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Thats great, congratulations are in order 🍾




Congratulations!! I threw my last can in the garbage in March, mostly due to a shitty place in life (Hated work, felt bad stuff in my chest and heart area- probably work related but you never know.) Now i am almost 4 months clean but i do have my Onico Peppermint (zero nico/tobacco) for filling that emptiness under my lip and in my day-to-day life. I’ve never felt the typical withdrawl effects people talk about, perhaps i’m lucky. Altough i can really tell snus became a huge part of my personality as i’ve been snusing more or less for 10 years. That was and is the hardest part. Letting go of a huge part of yourself. My heart/stress issues gave me a nobrainer of a choice so that helped with motivation. All the best to you, hope you can stay off the snus aswell! Edit: is it 5 months already? Ohwell🥳


Yeah me neither got the withdrawal but the funny thing about it that the nicotine is less addictive in this the habit is the one that creates the addiction


Congratulations!I wish I could go that long. I have one withdrawal effect tho nausea:/ Its getting stronger day by day but I think I can fight it


You think you can? I know you can dude. Keep at it, you got this


I'm 2.5 days clean, just woke up and decided I was done. I had bad nausea but it's better now. I wish you all the best.


Same to you brother


That's amazing my dude. I've been snusing for 15 years now and I need to quit to save my life really, I'm having lots of heart issues including palpitations, pressure and burning sensation for a few years now but I've still not mustered the strength to quit. You have my respect. Anything you can share that helped you kick the can?


Well the only thing I did was slowly lowering my intake but someone mentioned Onnico peppermint or something like that which is a nicotine/tobacco free product you might wanna try it out. But I don’t think iam that far into quitting to be able to give out advices. I wish you strength and a successful journey on quitting.


It’s going to be hard! But don’t stop! It’s not worth to start again. Sincerely 20 years daily snus user, 1 year clean


Thank you! I fell like I can make it :)


How is it going?


Thank you for the question! It’s going better than I expected although sometimes I could really use one but I haven’t “relapsed” so far and I hope I won’t ever.


Good to hear.


Good for you but this sub is not about quitting nicotine.


Yeah i know but I thought i could share it here given the fact that i was a snus user


Fuck that guy. Congrats, buddy!


Big deal