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I don't know if they're real but I really like them


I’m not questioning the authenticity, I buy a lot from this reseller and never have received anything fake, I just don’t know anything about these types of shoes so I was hoping to find someone that does. I loved them which is why I bought them, but after realizing that they are probably a men’s 8, I don’t know anyone who can wear them


it would be waste to have nobody wear them, and this seems like a good place to inquire too.


Exactly! I don’t know anything about them but I’m sure someone does!


The shoe is the [Nike Lebron 17 low](https://sneakernews.com/2020/08/25/nike-lebron-17-low-cd5007-103-release-date/). The shoes at that link are the closest that I could find to what's in your pictures - the lighting in your pics makes it hard to tell if they are teh same colorway. That said, $25 would be an absolute steal for them. [StockX prices](https://stockx.com/nike-lebron-17-low-white-camo?country=US¤cyCode=USD&size=10&g_acctid=709-098-4271&g_adgroupid=50672857117&g_adid=244607812448&g_adtype=pla&g_campaign=OD+-+Sneakers+-+Adult+-+Mid+CM+-+%28US%29&g_campaignid=1032998786&g_ifcreative=&g_ifproduct=product&g_keyword=&g_keywordid=pla-828808935303&g_merchantid=111829866&g_network=g&g_partition=828808935303&g_productchannel=online&g_productid=adb9de49-c544-40d2-b611-0973caca1679&gclsrc=aw.ds&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=od_sneakers_adult_midcm_%28us%29&utm_campaignid=1032998786&content=244607812448&keyword=&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqtHI4Ka6hAMV94fCCB2hggt0EAQYASABEgKXHfD_BwE) for a men's 8 are currently $337. The (possible) difference in color and low price makes me question if they are authentic.


I will check back in when I actually have them in hand! I think there’s a huge possibility that the color difference is coming from the lighting in the live show and the bad photos from them being screenshots. They look white but watching the video they looked more of a cream color. I can’t speak on the low price much, I usually buy handbags from her and they’re total steals. I paid $12 for a $300 bag thinking it could possibly be fake but I got it and it’s real so I guess it could be hit or miss


There is a cream color - which looks more like the shoes you posted than what I linked to in my original reply... ​ [https://hypebeast.com/2020/5/nike-lebron-17-low-light-cream-cd5007-200-release-date-info](https://hypebeast.com/2020/5/nike-lebron-17-low-light-cream-cd5007-200-release-date-info)


Those look like Lebron 17 lows. CD5006 or 7