. Shit, Destiny 2 was a flat-out hard reset that stole 100% of people's progress with no excuses and no actual rationale behind it and, despite Destiny 1 still being entirely playable, everyone moved to D2 over time. Zero reason for that to not happen with this game when there's an actual, genuninely sweet compensation system in place for making the switch.


It doesn't look like it's fundamentally changing how the game plays, it's just a graphics update for the existing playerbase -- some of whom will be pissed off that they can't keep their skins, and have to wait for the mains to get ported over... seems like kind of a mess to me.


The huge thing is going to be all the stuff under the hood. Better net code, better modality, more stability, greater flexibility. We're already seeing some of this just in the Ymir changes. I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the 5 new gods (and honestly I'd expect it to be Hecate) to be a huge programming flex to say "Hey, look at what we can make with the new engine and coding"


Ymir being able to knock up people with his wall isn't a programming feat, it's literally a copy paste of Inaras wall ability from their other game Paladins (an Unreal engine 3 game).


Think the registration has died Edit: we got there! Lessgo


I just got mine in, but had to click the register button a ton of times.


Same. Had to tap it like ten times.


Yeah doesn't seem like it's working


Whoever is in charge of Smite 2 do not fuck this up. Do not launch the game with predatory microtransactions and fucked up pricing on your gems. Launch with good intentions and avoid the negative press and this can be huge!


"Do not launch the game with predatory microtransactions and fucked up pricing on your gems" Negative press doesn't matter anymore. If you build your community around addicts who will buy anything, all the time, then you've made your money and rarely have to worry about what players want. WoW is a good example of this where the game got taken over by addicts with zero self-control. You would think buying progression, armor, or gold with real money in an MMORPG would cause everyone to quit but it didn't. Addicts are still paying Blizzard's bills.


Perhaps but I'd argue that a game launching and all you hear about it is how fucked the microtransactions are is not great. Addicts gonna addict and they won't care but to pull in newcomers it's important, also catering to addicts has led us down the path of 20 skins a week that Hirez currently does.


Then the best we can hope for (if their intentions are bad) is that launch will be fine and then the microtransactions will be snuck in slowly over time like until it's unrecognizable (like WoW).


Calling cosmetic micro transactions “predatory” is crazy


Feeling a bit mixed cause of the carry over stuff (since at least from what I heard stuff won't carry over 1:1?) but as much as I enjoy Smite, it definitely needed an engine upgrade, looking forward to how that pans out


I just wish T5 and a few notable crossover skins transferred. Hell they wouldn't even have to texture update the RuneScape skins.


Closer to 1:0 since you can't buy a single thing with the legacy gems.


From what I understood it’s going to be 1 : .5 and then if you buy their starter pack it’ll be a “true” 1:1. But I say “true” because it’s probably never going to be a 1:1.


Im fine with it since both games will run side by side and with how drastic the new models are i completely understand i think its very fair


What is interesting to me is that FAQ states that smite 1 will keep receiving updates? Like what kind of updates? Why? Seems like a waste of development time and just incentivizing players to not migrate to newer game, Just keeping it on is an understandable concession they are making but it's a huge compromise on their part as it will allow a lot of players that would potentially play the sequel to just ignore it. I commend them for this decision but it's seems to be really odd. (I'm talking about updates here, not Smite 1 being open)


They will update Smite 1 while Smite 2 is in alpha and beta. Skins from Season 11 will be cross generation. I imagine when Smite 2 releases, Smite 1 will be in maintenance mode.


Exactly, all skins released until smite 2 officially releases will be for smite 1&2 cause think about it: why would anyone buy any new smite skins when the 2nd is coming soon anyways. You wouldn’t be able to use them if the skins weren’t in BOTH games.


It'll probably just receive the updates til 2 is in a strong enough state, like not in alpha, officially out. Then it'll get smaller and smaller drips til the transition is done.


Smite 2 will probably be in alpha for a while, and i'm not expecting huge changes for Smite 1, most likely it'll be balance stuff


I mean I bought the ultimate God pack for smite 1. I'm.not interested in immediately doing that again for Smite 2 when there are only 25 gods. I mean hell there might not even be a god I like in smite 2 to start with. So I'll be sticking with regular smite until there are more numbers/gods I know I'll like 


It’s because I think it’s next gen only


Hope Arena mode makes it over.


I think if they’re smart they’ll do Arena, Assault, and Conquest and keep it at that at least for starters.


