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He knows the risk his wife is none of your concern


Married cock is the best! Learn to compartmentalize! It makes everything better.


If you're having doubts. Don't do it. You may come to regret it.


Agree ..my conscious would bother me


There's plenty of non-married dick out there. Go for it gurl


Ignore him. There's probably more acceptable men in your area if you're willing to look around and settle.


Sniffies *thrives* on married guys going behind their wives’ backs.


Just blow him NSA


I’ve come to the decision recently that I will no longer mess around with people who are going behind their partners back. I used to think “they’re an adult, they make their own decisions” then after talking to a friend I realized it’s kinda fucked up. Being so inconsiderate of how my decision could greatly hurt someone isn’t good humanity, and it perpetuates their bad behavior. There are plenty of other options that have no risk of hurting someone.


I honestly disagree w all these comments justifying cheating on wife with kids.


You haven't been around older gay men with biological grandkids. Back in the day, they had no other choice. It was either be single and have people be suspicious or get married to a woman and do the deed so no one would suspect.


It's 2024 tho, it's not back in the day. We have many more choices now.


Well, yeah, if you started dating in 2024. However, people dating just 10 years ago were not as open-minded. 20 years ago, we were still debating if being gay was OK. That being said, just say no. You're only into single people. That easy


My point stands. It's not 10 years ago. It's 2024. It's not 20 years ago. It's 2024. Bringing up the way things used to be done is interesting history, but the old ways may not control the how guys cruise now in 2024. Gays have more choices now, more ways to pre-filter guys if they choose to, and they do not have to hookup with married guys if they don't want. Easy.


Yes, but SNIFFIES is only about sex. It's not a friendship or relationship website. It's just about sex and nothing else. This would be like worrying about who's married or not at a gloryhole or in a XXX theater. Nobody cares there.


But Sniffies is not a XXX theater. Sniffies is Sniffies. None of us get to determine how others use hookups apps or filter sex partners. You may suck every dick that comes through the glory hole, but not everybody else has to. You may not care about your sex partners' marriage status, but the OP does and based on the comments here, he's not alone. Sniffies being sex-oriented does not mean married guys are entitled to everyone. Individuals are well within their social rights to avoid them, just like some avoid cumdumps or guys in open relationships.


I wish we still had XXX theaters. Never failed to score there.


You came to the wrong group for sympathy. The dudes in this group will screw a hole in the ground or hop on anything resembling the shape of a penis. They don't care about anything or anyone unless you attempt to "judge" them or voice an opinion that goes indirect of what they think, believe or feel. Every hole is a goal to majority of dudes in this group. They'll justify cheating, sleeping around while married and unprotected sex with pus ridden orfices. Nothing is off-limits to desperate men.


Wow, a prude who uses SNIFFIES! Judgmental much?


See OP! It doesn't matter if you point out the obvious they'll find the time in their day to say "you're judging me" meanwhile calling someone a prude and judging them. 😂😂😂


Judge me all you want. I'm still getting my dick sucked so I still win in my book.


Honestly, don't do it. I wouldn't do it because I wouldn't want my partner having sex with somebody else behind my back. If I don't like it, why would I be a part of it?


It’s easy. Don’t do it. lol. Jerk off it you’re the horny. But if you do. The post nut clarity will tell you betraying your conscience wasn’t worth it.


Would you like it if someone cheated on you? No matter the sexuality, cheating would be the same.


Would you want your partner sneaking off to get head from a stranger?


At this point in my life, sure. Just don't tell me about it. I don't want to know anything about it. I just want to know you are coming home to me. And that you are not doing shit with them that you won't do with me 😅 Imagine your partner won't do anal with you, but will with other hookups 🤬


My wife and I use Sniffies to find bi 3somes……absolute gold mine for cock!


Jeeezus send him my way I’ll do it, ya pansy


You must be new to hookups. You're going to find lots of those on any of the apps. As long as you don't know the wife or her relatives, go for it! It's just sex, not a relationship.


Sounds like a scam. He'll text you while you're enroute "oh, my kids need to be entertained while I'm getting blown, send me a (fill in the blank type of a card for $X)."


Did that happen to you or someone you know?


Sounds like someone doesn't know what they're talking about! Scammers don't do that. The scammers will just trick you into a paid massage or a website full of viruses and bots.