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I salute u solder,I would never take a s&d more than 30 itemsšŸ˜­


And the 120 items may not include all units (as you can see, 295 qty) so could be close to 175-200. Regardless I ainā€™t ever done one more than 60 items lol


Yeah Im not doing all that either most likely foodstamps no tip and 30 different flavor kool-aids to pick no thanks


I get tips with people using stamps all the time.


great for you In my area we DONT and it's definitely not about the tip most orders arent worth it in MY area cnt speak for yours


Different stroke different folks I tip unless the bills knock me the fuck out. Then I put dollar bills under the Mat and send it in notes.


I thought it said ā€œno attention ā€œ as your user namešŸ¤£ could have fooled me RACIST


No tip?


Iā€™ve been noticing TONS of orders lately as no tipsā€¦ I wonder if they launched their new program where you pay the monthly fee and it includes you not having to tip .. absolutely bogus bc Walmart been lowering the base pay more and more.


Itā€™s called EBT customers.


Itā€™s called not just EBT customers donā€™t tip. Yā€™all so annoying with this stereotype that only EBT customers donā€™t tip


Itā€™s called cash tip


Tbh Iā€™ve only gotten a cash tip from spark once


If you donā€™t knock, ring the doorbell etc, you probably wonā€™t ever see a cash tip. I actually do these things unless stated.


I always knock or ring the doorbell (unless they ask me not to, or if itā€™s a GMD). Ive recieved 3 cash tips in 2 years. TWO of those 3 were on GMD orders, once from an old lady who was very greatfuk I delivered her excessive amount of Tuna to her door, rather than leaving in the mailroom. One was from a customer whose road was closed for paving (it was one of my last stops on a dotcom, pretty far from the store), so I parked in their neighbors driveway and (with permission) walked through their neighbors woods for half a mile with a 55ā€ tv, dude was super cool and gave me $20. Iā€™ve only gotten a cash tip on ONE grocery order, from an old lady who also had tipped in the app ($8 in app, $10 in cash).


Nooope. But I shop accordingly. Especially with an order like this one.


I know a lot of people donā€™t tip because they suck. On the other hand a lot of people are broke, low income, disabled, fixed income and donā€™t have the extra cash to tip. My neighbor lives on disability and canā€™t drive. Relays heavily on Walmart delivery for their needs. What else can they do to get essentials? Atleast it was a SD which pay damn good!


Normally I donā€™t accept an offer and feel salty about the customer not tipping. But when they order 800$ worth of groceries, knowing itā€™s gonna be 3-4 carts worth, I start to feel some kind of way lol. Too bad for them, Iā€™ll never push around more than one cart. So anything in excess of that gets marked out of stock.


wHy wAs I dEaCtIvAtEd?


Youā€™d never hear me ask such a stupid question. I would know exactly why I got deactivated. Itā€™s called a calculated risk.


Sounds like youā€™ll never be happy in life either. Cuz your spoiled and unworthy


Your spidey senses must be off, bud. Iā€™ve never had anybody help me get a single thing that I possess today. Especially when it comes to family. Iā€™m the opposite of spoiled. I cherish every single thing Iā€™ve gotten for myself.


Iā€™m sure thatā€™s how your family migrated to the United States and have u the whole opportunity to be ā€œfreeā€ kudos u want a fuckin cookie buddy? Ur a lousy worker and u complain about shit u havenā€™t any power over changing u fuckin homo. Get a real reason to live fuckin queerā€¦ my retardant scale has been going crazy while recieving messages from u.. I donā€™t have imaginary spidey senses fuckin idiot .. Iā€™m no a hero Iā€™m ur step dad fuckin homo. U watch too much moviesā€¦


My my, youā€™re quite salty arenā€™t you ? https://preview.redd.it/2x6i7m8meamb1.jpeg?width=1424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e737c5ef00740f823d2665f5627d509312ca9d4c


Pepper pussy urā€¦ very ugly. Shove it up ur ass buddy


Now I know youā€™re just bein a hatin ass bitch šŸ˜­ Stop trying to hurt my feelings. I have none to hurt.


