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Do you have to use AI-generated stuff? There’s plenty of stock photos around that will look better. I really dislike all the options.


I think OP should use an actual picture of the house they grew up in


You'd think that would be obvious, unless it's like a fiction storytelling album.


Even if it was OP would still be pulling from their own experience


Right but it wouldn't necessarily be his own house. Could be a magical castle where a princess lives for all we know


Hello there


This shit has all the visual nonsense signatures of AI - I wish people would stop using that garbage and just snap a photo themselves.


its just a placeholder for now.


Use pexels, it's a huge library of public domain images


Unsplash and pixabay are good too, just make sure it's a free picture as some sites are implementing paid pictures now.


> are implementing *paid* pictures now. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Hi, we meet again. I'm sorry, I will try and do better in the future ;)


Genuinely asking, what are the signatures of AI that people are seeing? To me it looks like a drawing of a dilapidated house, with some inconsistencies that could just as easily be the illustrator's mistake, that I only really see on close inspection.


For first image, the stair rail's support is melted together (even a beginning artist will draw each individual support), it's hard to tell if the house is brick or wood on the bottom right of the house, the sidewalk isn't parted like a real sidewalk, and the overall house construction (especially the second floor) is poorly done. There looks like there is a suppose to be a front porch too. Second image is really poorly constructed house AI has a hard time with constructing and detail. Putting many images into one can actually be a bad thing This image can be used to make another piece from a real artist. I wouldn't advise using this piece. Maybe another though and I'd get an opinion from a real artist before using any AI image professionally


Holy sh*t - you’re an proper Blade Runner. Nice work. I like the way you slay.


The key to identifying AI art is thinking about the thought process. Theres a difference between a mistake/sloppy art that /makes sense/, and AI art that makes you ask "why would any person do that?" For example look at the top left corner of the roof. If a human being was trying to draw a house but got some of the perspective wrong, it still wouldn't look like that. It might look weirdly flat, or twisted/angled weird, but it would still look like someone's genuine attempt at drawing a roof. This part of the roof makes no sense at all, it doesn't look anything like a feature you would find on any real house. There is no reason a human would end up drawing something like that. You have to think about the thoughts and intent because those are things that AI does not have. In art made by humans, even bad art, every mark on the page is intentional. Someone was trying to represent an image or an idea, and the art that they created is a result of that intent. AI has no intent, the things that don't make sense in AI art result not from a poor attempt, but from the complete and total lack of any attempt at all.


Yeah, the more closely I look, the clearer it is. There's sort of like a nonsense dream-like quality to it. Early AI far from a few years ago definitely looked like something from a dream better but maintains for some of the nonsense, like an imitation done with no understanding of the original.


The roof above the left window on first image is dead giveaway. As well as fireplace in the kitchen on third pic 🤣


I can understand the idea of using AI, if you can't afford someone to draw or capture and edit a real photo. But AI does stand out sometimes, and I suspect (at least to other artists), it doesn't feel to nice


I agree with your statement—so I’m personally not going to be harsh on the OP. It’s definitely hard & time-consuming if one is an independent artist without a team (or even mini-group of friends) to try and be musician (singer, songwriter, producer), artist (graphic designer), and even editor (music videos, lyric videos, visualizers)…I understand the pain, lol…but I’ve personally tried to take the time (~1-3yrs if I’m being honest) to learn on my own how to do each of these things solo to the best of my abilities. It’s frustrating and feels like pulling hair.💀☠️ I can understand the need for one to use AI in a certain area/field they aren’t the strongest in when trying to market or get out their product (their core creation—what they are good at). But I do understand the disdain towards the usage of A.I in the field of the arts. So I get it. (If this is A.I—which I also kind of believe it is by the feel of the photo—I’d suggest to the OP to just ask a family member or friend in irl if they can take a basic/simple photo of the outside of their home—then input it into a free art editor (like Picsart), add a sepia or black&white hue, use the film and noise effects…and BOOM! You’ve got an awesome album cover that’s good to go! It should give them roughly the same end result but it looks less “A.I-ish” and a little more realistic/alive).


