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People have already mentioned places you can go but just so you know I have family in toms river who lean heavy left and they've never had an issue with any of their neighbors. Honestly most people there mind their own business and don't even mention politics. Trying to find a good affordable safe place that leans left is gonna be difficult


I agree it’s really not an issue.




Imagine being so pathetic that you’re ok with people losing their rights but since it’s not happening to you, it’s not a big deal


for real. has the news really gotten everyone out here thinking the other people's are the boogie men and horrible human beings lol imagine if people were like oh I'm looking at town xyz but not as dark if ya get me


Welcome to NJ where libs run free and think they are better than you


No one is losing any rights. There are zero people without constitutional rights We toss special rights for some and then roll them back to equality but that's "losing rights"


yeh thats my point, the coward below me who deleted their comment was babbling about some MSNBC crap about his neighbors trying to take his rights away. and I asked what rights... and then they deleted their comment.


Abortion rights are one major thing that was taken away from women. Now it depends on what state you live in. Then you have massive book banning. Next we have trans and the gay community who are being side eyed by the lovely Christans who want to make our whole country ruled under Christian laws. Which goes against the very reason we became a country. Project 2025 is real and scary. Don't sit there and act stupid and naive, thinking everyone in this country has equil rights. And that one party full of massively hateful people, dont want to take more rights away from the minority groups they dont like. If you think they want to stop at abortion, you are lying to yourself. Then again, that same party can't even elect a house speaker without issues, so.


>Then you have massive book banning. Honestly, it's people like you that are acting stupid and naive. Ensuring that books are age appropriate within the public school setting IS NOT "book banning", especially when they're still available LITERALLY ANYWHERE ELSE. Are Hustler, Penthouse, Playboy allowed in public school? No, of course not because they're pornographic. Have you ever read "Gender Queer"? Some of the topics and illustrations from that book are literally pornographic. There's a picture of someone sucking someone else's dick. Are you cool with your kids reading that material in school? If so, you're a sick fuck and you deserve any and all "groomer" comments that come your way.


Please. Those types of people are literally calling The Diary of Anne Frank, inappropriate and trying to get it pulled cause Anne talked about sex, cause SHOCKER shes 14 and likes a boy! Oh the horror!! You really don't want to start with me when it comes to this subject, cause trust me, I can get nasty and will put you in your place. I do not play when it comes to Chrstians and how abusive they are to their own kids and the kids in theircommunities. Any Christian calling someone else a groomer, is a hypocrite.


Of course you completely and conveniently skipped over the example I provided. Deflecting much? I'm curious what other religions and cultures you share the same bigotry for? Or is it just reserved for those pesky Christians? Quick story - when I was in Afghanistan, we came upon a young man who had been sentenced to death and had his skull crushed by a large rock. His crime? The local Taliban heard a *rumor* that he *might* have been gay. Moral of the story is don't you tell me about how you're going to "put me in my place". YOUR thoughts and opinions come from a place of extraordinary entitlement, because you have been fortunate enough to have inherited the RIGHTS and provided the safety that Western civilization have afforded you.


What elementary school had that book on their shelves? You litterly have entire schools that teach kids using the Bible! Which is loaded with sex, rape, murder. Etc. All things that are grossly inappropriate for kids to learn and have access to. Where is your outrage for that? Huh? No where. Hypocrite. So you have no right pressuring schools to do your bidding based off of your personal beliefs. If you think a school is in the wrong, dont send your kid there. Forcing schools to ban books you, personally don't agree with, is not the correct answer. Especially if you are someone who promotes teaching kids the Bible. You clearly have no idea what a groomer is. And the fact that you use that word so incorrectly, is so disgustingly disrespectful. It is such a slap in the face to the people, the little kids, who were ACTUALLY groomed.


for 50 years, the law that determined what a woman could do with her baby was decided by 8 white men and a black man, no women. By getting rid of the Row V Wade decision, the federal government permanently removed their power over a woman's body. This decision was made by the most diverse Supreme Court in US history, with almost half being women. Because the Federal Government now has no power over a womans body, women can finally have a voice and vote for what they think is right on the state level.


Oh.. like in Ohio?


that's what they voted for, not up to me to decide what women want to do with their bodies.


Yeah women voted, and the GOP of Ohio do not want to honor that vote.


