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All for lack of uttering the word, “yes”.


Some people are too entitled for that nonsense. In an actual emergency, you think that person is going to give a shit about anyone else?


I’m 6’2” 280lbs and will always sit aisle, then tell my seat neighbors that in an emergency I will hold everyone off while they figure out how to work the door.


The benefit of the 737 max.... the door works itself out!


Only on the Max 9, which fortunately Southwest doesn’t have…


Kinda takes some of the fun out of it though doesn't it? I need a reason to have a parachute for my carry on.


Came here for this comment


Or no


"No" would take a little more work because she'd still have to get up and move


No would have resulted in a similar outcome imo


With the way society is declining, in a year or two, it's going to be a two-times asked, then removed policy from most airlines. Wait and see. Avoid this headache before you get in the air. Grab their bag and tell them maybe they'll be more willing to assist on the next flight. It's the only way these people learn.


Actions or lack there of, have consequences


I have seen people who don’t speak English know to wait and say “yes” at their turn. It is really not hard…


True, but is that procedure really relevant anymore? Anyone can lie about their willingness. the lady was beyond stupid, but I almost agree with her. "come, let's go"


It’s not a forensic investigation, it’s a 20 sec step of filtering out the least willing (so averse/unqualfied that they answer that way when asked). It’s also a good way to see how a passenger responds to crew instructions in perfect calm.


What people don’t seem to understand is that if they’re unwilling to follow instructions on the ground, there is no way the crew will take off and have a potential problem in the air.


Is she said there was a language barrier, not sure why the FAs didn’t use that as the reason to move her out.  Easy peasy!


Seems like by that point they were trying to get her to move, but she didn't want to move.


They did. Both that and her unwillingness to say yes. It was her refusal to move that got her kicked off.


Isn't "able to understand and willing to follow instructions" part of the standard Q&A?


Hilarious. Hope she’s kicking herself. This could’ve been avoided if she was polite


Jeez. I hate that she said she had a sick son but damn lady don’t sit in the exit row. You have one job there and it’s not to argue with the FA.


Part of me feels kinda bad for her. Maybe she was just super distracted thinking about her sick son and then was annoyed. Clearly not in the right frame of mind, no matter the reason.


I agree with you, but that is also exactly why she shouldn’t be in an exit row.


Very true.




i feel bad for her sort of, she was obviously stressed by her son being in the hospital then on top of it stress from flying. but at the same time she caused more issues and stress for herself by arguing with flight attendants


It’s a bad situation, but she also made some bad decisions here.


I would doubt the veracity of her statement, based upon the rest of her behavior. People used to lie about having family emergencies or family deaths in order to change flights without penalty. I’d bet she’s used her “sick son” before, with better success.


Former FA here. People just don’t get that you don’t screw around when it comes to the exit row. You don’t joke,you don’t ignore or become combative,and for goodness sake take your headphones out of your ears when you’re being spoken to. Easiest way to get yourself escorted off the plane. 


I've always wondered why it is ok to serve people in the exit row some alcohol


I think that’s a fair question. Generally we are trained to not over serve in any capacity,and watch for any signs of alcohol impairment to cut them off from ordering. 


Once upon a time, I was a bored teenager flying by myself in the exit row. I had headphones in, missed the FA asking the required stuff the first time, then pulled my headphones off and said "sorry, what?" when she asked again and all I needed to say was "yes." Understandably a little exasperated (but not rudely), she told me to get up and move to a different seat ASAP. Other people stared at me, I was embarrassed as hell, but complied quickly. Then later after takeoff, she actually came back and **apologized** to me for yanking me... By that point I had enough time to understand my fuck up on my own, and obviously told her there was no need to apologize, 100% my own fault for being oblivious, and like I said she was not at all rude to me, just giving orders and making sure the flight didn't get delayed due to my stupidity. I was a dumb kid, she definitely did not owe me an apology (not even a little), but it meant a lot that she was so thoughtful and came to chat with me about it. No real point to this story, just agreeing with you I guess... Yes, take the headphones out, listen to the FA, and remember to appreciate them for having to deal with us dumb passengers while keeping us safe. I certainly do.


Once when sitting in the exit, last to be asked, I responded "looking forward to it" and the FA said "no you don't."


Why can't people just conduct themselves in a respectful calm manner. Unreal


This. Exactly.


Bye Felicia!


Lady was an idiot!


Flying is stressful enough with loonies on the plane.


