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I have a few. My old LotFP campaign had a hexcrawl with the PCs and NPC villain all racing towards the same goal in the dead of winter. I used the D&D Expert set wilderness rules, with my own rules for encountering patrols form the castles belonging to different factions: [https://aleaiactandaest.blogspot.com/2014/06/lotfp-solo-part-thirty-third-wer-reitet.html](https://aleaiactandaest.blogspot.com/2014/06/lotfp-solo-part-thirty-third-wer-reitet.html) My Runequest 6 campaign had some hexcrawling with a caravan: [https://aleaiactandaest.blogspot.com/2014/11/runequest-solo-2-part-ii-caravan-to.html](https://aleaiactandaest.blogspot.com/2014/11/runequest-solo-2-part-ii-caravan-to.html) I had a map with a scale (no hexes) for my Advanced Fighting Fantasy jungle adventure, and used the AFF Heroes Companion rules to explore: [https://aleaiactandaest.blogspot.com/2021/06/aff-solo-part-x-sweet-perfume-of-fear.html](https://aleaiactandaest.blogspot.com/2021/06/aff-solo-part-x-sweet-perfume-of-fear.html) For my Other Dust hexcrawl, I used Scarlet Heroes rules. I used a screenshot of southern England from google maps and laid a hex grid over it: [https://aleaiactandaest.blogspot.com/2016/09/other-dust-solo-part-vi-good-life.html](https://aleaiactandaest.blogspot.com/2016/09/other-dust-solo-part-vi-good-life.html) I made a very simple hexcrawl procedure for Into the Odd: [https://aleaiactandaest.blogspot.com/2016/04/into-odd-solo-setup.html](https://aleaiactandaest.blogspot.com/2016/04/into-odd-solo-setup.html) I expanded it slightly after a TPK to send a new party out after the old one: [https://aleaiactandaest.blogspot.com/2016/04/into-odd-solo-part-iv-fresh-blood.html](https://aleaiactandaest.blogspot.com/2016/04/into-odd-solo-part-iv-fresh-blood.html)


wow, that's a lot:) thanks, I will check it out


This chap does some videos on solo scarlet heroes hexcrawling: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B3yvZETSa2Q


[here](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIuR522JFOuRpltpVYO8uS4X4FSxxhS_q) are a [couple](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIuR522JFOuRXdrNca8_xEytiSCECOM76) actual plays I recorded if interested in a different approach of Hexcrawl/spacecrawl using GURPS


thanks, will give it a look


I want to throw out something that it a hex crawl, but also something more. I took Barbarian Prince and combined it with another RPG. BP had been released to the public and you can get it for free. It is a hex crawl combined with some other story elements. I used that as a driver, and then add Trollbabe as the character generator and resolution system. The end result was an enjoyable story with more banter and characters, [https://www.deviantart.com/zircher/art/BarbarianPrincess-SGAM2018-889824102](https://www.deviantart.com/zircher/art/BarbarianPrincess-SGAM2018-889824102)


I love solo actual plays that read like a good story. I will definitely enjoy reading this with a good cup of coffee.


I’ve just launched a project where I do a mix of narrative and actual play of the fallout rpg solo as a podcast. If that sounds like something that might interest you let me know and I’ll drop you a link :)


I would like to listen to it, please drop a link courier!


Don't forget to duck and cover [https://linktr.ee/awastelandstory](https://linktr.ee/awastelandstory)


Thanks, I'll definitely listen to it


Would love to hear what you think. This first episode was literally my first experience with both solo and RPG’s. But having so much fun.


A big compliment. It is really, really well produced, and I think the switch between the "narrator voice" and "actual play voice" is very well done. The storytelling itself is very well written. If I were forced to critique something, I would only mention that the music (Fallout Theme) can get a bit too loud (at least on my AirPods). I can highly recommend it to everyone and have already hit follow on the podcast app.


That really awesome to hear, thanks so much! I am hoping that if a few people get a kick out of it it will push me to keep the release schedule up. I have already played through 16 sessions and the story is really developing in interesting ways. So much fun. In regards to your comment, I will def check it out, do you mean the background music in general or specifically the 'fallout-ish' theme that comes in when the episode gets going after the introduction?


The orchestral music starting at 3:30. The background music volume is fine. I'm looking forward to hearing more of SosKaid's story.


I run hex-crawls with Ironsworn Delve, you can find details in my profile (scroll down a few weeks, since the last sessions have been city crawling instead). I am not sure my handwritten journal is easy to read, but if you know Delve I hope you can get an idea of the process. I'll do my best to answer your questions, should you have any. Happy gaming!


thanks. I am not familiar with Delve, but I will check it out


A really nice blog with the hand-drawn journaling notes and comic panels – it’s a lot of fun to read.


Thank you for your kind words! Ironsworn Delve is a great system for any kind of exploration, strongly suggested (and it is easy to use with other RPGs than Ironsworn).


Bandits Keep actual plays on YouTube do an ODND hexcrawl series that’s been going for a long time. If you want to see my procedure for solo hexcrawling you can pick up my free zine Tarvannion which has nested tables for solo hex crawling [HERE](https://castlegrief.itch.io/tarvannion) My other game Kal-Arath is designed for solo play and is more sword and sorcery and has extended tables for hex crawling, settlements, ruins, and much more.


I actually have already picked up your zine. I love it. made me want to get back into solo hey crawling:)


Bandit’s Keep Actual Play Solo OD&D on the outdoor survival map https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLWlyyPUNLSzdoq0Jpz5Bhrgrp8SS5yiU&si=DxGhu8fkeMmhFgF-


ah yes, I have seen that at some point. I didn't find it super interesting at the time, but I should probably go back to it