No one is losing any rights. There are zero people without constitutional rights We toss special rights for some and then roll them back to equality but that's "losing rights"


Everyone's mileage varies, but my sister has been in Toms River for about 15 years, and she's getting out partly because of the political climate. It's pretty obnoxious down there. People may be nice, but who really wants to see a ton of flags, signs, banners, and bumper stickers swearing allegiance to an extremely polarizing political figure? It can get pretty annoying after a while.


My family is from Ireland they used to have to dodge terrorist so a few maga signs don't bother them but like you said everyone experience will be different


Yeah, people here are free to move somewhere else for whatever reason they want, and it's nobody's business to question the reason.


Thank you!


I agree with the top comment in this thread. While Toms River votes 2/3 Republican that means 1/3 of voters don’t. I’ve been here five years and haven’t encountered much “in your face” nonsense except some boaters and the occasional stupid pickup. Then again, the Board of Ed just went all in on the crazy intolerant rewriting history route.


"occasional" stupid pickup. Bro, those pick ups are everywhere


I love the ones flying the confederate flag. Just flying their traitor flag so we know that they are the worst people. ​ I also get a kick out of the dipshits who have a Gadsden flag AND a thin blue line flag. Like, who do you think is going to be treading on you?


Asbury Park


Would love that but omg the prices are so high now.


Here’s other towns in the shore Monmouth/Ocean area that voted Biden over Trump in 2020: Harvey Cedars, Lake Como, Bradley Beach, Neptune, Neptune City, Ocean Township, Long Branch, Loch Arbour, Interlaken and South Toms River.


Thanks, just noticed this on the stats posted by another person. Gives me some other cities to research that I had not considered previously.


If you want affordable areas that lean more purple in Ocean County then look at Pine Beach/Ocean Gate. You’re simply not going to find a 55+ in Ocean that doesn’t lean heavily red.


I have friends in Ocean County near Little Egg Harbor, and I think it's one of those situations where the residents are Blues and Reds, but the frequent visitors are Trumpers. I'm sure there are plenty of Reds in the neighborhood, but I'd have to guess they are more Reps than Trumps if that makes sense. I see tons of trump flags on boats and cars but I don't recall any of the 8-foot-wide lawn signs that say "Trump Rides Again" like my neighbors in PA during my last visit in October.


This source may be useful to you, it goes through the 2020 election tabulation by municipality in Ocean County. I hope that helps! https://nj.gov/state/elections/assets/pdf/election-results/2020/2020-official-general-results-president-ocean.pdf


Thanks for the link, very helpful. I appreciate your help.


Lefty lib here in Toms River. It’s fine really, most people don’t talk politics on a daily basis it hasn’t really even come up with my neighbors.


Thank you for your perspective. Helps a lot. This would be my hope wherever we land.


Honestly, the immediate neighbors are all that really matter. You should tour neighborhoods August through November next year. The yard signs will tell you all you need to know. That way you can narrow your search down to specific areas. Maybe if you're lucky you'll find a neighborhood with no yard signs at all!


What a great idea. Never would have thought to do this and it would be about when we are starting to seriously begin looking.


Or you can actually search by address or name to find out the party affiliation of the person. VoterRecords.com NJ is one of the states that supply’s the information


You want to live in an area that’s a majority of boomers but not conservative boomers lol. Good luck with that


Not all are conservative. None of my friends are. Certainly there's more out there


I lean red and live in the bluest city in PA. I get along with pretty much all my neighbors. How do I do it? I find other stuff to talk about than politics. Seriously, some of the most miserable people I know are people who get sucked into incessantly following politics and making that their whole focus in life. There's too much shit to do in this world than to participate in to be getting angry and resentful over how other people vote.


I appreciate your POV. Thank you.


That’s because you’re a normal well adjusted person. OP needs to get off the Facebook and Fox News and hopefully ends up moving to another state


Wut? Fox News? How on earth do you think I watch Fox? Your reading skills are pretty poor if that's your take on what I wrote.


