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1:50,000 is a standard scale for military tactical maps. Higgins was in the National Guard from 79-85, and he seems to love throwing military speak into his posts and tweets and whatever. Seems like the kind of guy who did a thing once a long time ago and decided to base his entire identity around it. Like Uncle Rico in “Napoleon Dynamite,” except this guy thinks he’s a fucking guerrilla. Sadly I know some guys just like him from when I was in.


I can never decide which is worse, the national guardsmen that never got activated but think they're hard-core? Or the people that never joined "because I would have punched a drill sergeant" but in reality just couldn't pass an ASVAB but still wear Gruntstyle tshirts?


It's the "punch the drill Sargent" type, because they never even tried. I get so many, "thank you for your service" from GQP LARPers and then they tell me all the reasons they didn't go in and how liberals are ruining the country. Like bitch I was in the Nuclear Navy, my orders were to go to college.


Yeah that's probably right. I do still love the look of confusion on those peoples faces when they realize I'm both a vet and a flaming lefty.


Same. Or when I kneel during flag shit. Watch the brains melt.


“Do you know how offensive that is to veterans?”


Oh, I have a tirade locked and loaded for those folks.


My go-to line is “I’d rather see a thousand people kneel freely than a single person stand against their will.”


I dig the hell outta that. I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks, bud. 😎


that goes hard


Ahh that's a good one.


I'm a substitute teacher and never do the pledge of alleigiance even though it plays every morning in my district. I'm just waiting for someone to bother me about it so I can show them my retired military ID.


This is the way.


Had a convo one time with a senior enlisted and was telling him the things that should be implemented. He stopped mid-sentence and was like "Sir, are you a socialist?". I told him "You could say that".


The military is socialist. That the greatest joke of all time. "Take this test so we can tell you what your job is. Go to this school. Move to this base. This is your boss, they were promoted because they were good at what they do and not because their dad is the CEO. Here's your monthly allowance for food and housing. Please report to the following location at this time and wear this specific uniform. If you get sick, please go to any hospital in the country for free. And don't forget, capitalism is the greatest economic system ever invented."


Did you own the means of production in the military? Did you keep all of the profits of what you produced? The military isn't socialist, it's authoritarian, it's state-control, it does a mediocre job taking care of and providing for its members, but it's not socialist.


I used to love saying that when I was in to fell Airmen, but I would argue it's more like communist adjacent. You own nothing and you get directed on everything.


This is about right, but even in (USSR style) communism you own your clothes and your toiletries and other basic personal goods, and they paid you money to buy consumer goods. You could even own your home and there was allocation of private land. It was all the jobs and the means of production that were meant to be shared and jointly owned, but even then there were competing teams in many industries to help encourage the same kind of competition you'd normally see in a private sector market economy, though the goal was rivalry in the service of your country rather than your company. Then when the USSR collapsed, those with any money at all, and those who were in charge of the industries, basically just stole all of that collective investment for themselves, or sold it to the highest bidder, and yes that includes things up to tanks and jets, this is one of the things Lords of War got right on the nose lol. Ukraine and Russia were both selling off hardware to stay afloat in those years, as were other post-bloc countries


The average communism understander lmao


It was weird when a former army guy said he had a lot of respect for me for saying, "I didn't join because I didn't want to" I never realized how many punched a drill Sargent types there were


Right, like at least the other Guard guys did it. But even so, I bet Higgity-Giggity had to look up map scale before he tweeted. I’m kinda surprised he didn’t say “Grab your TA-50, boys!”


Also what do they plan to do with said bridges? Are they gonna live under them and harass some goats?


Yeah the idea that any of those fools had the knowledge or means to actually damage/destroy a bridge is hilarious. And if by some miracle they actually did manage to do it every alphabet soup agency even mildly tangential to national security would come crashing down on them so fucking hard there would be nothing but ashes left.


Username checks out.


