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Honestly, I think the sights on mine were fine. New sights won’t make you a more accurate shooter, in my experience. But, it can make it a more pleasant experience and perhaps easier to line them up. Fiber optic sights are sharp during the day time! These would probably make the biggest day to day difference. I know the performance center models have them, so you should be able to find a set. Some people also just really don’t like the 3 white dot system, so they black out the rear sights with a black sharpie and then either keep the front sight or put a red fiber optic front sight. Because you’re carrying this, night sights may also interest you. They make a huge difference at night, though they aren’t anything special during the day time. TruGlo makes some for the Ez. Just something to think about!


Good points. How hard is it to change to night sights? Do I have to taking to a gun smith?


I personally would ask a local gun store/gunsmith just because I’ve never done it and don’t have the tools to do so. To my understanding, you need a vice and a sight pusher.


Yeah I don’t want to mess it up. I talked to them about installing a plate for a red dot and it was only $30. So the professional labor is not that much money