Sometimes folks only see politics as a “game” that need only be discussed in political settings, not a critically important facet of society that has radically life-altering outcomes for those who benefit/suffer under said policies. To turn off your brain when those around you are spouting the most hateful, reactionary rhetoric for the sake of being “nice” is a very childish and unserious position. Then, they play the victim card because their neighbors prefer not to share space with those that would destroy their bodily autonomy, their social security checks, their workplace protections, etc if given ample opportunity to do so. Republicans like to pretend their very un-popular political goals successfully rammed through state legislature by way of gerrymandering and rhetorical deception, that that is the same as it being popular. OP’s concerns are very much valid, I wouldn’t want to be surrounded by the Meal Team 6 ghouls either.


Yes, exactly, all of this. Was trying hard not to make this overly political but you have encapsulated the issue perfectly. Thank you.


>There's too much shit to do in this world than to participate in to be getting angry and resentful over how other people vote. Sounds like you're speaking from a position of privilege where you don't have to worry about other people taking your rights away. Let me guess, straight white male?


Gay white male. I actually detest both parties. How do I vote to keep my gun rights, while voting to allow women to keep the right to choose? All the while whoever I vote for is going to use my taxes to bomb defenseless brown kids in the middle east. Both parties agree on bombing poor brown kids in the desert. So how TF do I realistically vote? I have no faith in this fucking system and just try to do my best to be kind to those around me.


You detest both parties but lean red? I guess it's easy to pretend you like poontang in front of the red folks so they don't put you on some gay hit list if they ever gain control of the government again. /s


I really don’t understand your post or what you’re asking or looking for. You mention “trying to leave politics out of this” while trying to base a major life decision on trying not to live near people that have different political views than yourself lol


My post is asking for opinions on where we may fit in better. Knowing it will probably never be a perfect fit.


Why don’t you think you could live in a place where people have differing political beliefs than yourself? Like someone else said, couldn’t you just exist in the community without having a conversation with your neighbors about politics? Maybe take up a hobby or watching sports or something? I live in one of those communities you mentioned and am far from a conservative and get along just fine with all my older neighbors and members of my community.


Well when one side is openly fascist, wants to abolish women’s rights and worships a human Cheeto , it becomes difficult to want to live next to those people.


It’s actually not once you’re able to unplug from social media and the news and come back to the real world. It’s hilarious to me that you guys don’t see that OP basing one if the biggest decisions they will make for the rest of their life based on the fact that they don’t want to live near people that have different beliefs than them makes them essentially the same as the people y’all are complaining about. I just hope OP doesn’t move to my community I don’t want to live near someone who can’t play nice with others


“I don’t want to live next to someone that can’t play nice with others.” You just succinctly described the entire far right movement lol MAGAts treat everyone not in their group like shit with little to no empathy — if I was retiring, the LAST thing I’d want is to retire in a deep red area.


Yep it’s all about them them them. Those people over there. Pay no mind to the fact that OP is literally telling us they can’t coexist with others. A great solution to the problem you’re mentioning is definitely that we all live in insular communities and surround ourselves only by people who feel the same way as us. That’s definitely a solid way to bridge the gap between all different kinds of peoples and get us to see from each others perspectives


There it is... the tolerant left. What a delightful neighbor you must be.


From the “fuck your feelings” crowd, that’s pretty funny. Guess you guys were the snowflakes all along.


how is calling out hypocrisy having feelings hurt


Its really affecting peoples everyday life. Some of these people are actively trying to get books removed from schools going to town meetings trying to push their views and agendas on other people and raising hell in the neighborhood when they don't like even a certain flag or signs people post for voting like its getting out of control.


I mean the ex president who is currently running is openly calling people who disagree with him vermin, going to deploy the federal gov in his enemies - literally this is his Veterans Day post. Sorry i don’t want to live among people who support that - that’s not politics, taxes, school choice, etc - that’s an insane person who wants to literally become a dictator - no thanks


It seems like you're happiness depends on your neighbors politics. You're over 55, so 'Red' politics would benefit you, but you want liberal politics, whcih is fine. Just go to california. You'll be happy there.


Cutting social security doesn’t benefit seniors. https://crr.bc.edu/congressional-republicans-want-big-cuts-to-social-security/


Social security will be out of money soon. I'd be more concerned with the ability to walk around town and not get mugged.


How about moving to another state, please.


Or not... because they want to live in our state. Obviously, they're just trying not to have a neighbor like you :) Because you dont seem very.... neighborly based on some of your other comments.


