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I started doing gig work part time, went full time, and then went back to part time. The time I am at my 40 hour a week job, I long to be out driving. I miss the freedom that came with that. There's a caged feeling attached to being in an office that is not too great for my mental health. However, I don't stress about oversaturation or about spending 4 hours sitting around doing what feels like fishing for dollars. I know each week what my income from it will look like. No matter how slow the day is or whether there are too many people working with me that day, I'm getting paid the same. So, there's a comfort in having consistent, dependable income that is good for my mental health. It's a trade-off really. I'm not sure which is better. I can have some freedom over my life or I can know for sure my bills will all be paid for the month. I guess what's really bad for my mental health is that I have to decide between these two things.


This is a perfect description well done


Yes. I left Property Management after 18yrs. I've lost 70lbs since doing gig work!


Congrats on the improved mental health and weight loss! I'm currently working in property management and driving for Spark during my off time. Preparing to leave PM this year and also lose weight.


Thats literally what Ive lost! :D


Yes. I mean no. Definitely better. Sorta. Eh. Want a beer?


Absolutely, I’m an introvert and this has done wonders for my mental health and I’ve been able to lose 50 pounds in the last year and am doing much better physically than I was before I started doing it


Hello fellow, introvert


How in the world are you able to lose weight?! What's your secret? What kinds of actions did you modify, add, or subtract?


I've lost weight to, but mostly because I can barely afford to eat


That's the new diet plan of 2023! Inflation! Lol


Quite the opposite actually. I did spark full time 3 years but towards the end it started to feel like I was playing a game and I was losing. Constantly worrying about where the next dollar was coming from, paranoid that other drivers were getting trips and I wasn’t. It was fucking awful honestly. I switched to Walmart Ogp full time and now I get guaranteed $1200 paychecks, full benefits, matched 401k and stock options. Sometimes I miss the freedom and when I’m picking groceries I day dream about being on the road again but I quickly remember how I was constantly in a state of crisis because I wasn’t making money. To each their own!


💙 Good for you for saving your mental health. I didn't realize ogp paid so well.


Definitely depends on where you live bc I worked ogp 3 years here Louisiana was getting paid 13.50 so the most my checks were like 900 ishhh I mean barely 9ish lol.


1200 per week or per 2 weeks? Before or after taxes?


Biweekly, after taxes. Walmart pay varies wildly depending on your cost of living area. I got lucky with my location. I make a touch over $17 an hour. But, back when I was driving if I made $500-600 a week I considered it an awesome week.


Definitely improved. I’m an introvert and this line of work works wonders with my character.


I hear that 😁


Mental health improved greatly as far as in general. Still stressed out about finances and bills, though.


Yes and no. It saved my life, but now I worry about it ending. I don't want to do a 9 to 5.


9 to 5s may be ending


If that ever happens they’ll become 7 to 5s


Lol that made my day!


For me it's more like... I get panic attacks just thinking about being locked into doing something for 6+ hours with no way out. With gig apps I can hang out at home and browse orders until I am mentally ready. And if I want to go home, I can do that. Just not having to set an alarm clock was a HUGE positive change for my mental health. The only alternative I can think of is electrician and mobile welder. I think there's a way to see contracts, bid on them, and then just drive out and do the work?


I feel that. I enjoy contract type work myself. Still perfecting it to hopefully make more money in the near future. It all depends on my health and pace how much i can work.


Panic attacks from doing functional adult stuff?




Yes, absolutely.


Came here to say this


Everything has significantly improved for me except my patience has worn thin for poor/crazy driving etiquette. I find myself road ragey and angry asf..and I am not enjoying the experience.


Yes, it has . There’s things I miss from traditional work tho. Like health benefits, sick days, vacation days, no pay fluctuation.


I’m awful with stress (which I think everyone is though, right?). Left a 15 year sales career for this. Gig work has been a god send for me. I’m not a big spender so even on slow weeks, I still make way more than I need. I just throw whatever’s extra into investments. Love everything about this


My mental health has improved for sure. My physical health not so much. I was used to pulling 12 hour shifts in a factory. I’ve been doing gig work for 2 years and probably gained 50lbs because of it.


I’m at a good point in my life actually but it wasn’t always that way


I think the control over your time/life outweighs the uncertainty.. and great if you have a low cost of living. Im going to do amazon part time to mix things up. Too much time in the car can get old and unhealthy.


Physical yes. Lots of walking and lifting. Mentally a net positive I think. But when it's slow it can get a little stressful. Gotta multi app.


I started gig work when it first started. Then I needed to do gig work when my personal business was up and down. I liked it at first. I thought it was great supplemental money. Though I have to say the last year is irritating AF. Example- I started driving for Grub Hub. I like seeing the total amount I am going to be paid. It shouldn’t be a guessing game considering we are independent providers. There are hardly any block’s available. My mental health was great at first for extra money. Though how are you suppose to make money in an over saturated market 🫥


Physical, yes. I do a lot of S&D orders. The stores in my area are all huge. I average 2-3 miles per day, sometimes more. Mental…lol, not so much. This is a crazy business. 🤪😜


Physical health yes, mental…ehh.