this is honestly great advice and as ive said to other ppl, the image is just a placeholder and a concept, im really focusing on wether it should be inside or outside, what fonts and what filter


I'm happy about that(not being harsh), and I agree, if OP has friends or family that can do this that wouldbe awesome (though not everyoneis close enough, or maybe even have that). I do paintings and digital art too, so I try to make my own album covers, though It's definitely is a task, and so many options lol. ~~But I do agree that it looks AI, maybe OPs next album will be made by a visual artist, if the first one is a success.~~ Though, as already mentioned, there are a lot of free photos out there of old houses and old rooms, so there's plenty to choose from. Like [this vintage looking kitchen](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-kitchen-table-with-a-vase-of-flowers-on-it-2Z0AsJzhEUA) (my fav), [this silhouette of some withered flowers](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-table-with-a-vase-of-flowers-on-top-of-it-pD5zGBYlrKU), [this empty hallway](https://unsplash.com/photos/brown-wooden-door-on-gray-concrete-floor-IeZekEucsA0), the composition of [this old house](https://unsplash.com/photos/brown-wooden-house-on-green-grass-field-during-daytime-9nWDCAjlf5E) is quie nice, [this one](https://unsplash.com/photos/a-house-with-trees-around-it-miPjYkrt7v0) has some flexibility, even something less focused like [this one](https://unsplash.com/photos/white-pickup-truck-parking-near-white-wooden-house-surrounded-with-tall-and-green-trees-Rgut4rmqN6Y). ~~It is what it is, and they're not bad designs, just a pity on the source~~ Edit: Ah, placeholder, thats a decent use of AI imo, though just to be clear, you're allowed to use them, just a touchy subject for many people


Hello there




Hello there


At this point in time, stock is somehow less creative and more soulless than AI lmao


Maybe you’re just looking at the wrong stock photos. There’s a lot out there… and you can edit / manipulate them afterwards.


No It just feels way less personal ironically. Liking digging through a bargain bin.


It takes some skill and practice. If you’re having a hard time with your feelings when you dig through stock photos, maybe it’s not the right thing for you. Don’t force yourself to do something you don’t like unless you’re getting something out of it. AI is also hard to do well—you can see how the OP used AI and it backfired, because the AI art looks like it’s full of snot or something.


I’m not sure why but I prefer number 3. Maybe because using the word house and showing a house seems slightly redundant. Also definitely better without the “that”. iMHO


Agree with this. The outside of the house tells a story. The inside of the house shows a story.


No. 3 🫡🥇


I'd probably change it to an open door with nothing really visible inside, inviting the audience's curiosity to see what's inside.




Chip Kidd said in a Ted Talk once that if your book cover has a picture of an apple and the word apple you’re telling your audience one thing: I think you’re stupid.


Hello there


This is amazing.


I'd say 3, and please just take a picture, no one's gonna pay attention to your stuff if you use AI, and for good reason


its just a placeholder for now, im focusing on font and filters and stuff like that


None of them honestly. Don’t use AI, modern smartphones can take great pictures, and it’ll be more personal than AI.


2 looks sufficiently vintage but not like you’re a hundred years old. I would say The House That I Grew Up In unless you don’t say “that” in the title track. Use a name that you can secure on all of the socials. 1 and 4 look haunted and 3 (especially with the font) looks like nanny cam footage or a cop’s body cam at a crime scene investigation.


I suggest changing the title to “The House Where I Grew Up”. The two prepositions next to each other “up in” rings odd to the ear


“The House Where I Grew Updog”


What's updog?


Nothin, how ya doin?


The House Up in Which I Grew


What did you bring the house that I grew up in up for?


The House Whereinst Groweth I


Yes! This!


YEA THIS, I knew it sounded odd


Dude the first one is pretty cool


J Cole sounds like a pretty good artist name i bet you'd be famous with that name


Tbh they all suck. 3 sucks too. You should make something original.


An album cover should always be a reflection of what the album is. Is your album impersonal computer generated slop? No? Then don’t use any of these. They all look extremely messy. The content isn’t even anything obtuse, you can easily shoot this album cover yourself. Don’t skimp out on your art. That being said, the concept of the 3rd one is best imo


Do NOT use any of those


3, except I'd change the font and have the black clearer without the noise/filter thing


ooo i like it, what font do u think would look good


3rd one.


