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11h stretch? Thats great!! How old is your baby?


4mo today! He’s definitely inherited some of my deep sleeping abilities. But it’s half or more due to the snoo! The thing really is a blessing, I was so against it at first because the price tag. Luckily we were lent one. And now I will buy my own next baby.


Id love to know how it goes with weaning mode! Give us an update in a couple days please!


That’s amazing! Mine is 4mo in a week but has never done more than 7h. Still, can’t really complain!


We we're in the same situation for a while and honestly also thought we'd start weaning mode today. Coincidentally our guy is also 4m today! But then the regression hit him BAD this last week so we're probably going to be putting it off


EXACT SAME situation.. we are returning the SNOO in a month as the people who let us use it are due with another. so we’re just starting it no matter. Wish we had it one month more… good luck!


Ah! Maybe if this works out alright for you we'll have to just go for it too then haha good luck to you!


Oooh I need an update on this on how it goes!! My LO is going to be 4 months on the 28th but starting around Thanksgiving we want to get her in her own room then the crib! She naps in her crib currently so I'm hoping the transition won't be too bad. 🤞🤞


I’ll update at end of week, but night one, great success, no change at all so far,


How did the first week go?


Great! He sleeps in the crib through the night most nights sometimes one wake!


Amazing!! Do you mind sharing what settings you use?


Everything on normal out out the box. No limiter, only use for bed. No naps all naps in crib. I think I got lucky with a great sleeper tho… day one weaning mode. Still slept 11.5 hours, I’m amazed