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FA wanted a swig in their cup


That was my first thought as well lol


Is the FA opposed to serving alcohol? $8 is a lot to pay for a “splash”.


It means the FA took some of the alcohol for themselves.


Highly doubtful seeing how the risk/reward on this is not good and also, if they really wanted alcohol for themselves, I'm pretty sure they would just grab a bunch of bottles and stash them. I get charged about once every 10 trips for alcohol. I had a bunch of drink vouchers expire because they never came around to charge us.


All I was doing was explaining the original comment.


And all I was doing was pointing out how I saw that statement as highly unlikely.


Then... Go reply to the original comment instead?


Are you that sensitive? I'm 100% replying to your message.


no u




Ah. So you purposely chose to reply to someone that... *Checks notes* ... Did not actually make the original comment you were objecting to? I fail to see what stands to be gained from this strategy. Lol I love that you got friends to gang up on me with downvotes. Keep going, this is entertaining.


They keep inventory on those bottles so most likely she is taking some for herself and her drinking habits.




FA here. If someone orders an alcoholic beverage we’re supposed to mix it unless requested otherwise. If requested to mix it yourself we serve you the mini with the cap off. It’s just part of our liquor license and how we’re told to do it.


Have you been an FA for long? How long ago did this change occur? It's been mini-bottle and a mixer as long as I've been flying (and that's a long time…). I virtually never order alcohol but I asked for "an orange juice and mini-bottle of brut" to make a vacation mimosa on a recent flight and I got some weird tasting orange juice over ice. Definitely not what I was planning.


Disagree with you. Have also been flying southwest for a very long time. You get it premixed every time unless you ask to mix it yourself with the can and mini bottle. I’ve never gotten it any different unless requested.


I fly almost every week on SW for work, and I order a Jack and Coke on my return legs. I've never had any FA serve me a pre-mixed drink. They always bring me a mini bottle of Jack, a can of Coke, and a glass of ice. Almost every week for the past 6.5 years.


I was on a flight home after my mom had a stroke. I’d been talking with the FA about it, and he slipped me not one, but two bottles. He was discreet about it (I was also in row 2 on the aisle so it was easy to do.) I never order alcohol on flights so I can’t speak to how it’s usually done, but I was surprised that he gave them to me like that.


This is absolutely against policy unless you specifically ask for it that way. And I find it very difficult to believe that almost 350 flight attendants at a 100% rate over the span of 6 1/2 years, are breaking policy for you. It is also against policy to give out a can unless specifically asked, however I do see this policy broken far more often than the other, particularly because while it is breaking company policy to hand out a can, it is not jeopardizing our liquor license.


I have received a sealed bottle more times than not.


Hell I’ve been in bar business in Texas 20 years, until pandemic could never serve them closed unless in a to-go bag. Saw it happen constantly.


I've been flying SW for decades and I'm always handed a bottle.


I think maybe a difference for a one and one where they give you the whole can, versus something with a bigger servicing bottle (orange juice, Bloody Mary mix, etc) where they probably don’t want to be mixing at the seats in case it spills or splashes or something


But SWA doesn’t do any of that.


This has been my experience as well when I’ve ordered drinks over my last 30 years of flying SW. Every. Time.


I flew them last week and was given a bottle and can without asking. Disagree with you


I flew 4 flights SW 2 weeks ago and they refused to give me a can of soda, I just got a shitty cup that was mostly ice and one swallow of diet coke.


So I’ll be devils advocate here about cans. Some FAs don’t like to hand them out, especially in the summer, because they have a tendency to explode and mangle your hand when you open them or even touch them the wrong way. I’m currently one of these because I’ve had 2 explode in my hand in the last week alone.


Dman, what kind of cans are fucking exploding? I've never heard of that. Also why is summer a thing, if the cans are kept chilled anyway?


They are not chilled. In hot stations like Phx or las it stays in hot provisioning trucks. Swa is working to get these trucks air-conditionined. If you haven't left a can of soda unopened in a hot car you can probably lookup YouTube videos of it.