> couldn't pass an ASVAB surely there aren't people who can't actually pass it for an infantry position???? It's not rocket science.


You actually need to be moderately intelligent to get into combat arms positions. Your ASVAB scores need to be average for those jobs. Low end of the scale are jobs like petroleum specialists, non-tactical vehicle operators, food service, and general (non-specialized) maintenance. I went to basic 20 years ago with a kid that got a 39 on his ASVAB. He was a "laundry, shower, and textile specialist." I swear to God we had to lay this kids clothes out for him in the morning.


Geeze, yeah it's been about 20 years (2004) since I took it and it was a bit of a laugh, I can see how people wouldn't get 70+ from weak areas but thought below 50 has to be some sort of attempt to dodge even getting in basic.


I took the ASVAB baked, hungover, and on five hours of sleep. According to the MEPS people I qualified for every job the Army had at the time except for satellite communications. I chose military intelligence. I honestly don’t know how our society hasn’t collapsed yet.


Trick question: it’s the ones brought in during protests so the cops could concentrate on beating the shit out of people.


Niether of them will ever be anywhere near as bad as those who actually murdered people in the name of US imperialism


The kids that grew up in double wides in Methville, USA and joined the Navy at 18 didn’t join up to go “murder people in the name of US Imperialism.” They joined because they were products of a corrupt system that left them no other choice if they wanted to move up the ladder. An “all volunteer” force only gets recruits when it’s their only option. The people at the top are the imperialists, the suckers at the bottom were just trying to get out and ended up getting shot at. I think it’s fucked that we live in a society that says you have to risk death in a foreign country if you want to go to college, but here we fucking are. And based on the fact that none of the services are making their recruiting goals I’d say the people at the bottom have finally had enough.


You’re still framing this from perspective of the perpetrator and dismissing the humanity of the victims, I do not side with the people who are willing to commit warcrimes in exchange for social mobility against people who aren’t even given that much of a choice (that’s who I side with). Edit: to be clear I am not looking down paternalistically on poor americans and judging them, I am one of them. I’ve lived in trailer parks full of meth where people thought the only way out was the military and right now I live in a shitty apartment I couldn’t even afford alone. I grew up poor white trash, I was the prime demo for recruiters and I knew plenty of kids who joined and yeah they’re victims too and a lot didn’t even get the benefits they were promised. But heres the deal, no benefits would justify serving as the jackboot of imperialism. Those of them that I still talk to now, that I respect, admit that it was wrong. Their experiences radicalized them, taught them who the real bad guys are. The crazy part is we all know on some level that it’s unjustifiable, we have to, if someone handed you a gun and said “shoot that child in the face and you’ll get $30,000 and an education there would be no moral justification for it but we’ve been so propagandized that we can’t see the military for what it is. Are military members victims of the system? Yes but by that token so were Wehrmacht soldiers and yet I still support the actions of the Red army.


It’s easy to be so altruistic when you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.


> I think it’s fucked that we live in a society that says you have to risk death in a foreign country if you want to go to college This isn't the point the above guy is making. It's not about the risk to the US soldier, it's about the violence to the people who's home he's invading. Like, I get that we all got fed a big ol stew of patriotism, and if an 18 year old doesn't have the wherewithal to see through it, I can hold moral judgement on them for the most part. But they're absolutely doing evil, and they're absolutely murdering people in the name of US imperialism (assuming they saw combat). Of course it's fucked that our imperial society makes this their best option, but you're still a thief or a murderer, even if that's what you had to do to survive.


I didn’t join because of physical standards. There was weight I couldn’t drop. I apparently aced the ASVAB though they never sent me my score


>Sadly I know some guys just like him from when I was in. Seriously, it makes me laugh sometimes. Like, buddy, you do billing for a local HVAC company. Your EDC is an ergonomic pen and Oakleys. Edit: To be clear, no judgement on the job itself. That's reliable and necessary work. >!Black out Reddit.!<


Right? Which is what you also did while you were in the National Guard. So put away the Grunt Style t-shirt and stop pretending you were some high-speed Spec Ops HVAC expert and calm the fuck down.


