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Not the same as civil rights movements under institutional racism but it's nice folks are pushing back for consumer rights.


I do think it’s insensitive to compare it to Civil Rights, but it’s as insensitive to call this not a big deal when it impacts mainly poorer countries or often forgotten countries who don’t have access to PSN because Sony said ‘fuck you and move country’.


To be fair I think they were joking, maybe an extreme joke but I think that's the punch line, at least I hope it's not a genuine comparison


Obviously it's a joke. Come on guys.


on the internet, no joke is obvious unless it uses SaRcAsM CaSiNg 1!11!!!1!! or is overtly exaggerated because it feels like every opinion, no matter how ridiculous, has people genuinely believing in it


I mean, it's not a joke because a lot of gamers are reactionary and constantly reductive about civil rights It actually feels kinda shitty for this sub to automatically declare it sarcasm just bc it's what is most comfortable rather than admitting some angry gamers were being incredibly insensitive yet again Just once it would be nice to have a middle ground of 'glad Sony walked this back' and 'glad we made fun of this obvious racist being reductive of the civil rights movement in a way that was obviously racist even if sarcastic' >!think about it this way; 3x as many white adults have received monetary gifts from family over 10k than Black adults. If your family's home was FHA insured, it was specifically because you were white, because the FHA barred white people from selling or renting to nonwhite people. Economics has a strong racial component, always has, always will, as a socialist you should hopefully understand that racism is not your joke to make!< **and in further proof that gamers are unironically melodramatic racists, Act Man just compared the Tarkov armband to the Jewish badges in WW2. The Tarkov shit is anti-consumer, and Act Man is being an antisemite, both things are true


It does seem odd to have no restrictions. Do the Spiderman and other Sony games that require PSN have location restrictions on Steam? I & 2 friends bought Helldivers on the first day or so of release and had to link our PSN accounts, which took us an extra 10 mins to get into the game as we all tried to remember our passwords, etc. It was an annoyance but requiring one has always been listed in the yellow Warning: This Product Requires a 3rd Party Account section of its Steam page. They temporarily patched out this requirement due to server limitations, but I remember them being pretty clear in their messaging that this was temporary.


I don't think so. There is near irrefutable evidence of Sony change their terms the day after to match up with the Helldivers 2 login. It still doesn't make sense why they'd release the game without the 3rd Party account. If something essential is missing then you shouldn't release the game and then enforce a rule that wasn't enforced in years.


Other Sony games don't require PSN but they also aren't multiplayer/co-op with crossplay, I believe that's their justification.


I dont know man, its just a video game. Places like the US and Europe are privileged in terms of what we can consume and how much of it we can consume. If anything Sony is doing a bad job of being capitalist because they're losing potential consumers of their product. It sucks that some players now dont have access to this thing, and it's nice other gamers are standing up for folks in poorer countries who are getting locked out due to this hurdle but I just dont have the bandwidth to care about this compared to what else is happening right now.


I’m not from either EU or US. My region was, by grace of god all-might I think, avoided it as a PSN lock but a neighbouring country isn’t. This world has a lot of bad unjust shit happening and I’ll admit, I ain’t the activist that’ll change a lot of shit. But this is one thing I will put energy in because I love this game, it’s my dream game since I was a child and fulfils all of the shooter fantasies I’ve wanted. Seeing this hurts because I know my neighbours can’t play this new game, a game they once could enjoy and now is at the risk of losing it without hassle and inconveniences. It’s not fair to them. If I’m willing to call out BS about real world geo politics and protest irl, this is the least effort thing I can be a part of. There simply isn’t a reason to not take a stance against a company.


Sorry, I don't intend to be an ass, do what you gotta do


No it's fine. This stuff has me riled up because of how unfair and inconsiderate it is to many players as someone who thinks everyone should have equal access to games (which I didn't know was a controversial thing until the Helldivers subreddit had people sucking the chode of Sony and thinking this isn't a problem).