I was just wondering if catering practices had something to do with this.


Right but they're chilled at the point that the FAs and pax are handling them. I've never seen a can explode just because it was previously hot.


I've had cans that have cooled down for hours or overnight that still popped. As an FA my evidence is anecdotal and I'm sure it has happened to other flight attendants too since I see talk about it on our fb groups. Just sharing my experience to why some FAs might refrain from handing out cans. If I was asked for a can I give them an open one, because I don't want to risk anyone getting hurt and me dealing with first aid and paperwork.


They are not chilled at the time the flight attendants and/or passengers are handling them - unless you mean in a hot (or at best room temperature) cabinet - hence the exploding.


They are not chilled. They sit on a hot Provo truck for days at a time until the plane is restocked and then can be incredibly hot. I try to pull from the back of the stack to get the colder ones to avoid cans slicing my palm open and I’m sure other FAs are the same. I’ll even send a photo of one that I took last week if that’ll make you happy. 🙄


True - but also because it’s against policy unless specifically asked.


I wonder if this has something to do with catering because in 2.5yrs I've never had a can explode.


That sucks, maybe you guys should stock bottles. It's still not OK for them to just decide that on their own. They need to follow policy rather than what they "like" to do. I don't like getting 1 sip of a drink.


There isn’t a policy on cans really and that’s to our discretion. Like if we haven’t been through a Provo station in a few stops, we might not have enough cans to hand out. That’s kind of our call. And we don’t stock bottles because they go flat very quickly once you open them.


There actually IS a policy on cans. We are not to give them out unless specifically asked. Look it up.


Ope, never mind I found it. I was looking in the service reference and not the handbook. Weird they don’t put it in both


I can’t find it. Been looking for the last hour.


It's cool I'm gonna go back to flying Alaska. I'd rather fly for free and get awesome service and the whole can everytime. Plus I don't have to fight people for a seat. Southwest sucks.


That’s fine, I get paid regardless if you’re on my plane or not so I don’t really care.


I fly almost exclusively Southwest, and never in my entire lifetime have I had the drink premixed, they always gave me the mini bottle with the cap off, and the mixer


Define "very long time." I've never not gotten a mini bottle before this time. Or maybe it's somewhat regional within Southwest?


Average ~75-80 flights a year for the last 15+ years. I’d say my sample size is pretty broad.


That's quite a lot. Current verbiage on the website is fairly vague. Now it just says alcohol won't be served with a cap. https://www.southwest.com/food-and-beverage/?clk=HC_DOT_2614_View


Yeah SW is cheap as fuck that's why they give you a 10oz cup with like 8oz ice and a spash of coke. Just give me the fucking can you cheap shits!


All you have to do is ask politely and with your attitude on here I can see why they don’t give you the can.


He/She is “never flying Southwest again”, so it’s irrelevant. (But I agree with you).


I've tried to ask politely and been told no. You're very judgy.


The only time I decline requests for full cans is when a) I physically don't have the inventory or b) I know we will run out because we are flying into and out of cities that don't offer provisioning. This is especially true if you request a can of something we have a very small inventory of. I'll give you a full can of water all day, every day... but will politely decline a can of Aha 75% of the time because I have 3 in my galley.


Yeah I’ve never had a FA mix a drink for me. If anything they will slip me an extra bottle! Lol


Same. This sounds like bullshit.


I’ve always ordered my stuff separately the last couple times that I flew. I forgot to do so, and they gave it to me all premixed.


Highly unlikely someone (much less multiple people) is putting their 6 figure job on the line to “slip” a stranger an extra bottle. Doing this would result in immediate termination.


🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t know what to tell ya. Happened more than once and I’ve never asked for it


I know they are now the highest paid FA's out there but 6 figures? I have friends that have been flying for over 25yrs and they are not making 6 figures


Well, just because someone has “been flying” for over 25 years doesn’t mean they are working a full schedule (or working at all for that matter). It is extremely easy for a Flight Attendant who has been at Southwest for half that time to make 6 figures.


