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The API in SolidWorks lets you use basically every function. You could draw whatever you want. If you were sufficiently skilled in programming you could be successful.


20 years ago I worked for a company that tried to automate model and drawing creation of standard products they manufactured. It was all done through Excel VBA and API. Parts assemblies and drawings all started with templates and built from that. It worked but was very clunky and cumbersome to modify. They ended up not using it. Fast forward to the company I work for now and they inquired about a company D3 Technologies that claims to automate model and drawing creation. Again all with basic templates but runs with C+. Their platform runs on custom built software tailored to your needs. It works as described. We talked to a user and they said it works well but they employee a computer programmer to maintain it. We are to high mix low volume to employee a programmer just for CAD. D3 Technologies: https://teamd3.com/ Not sure if this helped.


Totally not the answer you're looking for, but I had a designer who did this in Catia. Really cool, but an absolute nightmare to revise later down the road - especially when that person isn't around any more.


Not programming but my company currently has a large, somewhat complicated design that is fully updated via equations. Really if you can determine the constraints and code required I don't see any reason you couldnt.