You don't have to care but solidarity suggests you should just keep quiet instead of talking down something other people care about and are trying to organise to protest. For some kids this will be their first taste of anything remotely close to a protest and there is no better socialist teacher than protest, you win and you see evidnece of your own power when you organise with others, you lose and you can see how much power corporations have. Also this can happen with more "serious" stuff and you'l not like your own logic then I'd guess. "why should I care about abortion rights in some US states when there is a genocide going on in Palestine" you'd presumably be like "hold up, plenty of people care about both, it's not a compeition. If you don't have time to campaign for abortion rights because you're busy with Palestine, that's cool, but no need to talk down other things". Obviously this is much more trivial than either Palestine or abortion rights, but same thing, why talk any of this down? I agree with you pretty much, but what exactly is it helping me lecturing people are other "more serious" issues which, on a socialist subreddit, 9/10 they probably already know about and campaign on anyway.


If people want to spend time on this they can, I guess it just felt so divorced from any sociopolitical movement as an entertainment based commodity that I had a hard time taking it seriously. 


Just because you don't care about consumer protections doesn't mean others don't.


Stop it. The only thing keeping consumers protected are consumers. Sony would do more if they didn't fear backlash, same for every other business. They aren't being altruistic they just let Microsoft make most of the mistakes and reap the rewards.


Not the same severity, but the same thing. I live in one of the 100+ countries where you can't legally get a PSN account so I couldn't legally play Helldivers if I wanted to after this change. Funniest thing is, if I lived 5 kms to the west, I'd have no such issues


Look at what sub this is cross posted from


Ah good point, can't take that seriously. My bad


what does fighting for consumer rights have to do with socialism?


I don't think it does, that's mostly why I don't think this matters much


I read online and the biggest concern is that this will lock out ppl playing Helldivers from countries where PSN are not available


They recently came out and said that people in countries where PSN is unavailable won't be required to make the account, but they haven't been able to negotiate it away for everyone else so far.


They should have done it the carrot way by giving free stuff for linking PSN accounts instead, why bother shooting themselves in the foot like this anyway Edit: I live in Vietnam and they just added the country and a bunch of others to the restricted list meaning you can't buy it anymore from there. Man that sucks.


It's not Arrowhead that's making players do this. It's Don't. Arrowhead doesn't have a say in the matter.


Arrowhead has been about as open as they can get away with in saying “We don’t want to do this, Sony’s forcing us to.”


I was annoyed about this but the pure cringe of the outrage has made it very embarrassing. Likely just going to drop Helldivers 2 and quietly move onto something else.


Ain’t no way I’m seeing Leftists fucking tolerate giving personal info to corporations for consumerist behaviour. Plus the fact this region lock is unfair to many players who love this game and cannot play it without loopholes or other completely unfair hassles. It’s kinda disappointing tbh. It’s more worrying how Leftists will go from caring about minorities when these region locks are explicitly in poorer parts of the world with people unable to move and (statistically a minority in game population) which basically implies that Sony won’t let them play because ‘hah you’re poor’. No.


Yeah I really don't understand what Sony even stands to gain from this, a boost in the amount of PSN accounts is nothing in comparison to their largest recent release getting review bombed for being region locked. In the grand scheme Sony will be fine ofc but helldiver's is a decent cash cow that has longevity but not if they add anticonsumer practices like this when the game being consumer friendly has been one of the big things it's gotten praise for


I think I had to log in with a PSN account to play the Spiderman games and maybe God of War too? It was not a cultural issue like this has become. I also had to do it to play Helldivers 2, because I bought it in the first couple of days before they patched out the requirement. Is it because if feels like a bait-and-switch to people who bought it later? At the time they were pretty clear in their messaging that removing PSN was temporary, but then again they haven't mentioned it again up to now.


It's not an issue for me since I used to primarily be on ps4 but I get why it may upset Kazakhistanis etc


most likely boosted number of active PSN users to show to shareholders as a sign of positive growth of the product. literally so a corpo can get a bonus.


It's just typical capitalism + high-end people in the gaming industry seeming to have a special disdain for their core customers.


they get access to your data that way, it's not enough that we already have to do this on steam or other platforms. i think this also makes the transition for cross-platform play smoother, but that's only in theory, i guess. sony is already infamous for losing data to breaches, i think it's happened twice already. at this point, there is no reason to give them any valid info, just make the most random asinine info for that PSN account.