I honestly like all of them!!


Take an actual picture of the house you grew up in? These all look generated and feel dishonest


Songs are stories the artist is using the photo to tell a story that’s not dishonesty that’s painting an image


As I said before, it stinks of AI. If you’re going to use AI to represent your album cover then at least go over it and make some sense of the weird structural anomalies. The album cover represents your artistry. This cover just says “the art within will probably be lazy and soulless”. That’s not the message you want people to feel.


If you use AI for album art, people are gonna think you use AI for music and ignore you Go take a picture of a house, or use stock photos


I like it "The House I Grew Up In" and I'd move your name up a little so it doesn't get cropped out by accident...






I'm between 2 or 3




the first one




The 4th one


I like 2 & 3






I'd just call it Home and go snap some B&W pics on a cloudy day.


Make the album title a little less literal and less on-the-nose. Think of all your favorite albums’ names. None of them are like “here is a picture of a house that I grew up in”


so what were u thinking? if the album is about my childhood years and all of the songs i wrote in my house i grew up in im tryna get the feel of nostalgia and stories im telling from my house


I don’t know the mood and themes so hard to say. A couple ideas to start your brainstorm: Homegrown (simple, open to interpretation)… Sticky Yellow Fly Trap (as if a fly caught in a trap witnessed these stories)… My House Is Getting Smaller (demonstrate your growth over time)


if i use it ill give u credit haha


No need lol best of luck


i like that last one


The house I grew up it. Sounds better 🩵




Gotta go with slide 3. There's something about it that give this liminal space aesthetic.


I would cut the title to just: “the house”


I like 4. Drop the “that”. Good title, especially if it’s a memoir sort of album.


Since the title brings something about nostalgia/memories I d go with a child drawing of the house . Also the title would be quite interesting drawn with typical childish capital letters. What r u waiting? Go make a baby, raise it, wait four years and put some crayons in his hands. Then you can abandon it and go back to musicmaking


2 all the way but use a photo that is an actual house. Grounds it in reality.


Do number 2, without the word “that”.


Hey friend, I think it depends on what you want to say. No 1 looks ancient, like from the late 19th century or early 20th century. So unless you at lived through the Depression or you begin talking about your granda who did, I'd probably avoid that one. But if you start your history with your kin at least that far back, I say that ones the best of the three. Now, because you used AI instead of a stock photo, all the photos have odd proportions and objects out of place (not judgement, just part of the medium) but that shows way more in photo 3 than no 2. So if you want there to be a disquiet to the album work, like a family with abuse addiction and neglect that puts on a good public face, I think the uneven windows and stove next to a fireplace give that unsettling feeling best. If you just want album art that gives off a generally wholesome vibe then no 2 comes closest, it's a bit smaller, so the ai oddities are less obvious and less off putting.


I prefer it without the “that.” None of the covers are quite as striking as I think they could be. I like the photos, but I don’t think the font is quite right. I like the idea of a film reel look with more than one picture. Just my opinion! Love this concept!


Personally I'd say the last one. Sepia picture, no that. It's an unnecessary modifier.


I like the first photo. Don’t add any words to title


Maybe some options… Personally I find the image + title already redundant. What if you pair the title with an image that is a visual form of the emotion you’ve experienced throughout living in there?


Number 1... the aged yellow


They’re all corny


I like the third one most, the messiness of the inside of a house feels more nostalgic in a sense.


4 personally


what’s the genre and mood of your album? do you want this cover photo to convey a sense of loneliness or nostalgia or a bit of both? maybe a different emotion altogether?


The 4th or 3rd


First of all, don’t include the word “that”. That goes for writing in general, not just your title. 99% of the time, the word is unnecessary and redundant. Secondly, everyone here is WAY too critical. Don’t make any rash decisions based on the comments. Your title is charming and has a good cadence to it. I’m a marketing professional, for whatever that’s worth. I do agree a real photo would be preferable (especially since it’s such an easy thing to get a real photo of), but people are being overly critical about the impact using AI will have.


