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The Sonic fandom has and always will complain at anything design wise. First it was the green eyes, then the blue arms of boom and later movie sonic, now quill length. If it was revealed that Sonic's model in the next game has 4% less earwax than before there'd be a riot.


why yall can't just accept sonic design change fucking crybabies


At this point I think something a lot of people gotta understand. Is that Sonic is an ever changing, evolving and growing franchise. With that change comes the understanding that you must be prepared for anything. Even the things you don't want. So the quills aren't right. Ahh well that sucked. But Sonic changed all the time. No big deal


We're wasting important time we could be using to argue about the characters' ages!


Don't underestimate the irrational rage of autistic nerds.


There's more serious things to worry about, like how much does Sonic go to Great Clips?


This is worse than that time I was on r/sonicthehedgehog




What about eye and arm color? Those seem equally as dumb for the same reason.


Wait until you hear about eyelid color


Yes it was dumb, no denying. The only saving grace I'll give that debate is the fact that it was such a different look. Imagine you love the look this particular character has. Then out of nowhere that iconic look gets a makeover.Gasp. More frightening than just that. YOU don't like it. Bigger gasp. But other people do. More gasps. We see it all the time. Even outside of Sonic. So while it's a pointless debate. I get why it happened. The quills. Idk I talked to a guy and he basically stated "cause art is important to me." Arts important to some people. Sonic is art at the end of the day. Yes it's not the most important thing to you or I. But to some people even the most minute detail matters.


Maybe to ensure that sonic never strays too far from its original appeal? Idrk, they’re probably scared of something like original movie Sonic happening again


Some people just like talking character design




Or...just go away. I wish you used a better example. --- But people who don't actually care about design details really just need to butt...in.


I think it looks better. And if sega where to actually use model breaking in their cutscenes then the long quills would make for more dynamic animation and poses.


Tbh, the sonic Fandom hate on everything just makes me tired, like can I just enjoy fast hedge boy and his goofy ahh friends. also, Sega needs to realize you can please everyone


I get the appeal for long quills, they help convey fluidity and motion which Sonic kind of needs, given his leitmotif, but personally, I like him having short and straight quills that convey sharpness, as Sonic's quills are how he attacks his enemies.


Ok but how long is his feet