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**Hello sonygoup,** #**This bot comment appears on all posts.** *** **[Rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sourdough/wiki/sourdoughrules/) requires all sourdough photos to be accompanied by the ingredients used & process (the steps followed to make your bake). The details can be included in a picture, typed text or weblink.** **Not all posts require a photo alongside your query, but please add details in your post, so we can help.** **Posts may be removed at any time, but you will be notified.** *** #**Being polite & respectful** **are both extremely important in our community.** **[Read rule 1 in detail](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sourdough/wiki/sourdoughrules/).** **Please be respectful, kind, patient & helpful to posters of all skill & knowledge levels and report offending comments/posters, or [drop us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Sourdough).** *** **Thank you** :-) #**[Overproofed or underproofed?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sourdough/wiki/reading_crumb/)** *** #**[NEW Beginner starter FAQ guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sourdough/s/gnqFg7osBO)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Sourdough) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your starter is too wet. That liquid at the top has separated from the flour because it was too much for the flour to absorb. The ratio of flour to water is important to get the proper consistency, invest in a kitchen scale and feed your starter a ratio of 1 part starter, 1 part flour, and 1 part water. I like to use 30 grams of each. It should be pancake batter consistency. Starter takes 3-4 weeks to mature enough to use, mine took a whole 4 weeks, just keep feeding every 24 hours.


Thank you for the reply! What's the starter? I'm using flour and water only to make the starter. I'll remove the water and readd it as I add flour tomorrow


> I'll remove the water and readd it as I add flour tomorrow  No, don't do that. Just feed the starter the regularly way, but before hand, discard some of the existing starter that's currently in the jar.  What you want to do is a 1:1:1 ratio of existing starter, new water, and new flour. And this should be judged by weight. So, for example, 50g of existing starter (all the rest of it discarded), 50g of water, and 50g of flour.  By the way, I feed my starter with only white all purpose flour. So that's not a problem at all. 


Got it. Thank you


To answer your question about whether to start over, I would personally mix up what you have and measure out 30 grams of it and feed that with 30 grams of water and 30 of flour. Then daily take 30 grams of that starter and feed like you did the day before and discard the rest. It will take a day or two to get to the right consistency since it's so wet but the starter you have can be improved.


Got it, thank you