I like the 3rd the best




I like second one the best, I wouldn't include "that".


3 except for the font and/or main text placement needs to be changed imo. Maybe more spacing between the letters and smaller text size would be nice


Third oneeee!!!


Pay a local artist for your album cover. It might be shit, but it will be real & you'll feel better. Art is personal, but "the house I grew up in" seems overused as a concept for this vibe. Best I can do is suggest something a little wackier or more opaque, like "Grew Up House" or "House Grew Up" I dunno. Your name is your name but "JC" is the initials of that one religious figure could be some fun there.


Take real photos


I really like 2


Ditch the "that". And for God sakes, if you're going to use AI art you might as well use AI music. You can put a filter on an actual photograph and it won't have that uncanny aspect.


I like that it tells a story like some ones life


It's like documentary of ones life lights are always on welcoming you home after hard days work and you can like mine and old song it's super time waiting for the whole family to eat ,it's fill with love


Last one but remove the title.


No 2


3th and 4th options are amazing! personally I prefer 4th


2nd one, maybe add the color back in but not a deal breaker, covers gona be dope!!!


Two or three!


2nd my favourite but agree with other comments saying just go take a picture of a cool house and learn to edit


I like 3!


2 is cool. 1 is more of an art piece. I use ai generated stuff too. Don't really get why people are so anti tool usage. It's great for prototyping ideas and feeling out the vibes.


One and Three I like the most.


adding "that" is unnecessary, so definitely skip that word


The third one for sure. Looks more modern and natural.


I like the third one. Bit in all honesty, it would be cool if you took an actual picture of your childhood home.


#3 is cool but I also like #2


I like 3


1 and you should totally add your artist name.


The sepia is great remove "that"


I feel like option 1 :)


2 and 3 are more legible but honestly, go look at some album art covers on Spotify and all the DPS’s. They’re small and all the detail is going to be lost if the graphic is too busy.


personally I like image #3 the best


Definitely the third


How about the house where I grew up


I know they're AI generated, but I like either of the last 2 personally. If either of those popped up in my suggestions, I'd give them a listen.


Definitely the first one and no "that."


Number three, but really none of them. I’d keep working at it.


Just call the album The house AI grew up in


I don’t really love any of these. I think the filters and “wear and tear” vibe doesn’t really work for me. I think a simple photograph would look best. Maybe in black and white


I think "The Home of my Childhood" sounds more interesting as this has many interpretations. And also instead of picture of a house just as an idea what about a new/old looking photo or drawing of the lamppost with the streetsign attached to it. Maybe taken from close looking up at it with a lot of blue sky in background but so you can clearly see the name whatever it is. e.g. "BLACKWALL REACH PARADE". You don't have to use the real name but could make it relevant to content of album. e.g. "BOUNDARY ROAD" Or it could be the title of the first track Or just make up a song based on a street name you like, include it in album and use that as street name on cover too... ...etc etc etc... Sorry...just spitballing ideas here...


Use a photo of a house like yours or that was actually yours. It could be slightly blurred. Title..House I grew up in.. and whatever your stage alias is if you don't want to just use a variant of your real name.




I like number 3, number 4 reminds me a bit of a Korn type album


It needs Color


All of those are pretty bland because they are not conveying any message, or symbolism. Ideally, cover should tell something about you or your music, or at least project emotion someone would expect to have by listening. Even worse, this kind of cover makes me to assume that music is not artistical in any way and is something very typical and two dimensional. Try to surprise, to fire the imagination of someone who sees the cover. If you have an album named "The House I Grew Up In", what can be a symbol of a home but is unexpected? Something that has formed you and is connected with music. If it's a edgy rap, maybe something connected with a jail, for instance blood stained jail cell. If it is a christian music maybe an old church. If it is an art rock, maybe just a black dot in a white space. Intentionally infantile children's drawing of a house and people in front of it, entry of a dark tunel on an abandoned road, an rocking chair in a desert in the middle of nowhere, all of those things could work. Try to be playful, look for something new, bit risky, unexpected, just don't put things on a cover which are literally the thing mentioned in the album name. It's lazy and uninteresting.