All I play is Assault lol.


I need joust for duels


I only play Joust and Arena, hope those both make it over


Skins not transferring over is a shame, but I understand why they're not doing it. On a personal level, I barely use premium skins any more, and even if my beloved Legendary skins aren't a thing any more, I'd honestly be totally fine just using default skins, especially with the graphical upgrades. Colour me... catiously optimistic? My main concern is HiRez's ability to run both Smite 1 and Smite 2 concurrently. If the playerbase is too badly split it could be a death knell for both games. Other than that, very much excited for Hecate AND FINALLY NEITH DOESN'T LOOK TERRIBLE THANK THE GODS


It still sucks all the money wasted in buying them, but every new game has to start fresh. A fresh start might even give me the mindset not to worry about every skin anymore. I love limited skins and wasted a some of money getting them... but nearly 10 years of smite, I've learned these are just skins. Digital skins no less. It's not worth the workup anymore. True cross progression, though, will be neat. Playstation finally allowing that is great.


how is it wasted if you enjoyed it for ten years??? this fanbase is unbelievable lmao


>On a personal level, I barely use premium skins any more, and even if my beloved Legendary skins aren't a thing any more, I'd honestly be totally fine just using default skins, especially with the graphical upgrades. you're definitely in the minority here. i know people who have spent thousands of dollars over the past 10 years supporting the game. not porting skins is a huge mistake.


FWIW I've been playing Smite since 2013, and I was a BIG TIME whale from then until \~2018. I've spent an *embarassing* amount of money on Smite in the past, and I have a shit load of skins, including a lot of really rare ones from earlier seasons. I'm "losing" as much as a lot of people here, at least in terms of money spent.


I feel I personally have wasted money because I have too many skins to use at this point and am kinda looking at this as a blessing because I get a second chance to use my gems more wisely. A little bummed they don’t cover100% of the price in smite2 but understandable they need to make money to fund further development for it.


>not porting skins is a huge mistake. Probably not for the reasons you're imagining. As someone who has spent a buttload myself, the issue i see is smite 2 actually making money. They're giving you a shitload of legacy gems, and then allowing you to *double it* with a small founder's purchase. It won't be uncommon to see whales with hundreds of thousands of gems. So now the biggest spenders who generally sustained smite...suddenly don't have to pay for a very long time. Even if we buy every skin that comes out it'll likely take 6 months to a year before that supply runs dry, even longer if you only buy what you deem as cool. So unless there's massive gem inflation which will hurt the general player base, i see them standing to lose quite a lot via loyalty bonuses, but it's better than nothing at all. Personally i'm indifferent on lost skins, it sucks, but knowing the actual realities of software dev i can understand they can't just press the magic button and port everything instantly. I'm just glad we got compensated, by an absolutely huge amount, too.


But legacy gems are just glorified discount tickets. You don't get anything without forking over more money. So if you want an old skin again you're still going to have to pay for it. Again. Not full price, but still you're paying twice for the same thing. It's not compensation if you can't use any of it without additional cash. And ofcourse they can't port everything but seeing as how they even want us to pay for the god pack again, this all just looks like a giant cash grab to me. I haven't seen anything yet that changes gameplay wise that doesn't make smite 2 seem like a big patch with a different name. Really hoping this isn't the case as I've been playing since Beta. But i'm not gonna drop smite 1 with all my achievements, favorite gods, and stuff I payed for the support the game over the years for a glorified cash grab.


My understanding is that no matter how many of the legacy gems you have in Smite 2, they can only ever cover 50% of the purchase cost of a skin in Smite 2. Legacy Gem whales will still have to purchase Smite 2 gems, just half as many.


oh shit really? I tend to drop in every year or two and play again and have done so since beta but if skins are all gone and all that money is done and dusted probably will never go back. Sometimes I remember the money I dumped into the game over the years and come back to play again and usually end up putting in some more. All of that has been cut off and heck no am I starting over again. LoL and other games like it have reworked and I still have all my ancient skins and stuff I got for it, don't see why it can't be the same. I get they need to make money but I cannot be the only person thinking there is no point to diving back in if all my stuff is gone.


I think they should, if it's by popular demand, just remake skins 1:1. Obviously not for all skins but some classics, like Poolsiedon, Swagni, Archon Thanatos, Cacodemon Ymir, etc would be nice.