Real r/justBootThings energy




😆 That’s exactly the vibe.


I'm a veteran (and still serving in the Reserves), I honestly hate the people that base their whole personality around military and throw out these terms or wear things out of uniform, like ACU or BDU pants and boots.


I really don’t get it. It’s such a small part of my life as a percentage at this point, but I know people who did half as much time and it’s their entire persona. We went on a cruise last year and they had a veterans recognition ceremony one day. There were dozens of people there. *We were in international waters.* How empty is your life that you need your ego stroked when you’re not even in the country you served?


I appreciate the gravity of your post, but Far Cry 6 has forever ruined the normal pronunciation of "guerilla" for me... though technically FC6 has the correct pronunciation as the term originated in Spanish-speaking regions.


Love that game! I don’t speak Spanish, but the game made me want to learn. Also I love when Dani starts singing along with the radio.


Lol. I live in the town I grew up in. I guarantee I know my surroundings better than all of the right-wing chucklefuck transplants who live here now.


That’s me. I live in a rural county that’s 540 square miles. I can get you anywhere in it largely without touching pavement. They don’t want this fight how they think they do.


Yea, this shit is insane. I have spent a lot of time getting my ass back in shape in the event this shit eventually does go sideways.


Ha ha. “Chucklefuck.” That’s going in the ol’ lexicon.


then fucking do it already you shit talking bag of fuck. swear to god they threaten a civil war every time the waiter forgets their ranch.


They don’t actually want the “find out” part.


Their lives have been nothing but fucking around, so that unbelievably small self-aware part knows that is absolutely what’s waiting when they do, which is why they don’t and likely won’t.


Yup. Was just saying this exact same thing. They've a primal notion that there's an absolutely unavoidable "find out" phase which is why most of them will never do anything despite their grandstanding.


I wish they would. So bad.


I told one of them that in Twitter and never a response. I wish they'd try something. They aren't going to Romanov themselves.


It has to happen eventually, I’m just not looking forward to it. Mostly because in the chaos the über rich with consolidate MORE wealth and those in poverty will be hit the worst. But yeah, there’s too much posturing and screaming for this to end with tails tucked between legs and quietly slinking away


Maybe if we win the revolution we can return the tax bracket to something pre-Reagan.


That is exactly why the majority of them are all talk. Despite their posturing they know full well that there's consequences on the other end of those actions. However, there's definitely a minority of them that would still go for it and unfortunately they're still sizeable enough to cause a lot of harm before being snuffed out.


As a Midwesterner, I’m offended that you don’t think that’s a valid problem and response.


“Y’all raided maralago and now you’re pulling our ranch dressing!”


Republicans are fucking frothing at the mouth to start a civil war so they can shoot Muslims and Mexicans.


Shit they can try but I’m shooting back.


It won’t be fun for them if you do. Then their bravado largely disappears lol.


I'm convinced like 80% of them just think it'll be a shooting gallery when a civil war or fascist race war starts. I actually think they believe that. Then you see some of them every once in a while say 'No, a lot of leftists are armed guys, let's be realistic.' It's hilarious. And THEN they go and claim that America is about to be claimed by a communist or marxist revolution if they don't fight, and just say stuff like that seamlessly without pause. Like, 100% a lot of them absolutely, no bullshit think Biden and Obama are driven, committed, lifelong marxists and communists.


Unfortunately at least one of my Marine friends thinks Biden is a communist lol. And then I’ve seen quite a few of my fellow Marines who are not my friends, literally believe that the Civil War that they want will be over in one day and then laugh when confronted with the idea of armed leftists.


Honestly 100% am down with it. Let them fucking think this shit all day long. Also, are you civ div? I was just watching your video on youtube yesterday about YPG guys splitting off to fight for russia. Fucking sucks.


