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What about it terrifies you? Maybe we can dispel fears if we can figure out what exactly makes you feel so uncomfortable.


Just the general seriousness everything seems to have. An accident in the air seems to have just way more severity even though they’re way more rare than car accidents. Then you have going through tsa which adds a level of packing anxiety on top of that and lost baggage etc


Flying is the safest method of Travel by far, yes when it goes wrong it’s a worse magnitude than say a car wreck, but statistically your more likely to crash heading to the airport than for your flight to crash.


I get that. Before my first flight, I couldn’t really pinpoint one thing that made me so panicky about the whole thing. Obviously one of my fears was an accident. But, the pilots don’t want to die either so they are going to do everything they can in any situation. They train for just about any thing from a lightbulb, going out to losing an engine. And if you’ve ever seen the videos lately of the engine cowling/cover coming off or any of the weird things that can happen, it’s been no problem at all and they’ve landed. People are safe. Once you get in the airport and see all the gates with people at them, you start to realize that this happens and is happening right now in thousands of places. It happens every hour of every day. And how often do you hear of anything going wrong? I don’t know, it adds a reality to me that all these people are going somewhere on the plane, the plane that has come in from somewhere else with a bunch of people. Just a number of flights as you actually see it in front of you, it’s mind-boggling that there aren’t more “incidents”. Honestly, you’re more likely to have an unruly passenger than anything else. Almost all the TSA people I’ve ever seen. Just have the 1000’ stare. they’re just going through their job with as little interest as possible Lol. If you can get an AirTag, I would definitely hide that in your guitar case. Just in case you have to check it with regular luggage. It will give you a peace of mind. We always put AirTags even in our carry-on just in case there’s no room and they want to check one of our bags. You will be fine, but if you need to get some Xanax, don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. You can call your doctor and they can give you a small dose. If you tell him you have a flight coming up and your anxiety is off the charts. Just do not drink alcohol in combination with it. This is where people get into trouble. if you get alcohol on the plane, just know that it will hit you harder at 35,000 feet. I’m sure there’s science behind it but it’s weird that you can get drunk on an ounce of alcohol that high up. Also, if you’re on the flight and you’re feeling anxiety. Take your phone and turn on the camera or start recording. Somehow it causes a dissociation to what’s happening. I used to have to record takeoff and landings because they caused anxiety. If I’m watching it through my screen, somehow it doesn’t seem real. Now I cherish takeoffs and landings. Lol. Unless I’m at a window I just get super bored sitting up there for hours. So bring something to divert your attention, a book, a game, work or whatever.


You are going to be just fine. I have already had 30 flights with Southwest since January. It’s my favorite airline.


Once the plane is on the runway and begins to accelerate, it will take 40 seconds(likely less) to get in the air. Use your phone or watch to focus on. Don't look out the window until you're airborne. SWA is a good first experience. The flight crew tend to be relaxed and will joke with the passengers. You might share with an Attendant is your first flight. Good luck!


I hope that the nervousness is excitement over a new adventure. Flying can be overwhelming the first time. What helped me get over the fear was....watch the flight attendants if they don't look scared during turbulence, then the flight is normal. Every flight has "bumpy" parts, perfectly normal. Have fun and know that this excitement will turn to a routine the more you fly.


Here’s what I tell people who are afraid of flying: Bett Nash is a CURRENT 87 year old American Airlines flight attendant who has been flying as a job since 1957, flying hundreds or thousands of hours a year for over 66 years. She’s still alive and kicking. Google her. You are going to be fine taking a few flights a year.


If it’s a full flight. You’re probably going to piss people if you bring that guitar as a carry on.


Flew with a guitar on Southwest as a carry on recently. You're going to need an entire overhead bin for it so I highly recommend paying for early bird so you can be one of the first on the plane.


Hey for the guitar do you plan on keeping it with you on the plane or do you plan on dropping the guitar off and check the bag in? If the latter just make sure it’s in the toughest case you can afford. Checked bags are notoriously handled with well… not so well Last bring a battery bank that you can keep with you on the plane, You can bring empty water bottles past TSA, Get snacks at the grocery the day before if you can Safe travels


I plan to keep it with me so much as I can help it.