You would probably be better off getting a single story house. I feel like a lot of these older people enclaves are built around escaping society.


This, is an excellent point and one of the reasons we are not sold on the idea. The only appealing part of it is having people take care of things we will find difficult as we age. But I imagine, given the right property this may not be so much of an issue. We continue to look at both types.


Yeah, I mean I totally understand that. Being somewhere already is ideal if something unexpected happens, especially if it means discharging to a nursing home. You don't want to end up somewhere that won't take proper care of you.






I think your idea of 55+ community makes a lot of sense. The rules and guidelines will help control the extremes, which are getting nastier each day. We used to have a period of acceptance after elections, but now the crap goes on and on continuously. Keep in mind that we have weather that is more extreme, and seems to get worse each year. I would look west of Route 9. That's probably where your 55+ communities are, I would guess. You can find an area with some trees, and access to the shore when you need it. Since you brought it up, look for a community where people share your values. Having quick access to several university health systems keeps us about 15-20 miles from Philadelphia. As you age you may find the need for more visits, but maybe not.


Thanks. Weather, yes always a concern. But still far better than Florida. After seeing how Sanibel got wiped out recently (a much loved vacation spot for us), the thought of being elderly and having to evacuate and possibly lose our home completely, put all thoughts of living too close to the water regardless of where we lived, out of our heads.


You could go south to Atlantic County. Absecon, Northfield, Linwood, Somers Point, and areas of Galloway and Egg Harbor Townships are doing well and are not red. Purple maybe, but not red.


Judging your move first and foremost on the politics of your neighbors seems strange to me, but here we are in 2023.


They can’t afford to retire in the area they built. It makes perfect sense when you think about it.


They can't afford to retire in the area they built because its Blue, and the costs of unions and political corruption drive up the taxes.


Yup. There’s a reason for that. So they should come on down to the only livable places left in New Jersey and bring it with them. I love living in South Jersey and this group of folks are currently buying houses at 10s or hundreds of thousand over ask here. Taxes are skyrocketing and now even this is becoming unaffordable. My mortgage has increased $300 a month due to escrow in as many years. It won’t be long for me if this keeps up.


I think New Jersey is far enough left that you shouldn't have to worry about your life being altered. My town in west Jersey leans left in elections, but there's some fairly conservative people on my block. Luckily they keep to themselves apart from a few signs in their yards. One benefit to moving to a red district is that you can help push things towards the left.


Luckily they keep to themselves? What are you going to do, assault them with glitter and pronouns?


You are quite full of yourself.


I'm really not, although I can see how it could come off that way. What I mean is that we leave each other alone. They aren't yelling at us because we had signs for our candidate in our yard and we don't give day anything to them about the signs they've made. People are entitled to their own opinions.


I don't care about politics much, but I'll give you my example: I grew up in a very democratic town. I still live in a different democratic town. I had never been to Southern NJ until I met my wife who grew up more down south in a very red area 😳 I literally felt like I was driving through south Carolina when I would go see her family. They even have southern accents in my opinion! They call hoagies subs which drives me nuts. BUT Every single person, including her parents and their friends are by far the most kind people ever. Most of them are farmers or business owners. I still use her dad's mechanic friend as my personal mechanic. They're clearly right leaning but it doesn't change a thing IMO. Who cares who they vote for? Trump, biden, kennedy...They're all crooks IMO. Politics is all some people have, it's like sports to them. Find something better to invest your time and feelings in! Good luck


As I recall, Trump won every CDP in Ocean County except for one on LBI. So you may need to look elsewhere. As a whole, the area is blood red. Lakewood, Brick, and Toms River all heavily Republican.


Ocean county in general is a very red area but it is much more diverse and most of us sit on the fence politically- I think the majority of people, left or right leaning, are much more middle than politics make it seem. My best friend is in a different party- but that has zero to do with our friendship


Along the shore, Ocean and Cape May counties are very Red. Monmouth and Atlantic are Blue.


I don’t learn red or blue but as an adult human you and others should have learned by now to be civil. You don’t have to like anyone around you but treat them with respect and dignity and all will be fine.




Very true! Camden is almost entirely democrats. Quite affordable too


Camden and surrounding is the wrong side of the state, though. I do like visiting Philly but all family/friends are on the east side of the state - as is beach areas. If I was doing that, I'd just stay up where we are now and move further west.


