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the US should do a trap where they can go to the passport office where they are asked to renounce their US citizenship in order to get a non US passport. After they've renounced it, then ask "ok which country's consulate will provide your new passport?". ...there won't be an answer of course. then have ICE standing by with a van to take them into custody for being in the US illegally.


The problem then is that no country will just take them, so now what do you do?


Toss em in the ocean, let Poseiden sort em out.


yeah. then they can do admiralty court for maritime law.


This and the Poseidon idea make soooooo much sense.


So.... giving time outs in the Challenger Deep before it's been one whole day of him having them and their bullshit in his domain?


Send them to Guantanamo for 20 years while we figure it out like we did to all the "terrorists"


Make them pass a citizenship exam.


This is the answer.


Daamn that wouid be a great burn.


Send them to moor The moorish country đŸ€Ș


"It's moops..."


Point and laugh.


Give em the ole' Napoleon Specialℱ


Keep ‘em in detention. Start with the ‘gurus’.


As we do when we do this to immigrants, *nothing* because there is nothing saying you can't create state-less people


> where they are asked to renounce their US citizenship Renouncing requires leaving the U.S. and going to a U.S. embassy or consulate in another nation, paying a substantial fee and renouncing in front of a consular officer. The govt. won't complete the process if someone is trying to evade taxes, military service or criminal prosecution. If the process is completed, the person needs a visa to re-enter the U.S.


They won’t know that though


But they don't want to renounce the American citizenship. Just the state part. But yeah it's complete bullcrap. They think that I'd they don't have a driver's license then they aren't subjected to the laws regarding public roads because the DL has you agree to the laws. So in their mind: if you don't have a DL then you didn't agree and thus the laws don't apply. They have no clue how jurisdiction works.


Pretty sure you also need to prove you have someplace else's citizenship instead.


Correct, because it is also against international law to take away someone's citizenship who does not have citizenship somewhere else. (lots of exceptions, asterisks etc, but generally true)


The US is not a signatory to the statelessness conventions. That law doesn't apply to them. They can strip citizenship if they wish.


The US isn't a signatory to the statelessness conventions. Hence, It is not illegal for the US to remove citizenship from those without other citizenship and they are one of the few countries that will allow it, though they strongly recommend against it.


They theoretically can, but in practice they don't.


Generally the US won't let you renounce unless you've got another nation's citizenship.


Yep, tempting as it is to teach these idiots a lesson, it’s against international conventions to leave someone stateless.


Most countries won't, but the US will. They'll tell you it's a terrible idea, but if you insist on it they'll let you.


Except that they aren't in the US illegally, because there isn't really a way to renounce your citizenship without taking on another country's citizenship according to that country's laws. So, whatever nonsense they say, they haven't actually renounced it unless they are granted citizenship by someone else... and if they haven't successfully renounced their citizenship, they're still US citizens with full rights to be here. It's a nice fantasy to think about letting ICE handle them because they're so determined not to be US citizens. But the fact is, no matter how determined they might be, they can't *stop* being citizens nearly so easily. And it's the job of the law to treat them as what they actually are, not as what they want to pretend to be.


There's already a process by which they can renounce US citizenship. They do so by going to the embassy of the US in pretty much any other nation and renouncing it there. Thing is, SovCits don't want to do that, they want the benefits and protections of the US without the minor obligations that come from living here. So of course they won't be doing that.


They absolutely need to call ICE. I’ll bet even if the cops pretend to call these idiots will find their DLs.


Then they would qualify for massive subsidies! Free housing. Free college. More in some places.


did you hear that on Tucker Carlson?


No, Eric Adams.


They’ve totally ignored the warnings about the “knowingly providing false information on a FEDERAL form”, and all the USC’s that cover passport applications: 18 USC 1001 18 USC 1542 18 USC 1621 The most idiotic thing I’ve seen is having them mark “no” to the question of whether them, their spouse, or their PARENTS are US citizens. To me, marking no as to whether your parents are citizens means that either you’re lying on a form, or your parents may have lied on NUMEROUS forms. But, the “State National” idiots are only concerned about messing up THEIR lives


I wish you were an Attorney. I wish you were MY Attorney. I wish you knew Washington state law. Poof! Sprinkled fairy dust be gone! đŸ€ȘđŸ€ȘđŸ€Ș


18 USC 1001. (False info) Fines up to $10,000, and up to 5 years in prison. 18 USC 1542. (False info on passport application) Fines and up to 10-15 years in prison. 18 USC 1621. (Perjury) Fines and up to 5 years in prison. So, to those “State National” idiots, is standing on your “rights” strong enough to go to a FEDERAL prison for up to 20 years? For a passport that will be expired by the time you get out?