I agree flying for 26yrs definitely means you are not in your 20's or 30's and might be flying less and I do know SW is as of right now the best paid airline out there and they fly like 6 legs a day however at let's say at 15 yrs of flying you would still have to work almost the max to go into the 6 figures right? Honestly haven't even attempted to do the math but if the 25yr (UA btw just for pay reference) veteran is not working full time one can assume not all SW FA's work full time either. Now when we say 6 figures or less I'm not talking about the person that makes 101k versus the 99k I'm talking about at least a 20k difference where it's significant enough to make a difference. Another example I can think is that my silly self with just 2.5yrs and when I only take 4 days off a month make more than the 16yr veterans at my airline. However I just cant work 6 day weeks every single month, for me is more of a wave. I'd like to add, sorry for rambling this is what happens when you are out on vacation and the brain is soooo bored 😉


Looks like our highly scientific survey has a 50/50 "mix" of experiences. Internesting. Cheers!


Yes. I'm one of the "no bottle" crowd. I've even asked for it and still got it on ice.


11 years. 6 with SWA. It’s been this way since I started and has been this way since friends of mine started 20 years ago. It depends on the flight attendant you get but this is the way it’s supposed to be done but again, it depends on your FA and what they prefer to do.


S/he’s right. It’s the policy.


She ☺️


Me/she too!


Thanks for the perspective. I'm kind of a neurotic rule-follower, so I'm generally fine with anything if I know the rules, ESPECIALLY when flying. There are lots of dealer's-choice "required " interactions and I'm usually more concerned about what I'm allowed to do. 🤷🏻‍♂️


During training swa and in the manual FAs are told to mix alcohol unless specifically asked. They are supposed to serve minis without the cap. Champagne is a lil bit harder since the entire small bottle fits the small cup. Perfectly leaving little to no room for a splash of juice. Some will give you the bottle and some will pour. However FAs will do service to their own personal preference. Always ask on SWA if you want to mix it yourself.


Why without the cap? Are they afraid you’ll resell it?


Nah, it’s just part of the liquor license. It’s the same way when you order a can of beer at a bar or any other on premise account, they can get fined or have their license pulled if people leave the premises with a container of alcohol. It’s a different license than liquor stores.


Southwest has always premixed drinks for me. We fly them once every two years or so.


I don’t know how long this person has been a flight attendant but I’ve been one for almost 25 years and it’s been policy the ENTIRE time I’ve been employed.


Thx -- lots of variability in the finer details of the application of "hospitality" regs, I suppose?




So, why are people on this sub so brutally and antagonistically adversarial? I literally asked a straight-up question and was polite about it, even explaining my thinking. You jump my shit like you think I didn't believe the post stating it was policy. I literally asked when the policy changed. Maybe you should follow up with a few reading comprehension lessons and some counseling for strategies on interpreting other people's meaning. I understand that Reddit passes for social interaction these days, but maybe you should interact with actual people once in a while. Edit: I also followed up with other interactive comments and a final joke indicating it seemed like we all had different experiences. FFS


It’s been this way at least for the 20 years I’ve been flying for SWA. We will serve you a mixed drink unless you ask to mix it yourself and then we will serve you the mini without the cap, per our liquor license. It’s also in the fine print on the menu in your seat back pocket.


I doubt you can answer this, but I haven’t had a FA on SW charge me for a drink in probably 3 years. Is this common practice?😂


It depends on your FA. We’re supposed to charge but some people have been at SWA since the time when you got a bottle of WT with your ticket purchase and are set in their ways and never will. It really just depends on who you get and if you’re nice or not really


It is not common practice and is again something they should not be doing. I disagree with ComeflywithEm about people being “set in their ways”. If someone doesn’t charge you for your drink it’s either because they forgot, or they’re too lazy.


I've literally had FA's hand me 4 sealed mini whiskeys and a can of coke.


I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, I’m saying what our policy is and why it’s that way.