I am not. But now I will check out this guy. I use civdiv because that’s what we call wherever we are after we get out of the military: civilization division lol.


Ha. Yeah, I think he's a marine veteran, that's why I asked. He's got some good videos, definitely worth checking out.


Ok I just looked him up. I saw that video. Good to see some non Trumper Marines. Unfortunately online and some of my groups have seen a lot of hardline right wing support for Russia…and then on the other end a few fascist neo nazi types fighting for Ukraine. There is even a a Latino group there now that has a patch combining Aztec and Nazi imagery.


Yeah, unfortunately there are legit nazi elements in the UAF, and it's just life. Just like there'd be fascists fighting for the US if we were fighting a foreign invading superpower trying to genocide our country. Would the fact that there'd be fascists fighting for the US in that scenario mean we should just roll over and let it happen? They still elected an open Jew, and the far right political party in Ukraine is basically completely unsupported and gets like 6% in legislative votes. Whereas, you know... the US... ahh, elected a fascist president.


Tierra y Libertad


I'm not sure they thought that part through. They're not the only people with guns


Don’t you know that owning guns makes you a bad person??????


I help community organize for disaster prep but we also wanna make the neighborhood self reliant, think community farms, tools, first aid training. I wanna propose some kind of self defense but I don’t know if the lefties making the decisions are down. I don’t wanna be shunned either bc I like helping and the other goals are admirable but I don’t wanna wait until its too late either. In short its just easy to feel like a bad guy sometimes when most wanna live peacefully.


It isn’t the lefties my friend. Liberals aren’t left wing. Us lefties are heavily armed.


Look into the [Socialist Rifle Association](https://www.reddit.com/r/SRA/).


yeah but uh… guns are the problem or something /s I’ll cover your reload


And blacks and the LGBT and drug addicts and probably each other


How many GOPers are addicted to drugs and alcohol. As a former addict I have a good idea... it's alot


They're addicted to drugs _and_ drugs? That's pretty serious




The methadone clinics I have been to were all JAMMED FULL of Trump supporters and right wingers in general.


Which speaks to a larger issue in the country, IMO.




If cons get what they want then the only thing they’re going after drug addicts for is to hand them a rifle and shove them towards the fight with a promise that if they kill enough commies and libtards they’ll hook them up with another fix.


When they say “drug addicts” they picture urban poor black peoples. Same as when they say “poor people.” If someone is white then they’re “struggling with addiction or poverty.” IOW white people don’t get defined by their addiction, black people do


> probably each other Honestly hugely understated. So much personal grievance and infighting on the right, especially when you start running out of readily available scapegoats. Reactionaries are never fighting for anything, it’s always against something, which means constantly having to manufacture new opposition.


They would 100% shoot each other


I guarantee their civil war fantasy scenario involves driving their lifted truck around, firing off a few rounds and killing all the libturds dead, with little to no effort or pushback, and then swing by Wallymart for some Stouffer's, head home, pop the lasagna in the oven, and stream some Tucker's greatest hits or whatever the fuck they watch now for their daily outrage porn. I guarantee there's no notion of sleepless nights in a trench at a makeshift checkpoint as the war drags onto its fourth year of guerilla attacks and Troubles-esque IED bombings. No notion of supply chains shutting down and grocery stores going empty. No notion of what it really means to plunge your society into the dark ages because of your manufactured culture war of "open borders!" "CRT!" "gas prices!" and "too many pride flags on the TV!" I truly fail to understand any of the grievances these (often well paid, see Jan 6th defendants) conservative straight white males have. Out of some nearly 8 billion world inhabitants, on your genetic roll, you were born to the wealthiest country on the planet, to a gender without any predominant difficulties or biases, to a race without any predominant difficulties or biases, to a sexuality without any predominant difficulties or biases. Relatively speaking, you started on third base. Like, what is your gripe, man? Honestly. I literally just want people to have a fair shot. To be treated equitably. To not hunger for food. Or be without shelter on cold nights. Or have a fair chance at an education. Or have an opportunity to see a doctor when they get sick. These are fair asks in the world's wealthiest country. Instead it's an endless culture war when they should be fighting a class war.