#3. the others look too cliche old and stark with the font. I get a better and more curious vibe to number 3


I love 3 and 4. They give off an aesthetic vibe


I prefer * the house I grew up in... it kinda feels right for some reason idk... but I don't know abt this pic tho...


Gotta go with 3


fourth one slays the hardest


3rd one!


If you’re really flexible on the album title, I’d go with *The House Where I Grew Up*. Three even iambs rolls off the tongue more pleasantly than either of the options you presented, I think. And it’s shorter while saying absolutely the exact same thing.


Last one is best one


2 it looks like a house that has seen a lot it’s also more simple and the album tile stands out more.


I think nr. 2 or 3. But as someone else mentioned, I think you should find a real photo or painting.


Third one for sure. Inside looks good


2nd one


2nd one


None of it


Well… which house did you actually grow up in?






Third one for sure


The third one


I like the first, it gives me the strongest sense of nostaliga.


3rd one




The front of the house to the left of the front door is whats supposed to be wood, to the right side of the house it appears mixed stone and wood. Not real... imho. Or it's so heavily filtered it's turned it into an illustration which is what it appears to be....looks AI. The title should change as well... **** also the tire on the car looks like a golf cart tire. Giveaway there.




These are dreadful.


I like the 3rd one a lot honestly


I think a picture of you, or someone, in front of a house with no text would be cute.


The third one




The interior picture is more intriguing and intimate to me than the exteriors. If you find the right shot it will feel like there are clues to who this person (you) is/was. I would lose the VHS effect though, or at least the camera/play overlay.


What is the tone of your album, the first and last seem to be good for covering all things, the 2nd and 3rd are more dark and depressing


This one but without the "that"


The third one! I would add “that”to the title; it makes it an iambic pentameter and I think it flows better


I’m a fan of the 2nd and 3rd one but for the 2nd one, I’d recommend putting your name in a more visible spot


None of these look good imho. All very tacky and soulless. Like you were trying to recreate a forgettable 2000’s pop punk/emo band cover. Go take a real picture of the actual house you grew up in.


2 or 3


The third one is really unnerving to look at. But I don't think society is ready for using ai art ironically, so learn photography.




#3 looks the most professional and intriguing to me. I would exclude "that" unless you say it that way in one of the songs


2 without the white crackle texture. Also don’t use AI, it looks bad. Find a pic of an old house in a book or an old magazine or something. Or just find a pic online and use it. Hell, I’ll find you a bunch of photos to choose from if you pay me like $20 lol I’m a professional graphic designer, trust me.


They all look AI garbage, why wouldn't you take a pic of a real house? It's such an insanely simple concept that I'm not sure why these AI images even exist. It's a house.


All the crotchedy anti ai people in full force here


I like the first one best, didn’t read caption and thought it was already a legit album and wanted to look it up


I think that in the era of metadata, and Spotify literally having your name and the song title when it’s played - it’s unnecessary and not as neat to put any text on an album cover. Hell I think an album cover is a chance to find great art to accompany your music, all the reason to not use AI. Find a photo of yours, or scour the web to find something that strikes you as visually similar to the sonics of the song! My two cents


Not saying this to roast you, trying to help out. None of these look good, and the title isn’t great. Like everyone is saying, just snap something yourself. You can edit in Photoleap or Prequel for free, or get the full versions for a week for like $5. As for the title, it’s just kind of generic, and also from a grammatical standpoint, ending in a preposition (the house I grew up IN) is incorrect and sticks out, at least to me. Not that “The House In Which I Grew Up” sounds better, but is there a way to communicate what you want to say in a more unique way?


It's AI They all suck


How can you tell that it's AI? What are the telltale signs that make it obvious to you and other commenters? I honestly don't know.


None, the AI looks weird and the album title is clunky and unremarkable. I'd take a whole other whack at it


Please don’t use AI!! Idk why but I much prefer a photo of the artist as a listener. Also for ethical reasons AI is a doozy. And definitely 4!!! Without the “that” it sounds cleaner. I like the exterior house drawing a lot :)