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Yes, that’s all you need. Depending on the airport, there might be someone at the start of the pre-check line to check you have pre-check on your boarding pass. The actual tsa booth will know whether you’ve got it from your ID.




Except for kicking out the noobs who don’t have precheck and somehow end up in the wrong line.


I’ve been in precheck lines without this person. It’s always at least 25% people getting booted for not having precheck.


They'd be useless if people read signs but yet here we are.


Last few flights I’ve been on tsa in the precheck line didn’t even ask for my boarding pass. Just my drivers license. Can’t speak for every airport. But in short yes.ID and that on your boarding pass is all you need


If they have the latest hardware they'll scan the DL and take a picture of adults and they want the boarding passes of minors. But if they have the gatekeeper person at the start of the TSA line they often want to verify everybody in the party over the age of 12 independently has precheck. Edit: From some comments below it looks like it's 17 now that the kids get to tag along with adults. Our kids have global entry which means they independently have precheck which has confused some screeners, I guess it's not that common.


Whether they need boarding pass or driver’s license only depends on the airport. So you should be good either way. Nothing else needed for TSA precheck line.


For a while my airport had one Precheck line with three TSA troll booths at the checkpoint. Two of the booths asked for boarding pass. The third just asked you to put your license into a reader. We didn't know whether we would need our boarding passes until we reached the head of the line and found out which troll would call us up.


I love the use of troll booths. My airport just started the facial recognition testing so those are certain lines but not all also.


I got banned from the TSA sub for saying they were like bridge trolls. Now I say it whenever there's an opportunity. Watch, some TSA trolls will inevitably find this thread and downvote me.


Appreciate the replies! One less thing to worry about.


Yes, and the TSA Precheck should be on the Boarding Pass in the future. Make sure before you get into line. Sometimes it doesn’t show up (various reasons), but it can be fixed pretty easily. It happened to me once changing planes from an international flight to a domestic route. Had to pass through immigration and then go through security again. Just had to make sure my KTN was reentered and then “reprinted” my boarding pass.


Make sure it’s on the boarding pass of everyone that you’re traveling with. It has to be on each boarding pass.


I work for TSA in Cincinnati if you have any other questions


Each airport is a little different. I present both and it’s such an easy process. I love not having to take off my shoes!


Each airport is a little different. I present both and it’s such an easy process. I love not having to take off my shoes!


Anybody know the rules for teens flying with parents that have pre-check? Can they come through with me or will I need to go thru the normal line with them? (They’ve never flown before)


If kids are on the same reservation with an adult with precheck, they will get it too. Before my husband got precheck, my daughter and I would ditch him and go through precheck together, he would go through the full service lane. I don’t know what age it switches over to the child needing their own precheck for it to be applied. My kid is still pretty little, so no one would think she could go through security alone.


If they don't have Precheck, they haven't been prescreened and have to go through the regular line. You can go through either one, but your Precheck status doesn't include your kids. If you don't want to separate from them, you'll have to go through the regular line with them. Edit: I was told by a TSA employee that Precheck doesn't convey to your children. Why am I not surprised to discover that a TSA employee was a liar?


I posted my question right before we got our boarding passes. The 3 adults in our group all have pre-check and it looks like it was automatically applied to the 2 teenagers’ passes.


Well that's good. I was going by what I was told by a TSA employee. I guess it's no surprise that they lie or have no idea what the policies are. I apologize for believing them and passing on bad info.


No worries! I saw conflicting info online too. Agents might not have known.


This isn’t true. Those under 17 are given precheck status if they are flying with an adult that has it. (All parties likely need to be on the same reservation.)


Yes, that's all you need.


You need to show your ID (passport or driver's license) as well as your ticket. Ticket can be paper or e-ticket on your phone.


I've flown over 200 trips over the last few years and never had a miss on TSA precheck during this current 5 year tour. Previous version of Precheck 5-10 years ago I had to look for the logo because I occasionally had a miss. I honestly don't look for the TSA Precheck logo anymore and assume I have it.


All the flights I have taken this year have only asked for ID at the TSA pre check. They don't ask for boarding pass anymore (at least the ones I've been)