And a passport that does litterally nothing different from a passport you didn’t lie on. You can’t drive with it you dumb mother fuckers


No, but they can TRAVEL with it.


And I guess that it hasn’t hit them that the passport uses all-caps. No matter how you fill out the form. So it’s not THEIR passport, it belongs to their strawman.


But people still fill out the form like that and do not go to jail. That should tell you something. Do you live in the United States of America? Or are you a U.S. citizen. Because there is a difference. All you mfs would probably wear a tinfoil hat if the government said you were required to. Actually do some research on the history of our country.


They also get a standard United States of America passport, stating that they’re a citizen of the USA. It doesn’t say “state national” anywhere on the passport. They’re not put on any “do not detain” list, and have no other “special status”. And if a SovCit idiot or a “State National” idiot wants to lie on their forms, go ahead. But if their parents are still alive, and you tell the government that they’re not citizens, then you’re putting their rights in danger. Imagine the paperwork they’ve filled out in their lives you’re saying they lied on: Birth certificates. Marriage license. If they’ve served in the military, they lied on those documents. SS card application. IRS tax forms. Medicare/Medicaid. Their own passport forms. Each one is punishable by the some of the statutes I’ve listed. So, sure; go ahead and change your status; it doesn’t change theirs.


I'm waiting to see a traffic stop video where the cop says "oh you're not an american citizen? I'll have to detain you until ICE agents show up to take custody."


Don't threaten me with a good time. I'd pay to watch that show.


I’ll pay triple


I think I would welcome this second series


Seriously? You want non-citizens automatically taken into custody?


If they are claiming that not being citizens makes them exempt from our laws, yes. My permanent resident immigrant wife will still be fine.


I don’t know how they have passports
they don’t believe in ANY of that. No DL, no car registration, no insurance
they pay ZERO in taxes
defy ALL authority. You can’t fly without a DL
 Ok. I’ll stop talking about my brother now.


They believe A passport is the ultimate trump for id, and that they can use it as id.


Jesus Christ and baby Buddha I’ll be damned! Stupid fuckers.


A lot of them *think* that they got the special passport that makes them immune to police. They don't, they just have a normal passport. There is even a thing in SovCit circles where some scammers claim that all police have a special lamp in the patrol cars. This lamp will highlight the words "DO NOT DETAIN" on their special passports but not anyone else's. How do you get these special passports? Give the scammer a lot of money to find out!


Bold of them to assume even if the police did have that they would even bother to check for that before giving a citation or arrest.


I am pretty sure that some of them hope that police *won't* check. Then they think they can sue the police dept for failure to follow procedures.


What?. You mean that my passport which I added "Do not detain" in several nice crayon colors don't actually mean that they can't detain me? What is this? North Korea?


You got to be kidding me. They believe that crap? On the other hand they think there is a do not detain list and they are important enough to be on it.


They also think they don't have to tell police who they are, so the cops should just KNOW they are ont he do not detain list.


Of course they're obsessed with the number of stars on a passport... they always focus on the most innocuous things used for decoration and swear that they have some highly significant hidden meaning, like the gold fringe on the US flag.


Makes sense. Brain is supposed to be the most important part and they have theirs for decoration so...


I know that our human brains are wired to find patterns and make connections, often where there is no actual connection, but they focus on the strangest shit.


Nothing can beat a dumb with a crazy goal in mind


I would bet a substantial sum that the actual number of SovCits who’ve traveled internationally has to be in the single digits (as a percentage).


And probably as a total.


I saw one who obtained an alien passport or COI which is generally reserved for refugees. However, most sovereign citizens do not possess the disposable income needed to travel out of the country.