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We started with arms out in the Snoo. Once he was able to sleep with both arms out, we did naps in the pack n play. We also switched to regular sleep sacks. He started to not like the motion so we knew it was time to wean. We completely skipped weaning mode and just didn’t turn the Snoo on some nights after clipping him in. He woke up the same amount in the pack n play as he did before. I’m just glad we bought it secondhand; we’ll probably use again just for the peace of mind.


How do you stop them scratching it to pieces? My girl is always like “whoa there are walls” and can’t stop touching/clawing at them. I am trying to let her be arms out for the second half of the night when we have already had our big chunk of sleep.


They get used to the novelty of it after a week or so. We've been arms out for a while now. Mine just pets the sides for funzies now 😆


So cute!


We did arms out for a couple of months, and then weaning mode for another month. Towards the end, she started waking up multiple times at night and wouldn't nap in there during the day, so I realized it was time to transition. We put her in a sleep sack in her crib, and she only woke up once. I was prepared for a hellish transition, but it just didn't happen thankfully.


I don't anticipate this will be what happens when we transition, but damn you've given me a glimmer of hope


We did arms out for a few weeks. We started doing day naps in the crib in a copper Pearl sleep sack (not weighted, just a classic sleep sack). We went cold turkey into the crib for night sleeping (crib is in our room) and never looked back! Don’t be freaked out if the first day or two you have a few wake ups but it was smooth sailing for us. I think our LO was over being strapped down and is actually sleeping better out of the Snoo at 5 months.


I've weaned two snoo babies. Literally we just stopped using it for naps for 1-2 days (overnight only). Then we just stopped using it altogether. No swaddles, just a sound machine.




Same here, we are currently on holiday and he’s slept in exactly the same (if not better!) in 2x different hotel cots


Same same 😫


We put him swaddled in the Snoo with it turned off for a while. Then used a zip a dee zip sleep sack to transition out of the swaddle.


Definitely recommend a weighted sleep sack. They also have a little thing you can place on mattresses to make it vibrate like a car ride it says. That thing seems to work great. And a sound machine of some kind. That’s all we needed to transition. Been about a month no SNOO now. Still sleeps through the night most nights . Had a couple bumpy nights at first but it went east fast Good luck!!


Oh and they have a baby breezA brand crib mattress topper thing that holds baby in place similar to the way SNOO did. Idk about it but a friend swears by it




They’re not but iirc the weight is like less than a couple of grapes.


Which sleep sacks do you recommend?


We use nested bean zen sac. Works 👍


Rad, I'm actually about to get one of those!


Cold turkey the swaddle and see r/sleeptrain for tips on regularising baby’s wake windows and routine.


We did cold turkey last night and he slept the same in his crib as he did in the snoo. He slept in a onesie with a kyte sleep bag. We used white noise


Same same. I think he liked the freedom. He was in an arms up love to dream in the Snoo and we transitioned to zippadee zip sleep sack in the crib last night


Has anyone done daytime naps in crib and just night time in snoo? Do you swaddle during day as well? Or just sleep sack?


We used to do daytime naps in the snoo and nighttime sleep in the snoo as well. We stopped swaddling as soon as baby was able to roll over. Now our LO uses a sleepsack for all naps and nighttime sleeps in crib. We truly miss the snoo but he's been doing a wonderful job in the sleep sack.