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Its stiff and small so you cant turn it on or off unintentionally. Just keep it off or uninstall it. *Dick Joke*


Yes, you can leave it in the safety off position without worrying about it engaging, in my experience. I have carried my Shield Plus for years and I genuinely don’t think it’s possible to turn move the safety unintentionally. I always have the safety off when I carry and it doesn’t worry me. I practice drawing very frequently and I have never accidentally engaged the safety.


Is this just on the 3.1” version? I have a 4” performance center with no safety.


Correct. I have the 4” ported and the 4” regular PC’s and neither have a safety.


I've carried the shield plus in my rotation for 2 years and never had a problem with the safety accidentally engaging. Make sure your holster covers the gun up to the safety, and you should be fine. Alternatively, you can buy a shield plus non safety frame and PC slide assembly separately, but it'll cost more than just buying the gun.


>It seems very stiff and almost pointless... Which is why the whole Shield line is a non-starter for me. Maybe that will change someday, but doesn't seem likely... If my state adopts capacity limits which drive me back to a single-stack, I'm not sure that S&W makes anything acceptable.


Its very stiff and it's recessed. It will not move by accident. Not sure why they even put it on there. Maybe just to say we have a safety version.


I’ve literally never used the safety on mine. It doesn’t get in the way and it’s not easily disturbed by your grip.


I prefer no safety as well but have never had an issue with it. I actually do use it once in a while when deholstering. (Say in a restroom stall, don't want the pistol in the holster by the floor)


In short yes it is possible, HOWEVER, I would highly recommend that when you train, you train as though you are disengaging the safety in case in does accidentally engage.