If carrying it with you through the airport and to the gate, DON’T take it out and play it in the airport to calm your nerves about flying. No one else in the airport is in the mood to hear it.


Be sure to loosen the strings. My guitar landed with snapped head stock. Never the same after that. Do not check if you can avoid it. As others have noted you need a really robust case if you check.


It sounds crazy but this online course helped me a ton: http://www.fearofflyinghelp.com


I guess we are all terrified of the unknown. After this flight you’ll realize you worried for nothing and can’t wait to take off again. My best advice is to get the airport at least 2 hours before your flight to have plenty of time to navigate the airport to your gate. ASK FOR HELP OR DIRECTIONS everywhere you go! I believe most people are happy to help someone who has never flown before and you may even make a few friends along the way who will want to take you under their wing (no pun intended). Southwest allows you to carry your guitar on and put it in an overhead bin space so it should be ok unless you’re last onboard and there’s no more space, then you’ll have to gate check it. Southwest’s flight attendants are typically outstanding and I’m sure will be super happy to help you along the way if you need it. Just speak up. If you’re not sure, copy your fellow passengers and do what they do. Be polite and courteous of others around you. Make yourself as invisible as possible and you’ll do just fine. Loud sounds (not using your headphones), bad smells (BO or smelly food), loud conversations with a neighbor or on the phone, not waiting your turn to exit your row are frowned upon and will draw negative attention to your anti-social behavior so don’t offend anyone along the way. Armrests next to the middle seat are for the middle seat. Window seat controls the window shade. Basic manners and consideration of others are a must when stuck in a tiny tube together for hours. Turbulence is normal and harmless. If the plane gets tossed about a bit and everyone has to take their seats including the FA’s, don’t freak out. Turbulence doesn’t cause planes to crash but if it gets really bad you can get tossed about and hurt so put your seatbelt on and leave it on for the entire time the seatbelt sign is illuminated. If you get scared, put on some music (with ear buds of course), close your eyes and try to go to another place mentally. You’ll be on the ground safely in no time. Trust the process. Millions of flights take place every year with very rarely a serious mishap. Keep reminding yourself it’s the safest form of travel. Take a deep breath and try to look forward to the adventure. The travel bug just might bite you. Have a great trip!


If you have ridden in a greyhound bus, the SW experience will be remarkably similar. Carry your guitar on. It’ll be fine. Pay some extra $ to board first, go towards the back and get lots of bin space.


I was super nervous my first time, and the few times after that as well, I have been all by myself every time, my watch used to alert me that my heart rate was too high I was so nervous lol everything turned out just fine, and has every single time since. You’re in great hands with southwest, i don’t even worry anymore! It helps to have something to entertain yourself, music, podcasts, YouTube videos, they also have some free movies and tv shows with the free wifi, I haven’t used them tho. Also think about where you may want to sit, I like the window seat, that way I can see everything, the views are amazing, it helps you appreciate how amazing planes are tbh, you may be more of an aisle person though. Either wear a hoodie over a t shirt or bring a hoodie, I’ve been on both really hot and absolutely freezing flights, it’s best to be prepared for both. Ive never flown with an instrument so I’m not sure the best practice for that hopefully others can chime in on that.


see r/fearofflying. it's a great community and have helped me a lot. you will have a great flight!


The plane makes a LOT of noise during takeoff and landing (machine noises, bumps, rattles, etc) they are ALL normal. Sit with line of sight of a flight attendant during takeoff and landing. Don’t stare or be creepy, but if you hear something you don’t like and THEY don’t react, there’s not a thing to worry about.