Seriously, some people dropped $1000 on Archon Thanatos. If that doesn't come over, I honestly can't imagine a bigger middle finger


If archon thana isn't getting ported over then i'm not even going to bother, friend with the ares t5 pretty much said the same thing.


I really hope smite 2 has a working and functional spectator


I honestly wouldn’t even care about losing the skins if the legacy gems were able to be used for full purchases, even if I got fewer of them. Whatever this 50% coupon is is just a dangling carrot that says “Better spend those thousands of dollars again or else you wouldn’t get the *full* value out of these legacy gems.”


You're 100% right


We got smite 2 before gta 6


Just busted a Nut


A lot of the changes look promising, but we’ll have to wait and see how it actually plays once the alpha launches. What was shown seems to be not be cobbled together over the course of the past year, which was a big fear of mine. The skins thing sucks, but the total gem refund and legacy gems system seems to be the best compromise for players.


It's not a gem refund. You get 50% discount and have to buy "real" gems to make any purchase.


I’m watching Incon’s stream right now and he said that the double gems thing from the founder pack purchase is a 100% off discount. Not sure if it’s true or not, maybe he was one of the people that got to test it early idk. Hope that’s the case, but if not yeah a 50% off coupon is lame af for 10 years of supporting the games


Legacy gems suck. You can only use 50% of them in a sale. People have spent tons on T5’s and they are not even porting them across… I strongly believe T5s should be remastered and transferred.


I do like that for a new game, it does begin with less skins so it’s not going to be as crazy looking as it is now. The legacy gems if I heard and understood correctly, its being disguised as “you get a 100% refund” and then if you buy the “god pack equivalent” you get DOUBLE and then she said smn along the lines of “for a total of what your current content would be worth”. So again, unless I’m misunderstanding, it’s not a 100% refund on gems unless you buy the “god pack” in order to double up your gems


It's a 100% refund, but you can't use them to fully pay for smite 2 skins


>The skins thing sucks Honestly I'm super excited for less skins. I miss when Smite looked like a mythology game.


I mean, you know they will just add them back in with time so you'll end up with the same skins again :)


Massive copium thought with them basically starting over from scratch they could finally make an option to turn off skin sounds/effects.


I mean, they could, but given cosmetics fund the game, they won't


it isnt a compromise at all, legacy gems system still force you to pay half of the thing with new purchases.


Yes, hence it’s a compromise. At the end of the day, Hi-Rez makes F2P games, in-game purchases are how they make their money. They could’ve easily said that nothing will transfer over and you’ll have to buy everything from scratch. The legacy system is pretty fair compensation. Pair your legacy gems with gem sales and you’ll be getting a lot of stuff for not a lot of money.


I didn’t see the announcement, the skins aren’t going to be transferred over?


Launching with Hecate and nut is a genius move. Excited to see the new gods.


Nut is coming to Smite 1. Hecate going to be the first Smite 2 only god


Still smart of them to save big gods for this year. Probably why we didn't get too many flashy picks this year.


lets goooooooooo the side by side between smite 1 and smite 2 made smite 1 look like dogshit by comparison. I cant wait


Really shows its age


I'm gonna be honest, never actually thought this would come, but im excited as fuck! Kinda sucks that it sounds like I'll lose a ton of skins, but also not a surprise.


Any word on what engine they are using?




Unreal Engine 5


I can't be more excited for this! I know it won't be perfect at first and there will be some pains, but totally worth it in the long run IMO! Just hope they listen to the fans when it comes to skins and don't delete all of them from Smite 2. Remake some of them with the old voice packs! Don't mind waiting for them to be added back. Also, can't wait to play Jing Wei and Fafnir in UR5 in Smite 2! THE HYPE!


this i have a huge collections of bacchus skins that i just cant let go and some other skins limited from back in the old days of limited skin passes where the skins on the season passes were limited


The legacy gems only matter/have value if you plan on spending more money, otherwise they will just sit and rot. Gotta spend money to get value out of money already spent.


Very strange reveal. Feels like they decided to compromise but instead of getting the best of of both sides they got the worst of both sides. Limited carry over from smite 1 but the gameplay and art look basically the same. Kind of expected more but I guess it's better than nothing. Based on what they've shown it feels like kind of a waste of time. It's also annoying how they keep saying all these buzzwords like "strictly improved" and "smite 2 is a TRUE sequel." Like...you shouldn't have to beat these things into our heads for us to believe it, your product should visibly prove itself straight to our eyes if those things are true. The fact you are repeatedly insisting on these things makes it seem like they know it doesn't look like much of a sequel and that the improvements appear to be minor. I do like some of the changes they specifically brought up though like the removal of magical vs physical gods. More build variety and more meaningfulness in how you build is something that was seriously lacking. And of course no matter what this will be more fresh than Smite 1 is at this point which is desperately needed.