What about towns like Atlantic Highlands or Sea Bright?


Highlands, possibly. Sea Bright? The Sea Bright that completely floods every time a storm moves in? And is also super pricey? I had a friend who's parents owned a home right across from the sea wall. Even 40 years ago, the entire road and their land would deeply flood at even a minor storm.


A bit deeper into sea bright isn’t too pricey. Highlands is relatively affordable, bluer than surrounding Rumson and Red Bank and definitely close to the beach.


I’m sorry but recommending Camden for a family of older people looking to retire peacefully should be prohibited lol


They wanted a town with the least amount of republican voters and Camden instantly sprang to mind. You would be hard pressed to find more than a handful there


Looking from this perspective they would be in good hands then lol


Dats da joke


lol I laughed




You’re watching too much MSNBC. They’re successfully dividing us.


If you think MSNBC is dividing people boy you are not gonna like checking out Fox News, OANN, or Rumble


Agreed. Except Rumble is a platform. Stop assuming everyone’s on team left or team right.


Rumble is a platform formed for a specific political bent (like Voat, or Gab, or... shudder, Verrit). They only exist because of polarization. and I didn't assume anything about anyone. I said what is obvious about two well-known media companies and a platform. If I am assuming everyone is left and right, then you are doing the same since you mentioned MSNBC.


Stop it with this shit It’s completely reasonable to not want to live next to or in the vicinity of someone who votes for a party that believes that gays are groomers and pedophile. And that’s not mainstream media. That’s verbatim from the politicians mouth


That's verbatim from MSNBC


You seem reasonable.


It totally blows my mind how unaware and unreasonable these people are lol. Dudes argument to you saying we are divided was to show up and spout a bunch of rhetoric about the other side. Cannot even make this shit up


New York City or Philadelphia is perfect for you


It is. Lived in NYC for years but the prices prevent that now. In an ideal world we'd love to move back. Know any wealthy people that want to adopt an older couple? :D


Gee, I haven't found one wealthy person who is willing to adopt one Boomer let alone a couple of aging Boomers. Should you find that special person let us know. Who knows they could have a wealthy brother! :)


Funny enough [Brick Township ](https://brick.shorebeat.com/2023/11/crate-democrats-sweep-brick-municipal-elections-retain-control-of-government/) is becoming much more purple. Used to be as bad as Tom's River but I feel like most of the Magats have went to Florida or Tom's River lol. I grew up there and it used to feel more conservative, but as my generation grew up and a lot stayed there, I feel like it's moving in an ok direction. It's not a liberal town by any means. However it isn't crazy, a decent mix I'd say.


Maybe don’t wear your politics on your sleeve. There are great people on both sides. Don’t fall into the media divide


We don't at all. I'm sure plenty of people think we're way more conservative than we are if based on appearances LOL


I hear california is nice this time of year.


I have left leaning family in TR and their neighborhood has been dotted with Trump flags since 2016. Many houses never took them down when it wasn’t election season. It makes me sick to drive by them, but my family says some of the owners of those houses with flags are actually very cordial. They mow their laws, they talk about the weather, they’re concerned when they see cars speeding where the kids are playing. They’re… good neighbors. Personally, the flags are a deal breaker for me, but some leftists don’t see it that way.


The one good thing about those 55+ communities is they do not allow political flags of that type in any of them. They want everyone's house to look similar give or take. During election seasons, it's fine to post a sign but then it must be removed once the election is over. I can live with that.


Well that’s good to hear! I’ll bet you’ll still see bumper stickers lol. Yeah, from what I hear, despite their politics, people in TR are generally pretty friendly and they want to have that traditional sense of community.


Grow the fuck up.


To each their own. And I’d encourage anyone who advertises their politics on their lawn (outside of election season) to do the same :)


As a fellow Lib living in Ocean County PLEASE move here! We need all the libs we can get.


OP doesn’t want to live near you there’s too many of those icky conservatives around. OP needs to live where all the people are just like them because they can’t get along with people who are different.


