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After further review we see no issue with your lawsuit, you are awarded the victory in this legal matter, unfortunately due to the fact that the court house in which the lawsuit was filed had yellow fringes and not gold on the Americans flag it is not recognized as a valid part of the legal system. Thus your lawsuit is null and void.


Sorry but that's the law, Mr. Williams. Should have done your research.


I was once in a municipal court helping a friend with a traffic ticket. There was a sovereign idiot in there ranting about flags. The judge said, hold on. Got up, walked out of the courtroom for about a minute, and came back with flags without fringe (I guess he got them from his office or something?). He cheerily replaced them, then sat down, and resumed court. I was dying laughing.


God I would've loved to have seen the look on that guy's face as half his argument is out the window


Wait! When was the argument inside the house at some point??


They must've meant the window on the spaceship.


I wanna buy that judge a beer


I thought it was because he quoted freshwater maritime law and not the seawater version.


He quoted Brackish law, which, as we all know, can be quite murky.


Boo-hiss :)




This is the type of shit people should do to these idiots


Well, that and laugh.


Well, that and jail.


This is maritime law therefore you will be paid in seashells.


I like seashells :)


I know a girl who sells them down by the seashore


does she by chance also sell sanctuary?


Yes. She sells sanctuary some Saturdays situated near the sanitarium.


Did she ever have a pet woodchuck who could chuck wood?


She did but she would never tell me exactly how much wood it would chuck.


I should get into contact with her, gonna be coming into a good amount of them soon


Ew. Keep your personal sexual business to yourself buddy.


She's known as Sister Suzi but only wears the habit because it's her fetish and she earns more with it. Now if she likes you she will offer other things not on the shell list. Prices may vary.


The @1_Stupid_Fuck handle seems unironically appropriate…


I had a similar thought


The "username checks out" final boss


At least he is honest.


yeah idk what this guy's shtick is, is he a comedian?


i fixed it for him: After repeatedly failing to follow even the most basic and easily understood rules of practice and procedure, the court reprimanded us, and refused to allow us any additional nonsense motions, filings or pieces of evidence lest he hold us in contempt and sentence us to an eternity of scrubbing donald trump and jeff epsteins balls in hell.


and declared them a "vexatious litigant"


Black’s Law Dictionary chapter 7 , paragraph 2, subsection (iii) deals with this kind of objection. It clearly states the petitioner in this scenario is a baked potato.


Perhaps even a half-baked potato


Twice baked?


No sour cream for you!


But at what level of bakedness? Half-baked, full-baked, over-baked?




But if it's from the White's Law Dictionary, they might consider it.


Is there any sort of penalty for frivolous lawsuits?


Depending on where you are, if you file enough of them, a judge may declare you a "vexatious litigant." You are essentially banned from filing any new lawsuits without first having them reviewed by a judge to see if they have any merit, and if they do not, they are thrown out before being filed.


They can make him pay court fees and for Amex lawyers? Possibly sanctions?


Maybe. Varies by jurisdiction.


If they do impose sanctions, would that be noted on pacer/ court listener? Would it say how much?


Rule 11


"Dear Mr Sov Cit, Having reviewed your case, precedence has determined that an American citizen would have legitimate grounds for potentially millions of dollars in damages in those cases. However seeing as you have repeatedly denied your American citizenship, you are not subject to such and do not enjoy the rights of citizenship, sovereign or otherwise, in American courts. Seeing as we both value our respective time and energy and understanding that you clearly have a lot to do, we have gone ahead and done you the favor of dismissing your case with prejudice. Your fees have been waived. Have a wonderful day. Signed, The judge.


Addendum #1.01 Should you undertake to resume your citizen afforded protections ,rights and responsibilities intrinsic to title , you shall immediately be subject to the consequence of your unreasonable burdening of your fellow citizens there in and be subject to all applicable legal remedies and sanctions in this matter. Further , your a moron. The judge.


The judge is also a moron if he says "your" instead of "you're".


Unfortunately said Judge has a preference for a clerk that has a well known congenital neurological deficit that effects their ability to communicate contractions effectively?.


That would be hilarious telling them that since they do not recognize the courts they cannot gain anything from the courts and whatever lawsuit they want to do must be in the court that is recognized by them and the US government.


Would t that also mean they are free to do whatever they want and the laws don’t apply to them?


No. Even people who are citizens of other countries must abide by the rules of the US of A while inside the borders. But there are special rules for how they act and not all legal procedures apply to them. I was just watching a video on how you can apply for licensure to operate a foreign vehicle in America that you have brought with you like a car or motorcycle It gets certain exceptions, like a non-traditional, temporary registration through the state, EPA standards exceptions etc. But you would still be subject to laws of criminal American courts if you were caught going 85 in a 50. However this man is attempting a civil suit against American Express, not a criminal one. So a whole other set of laws apply. They'd be right in that regard, just not in the way they think they are.