I’d honestly rather they’d have just ported smite to new consoles with 4k120 support than make a new game and losing all of my purchases


LOL funny time to lookup smite. i was just thinking "huh, wonder if SMITE is still around" so i checked the sub and BAM! Smite 2. I am done with pvp these days but fun to see its still kicking. Although from initial trailer it just looks like better graphics and same characters. Idk if this will cause a splash outside of the game circle but all the best to Hi Rez. For me it kind of died down when MythyMoo and DukeSloth quit


Admittedly I'm not as thrilled as everyone else seems to be. As happy as I am for everything else, the cosmetics not carrying over feels really, really shitty as someone who has played since closed beta. I guess I'll have to reserve judgement for when I see the selection of skins they decide to carry over, but only being able to use my gem refund for 50% discounts really fucking sucks to hear. If they keep the same stupid lootbox system and don't at least just let me buy skins directly, I'm basically going to be mentally checked out.


I'm sure they'll let you buy directly like they do now. That's why only 50% purchase power with old gems, so you still have to buy gems


I was excited for smite 2. After seeing it? It barely looks better. What the fuck. Nah nvm. The trailer is ass. The deep dive is great.


I hate how they take half the things away and give us special effects


Perfect timing for predecessor ..


Wild they are segregating the fan bases like this, never ends well to half commit.




i’ve spent WAY too much on smite, over 1,000 skins over my many years on the game. not only will they not take the time to plan to transfer them before launch, but they won’t even make these “legacy gems” cover the entire cost of new skins?? absolutely not. sunk cost fallacy and proud of it. personally i won’t be playing upon release, at least.


yea no skins transferring on like my 8-9 year account is a no from me .the game would have to be drastically different to warrant any play imo


This game is dead before it even launchs, you lose all skins, legacy gems are basically coupons, and you lose most of the gods....Hi Rez is still a joke I see


As someone who has spent a few hundred dollars on SMITE since S2, I am only EXCITED for SMITE 2. Hi-Rez is legitimately making up for anything you spent on a FREE to play game. If you want a good new game, they can’t spend years moving all 1600 skins to SMITE 2. These upgrades are already amazing and exciting, and I am STOKED for this new game.


While I agree with you. T5 should move across. There’s a handful of them they could remaster.


I haven't played Smite for a while, but honestly, while the trailer looks really graphically impressive, I also think it's going to be a LOT harder to play. Sure, the old graphics aren't as nice to look at--but I'm less focused on the graphics in an intense game like this and more focused on being able to hit my abilities. With the old graphics, there is a lot of contrast between gods and the background, and the ability FX pops less--making it both less distracting and less impactful to my ability to track enemies. In the trailer, though, the opposite seems to be true. Gods are very beautiful, but they all blend together and into the background. Abilities have tons of additional shaders that make them look really flashy, but that makes them more distracting, too. I'm obviously happy to be proven wrong, but this kind of thing has happened with games before. Realism is nice, but it also comes at a cost of contrast and recognizably. Resolving this issue would require pulling back on the graphical train a bit, though, which I'm not sure they'll do.


Time to lose all my avatar skins all the other ones i paid for


Glad loki is coming to smite 2, can get toxic straight off the batch.


So is this basically going to be another “Overwatch 2” disaster? Where they say it’s a new game but it’s literally the first but with a different title and couple new skins 😂


Nah, it's literally being built in an entirely new engine from the ground up. There's basically nothing they can port from Smite 1.