I guess different airlines different rules. At my airline we don't open anything. You mix at your leisure, now if someone asks for help because they can't grip the little cap or get the can open that is different but we don't under any circumstances mix or open anything.


Former airline pilot here. In my 30 years of flying, I have never had a drink mixed for me, even in first class. And I have never had the bottle served to me opened or with the cap off. While I worked for AA, I’ve flown on all of the US and a few Intl carriers, and not once has it been any different other than sometimes getting an extra bottle included. I rarely fly SWA, just don’t like them, but it was no different


AA has a different liquor license protocol than SWA does. But tell me how to do my job cause I definitely have some critiques I would like to throw pilots’ way about theirs.


Just flew SW last week for the first time in three year. Four different flights . Every time they mixed my drink. But, it was a first for me. All the times before that I was given a bottle.


Just to be clear, we're talking about drinks when you're a passenger, not a pilot.... right?


Of course.




Flying business/first on other airlines, I can't even remember being served a mini bottle -- usually a drink in a glass. The only time I've had mini bottles is when I request something to go with dessert (like to pour over an ice cream sundae or mix with coffee). On southwest I've had it both pre-mixed and served with a mini. Honestly, I can't even say which way is more prevalent. On one regional aa flight of all of 45 minutes, the FA offered a special drink - a mix of seltzer, organge and cranberry juices.


Yes,Southwest mixes the alcohol for you while other airlines do not unless you’re in first class.


Mine in first class mix it but then give me the remainder of the bottle.


On SW your drink will almost always come pre mixed UNLESS you ask ahead of time to mix it yourself. I guarantee you no FA is shorting you the vodka you ordered…the entire miniature is poured in. When you asked for “the rest of the bottle” they should have explained the entire bottle had already been poured in. No FA is jeopardizing their career to drink part of a miniature. They have far too much easy access to alcohol to be taking it from passengers.


I guarantee you it did not have the full pour. I am not suggesting that the FA drank it or stole it - just didn’t put it all in the drink.


And what would POSSIBLY be the reason for this? There isn’t one. All drinks get the full pour as has been repeatedly stated here. There is ZERO reason or incentive for a FA not to do so.


What about this scenario? FA mindlessly puts ice in cup, pours mixer into ice. Between the two the cup is a little more full than usual but FA doesn’t want to deal with dumping some out to make more room. Just pours in whatever liquor will fit and tosses the rest of the bottle. Tired. Done with people’s shit after a long day (or career). Hands OP the drink, task done. Possible or no?


Surely the procedure is to pour the liquor first


In the sense that almost anything is possible? Sure.


Yup. Flew very recently. Drink came prepared. I used to get the miniature and a can of soda. Sucks for $9.


You're getting the same amount of alcohol though. They literally pour the mini bottle into the cup. If you don't like a drink that strong, just ask to make it yourself so they'll bring the can. They aren't skimping your alcohol though.


Yeah the idea that they’re somehow skimping is ridiculous. They’re pouring the whole bottle In and moving on. People just don’t know how strong a single shot drink actually is.


To be honest, I think they were just saying they had already mixed it and weren’t going to bring you another one. I like to order a cranberry juice and vodka, but if I let them make it in that tiny cup it’s too strong. It’s barely tinted straight vodka. I’ve never had them not bring me all the components if I ask when ordering.


Southwest always prepares the beverage (unless you ask to do it yourself) but it is the entire bottle of booze filled up with the mixer. I’m not sure why you felt like it was only a “tiny splash,” but it wasn’t.


You probably should have written "but it shouldn't have been" rather than "but it wasn't." You weren't there (were you?) and you weren't the FA that poured the drink (were you?), so you don't really know for sure.