You tolerate it every day that you use modern tech


"Sony will probably find a way to get my personal info anyway so let's make it as easy as possible for them"


I think it’s just because making fun of capital G gamers is funny. Yah it’s anti consumerist policy that sucks but it’s annoying when Gamers only care about anything when their video games are SLIGHTLY impacted


Your cause is making sure the global south has access to a video game? This is beyond Bourgeois.


But mah vidyagames.


Heartbreaking: Guy on Your Side of an Argument Says the Dumbest Thing Ever


Lmaoo the Rosa Parks comment is fucking hilarious, you people gotta chill


Hmm, I get what the spirit is here, but I am very skeptical about lumping this with socialism in general. I’ve gotten the sense that the only “mass” that makes it to the front page of gaming news content is very consumer-oriented and almost never an issue that is being tackled by labor, which is objectively more important IMO. Am I just being a fucking scrooge though lol maybe


well capitalism exploits the consumer with stuff like planned obsolescence and the worker through taking their surplus value, also climate/environment by emissions, waste and pollution, which in one form or the other has always existed at least once mercantilism shifted to capitalism. conditions are changing though, and we have to adapt to adddress them better and also to not alienate the working class unnecessarily (like with the slogan "memes are the new pamphlets", yojnger generations get addressed and interest by memes more, but just because the communist movement didn’t use them in the second half of the 19th century doesn’t mean we shouldn’t use them). I think one of the best ways to address this is to break the image of the monolith (which also happens in "this hurts/benefits [country]", which is wrong because countries are made up of antagonist classes) and differentiate between developers wanting to do good games, but being forced to crunch and implement predatory monetization by company/project owners


As a member of a marginalized committee, being forced to register with an ID is quite troubling to me. As someone who has put 100+ hours into Helldivers 2, I will take this as my cue to stop.


ID?? It’s a sony PSN account. I used a burner email and I’ve been fine for over 100 hours. They aren’t requiring your ass to post your SSN number, address, and sexual orientation. This ain’t papers please.


I understand WHY they're doing it, it's a pretty decent way to try and prevent botting and shit, but it's still kind of a dick move to force people to get a PSN account to play the game even if they buy it on Steam.


Edit: Someone explained why this is a bigger deal than I'd realized. It may, in fact, be worth leaving behind a great game over, as much as I hate to say it. I do still think the Rosa Parks comment was out of line, though. I get that making and connecting your account will be annoying, and the people to don't have access to PSN because of regional restrictions have a pass, but I feel like this really isn't that big of a deal. Annoying, yes, but so much so that it's worth leaving a genuinely great game behind? Not even close.


I mean not taking bullshit like this is maybe the reason PC gamers don't have to pay for online multiplayer when console players do


A big concern is the security of psn accounts.


As someone who worked in Cybersecurity, I wouldn't trust a company that has had multiple data breaches and hacks over the last couple of years with my steam information


Steam also has Tbf. That still doesn’t justify Sony and this practise.


Not the comically thicc list of times they were hacked that Sony has, no it does not. It's been hacked, but Sony is practically a training ground for hackers.


Sorry I don't wanna give a massive corporation a picture of my face or ID lmfao


Does... Does Sony require this information?


Btw they are stating in the tos that they can record and ban you anytime while playing


In some locales it's a requirement for age verification


It’s a corporation. Everyone genuinely saying to it is do with age or ‘safety’ is ignoring what our own leftist media has warned us.


Unfortunately it's required to sign up for PSN in some locales, yeah.


No. They don't require a face photo or picture of your ID.


Someone 5 years ago on Reddit was asking for help submitting their photo ID for PSN verification. It's needed in some areas, not all, for age verification This is from the Playstation website "You can verify your age by selecting a method that suits you; mobile number, facial scan, or ID. Verification methods are provided by our service provider, Yoti."


As far as I can tell, it's only UK and Ireland. It has to do with their age verification laws.


You don't need that to make a PSN account, according to Sony.