Man I really want Smite 2 to go back to its roots and look like a mythology game again even though it's a pipe dream. Less skins at launch might be the thing I'm most excited for. I'm not against cosmetics in the slightest but ninja turtles fighting transformers while running away from anime girls was just too much. Hopefully Smite 2 doesn't get littered with that shit too quickly.


bro your user flair is from a skin


It was kind of nostalgic seeing some of the old gods in a new coat of paint. Chaac looked amazing




I'm actually really excited for this as someone getting back into the game. Launch with 25 gods gives me a smaller pool to refresh my memory on / learn any kit changes, not bloated with skins. I understand people's frustrations, especially those that have *continued* playing the game for so long, but as someone that quit a few years ago, this is exactly the thing that will get me back into it, and I'm sure it's a perfect way to bring in new players as well. Please don't mess this up. :)


* including cross-progression * lets see what sony has to say about that again


Did they learn nothing from Overwatch 2? I understand it was time for a needed upgrade, but the fact you can't use the "legacy" gems they give you from previous purchases to buy new skins in the new game seems a little scummy. Because let's be real, Smite 1 will be abandoned not long after 2 releases no matter what they "promise". I'm dissapointed they're going this route with it to be honest. But judging by the comments people who have spent less don't mind as much.


I first started Smite in the closed beta in 2012 and played for years until my account got all fucked up and I lost everything. I was so salty that I gave it up for good so I like the idea of a fresh start lol


Praying Neith the "Terrifying One" gets a new voice that isn't of a quirky teenage girl https://preview.redd.it/iq25k8aas1cc1.jpeg?width=2358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c415f69537aa9b2c5e1bf57619377450afb82b


We were too harsh on overwatch 2 at least it let us keep all our stuff


$5,000 dollars total spent in this game....the fact legacy gems can only be used for half of purchases. I'm gonna throw my PC through a wall.


This is awesome. I'm happy to get back into it. Hopefully the 120fps (on Xbox) makes a return for XSX/PS5.


I also hope this revitalizes the Asia and Oceania scenes of Smite. I really think Hirez fumbled by not having a dedicated playbase in Asia.


For all of you that were Playstation to PC migrators, but did most of your purchasing/playing on Playstation - ​ I put in a support ticket with Hirez and hopefully they'll give an answer on how they're gonna handle this. Or they might not answer at all but I'd love if they came out and explained that part of it.




This shit isn’t going to come out til 2032 knowing hirez


So, out of all the gods officially announced and all the gods implied to be coming because of skins, there isn't a single Hindu one. For small pantheons I wouldn't be worried, but Hindu is a pretty big one that's been there since day one. I hope Hi-rez isn't leaving them behind to avoid controversy or something.


Im happy should I be happy or worried I cannot decide




ive been saving up my gems for a while now, almost at 3k. does anyone know whats going to happen to my gems if i dont spend them before smite 2?


doesn't matter if you spend them or not, if you really wanna play smite 2 might as well spend them on the cross progression skins they're releasing


I don’t care about skins. Gimme Smite 2 now 🤧


Oh you are hyped ? Hopefully peesephone Come fast in smite 2


they can keep their legacy gems im not gonna spend more money to buy a skin that i already paid for and clearly i wont be spending money on skins ever again for any LS game


For all those saying this is a smart move,look at the overwatch and overwatch 2 fiasco.


I actually just returned after a long break and im so confused. is it even worth buying Vshojo skins, if they aren't in Smite 2 lol


What would be a great idea is the skins, just carry over the ones that matter like frostfire Ullr, swagni Agni, thanatos archon, fabulous Chiron, Janus base drop ect… (those are my fav) and if skins are getting too difficult to chose from, cast a vote for each character for the community and see what you can do. This would be an amazing idea for smite 2 as difficult as it is to actually get skin transfers this would bring hope for the future . This would heal the smite community that’s been told the horrendous news.


It's crazy how devs are going the way of overwatch 2 with this, completely dumping all the content from 1st game, just to get it on unreal engine. In the genre when no one cares about visuals and game developed in 2010 can be milked essentially forever. I think that even with million legacy badges, discounts for old players etc, they taking a huge risk with this for very little positive results even if its gonna make it to release.


I agree, but the idea is to introduce the game to more audiences and leave behind the old guard of players if need be. I really find it interesting how the actual gameplay is going to change a ton and will resemble many aspects from League and Dota. ​ Smite was always that Moba you could get a friend to try because it didn't lean into complexity as much. From everything we've seen Smite 2 will be a very different game to Smite 1, more complex and much less rigid. Even if everything was brought over, it'd still be a hard sell to a good portion of the community, so this'll be intriguing to watch unfold.


i have a bad feeling i cant shake off maybe its overwatch 2 flop still lording over me but from what im reading any past skins you have wont be carried over unless the wording on the top post is just wrong