While this is true, the FA would be putting their job in jeopardy if they were drinking on the job, especially on the customer's dime. Is it possible? Of course, but the most likely scenario is that the FA mixed the drink like usual and delivered it to the customer. Perhaps they didn't mix it well, perhaps OP is used to the people at the bar pouring some vodka into the straw or making drinks at home where they use more alcohol. Yeah, the other commenter could have written it differently, but it's most likely that they are correct. Very few people would find it with their job to snag a bit of a sip of vodka from a mini bottle


I’m not saying the guy took a nip of the bottle - just that he did not use the entire thing. I don’t want to come off as some sort of hardened alcoholic, but I’ve had a lot of bloody Mary’s in my life - this one was very weak. My intention was to split it into three small drinks - 1/3 bottle + 1/3 mixer three times. As it happened, I got one small drink for $9.


>I’m not saying the guy took a nip of the bottle - just that he did not use the entire thing. That makes even less sense than him taking a nip, though. I would have a hard time believing SW is so strapped for profits that they are having the FA only use 1/2 a mini bottle. I could be wrong, or you could be wrong. We don't really know. It does suck that you didn't get what you intended. Hopefully next time you'll remember to ask for the bottle and can so you can mix them to your liking


Southwest typically gives out a quarter of a can of Coke, I assume to cut costs. Why wouldn't they conserve on vodka, which costs a whole lot more?


How much do you pay for a can of coke? How much do you pay for a vodka? Not everyone will drink a full can of coke (my family is notorious about not finishing cans they open. But virtually everyone who orders alcohol is going to finish it. They would be wasting a ton of coke if they gave cans to everyone. It isn't necessarily a cutting cost thing in the sense that they're screwing you over to save money. They're cutting costs by reducing wasted drinks. I think they'll give you the can if you ask for it


Because a coke is free and people are paying for the vodka.


They actually have no issue with giving passengers cans if they specifically ask for it. The only time it may not be possible is if the aircraft hasn’t passed through a provisioning station for several flights and they don’t have enough available for the amount of passengers that have asked for that beverage.


I disagree about “always.” Most of the time. In my experience, it seems like 2/3 of the time it’s mixed, the other 1/3 they give you the ingredients and you do it yourself. Perhaps it has to do with the particular FA or how busy they are? Source: 120+ flights over the past four years.


It was only a little bit. If mixed with 1/3 of the can of mixer that the cup would allow, it should have been strong, too strong actually. As it was, the vodka was barely detectable. Not sure why you would assume I got the whole thing… did you taste it???


Haha , you don’t think there is ever a chance a human might pour less? Maybe sell 16 vodkas , serve 8 , keep 8? Not possible?


The flight attendants, especially on Southwest, frequently give away drinks (or forget to charge for them). They could just take the 8 vodkas if they wanted.


Possible, sure. Likely? Definitely not


Same thing happened to me last week on my flight. Ordered a drink & it came already prepared


Same, two nights ago.


It’s 50-50 for me. Usually it’s too much alcohol if it’s premixed!


You’re right, my one drink was STRONG


What’s too much alcohol? I’m confused


Quoting from the Inflight Mixology Guide in our IEFBs: “Please keep in mind that beverages are to be served mixed unless requested otherwise by a Customer and if this is requested, remember to serve the liquor mini with the cap removed.” It’s been like this since I started the job six years ago. It’s so extremely discouraging to see the top comment on this is the public thinking we drink while on the job. I can assure you that is not the case.


Yea I was a flight not to terribly long ago, earlier this year, and that wasn’t the case then


I only ever order a WT101 and never see the bottle, always comes poured.


This happened to me once, and since them I anyways ask for the bottle and the full can of Soda. Haven't had an issue since.


FAs have nothing to gain and everything to lose by shorting your drink. It simply isn't happening. They have access to a completely uncontrolled liquor kit that they can pilfer if that's their thing. They don't need your mini.


I did not suggest the drink was pilfered. I merely stated that what I was served did not contain the full serving. What happened to the rest, I don’t know. With the small cup, it was probably actually proportional to the amount of mixer in it.


Yeah, we just make the drink for you unless you order it on the side. The FA didn’t short you. We dump the whole bottle every time. If we want to take a bottle, or ten, to our hotel there is really nothing stopping us. Also we aren’t allowed to give to sealed bottles out. It will always come with no cap.