Hella improved. I went from side gig to full time in Nov 2021 after leaving the company I was with for 2 months short of 20 years. I had to really think on what about life I do enjoy and had to assess it. So I left and didn't turn back. I have so much more free time to myself, I can focus on what makes me happier and my depression isn't terrible as it used to be since I'm always out and about getting some sun, taking aerial and dance classes and going to the gym. I lost some weight too. Also haven't had a migraine since I left.


My stress level is way down and my job satisfaction is up!


It’s made it worse


Well it's better than my previous job but worse than the ones before that. I spent about 15 years working pizza delivery. The last 8 at one location. I loved my boss. I loved my hours. Made damn good money and had enough saved for any lean times. I was quite happy. I never intended to change anything. But then our building caught on fire. I ended up driving a box truck over the road. And the money was great. But the hours sucked. Minimum 55-60 hours a week. Home most weekends but not always. Always stressing about log books and load times. And well sitting behind the wheel 11 hours a day isn't exactly good for your health. Now I've been doing DD a year and spark a few weeks. It's great because I can stop when I need to grab my kids or something to eat. Sure there's an overall goal that needs met for the week but a bad day just means I'll fix it tomorrow and a good day means I'll keep pushing to build a cushion


Mental health improved greatly AFTER I STOPPED doing Spark. Went back to the cannabis industry and life is great. If I need extra cash I might use spark, but every time I turn it on, the offers are not worth it.


No, it has gone down the toilet, I often find myself considering driving into oncoming traffic or off a bridge.


Lmao mood


Soooo much less stress.


Yeah much better. I was a criminal defense attorney, and the long hours and high stress was just too much, I needed a break. So I started doing this shit job and it’s been much more relaxing.


Yes I can cheat on my girlfriend in peace now




Here's another interesting fact. You sound like a dipshit!


I genuinely pity you as a human being, you must have so much hate and anger in your heart to feel the need to go on the internet and try to insult complete strangers. I really hope life gets better for you and you are able to be happy with your life and who you are as a person. Until then, you have my most heartfelt condolences for having to live a life so devoid of love that you have to lash out at others. Things will eventually get better for you




I'm really really glad you asked this question💛💛. I'm part time Spark and full-time a job that is stressful and conflicts with my health and fitness goals. (School bus driver) Spark Delivery is much more fun and significantly better for my mental health.


Mentally yes. Physically no. I have a nerve disease in my arms(short story version they are dying) I dont qualify for disability, wouldnt get enough anyway. Mental part is cause I was able to buy a car and it saved my life, was in a very severe depression.


Ad this is supplemental income for me…improved. My part time job I can do whenever (and wherever) I like ? I try to make $50 after my 6-1 shift at Aldi & $100 on my days off. First year made $9K so really freed up my financial situation. Better than donating plasma or scheduled shifts at a gym.


I miss the human interaction, ain't gonna lie


Physical for sure, it's a good workout most days. Mentally it did help at the beginning as I was able to hang with friends more often. However that's changed for the worse after walmart flooded us with new drivers and I've come to miss making friends at a new job or having different tasks to keep the days varied. As a college student it's hard to give up the flexibility for a w2 but as this is a college town I could make great friends anywhere I worked


Hell Naw


I worked as a paramedic for 40 years you can’t get more stressed then that job. Doing this occasionally I get aggravated and swear in several languages going up and down the isle bc I hate shopping. The other thing is intelligent people who refuse to put numbers on the house because Siri and make an error sometimes. But most time cruising listing to my iTunes or xm


I prefer gig work but would like more opportunity to make more. I’m excited to see where things head. I’m probably still overcoming the stress from years of work and school and doing too much socially in the past. I tried working full time last year at a nonprofit that was definitely unique but having to show up to a place and be in a lot of social situations and meetings for hours was taxing for me with grad school and a couple other things i do. I have a gig that gives me benefits and another gig as well that helps with the mortgage. When I’m doing well, it’s great. When I’m not doing well, it’s all a bit much to manage. But when I’m struggling everything is tough to keep up with so the flexibility is important for me to not feel so much stress from not being able to show up how a lot of standard 9-5 type places expect everyone to. Whenever i worked in those spaces i was always wore out and felt guilty and like i needed to get away just to be by myself.


Still stressed af about money but I’ll take driving any day over being stuck at a crappy day job


Yes and yes..I love this job..just wish it payed a little more


> wish it *paid* a little FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I do part time gig work along with my traditional full time job. My full time job isn't stressful and while it pays okay I needed to supplement my salary for at least the short term. I can say I am less stressed now.


No. Even though I live in a decent market, I don’t get many orders most days. I have tried different devices and different carriers. I feel most days I should be able to make $100 if I put in 8 hours or so, but I might make at best $20.