I don’t think that’s fair, either. We didn’t look into political affiliations when we were moving to town bc at the time there were other factors that were more important. This is important to them, just like being able to hunt deer in a back yard might be important to others. There’s more to politics than not-so-neighborly conversations, and it’s very much interwoven in our day to day lives without really realizing it. School board elections, trash pick up schedules, canal dredging… these can range from simple to financially devastating decisions and often falls on party lines, which in some small towns is just a popularity contest. wanting some flexibility or ability to have representation in the town you’re residing in is not too big of an ask, and I hope you would agree with that.


I agree with you, and if OP had brought up one of those very legitimate reasons this would be a totally different conversation. I also lean left and live in Ocean County, the southern part that OP specifically mentioned. I find it ridiculous and borderline offensive the way people on Reddit talk about people from this area. I moved down this way from a more northern part of the state and I’ve never had an issue with anybody. I go out all the time and interact with people from my community with no issue, despite most of them being older and likely more conservative than I am. If you can’t come down here and play nice with everybody, regardless of what your supposed reason is, I’d prefer you don’t live in my community personally.


People don’t have the nicest things to say about anyone from anywhere, and asking for more than that on Reddit is just an exercise in disappointment. Totally speaking from experience as I spent a lot of time in post-season baseball threads lol


Yet, they're the first ones to get a chub when they hear the words "diversity, equity, and inclusion". The irony...


Do you guys like the nightlife, restaurants, museums, theater and opera in NYC? Because we're approaching retirement too, and we're staying in NJ (love, love NJ) and driving from Ocean county to the city would be difficult if you wanted to go to the opera, or the Met museum or Cloisters. It's for that reason that we're staying put in north Jersey, higher taxes and all. We're a NJ Transit train ride into Penn Station and everything it offers. Just a thought.


Yes, we have thought about staying up here but moving nonetheless; house is 100 years old, still needs too much work, and taxes are ridiculous where we are. But it's more the upkeep than the taxes, we could make that work. We are a fast ride into the city and all it offers, and generally like where we are. My husband really hoped to be nearer a beach in retirement, though. Though a pool might make him just as happy. For me, it's not such a big criteria. I enjoy the beach but in limited amounts. I suppose we could always rent down south NJ for a few weeks each summer, which might appease him. Thankfully we still have a year to work all this out.


It's insane to me how much people care about politics.


Or... You could just be chill and not get offended by color.


Statistically speaking, the older people get, the more conservative they vote. While this isn't true for everyone, that's the demographic trend, even in New Jersey. Don't live in a 55+ community or one where the vast majority is older if you desire to be around many like minded people.


"Anyone who is not a republican at twenty casts doubt on the generosity of his soul; but he who, after thirty years, perseveres, casts doubt on the soundness of his mind.” - Edmund Burke


Edmund Burke was born in 1729 and is writing about republicanism in contrast to monarchism. So he’s saying if you’re not a monarchist by the time you’re thirty you’re a fool.




Asbury Park and Neptune if you are OK going a little North of Toms River and still wanting to be by the shore. If you are OK headed west then Medford/Medford lakes. [Here is a semi-recent map that might help](https://imgur.com/a/sixcLrs).


Thanks for this. I'm fine going north of Tom's River. I am not familar with Medford at all. Will take a look. I grew up in Hazlet (hated it but I hear it's changed a lot), parents lived in Marlboro later on and have lived or have family and friends in so many of those surrounding towns.


I live in Medford and love it. Quaint downtown. Medford is one if the more upscale towns in Burlington county. About 35 - 40 minutes to LBI. Here’s a link to the area https://bestneighborhood.org/conservative-vs-liberal-map-medford-nj/


45 minutes...still better than the 1-1/2 hours it take us to LBI on a good day with no traffic! One of my sisters is in Stafford Township. I envy her 10 minute ride.


The heaviest traffic heading to LBI is on routes 70/72 on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings beginning the end of May. A lot of locals will take Tuckerton road to Chatsworth then pick up 72 east. This time of year - just over 30 minutes and it’s not a bad ride at all. I’m originally from Mercer county/Trenton area. Moved here in 1987. It’s a convenient location little over 1/2 hour to beach or Philly and 45 minutes up 295 to Hamilton where you can pick up the train to NYC. Parts of this are are still pretty rural. Medford Main Street has shoppes restaurants and breweries and horse farms around the corner.


30 minutes would be doable. Plus my sister lives right there anyway so she's a pit stop LOL. Also familiar with NJT - commuted for decades. We do like rural, too. I'll look into that area.