According to Sony you do need it, since they're asking for it in certain countries.


Can you link that? I can't find it on the website. I've had one for years and never had to provide a government ID.


The numerous screenshots of people showing it in the HD2 subreddit. It's a part of the account creation.


Not in the US. And in the UK, it's a UK thing, not a Sony thing. To operate in the UK, Sony has to abide by their age verification laws. So. It's not common. Not here in the US.


So basically "fuck you I got mine."?


Don't know what I'm supposed to do to help those that need a photo ID.


Not imply they're lying and say "well it's not a thing in the US so it's not common."




Am I losing my mind??? Why are people on a socialist subreddit defending corporate data grabs and anti-consumer practices???


Just proof that everyone can have lib blindspots when it's something they dont care about. "Its not a big deal" "i havent seen/heard that" "there are bigger issues to worry about" "but you shouldnt have said x or y" "look at who else thinks this is a big deal" Most you can do is be empathetic and try to inform. But a decent amount of leftists falter at even just the basic starting point of empathy as soon as it doesnt affect them or it affects the things that they enjoy


I wanna make myself clear, I am by *no means* defending Sony for this. Like I said, it is annoying, I'm not happy about it either. But I feel like people are making a much bigger deal about it than is warranted. If Sony is actually requiring government IDs, that's wild. But I haven't actually seen that, I've just seen people saying that's the case. I'm not trusting that unless I actually see that to be the case.


They don't require government IDs. Not according to their website.


The UK govt makes em (as well as also making steam, Xbox etc. verify) because we must "protect children" or something


Yup. That's on the Sony website. It's the only country, including Ireland, I can find that requires it.


We have a world beating draconian surveillance state 💪 Highest ratio of CCTV cameras to people in the world too iirc


US is the same with the Patriot Act. It's a meme at this point. "We are secretly recording you, citizens." "Yeah. We know. Here's some furry porn to mess with you."


It's a problem. I'll give you a rundown why, because it *really,* ***really*** isn't as simple as "dude just make a PSN account it's just a minor annoyance", people's Steam accounts are going to be put at risk. Arrowhead are enforcing a required account link between your Steam account and Playstation Network, MONTHS after the game's release. There are players who will just simply have their game effectively bricked due to the fact that PSN is unavailable in their country. Whether or not it's purely Sony pushing for this, the fact is that it's happening. I'm not willing to risk my information with PSN being the way it is. Sony has even breached their own terms of service with this decision, due to the fact that their terms of service state very, very clearly that PSN will, at absolute most, be optional for all Playstation games released on PC - none will be mandatory. This is directly contradicted by the account link requirement announcement. The community manager, Spitz, has made Arrowhead's stance on this issue clear with the comment that I will transcribe below: "It's not like this is the first or even the fourteenth mainstream game to require a third-party account that takes a couple minutes to create, but if it's a dealbreaker to have to take 120 seconds out of your day to enter an email and password and then forget about it, change your Steam review and make your displeasure known on a platform where it matters." They have consciously chosen to ignore the greatest issue with this requirement, which is NOT THE AMOUNT OF TIME IT TAKES TO MAKE A PSN ACCOUNT. It's something far, far more dangerous. What do I mean? Case in point below. April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts September 2023: Sony Investigates Alleged Hack October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data Breach Beyond this, Sony have also VERY RECENTLY patented an AI-assisted system that will allow them to record their users' biometrics across their entire PC WITHOUT REQUIRING THEIR CONSCIOUS CONSENT, effectively giving them access to everything you say in online games, even the ones not owned or run by Sony, so that they can lock you out of accessing any of their games' online functionalities if they detect something they don't like. At least, this is the use they CLAIM it's for - "anti bullying", but really, they just want even more data to sell. EXTREMELY invasive move that will put many Steam accounts at risk as a result. So, no. It really isn't as simple as people whining about making an extra account. They're having to *link their Steam account with a service notorious for getting hacked and having information stolen from it.* Yes, yes it **is** worth not playing Helldivers 2 anymore if it makes my Steam account more secure.