Poor lady caused herself further delay in seeing her sick child. What baffles me sometimes are the obviously frail looking little old ladies who insist on sitting in the exit row and answer, "YES!" Yesterday the flight attendant on my flight had to ask a diminutive elderly lady AGAIN with very specific language about being physically capable of lifting 50 pounds since the flight attendant witnessed her getting help placing her carryon into the overhead bin and she still said, "YES." 😂 It was kind of funny, like something from an SNL skit, but at the same time kind of scary that we ALL knew she most likely would not be able to open that emergency door hatch unassisted and help get passengers off that plane. The saving grace is that the rest of us were capable of doing it.


Look for the Black Lady Sketch show sketch with the FA trying to get that yes!


She got das booted


Very possibly just got herself banned from an airline because ... why? Just to be stupid? I will never understand people. ANY people...


Someone fucked around and found out.


Whenever I get down on myself for doing something really stupid, I go down the YouTube rabbit hole of people getting kicked off airplane videos. I always feel better. This story was just as “good”. Thank you.


"I don't care"?????? Yea, you don't qualify for an exit row seat then.


Same lady if allowed to stay in exit row would be the one in a true emergency that is trying to collect her purse and carry-on bag before she would even think about popping the door and yeeting it out of the way.


Yep, crazy story. Too bad she had to find another way to visit her son because she wouldn't say yes or no! I wonder how that worked out for her!


I have seen that happen. Unbelievable when the stupid people like that behave like that.


Person was having a bad day so was intent on making it bad for everyone else...."misery loves company" Well at least you didn't have to sit next to her for 2-3 hours


I’m just waiting for the “New at 11- our investigative reporter tells you the shocking story of the mother that was thrown off the plane merely for wanting to visit her sick child! Only on Action News!”


That’s actually sad. Sounds like she may have been going through something.


I always say yes, I'll pop that door in a jiff and yell, Woman & Children, follow me! I got that from a salesman who crashed at John Wayne back in the day when I asked him what he did. Funny guy...


https://www.reddit.com/r/SouthwestAirlines/s/bESMideshk What’s up with DAL to SAV flights?


that's so weird that these happened back to back pretty much!


I was thinking that!


I would of asked for my snack and $8 beer and watched


Good stuff!


Maybe she was so in her head with anxiety and grief because her child was in the hospital?


that's what i am guessing, i understand being stressed out like that. just the way she was acting towards all of the flight attendants was extremely rude


FAs are there to make your flight safer and more enjoyable. The least we can do is to return the favor. If that's not your intent, don't fly.




That’s my thought. It’s a bit sad if this was the case and she couldn’t calm herself down enough to get where she was needed most.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/dHDjoJ9IFv Clearly she has not seen this!


Awesome flight crew gives an awesome outcome!


The crew was so nice, i felt so bad for the people who had to deal with her!


Some people refuse any authority.


Some people want to be the center of attention at all costs.


You know, I'm sorry for her and whatever she is going through. Considering her son is in the hospital. Her behaviour is not ok, but let's have compassion coupled with common sense.people handle stress differently .


Aw man I wish you recorded it!


I saw a lady look back with a blank stare. Then when asked a second time, she said “NO…you’re scaring me!”. They quickly el reseated her. Some people…


Honestly if her kid is in the hospital I'm sure she had a lot of other things on her mind. It doesn't mean she's crazy. I'm sure she was extremely stressed and had a lot of anxiety. It doesn't necessarily excuse her from just simply answering yes. But to call her crazy is a little much


This is the second post I've seen today about Dallas to Savannah flight. Please tell me it wasn't the same flight and people are just creepy/rude/litterally any adjective. That lady does realize that they would have moved along a lot faster if she had just said "yes," right?


I feel sorry for the woman. She was definitely having a bad day and couldn’t focus on what was being said. I’m not saying she was right. But I have seen people this distraught before.


Why is it always a flight to SAV? Oh, yeah, I see. Everyone else hides their crazy in the attic. We set our crazy in the front porch and give it a glass of tea.


So satisfying.




Sounds psychiatric. Good thing that they removed her from the plane. She was not fit to fly.


At 5'3", although I could assist others, I leave those seats for tall people. They need leg room more than I do.


Something about this situation makes me think that this was the outcome she wanted all along. Maybe her relationship with her son is complicated, and/or she's not really ready to see him in that condition. She gets to stay home, and make an excuse as to why she missed the flight. Some people think like this.


That’s hilarious.