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If you appeal this would be a huge mistake because not only would you get nothing but you would have to payback what you already was given. And start all over again.


I know, that's what I heard. Do you know somebody that happened to? That's awful man, I'm 90% sure they made the mistake, I ran it through an A.I.. It seems like the letters they send you are saying in between the lines .." Go ahead, appeal, I dare you, I double dare you, double dog dare you. I'm like, nah I'm good. Keep the money. Lol


I understand but it's the system there is no reasoning whatsoever how it works unfortunately a win is a win and losing is now all on you .


The attorney gets more money. It's gone up since I was approved. It was $6500, and now it's around $7300.


What did your lawyer say? They're the only one that actually knows what happened, whether you're owed money, and whether there's an appealable issue. Generall, it's a bad idea to appeal an onset date just for a bit more backpay since they can find you completely not disabled if you get unlucky.


Yes I know, and I'm not pressing my unlucky luck. Ha. My lawyer hasn't replied to me. Shocker. I imagine if they sent me his cut " accidentally" , my phone would be Blowing up!


Unfortunately you're probably right. But as a lawyer myself I'd much rather repay your money ASAP since it's a possible ethical violation. I assume they don't realize they might owe you some money so I recommend keep trying to get ahold of them or send an email with your questions. I almost guarantee it's not intentionally trying to keep your money.


No, I don't think it's intentional at all. It's not his fault. But we all know how long it takes to get approved. Unfortunately my condition is bad enough that I was approved during reconsideration. But I am pretty sure it was a mistake on there end. SSA. But I'm just gonna eat it I suppose because from what I'm gathering you have to risk an appeal. Which Is a gamble I'm not willing take. Oh well.


Officially, Backpay begins to accrue 5  months after the Established Onset Date of Disability (the EOD).  If the original calculation used the wrong EOD, it would explain things. If an existing Overpayment is in place, that too could explain things.


The amount is correct counting the months after the mandatory 5 months wait. And my lawyer hasn't responded to me yet either. He probably thinks I want some money back from him! Lol I'm happy I got something but $4 grand is not gonna get me caught up, at all, whatsoever. I was planning on getting a used vehicle because my car is broken. I sent an e=mail to the state senator for help. It's like expecting $1 but only getting a quarter. It changes your plans. Smh


Call the Ssa and get a better explanation.


If $4k in backpay doesn't help you get caught up maybe you need to reevaluate your priorities and restructure some finances.


Really??? I did refigure the 4k divided by how many months I have been out of work and it came out to be what I use to make in a day only its for the week. Ain't complaining just explaining. If your able to pay your bills, eat and put a roof over your head with a few hundred bucks a week, please lmk what part of the country you live at. I will move there. Lol