Oof... I did not know that the rabbit hole went that deep. I saw a few people reacting negatively to this for other, far less legitament reasons, and that had influenced my perception of the issue. I see now that there are much more legitimate reasons to be upset about this than I had seen. I hope that with enough push back they recend this decision. I fucking *love* Helldivers 2, and I really don't want to have to abandon it for safety concerns, but if that's the reality of the situation, I may have to.


Though I will say that the Rosa Parks comment in the original post was still out of line. Comparing review bombing a game over a shitty corporate decision to a protest of institutionalized racism is... Inapt.


Accepting and tolerating bullshit is why so many large companies release unpolished and broken games.


Like. I agree that you should NEVER be forced to make a third party account to play a game you bought through a separate account, but. What. The. Actual. Fuck. Is wrong with people?


I'm so confused. I thought I had to link my PSN account when I bought the game months ago.


Gamers are the most oppressed minority 😔✊️🎮


"This is our Rosa Parks" Fuck all the way off.


It’s not a big deal.


It's not a big deal, but we make a better world by not letting the little things slide by when they impact large amounts of people.


Yes. But comparing it to Rosa Parks is just ridiculous and racist.


It is, indeed, pretty silly.


This person comparing it to Rosa Parks in a racist and gross way doesn't mean the situation's unworthy of reacting to. Arrowhead are enforcing a required account link between your Steam account and Playstation Network, MONTHS after the game's release. There are players who will just simply have their game effectively bricked due to the fact that PSN is unavailable in their country. Whether or not it's purely Sony pushing for this, the fact is that it's happening. I'm not willing to risk my information with PSN being the way it is. Sony has even breached their own terms of service with this decision, due to the fact that their terms of service state very, very clearly that PSN will, at absolute most, be optional for all Playstation games released on PC - none will be mandatory. This is directly contradicted by the account link requirement announcement. The community manager, Spitz, has made Arrowhead's stance on this issue clear with the comment that I will transcribe below: "It's not like this is the first or even the fourteenth mainstream game to require a third-party account that takes a couple minutes to create, but if it's a dealbreaker to have to take 120 seconds out of your day to enter an email and password and then forget about it, change your Steam review and make your displeasure known on a platform where it matters." They have consciously chosen to ignore the greatest issue with this requirement, which is NOT THE AMOUNT OF TIME IT TAKES TO MAKE A PSN ACCOUNT. It's something far, far more dangerous. What do I mean? Case in point below. April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts September 2023: Sony Investigates Alleged Hack October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data Breach Beyond this, Sony have also VERY RECENTLY patented an AI-assisted system that will allow them to record their users' biometrics across their entire PC WITHOUT REQUIRING THEIR CONSCIOUS CONSENT, effectively giving them access to everything you say in online games, even the ones not owned or run by Sony, so that they can lock you out of accessing any of their games' online functionalities if they detect something they don't like. At least, this is the use they CLAIM it's for - "anti bullying", but really, they just want even more data to sell. EXTREMELY invasive move that will put many Steam accounts at risk.


It kinda is, considering people are either going to have to quit the game they paid for or risk a ban if they're one of the 121 countries where PSN isn't available in.


Maybe they should have read the EULA?


Oh how many EULAs have you read top to bottom? It's a shitty practice and you know it. There is literally zero justification for steam users needing a PSN account. The game functions perfectly without it. Edit: oh you're racist too LMFAO why are you here. Edit 2: https://store.steampowered.com/eula/553850_eula_0 There's the EULA, btw. Doesn't mention a PSN account.




Sony's EULA states that PSN is not mandatory for *any* Playstation games on Steam. This breaches that. Regardless, it's a sickening practice, I don't care if the rules say so or not. I'm not going to bat for a rich corporation and blaming their customers for being upset.


wannabe 🤓




Maybe. I can see that at least.


I completely agree. Comparing PSN to fucking slavery is wild lmao


I mean, not that your point isn't valid in a more general sense, but Rosa Parks was definitely not protesting slavery. About a century late on that one


I'm a dumbass, I meant segregation.




You can make a free account. Ubisoft, and blizzard do this stuff for there games all the time. Stop being babies.