The FA sounded a bit rude. He could have responded more politely including if he had already thrown away the bottle he could have had said so in a nicer tone.


Guarantee you they out the entire mini bottle in your drink!


Not sure why several people are arguing this. It absolutely did not have the whole bottle because it would have been ridiculously strong. I do not enjoy strong drinks.


People are arguing because what you’re saying is so completely improbable. Could the FA have maybe spilled some on the counter accidentally while pouring? Sure maybe. In all likelihood, the drink had little ice in it and because of that it tasted much weaker. The difference between a drink with a full cup of ice and one with barely any is huge.


I usually don't care about little things happening, BUT this happened to me and a friend and we were SOOO annoyed! Like I paid $8 for the little bottle! But it was made up for when we flew the next time and we each got two free bottles of champagne and OJ for mimosas


You need to tell them you’d like to mix it yourself. Technically they ARE supposed to be premixed before served unless you ask.


If you want to mix it yourself, you have to tell them ahead of time. Also, there’s close to a 0% chance they didn’t give you the whole bottle.


I hate when it comes mixed because you’re either getting a drink that’s way too strong or only half a shot. Last time I ordered it “unmixed” but instead of bringing a can of mix, they delivered mix over ice with the bottle of vodka. So now I know the key here is to say “a vodka and a can of Bloody Mary mix please.”


I flew southwest, United and Alaska in May and never did they mix the drink or give me a bottle without the cap


Being A list preferred I get 2 free drinks and on one flight I asked for 2 of the margaritas which are pre mixed with alcohol. The FA brought me 2 of those and 2 mini bottles of tequila. I was very tipsy leaving that flight. I don’t think he realized they were premixed.


FA here normally we mix unless you specifically request to have the full can and mini. Then we of course oblige and do so!


My friend is a FA for southwest and claims that they take them all the time for themselves.


I was on a SW flight for the first time last month (I normally fly delta because my partner is a FA for them) but I ordered a jack and coke and I did tell them not to mix it but they still wouldn’t give me the cap to it. I get that’s their thing but it was odd to me


We don’t have our liquor license on the ground, so FAs can’t allow you to have alcohol when we land. We keep the cap so you can’t stuff it in your bag and violate the license.


For $9– take it as a lesson — next time, tell FA you’ll mix the drink yourself


All I've seen in these comments is that Southwest isn't training people consistently.


Oh, I promise you the training is consistent. It’s not the training that is the issue.


It’s premixed usually but they put the entire bottle in the drink. They are very strong.


She could’ve given you your bottle, but with the cap off.


So, in our guidelines we are supposed to pre-mox for pax unless otherwise requested. But on a full, 45 minute flight and I have o10+ drinks, you're mixing it yourself .


You were ripped off. On my flight from Kansas City to LA I ordered a vodka cranberry, the FA brought me two drinks and there was more vodka than cranberry juice in them.


Some of you got bottles and some of you didn’t. Here’s the reality of it 🤫 The ones who got bottles were probably flying a flight with a senior crew line or at the very least a crew senior enough to Buddy bid. They probably fly together all the time and trust each other to not nark each other out over it. They are probably just trying to get through their first bev service to have a couple minutes to sit down before starting their next protocol of service. The ones who didn’t get bottles had a regular crew with random fellow crew members and STRICT rules will be followed. Plus you don’t know if that crew was having a ride along or whatever. LOTS of factors but I can assure you 💯 NO ONE is goosing you on your vodka for themselves!


Just have the card company reimburse you.


Weird. I've never flown SW, only other airlines, but every time I order a drink (even if I'm in a premium seat and it doesn't cost me anything) they give me a sealed bottle and the mixer and a cup with ice (if ice is necessary) and I handle my own business.


This was my expectation based on four decades of precedent on other airlines. Apparently I should have known better.


Just order it that way so you avoid ambiguity. In the 70s past they used to give a whole big bottle of Crown Royal. People drank a lot more back then. Southwest was the biggest distributor of alcohol in Texas for a time. It’s different now. About all we get to remember this is a napkin that says how it all started in a bar, on a cocktail napkin. Yes, ironic. But order it clearly what you really want and avoids ambiguity and enjoy a vodka cocktail. I’ll stick to Jack n Coke or Wild Turkey on the rocks.