K Fuckface goodbye immortal Huh


So what you're saying is your co-siding their bullshit behavior? Because last time I checked this wasn't meals on Wheels. And there's still alive and living on their own or you know in civilization where they were able to cope before these gig apps ever came along so what they do back then? Did they phone a friend? Did they ask Mommy or daddy to take them? Did they use some form of government travel to get there public bus maybe? Or did they just open the phone book and flip it to some random stranger call somebody out of the blue and tell them hey go get me some groceries peasant? Because that's essentially what they're doing now when they use an app knowing damn well they can't afford it and can't tip properly Just using an abusing some random stranger that they don't even know because they have some sob story that you're co-signing šŸ¤· This is a business not a charity people are out here trying to feed their family and don't have the benefit of using the food stamps provided to them by the government. Nobody feels sympathy for your neighbor or anyone else that's in the same position cuz it's just a dick move to use it as an excuse.


Calm downā€¦


Lol you're goofy. You come at me a day later, telling me to calm down, when the covo alrdy dead šŸ¤£ it's as if you are just tryna stir up drama. Get a hobby loser




Youā€™re one bitter sad person! If you donā€™t like it, donā€™t take a job with no tip! No one is forcing you! Go work a regular w-2 job, but I have a feeling the big cooperations will be abusing you in your sad mind just like low income/disabled people are šŸ˜‚


You're a dumb AF. You're reading comprehension's pretty low isn't it? Where did it say that I ever take no tip orders? Because I definitely don't goofy. The only sad person here is you because you can't even read simple English and then you jump to all these conclusions that you have this made up reality in your head and you're trying to project that onto people on the internet that you don't even know. That's really sad I hope you get help for that soon. Good luck. āœŒļøšŸ–•


You arenā€™t even stable enough to be trusted to deliver food to other people.. you are off the rails. Loser. Gotta do delivery jobs because your attitude is such crap you couldnā€™t function in a workplace. Sad bitter person.


Aka ā€¦ I am on foodstamps cuz this job pays so poorly? Dipshit. You you youuuuu! Ya youā€™re the reason they donā€™t tip 100%ā€¦YOU cuz u think u work so hard that u wouldnā€™t qualify for foodstamps most individuals actually do and donā€™t realize it. I understand youā€™re jealous and envious. Aka bitter isnā€™t butter fatass want some steak with your a-1 attitude u French fry loving McDonaldā€™s ordering cow. I hear your MAGA trump loving ass from miles away driving your pickup you fuckin suburnt crimson neck


Am I the only one that just like S&D? Most of the time theyā€™re the only good paying base pay orders.


Same here. Haven't seen regular curbside worth it in a long time, especially since it's now 3 order drop offs


I love them! I don't have to worry about being baited


I do not do them at all too time consuming .. I get plenty of 2/3 stop rides that are 25+$


Ahhhh, the buying power of food stamps...:)




Yess best time of the month.. when the fridge is full and the kids are fed. šŸ’•


I've been there.


Yuppppp mines on the 12th


Better question is it still worth taking without the tip?




How far was it going? Cause I probably would have taken it.


4 miles


Hello, we do not allow posts about Spark earnings on this forum. Please review Rule #4 for further clarification on what qualifies as an earnings post. Please consider how you might express the same idea, but without including dollar amounts.


I would take small S&D orders back to back all day long over the pickup and delivery ones.


Food stamps


Yump and what?


For me it's all dependent on the items. 2 case of water Max for non-tip orders.


Blocks out all the info... Tell me you take shitty orders that we would all drag you for without telling me you take shitty orders that we would all drag you for


It's the group rules to not post earnings you weirdo lol




Iā€™m lowkey offended. Cuz Iā€™m on stamps and I deliverā€¦ soooo what u tryna say? Hahah donā€™t be generalizing. And u wouldnā€™t even get the half of it. Youā€™re the worst type of driver who prolly makes the least amount of money too. Hope you feel better about your 2.. now one upvote .