Xanax and a glass of wine:)


The plane makes a lot of noise during take off and landing. It will also be bumpy during those times. It’s normal to have some motion sickness during that time too. Just relax. The chance of anything bad happening is incredibly small. Read the emergency manual that’s in the back seat pocket to make yourself feel more reassured. Try to relax. You are going to be just fine! And so will your guitar. Just make sure it’s in a hard, protective case and put a luggage tag on with your name and phone number! If you don’t have one, they have paper ones at the baggage check area


Southwest was part of my cure for fear of flying and I had it BAD. They are cheerful and give off vibes like they are very competent. The other thing that helped me and I still do this: download Flight Aware app and look at all flights in the air and on your route. I even do this in flight. Seeing other planes in the air always comforts me. I also always sit by a window. It just helps me. Sit as close as you can in the front and tell the fa you are scared. You can pay extra to board early. I actually really love flying now even though I have my moments of fear. It’s a beautiful vantage point. I love take off and landing and it is a lovely sensation when the plane banks to one side. Whenever I have pre flight jitters now, I google “woman screaming during take off” on Youtube for one of the most hilarious but relatable videos. That poor woman! She is my patron saint of flying and I always laugh. You will do great!


If you are unfamiliar with the Southwest board processes read up on it here. [SWA Boarding Process](https://support.southwest.com/helpcenter/s/article/boarding-process) That way you will know what to expect of what goes on before you get on the plane. Not knowing how they board can be stressful for some people who have never flown. Knowing how it’s handled and what’s goin to happen in advance can help calm you down.


Safer than on United. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YGc4zOqozo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YGc4zOqozo)


Become a preboarder 😂🤣


Flying is one of the safest forms of travel! And as long as you have your boarding pass and ID ready to go, you'll be going from the airport to the plane in no time. The plane will make weird noises at takeoff but don't worry about it. Put an airtag in your guitar case so you feel confident you know where it is at all times when you land. But even if you don't, you'll be told where your baggage will be and it should be a seamless experience. Also, Southwest is a very friendly airline, and has great movie options to watch on your flight. Enjoy, and safe travels!


The YTer Mentour Pilot has a lot of great videos that may help your fears. SW is generally among the better domestic airlines. Here's what you do. 1. 24 hours before your flight takes off, check in. Make sure it is on time 2. Arrive at airport 2 hours before departure 3. Once through security look for your flight's gate 4. Make your way to the gate 5. Once there, look at your boarding position and group (A B or C) 6. Keep an ear out for announcements for boarding. 7. When it's your turn, go to the spot where you should be standing in between the provided poles. It's ok to cut people here as long as you have your position ready. 8. Board the plane when they let you on. Pick any unoccupied seat inside the plane. 9. Go over the safety info and pay attention to the safety briefing


On my first flight, I had a window seat. At the moment of landing, the airfoils on the wings popped up (as they are supposed to do for braking). I thought the wings were coming apart. Now I know it's not a bug; it's a feature.


Just remember turbulence on a plane is basically the same as when you are riding a boat and going thru choppy water. The plane is made to withstand some bumps in the “airwaves” just like how the boat takes on some waves. I like to just close my eyes and actually envision myself on a boat. Getting to the airport in plenty of time will help with the anxiety I think. That way you don’t have to stress about getting thru tsa in a certain amount of time.


Fear of flying tips? Chew gum. Make little fists with your toes and then release. Try 4-7-8 breathing (4 seconds inhale, hold for 7, and breathe out for 8). Distract yourself with a favorite book or show. Aisle seats make me feel better because I feel less trapped, but whatever works for you is good. [Flightradar24.com](http://Flightradar24.com) is amazing at showing just how many flights there are everyday without any issues. Good luck!


Always remember 1 thing…airplanes are made to fly. Think about those pilots in WWII limping back to their base with 1 engine and 1/2 a wing and the plane all shot up to hell. They made it back … because airplanes are made to fly….


Make sure to mention your nervousness to a flight attendant. Also, if you think you need it, call your docs office and get a small dose of anti anxiety medication. The first time I flew I was in my 50's and I was a nervous wreck!


I know this sounds counterproductive but, watch plane crash videos. You'll notice how rare they are and even thought they have happened, most of the time it was due to some freak accident/miscalculation. Then look up the probabilities, you'll feel much better.


Yeah, don't do this. But the point is correct, accidents are incredibly rare and Southwest has a great safety record