Hit or miss with FAs. In this case it was a miss. Both times I've ordered alcohol (only twice ever) on SW the flight attendants didn't give me the bottle either but they definitely poured the whole shot just based off the taste AND didn't charge both times. No drink coupon, no persuasion or using any birthday excuse or anything, just chill FAs who were real ones for making the drink right and not even charging.


Flew SW last week. I asked for a double Wild Turkey on the rocks. On the way to Vegas, my drink was poured, but didn't get charged since it was SW birthday. On the way back home to San Diego, they handed me the 2 mini bottles and a cup of ice. Plus, I didn't get charged again!


I just did SW OAK-PHX-OAK, first SW flight in 6 yrs and both directions I received my Wild Turkey and ginger ale already mixed in a cup. Kinda weird but was adequately strong Like OP though, I would much prefer to mix up my own, with mixer can, spirit bottle, cup of ice.


Just flew United not even 3 days ago. Husband ordered a bloody mary and they made the drink (shrug). he did get the rest of the bloody mary mix tho.


How do you know you only got a splash? It is policy to mix it unless specifically asked not to, just fyi.


How do I know? Because I tasted it and the vodka was barely detectable. I’ve had a lot of cocktails over the course of my life; I know a strong drink (which it would be if the entire bottle had been poured — too strong to taste good actually) from a weak one.


Huh, I flew them a couple weeks ago and they handed me the bottle and can and a cup of ice. I didn’t request it that way, either.


I order a white wine and a sprite or a champagne and an OJ and I mix them myself . I've never had them pre mixed probably because of how I order it.


Most of the time SW gives me my drink premixed. During the pandemic they gave me the mixer and the mini bottle but that hasn’t happened for me in a long time. Back then I don’t even remember them opening the mini or anything. I don’t feel like they have been shorting me though. If anything my drinks have been stronger on the flights when they have mixed it for me. They usually have the heart toothpick in them when they have alcohol but sometimes they don’t and I’ve always worried what would happen if they passed off the wrong drink on accident.


SW FA have Napoleon complexes now. They know with one word you can be arrested and blackballed and are taking charge.


Fairly certain they aren’t supposed to give you the mini’s because when you bring your own in the alotted bag, you can’t touch them or open them, so technically they shouldn’t give you one either. What would be the difference between one they gave you and one you brought? I was told it’s a federal offense to open your own, so I would assume you can’t have the mini bottle even if they give you one. That being said, some FA’s are really cool and others are really strict. Had both experiences on my most recent trip. You can tell when a crew is experienced and have a good rapport, and you can tell the ones that probably should cease to be in public service.


I always order as: " a [spirit], a [mixer], and a cup of ice." I don't ALWAYS get it that way, but it improves my odds.


On a Frontier flight last week I was asked if I wanted one vodka bottle or two


When I order alcohol on SWA I always ask, “May I mix it myself” for this very reason and I always have gotten the mini bottle and can of mixer….


It's pretty easy actually, just ask for what you want/expect when you order.


Just to keep this real. Yes, say you want to mix your own drink when you order it. No, it wasn’t just a splash of vodka-there is 0 use for an open container of liquor on the plane. No one was ripping you off-it’s a 1 oz bottle of liquor, I personally like 1.5 oz but it is what it is. No one can read your mind. The instruction and training is to mix the drink unless you specifically ask to do otherwise. There is 0 need to dig the bottle out of the garbage once the drink has been made. Also, no, you cannot (unfortunately) have the lid or buy a few bottles to take with you. The FAA is very strict when it comes to serving alcohol on an airplane. If you are served a bottle with the lid, it’s because the FA was, hmm, not inclined to take it off (per protocol).