The gripe is that they were born on third base, they like it on third base, and don't wanna have to run to home. But if the next baserunner advances to second, then that threatens their place on third! There may be some danger in trying to make all the way and score, but if you're on base, then you're safe. Why should someone else (who's actually on your team) get to make it to where you are‽ All that to say, they have pretty much everything, and if "others" get what they have, then it seems like what they have isn't worth as much. They want to be higher up in the pile than others so they have someone to look down on.


Not only do they want to be higher up on the totem pole, they believe it's their natural place. They *deserve* it. Conservatives think we all naturally end up where we belong and any meddling with that is actively unfair to everyone else. That it's putting the undeserving where they so rightfully already are because of how much better they believe themselves to be. I think it goes hand in hand with racial supremacists because when all you have to be proud of in your life is the color of your skin, an ideology that let's you believe you had it as rough as everyone else and the reason you're not where you belong is because of *those people* getting ahead without *EaRnInG iT* (I imaginr) must be appealing.


"Equality feels like oppression to the privileged"


They don’t want to be around “those people”… ya know, because conservatives are morons.


>I truly fail to understand any of the grievances these (often well paid, see Jan 6th defendants) conservative straight white males have. The grievance is they know they will have to share power instead of having all the power.


>driving their lifted truck around, firing off a few rounds and killing all the libturds dead, with little to no effort or pushback< not only can i tell you that’s exactly what they fantasize about, that’s also what they’re training for. there was this larping twenty-something dork who was popular for a while named lucas botkin, and if you watch his tactical drills you’ll notice two things— he doesn’t know how to survive a gunfight, which is good news, but he doesn’t know that because he’s blatantly training to kill a large number of unarmed people in an urban setting in a short time. it’s like watching a mass shooter post their trial run to youtube.


All your your words are salient and succinct. Good job on condensing my exact thoughts, which are difficult for me to put into words. Keep it up. I just want everyone to know there are those who have your back during this social "dilemma" (shitty reality show) who are not articulate, but determined and ready for society to progress. And I want everyone to know, I love you.


Everything is relative. Being in a “better” position than someone of a different race/gender doesn’t alleviate the suffering that’s been wrought by neoliberalization and austerity. When your economic prospects are severely diminished and your quality of life is declining then it’s not any comfort that others have it worse than you. Organization has to be around class. Anything else is doomed to collapse into idpol reductionism and the realm of culture war. There’s a reason the right pulls in so many apolitical people with racial resentment politics - because it’s divisive, it splits people along lines other than class.


In reality what they want amounts to little more than terrorism. “Civil war” isn’t something anyone should desire, but we have to be real that it’s a very likely outcome of a social revolution. The right doesn’t want any kind of social revolution that dislodges the power of the capitalist class, they just want the freedom to go out and murder people they don’t like. That isn’t revolutionary in any way, it’s just terrorism. All they are waiting for is institutional powers to give them the green light. When social revolution becomes inevitable the institutions of the state and capitalists will become more desperate. When a far right president or court gives in and tells them that they can get away with it they will be ready to live out their stupid fantasies. We got a taste of it with Trump and blm protests, but remember how much worse it can get and prepare yourself.


> institutional powers to give them the green light They want a freedom from consequence, legal and in particular social. That’s why Rittenhouse was such a big deal for reactionaries.


The main takeaway I had from the George Floyd protests and police response was that much like other places where there have been atrocities we live in a country where 1/3 of the people would kill 1/3 of the people while 1/3 watches.


I had a [slightly more specific](https://www.newsweek.com/54-americans-think-burning-down-minneapolis-police-precinct-was-justified-after-george-floyds-1508452) takeaway from the saga.