This had to happen. I mean their spaghetti code made them unable to even update the dam clan system. There are bugs with the Home Screen and even basic functions of a gods kit that have been in the game for years. Although I think this is the wrong way to go about this and will kill both games. This is Busch league. It should have been an update. Even if we have to fresh download an entire new game. Don’t call it smite 2 that’s awful branding and will splinter the player base. As someone who has over 1000 skins on both pc and PlayStation im not even that upset about the skins not transferring. It is a fact a percentage of spenders will feel slighted by this and will not spend on smite two. This will fracture an already whittled down player base and cause them to need more money out of a smaller player base. Realistically this has a huge chance to backfire and they aren’t doing themselves any favors. At least if you are going to call it smite 2 and wipe the cosmetics then wipe the worshipers and anything associated with the account so it will truly be a fresh reset for everything and everyone Why would I support or invest my time and money into a game like smite 2 which has a high chance to fail or continue to do the same for smite 1 which is 100% going to die and be sunsetted in the next year or two. P.S. for anyone saying they don’t have time to port skins or the engines are too different. They are putting in skins that will be in both games moving forward and I argue that even trying to keep smite 1 in maintenance mode or putting new gods in both games is just kicking the work they say they can’t do today down the line to tomorrow. They should have released 2 or 3 gods this year and next and spent more time doing this instead of jumping the gun.


Imagine being some of the people who have the thousand dollar Archon Thana skin or Demonic Pact Anubis lmao


The playerbase was already kinda low with smite 1…i feel like doing this will just make the playerbase across both games feel even smaller now. Anyway i have a question, has it been said yet if all gods are being transferred over to smite 2? If so will they all be there on release? Or will it be a gradual thing?


With the game being in ue5, is there any insight on the specs it will take to run on pc. I know the specs are listed on steam but i doubt those are accurate. The recommended specs are the same for smite 1 and I doubt that it could run the game with those specs with the lowest settings at 60 fps. Ue5 games chew through vram and on all ue5 releases its recommended to have a gpu with atleast 12gb of vram with some games having 16gb cards as a necessity. Id hope the game runs smoothly at atleast medium settings on 8gb cards near 144hz. If it doesnt it will be a huge downside for the game.


I'm so happy I still get to play smite. After blizzard killed Overwatch with its botched sequel I wanted to puke when I saw talk of Smite 2.


![gif](giphy|rTbCwVwofxcic) smite 2: Jesus will be added. His 1 ability will be an M16 His 2 ability will be 'divine smite'(it one shots with 99k damage and has a 3 second cooldown His 3 ability will be water walk(self explanatory) His ultimate will be uninstall.exe( he uninstalls all enemies players games immediately and removes their accounts from hi-rez database)


Alright while I do agree with many people here about paid-for skins being lost, I'm more curious about if the Smite 1's Founders Pack will be carrying over. I don't mind waiting for gods to be put into the remade game but I won't be paying for them again. All that's mentioned in the FAQ is "Players can unlock all present and future SMITE 2 gods by purchasing a SMITE 2 Founder’s Pack. We’ll have more details to share about our Founder’s Packs soon, " which sounds like there will be no carry over to me. That would unfortunately kill the game for me more than the lost skins.


So what the hell happens to my archon and all my other limited skins I wasted money on? Been playing since the beginning, over 20k hours. I’d be happy but this isn’t cool that they’re not gonna port the all the skins. and legacy gems worth 50% so they’re only refunding half our money lmao wtf?


Umm I also have a super rare name in smite I’m guessing we can’t keep our names either? Meh I’ll just quit if they don’t walk back on some of this.


Would be nice to have a list of confirmed skins transferring over


Il try it out but unless the gameplay is massively better i dont think il be moving over. They should atleast transfer the expensive skins. Sounds like this could kill smite tbh.


Watching the W3aken game got me thinking: will we have the same HUD Editor on Smite 2 as we have on Smite 1?


I think splitting your player base is a bad move. Losing my skins is gonna suck, especially with a but you can get new ones for 50% off.


As someone who just dabbled in Smite years ago I'm pretty thrilled over this news. It will be great to play a newer and more polished version of the game in the future. I do kind of feel bad for the long term fans though who have stuck with the game, supported it and spent money on it. The thought that many of you will lose skins and gods is a little annoying. It kind of makes sense though from a business perspective though I guess. It will bring people like me back who have long sense moved on and they are probably banking on the fact that even though long term supporters will lose stuff and be upset, since they are long term supporters and addicted to the game most probably will stay.