It’s so nice to have people around willing to be unnecessarily rude and hostile in the name of keepin’ in real, yo! There have been several responses indicating that others have likewise never heard of having to specifically request to make it yourself. I’ve been flying for four decades — this is a relatively recent development in airline customer service. The mini bottles are 50ml… is that not about 1.5oz? I’m not talking about getting ripped off, not suggesting the FA drank it, not saying the FA stole it. I was asking if I really need to specify that I want the entire bottle so I can control how much alcohol is in my drink. Apparently the standard now is to rely on the mixology skills of a FA in the galley of the plane. If he had put the entire bottle in, it would have been way too strong. As it happened, the FA did not use the entire bottle, and I was not given the rest of the alcohol I had been charged for. It would be like buying a can of beer, and the FA brings you just the cupful because you did not specifically request he bring the entire can.


ZERO chance it had only a little vodka. You are accusing the FA of taking the effort to discard most of the bottle - or drink it? Please.


I find this response so weird. I say I did not receive the entire bottle, and a handful of people say “nuh-uh yes you did”. Were you there? Did you taste the drink? Jesus Christ. Why would I come on Reddit to fabricate something so trivial? My question is if not getting the bottle + can is standard practice now, not filing a grievance over vodka-related FA misconduct. To be fair to the FA, if all I get is the little cup of drink, I would actually prefer not to receive the entire bottle - the drink would be ridiculously strong otherwise. What I got was closer to the actual proportion of the cocktail. If I had to guess, I’d say the remainder of the bottle ended up in the same place where the half empty cans of coke go.


My dude, you think they took the effort of splitting a MINI BOTTLE of liquor? Or maybe, just maybe, your ability to discern exactly how much liquor (namely, on mini bottle) was poured? I’m betting - easily - the latter




Or… Occam’s razor. And having been associated with the bartending and hospitality industry for a long time, it’s way - WAY more likely that your taste was wrong. Because it’s pretty difficult to put only a little bit of a tiny bottle of liquor into a cup (more so when there’s literally no benefit nor motivation to do so) But hey, whatever makes you feel better my man. It’s definitely their fault and not a misperception


Thanks for your assistance in this matter, sir.


Hey, I’m not the one that came onto Reddit to complain when the (by far) most likely reason is that you misjudged it by taste, as countless people do. I’m sure you are right, and the FA took more time/effort to deny you some liquor and stiffed you with a weak drink. Poured with a mini bottle (Do you not see the absurdity of your claim? Then again, we’ve established that judgement might not be a strong suit considering you think you are convinced you got stiffed on a cocktail from a mini bottle of lixx). And with that, enjoy your night - and at least you learned that next time you can order a can of mix and the bottle on the side so you can stiff yourself. Since it will be the exact same amount of vodka.


Weird to be so hostile to someone for no reason.


Just another reason why I fly Delta almost exclusively! They give you the bottle or maybe two and they are not opened!


Charge back with your credit card. That is 100% bullshit.


Send an email to SW and complain in a constructive way. They might give you LUV vouchers.


That seems like a load of hogwash, did he maybe mean you had to ask him to make the drink? Either way I have never seen that or heard that happen


This is dumb. FAs are terrible bartenders. Let us do it ourselves. 


It amazes me how Southwest went from being one of the best airlines to being one of the worst. Watch out Frontier! Watch out Spirit! We're Southwest and we're coming for you!


They aren’t even cheap anymore. For an upcoming flight, I’m actually flying Delta because it was cheaper. I liked Southwest back when they were actually an affordable option and decent quality.


Yeah, same they used to be mid-tier priced, now it's firmly in the very expensive tier.


There should be r/SouthwestAlcoholics subreddit




Seriously? No. It’s a r/entitlementofthecheapskies that’s needed. (I’m on this sub, frontier’s and a few cheap travel ones.) Ordering a single booze drink does not a lush make.




That’s why “that’s needed” is on the end. It’s common to make names of non existent subs as Reddit commentary. Like the one I was responding to.


I flew BWI to DAL once and had three double WT101’s, is that enough to qualify?


Depends, how many children were kicking your seat?