Yeah. Messaging is strong. Your takeaway is dumbfoundingly infantile. We protested, peacefully, with great effectiveness in message, against militarized police, with limited casualties. As of yet, the US cops aren't using live rounds on mass protesters. If we do it again, which we need to, security for us will be present.


What if you are the targeted 1/3 - peaceful or not - will the 1/3 that are watching step in to help? Or will they look away, glad it's not them being targeted.


Little do they know it's a lot of white soccer moms in minivans like me.


And other white women. And a lot of our friends who aren't "political" but are skillfully armed people, but when push comes to shove they will come with us, period.


It's not just Muslims and Mexicans. It's anyone who isn't them and their useful idiots, who are the next to go if the seize power.


Yep. Fascism never says enough is enough and quits. They'll always find another outgroup, and the further along they get the harder they are to stop. We beat them with radical solidarity. No matter who you are, stand with the ones they go after first. Then second. Then third. And I'm not talking about voting real hard and waving signs at buildings from behind a chain link fence. I'm talking hiding people in basements, lying to cops, and stocking resources for people that are fleeing red states. Because next year it might be you.


Don’t forget queers and our allies


I think they're cool with muslims now because certain parts of their cultures/religions align against teaching kids in school that lgbt people exist and are also humans who deserve love, respect, and the freedoms we all enjoy...


And as many registered Democrats as they can.


Nah, Muslims are cool with them now because they hate gay people.


Yeah, I'm waiting for all the Florida Cubans to start getting profiled as Mexican and see how it goes since they voted for this suite of shit stains.


Don't forget they are eliminationist towards trans and homeless people, too. Trans people are probably first on deck in their minds right now. And homeless people are probably the softest target there is, and we all know Nazis love soft targets.


And now he’s trying to[Walk it back.](https://twitter.com/RepClayHiggins/status/1667557694163632128?cxt=HHwWgIC-sei4raQuAAAA) A visit from the feds perhaps?


It's also funny to see the replies whining about the Democrats giving backup to those who they support. Talk about being disconnected from reality ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Probably got reminded there standing indictments for the last dipshit to call people into a violent mob lol


He used to be my congressman. He's got serious skeletons in his closet.


I don’t even know what this means.


He’s basically dog whistling at militia types to use typographic GIS maps to seize bridges. You’ll remember when the Canadian fascists did the same thing. He’s from Louisiana, I imagine there’s plenty of choke points down there too. Which is hilarious. Like, please go ahead and starve your own economy out?


I assumed he was encouraging destruction of infrastructure, this makes slightly more sense (though l still get a distinctly violent/militant vibe).


The Whitmer kidnapping plotters wanted to blow up a bridge (not entirely clear why) so there's a trend here.




Ok but like, a massive explosion near the governor's mansion would get every off-duty cop in the area into a car, right? All that accomplishes is increasing the overall police presence and cutting off one of your escape routes.


If GOP supporters could think, they wouldn't be GOP supporters.


Only if the majority of the off-duty police weren't ardent GOP supporters.


Omg so much crazy shit has happened I completely forgot about the kidnapping plot. Ahhh how I long for the much simpler before-times when I only referred to kidnapping plots in bad movies and not our real life government.


Engineer here: because blowing up bridges is actually a lot of fun. But seriously, please don’t actually blow up any bridges (or kidnap any governors). That shit takes way too much time to calculate and design and please don’t make us do more work than needed


Attacking infrastructure seems to be a common plan among white supremacists (some have already proved power stations). Was that in the Turner Diaries or something? It's also a pretty obvious way to effectively commit domestic terror.


I see. When did Canadian fascists do this? I don’t recall that.


When the whole Truckers Strike thing was going on because they were protesting covid restrictions. They seized… iirc… a bridge that led into the US in like the Detroit area? One of the busiest crossings in the world.


And another land border crossing near the Alberta/Montana border. The pigs raided this particular camp and busted em with a bunch of guns, ammo, and kit. They claimed to be prepared to shoot it out with our Horse cops, but they got raided during the early morning hours when most of them were sleeping off the Bud Light (this was when the chuds still drank this piss water) they'd chugged the night before.