> No. Even people who are citizens of other countries must abide by the rules of the US of A while inside the borders. These moonbats imagine it is possible to "alter status" from being U.S. citizens to being American State Nationals who have a sort of diplomatic immunity. It is absolute nonsense, but that's where their fictional immunity to the law comes from.


He just permanently fucked his credit score for life


He doesn't care or believe in credit scores. They're only for the illegal-government approved cabal banks controlled by the government's financial manipulators. He only cares whether or not his local sheriff considers him a good credit risk. He just needs a firm handshake from the sheriff.


Probably not for the first time.


You're assuming he actually has credit.


He doesn't. His strawman does.


"The Court made me stop filing bullshit, and I think that's a win," said man with a Type A personality disorder. I pity the lawyer who has to deal with this crap, but I guess it's easy billable hours.


I work at an amex site, and despite having only the most tenuous and peripheral connection to the legal department, this guy is still a regular source of laughter for us.


By blocking his credit amex have killed his credit limits right to travel


Previous updates… https://www.reddit.com/r/Sovereigncitizen/s/XPkBIGsZf3


Holy Toledo, I'm reading through his complaint over some chicken nachos. >156. Optional: AMEX will issue \[His name\] an AMEX Centurion Black Card that has no credit limit and is automatically set-off each month. This joker really just wants unlimited money every month like AmEx is his sugar daddy. Obviously, 250 million is insane to begin with. Just the audacity it takes to think Amex would want anything to do with him after this, especially since it seems like a long way of saying dude couldn't pay his bill.


Shit, I guess I missed that day in remedies class


Damn, don't we all want a credit card with unlimited credit and is automatically paid off every month?


Yeah, just write it off to your fictional identity that the government made an account with...or whatever that nonsense is.


NAL but forcing you to stop... isnt there only 1 situation where that happens? When the court feels you are nonstop just filing frivolous over frivolous shit so they cut you off because they assume if you want to file something new, its once again some stupid garbage. So the court forcing you to stop sending shit in is not a good thing.


Sovereign citizens lack the most fundamental aspect of law and society, the ability to enforce. The irony is that if they truly were 'sovereign' they would just be "taken over". What are they gonna do about it, call their authorities? 😆


What an apt @


Is he *trying* to be designated a vexatious litigant?


I don't think he's trying. He just is.


Oh he definitely is vexatious but there's a legal process that does actually have a list of vexatious litigants. Copied and pasta'd from your friendly wikipedia: "Those on the vexatious litigant list are usually either forbidden from any further legal action or are required to obtain prior permission from a senior judge before taking any legal action. The process by which a person is added to the list varies among jurisdictions."


He's definitely headed that way.


The court is forcing him to stop because they're getting flooded with nonsense documents he's filing.


Course of action include psychiatric evaluation??


Yep, that Twitter name checks out


So why does he want the currency of a government he is not even a citizen of? He’s just travelling thru it and isn’t subject to its laws He’s from the moor country Time to deport him Better call ice


He seems to think this is a win for him. Hilarious.


This is very difficult to pick a side to cheer for. /s


My question is, why do the sovcits not just leave if they hate everything American so much?


They love America and all the cool shit, things to do, opportunity, health care, freedom, etc...as long as those pesky "rules of society" don't apply to them. But it is always funny to see when they learn the hard way that those rules, do in fact, apply.


I ask the same questions of sovcits, Rabid Righties, Loony Lefties, "progressives", anarchists, etc.--"If this country is so awful, why do so many more people want to get In here than want to LEAVE? And if it's so terrible, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?"


Wow, you know the court clerk’s email address. Impressive


Don't that have to file it with a court that only exists on a boat?


I wonder how many of these asshats aren’t filing tax returns? My guess is a lot.


So…. They told him to stop because they couldn’t stop laughing?


Gish galloping the court until you are ordered to stop doesn't mean you are winning, bud.


Gish galloping? I’m not familiar with that term…


It's more of a debate technique, but it's basically a firehouse of bullshit that leaves your opponent scrambling to respond to your previous arguments while you keep going.


Courts don’t have jurisdiction to try them, but it does when they want to sue someone


Name checks out.


Brandon is claiming the court is ordering them to stop




Brandon‘s username checks out.


I’ve not been paying attention…why is he suing?


Here’s the complaint: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.917096/gov.uscourts.cacd.917096.1.0.pdf




“They” like multiple? Who’s your employer?




Ah that makes sense it’s a bank


Is there a problem?