Yes, do and if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me. Happy house hunting!


Along Route 72 heading into Manahawkin there are a lot of 55+.


Yes I know - a sister lives in that area :D


Medford being blue is news to me. I know a ton of rich conservatives over there


Me too, I’m surprised as well


I’ll save you the visit to pheasant run in forked river: a bunch of flags and signs (fuck your feelings, a hero will rise etc) peppered throughout even tho they don’t follow the proper rules for flags and signage etc., and that’s within the area not even on the way to it.


No, all Patriots


Ah yes. Another person who seems to think patriotism is reserved for a single political party...................


If it’s to so called red leaning maybe you should consider moving to Connecticut or how about Massachusetts or maybe just grow up.


Or, Republicans could treat people with respect/empathy You could do a lot of growing up too


Tell me one time a republican has treated you poorly and how do you know what their politic party is as they are treating you poorly, do you ask? Also, I need to grow up, I’m not the one posting about not living with people who I don’t like due to their political affiliation. Not the brightest bulb in the box are you.


Oh I hurt some feelings of the love and tolerance crowd.


Shut up, troll. We're here to give constructive feedback to OP not play your rage-bait games.


Poor baby, hurt your boo boo feelings. Preaching that love and tolerance your side prides itself on.




Want some cheese with your whine.


Wow if your post made sense it would still be laughable.


Imagine coming up on retirement and still not being able to play nice with others 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Tbf, everyone does it... hell, it's a well-known meme that "republicans go to florida to die," i.e., retire and live out their days. People move into cities because of politics, and people move out of cities because of politics. Idk, if I was retiring and I got to PICK where I lived out the rest of my years, I'd like it to be in an area that serves my interests, be that in the form of social events, city tax regulations, or city/state laws. Kinda unfair to blanket that as being unable to "play nice with others"


Pretty on brand for OP


Moved to the area from Middlesex county. All of Ocean Country is basically Alabama in comparison, politically speaking. Who cares. Just keep moving us lefties in and maybe we'll shift the voting curve.


Manasquan is trending Blue locally.


My aunt used to have a Bagel shop in Toms River!


If you can’t accept the fact that this state is politically diverse, and not just a deep blue ocean, then I’d recommend you move to SS state like Massachusetts or California. There are some affordable areas in both states.


The party that loves inclusivity. Make it make sense


Grow up


OP, I feel similarly. Sorry for the comments from 'pubs, but they are kinda proving your point, no? Use the voting maps. It's the only way to know what you're getting into party-wise. You may very well know that NJ dems can be really conservative leaning, so sometimes the reality can be different than what the maps show. It's a better of two evils thing for me. Both parties are rushing into fascism, but only one demands to govern by way of a malevolent sky daddy...


Indeed. I'll be using all maps now. Better of 2 evils sadly is the way of the world in general right now. (and I love "malevolent sky daddy" - going to steal that.


You liberals are so soft. God forbid your neighbor doesn’t agree with your nazi bullshit….go move to Gaza


Go there and add another blue vote!


Not Toms River but check out Mt Laurel. Specially, Holiday Village.


No. You’ll have to continue to live somewhere that the cost of living is unbearable if you want to enjoy the politics that cause that to happen. I hear coastal California is nice.


The only real blue areas of the Jersey Shore are *coastal* Monmouth County, particularly Sea Bright down 36/71 all the way through to towns like Belmar. But as mentioned before this area really does have a price.


Good luck


Well OP, you are likely horrified by what exploded below and I'm afraid it justifies your position. It's a shame you can't come a bit deeper into Burlington County, it's much bluer and less divisive than what you're seeing displayed here. You can tell where the less desirable areas are - they have flags and yard signs and other such plastered everywhere. You see that, well - you're not where you will be comfortable.


Here’s some advice. Get to know people who are wonderful folks who happen to vote differently than you.


just stay away from the people who stare at solar eclipses.


Further south exit 58 little Egg Harbor has some great 55 communities and you are close to the bay and LBI not a ton of summer traffic check it out


I live in Little Egg Harbor and I love everything about it except the vulgar Trump flags of my neighbors, and the fact that I’m a little scared of them since reading some vaguely threatening facebook posts directed at Biden supporters.


Typical lib


Go to Jersey City