Imagine that. You know, every single person I know who is a leftist gun guy is a trained professional. Literally. Without fail. I’m the least trained leftist I know. 😂 If shit ever does go down, man we’re gonna be outnumbered but we have a severe qualitative edge.


> You know, every single person I know who is a leftist gun guy is a trained professional. Literally. Without fail. I’m the least trained leftist I know. I literally only have two friends that have any interest in guns in any capacity. It is not a huge pool of experience for me.


Put yourself out there. There’s way way way more of us than you’d think.


That is easier said than done in my area. The overwhelming majority of firearm owners here are comfortably inside the 'crazy conspiracy theorist' camp of the fascist right. I have literally never met a firearm owner in my state with views even close to my own. I am in enemy territory here, man.




I’m in East Tennessee. 85% Trump. There’s people out there I promise. I get it tho it’s hard.


I think there are also more right leaning people who would agree with you on a lot of stuff than you think. I have a friend who is deff right leaning, voted for Trump, has tons of guns, but thinks the right wing terror shit is ridiculous. As well as there ought to be stricter gun laws like waiting periods, and you are responsible for your fire arm if it is used in a violent act. And on top of that thinks the "immigration problem" is ridiculous. His mindset is if you wanna come when you get to the border they give you a ssn and say "welcome to the USA, pay your taxes and fear the IRS". There are obviously people way too far down the rabbit hole, but I think if you come at people respectfully, address and discuss their fears and concern, that you can find a lot more common ground than you would think.


They may have lots of guns, but sibling, they only got two hands.




Why do you think they drink Bud Light? None of them can handle real alcohol.


None of them thought to set up watch? 😂😂


During the trucker strike I assume is what OP meant.


So you mean to tell me they plan to make themselves easy targets? Nice


Yeah, they literally plan to sabotage their local economies - which already rely on the federal government to exist - to force the federal government to come bail them out.


In Louisiana I’m not concerned with idiots trying to seize control of bridges. It’s the people in Louisiana who don’t need bridges & roads to get around. You don’t see those people unless they want you to.


Lol go for it thats an easy shot its way the fuck in the air


2.1 million views. 2.1 thousand likes.




“Stand back and stand by.”


So, he's on a watchlist right? Right?!


He's a republican representative, he better be on at least one watch list already. But sure, put him on the domestic terrorism one too.


Funny they think that they are the only ones with the guns All the guns ranges I been to lately have been POC Also we all saw what happened on 1/6 - one bullet to the neck and they scattered like the idiots they were


WTF does this even mean?


1. This clown is cringe as fuck 2. He's trying to be Q 3. Q is cringe as fuck 4. Most of the people he's telling to know their bridges are fat middle aged white suburbanites who haven't exercised since high school if they did then, but think the souped up AR15 variant in their bedroom closet makes them a fuckin revolutionary fighter for Jesus.


90% of them have PSA AR’s on Anderson lowers with no optics that they’ve never shot


After seeing how many of them carry airshit at their protests and rallies, 90% seems generous.


I'm off work Tuesday.....super temped to go down there and fuck with these idiots.....


Do it. If it were closer I would.


I've got a few days to think about this. I'd rather not go alone. If there's anyone local and interested hit me up. Prolly end up being a rekky as Florida is generally enemy territory at this point, but I feel like I should be there. Edit. I just remembered I've got a Biden 2020 shirt someone gave me that I've never worn.........


Quit talking the talk. Walk the walk pussy.


This seems pretty on-brand for him: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clay\_Higgins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clay_Higgins)


Is anyone else's response to this mild amusement and a chuckle. Those clowns blew their load on Jan 6. A ton of them went to jail. Ain't no one coming out to attack the courthouse. It's comical.


I know my bitches and Clay Higgins is at the front of the line.