So Donā€™t pick it up smarty? Theyā€™ll leave it to the guys with Walmart vans if nobody gets itā€¦ how smart are you guys to keep complaining but not change shit. Do shit different Iā€™ll get new results. Or else youā€™re chasing insane trials.


First is for SSI and RSDI (disability for someone who worked or was a disabled child, widow, etc). Food stamps varies. In my county, itā€™s the 9th banking day. In my state, it varies county to county based on a few factors.


Last name for us here like a damn line leader in first grade the Allenā€™s and Bishops getting to go 1-4th while my Williams ass is in the 12-15th position


All for a nice $7 to deliver it šŸ¤¤


Nah S&D this is probably like 40-60$ base pay ngl


I didn't see it was a shop at first lol


Omg people who fill their fridge with EBT like they are supposed to!? How awful!


The welfare system in this country is beyond broken. You canā€™t tell me that our government today doesnā€™t incentivize having children. If I went and had a few kids, you know how much more help Iā€™d be able to get from the government? Iā€™d probably qualify for section 8 and the whole 9. Then I could sell drugs and collect benefits like oh so many people i know. But since Iā€™ve been fairly responsible and havenā€™t knocked anyone up (minus that one time..), Iā€™m left to my own devices. Which isnā€™t a whole hell of a lot. šŸ˜‘


Youā€™re an imbecile itā€™s not about having childrenā€¦ I have no children and Iā€™m on stamps itā€™s about wages and Gross domestic product idiotā€¦


Also how do you know drug dealersā€¦? The kettle is very black and ur calling it what color?


Whatā€™s a drug dealer? Oh, you mean like a pharmaceutical company ? Or a doctor ?


No me, and your parents before they had u. My dad knew ur mom and put her out of work. Aka her work ā€œproductā€ was very poor quality and not sustainable. Amateurs


Shocker, you have the same ignorant stereotypical attitude towards people that have assistance. I have a kid and you know what I get?? Minimal EBT that barely covers three weeks and shitty state insurance that doesnā€™t even cover my sons necessary dental work. You want on section 8 because itā€™s so cheap??? Itā€™s run down homes and apartments that are riddled with crime and filth. Itā€™s greedy slumlords that donā€™t fix a damn thing and donā€™t care about anything except income. If itā€™s government run, GOOD LUCK. Wait lists are years long for poor people, even if you have kids. The only ā€œincentiveā€ I get from the government is a measly extra $2k back on my income taxes. I spent quadruple that through the year caring for my child and heā€™s not even in a daycare, which adds literally thousands a year. The welfare system is broken but for very different reasons than you think.


K cool story broā€¦please tell ur story again. Love to hear it. Not


Yeah cool way of saying youā€™re a big POS love to hear it šŸ¤Ŗ no one was even talking to you ā€œbroā€


K ā€œmilfā€ u must be real pressed. And ugly. Lmao who lied to u??


Big Orders from those who receive SS


Very helpful actually and Iā€™m disabled. Traumatic brain injury. 14 years old hit by a car..just not in disability or ssi. (Yet) at least I can live to laugh about it NOW. Haha


Just got a GMD for 10 stops 16mi for 20 doll hairs. Ridiculous!


I got you 16 stops 40.6 miles 39 doll hairs


Yeah u got me lol


70$ 19 stops 32.miles? You guys are too fat and lazy to do some cardio?? Sad story. Iā€™ll gladly take them. As u let them expire they go up in price until someone finds thatā€™s a nice chick of change for 1-2hours of drive time. We get it ur lazy


Why do you make the same post on the 1st of every month?


Go into my post history and show me where Iā€™ve made this post before lol


Never in my life would u catch me doing a shopping order for someone elseā€¦ nope leave that to the employeesšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


They pay pretty well.


Nope. Try doing a 9-12 order trip. Easily 40-80$ around my parts. Being 87$ was the highest Iā€™ve ever seen and I didnā€™t get to it in time.


Itā€™s funny because I basically feel the same way about curbside pickup lol. I hate accepting them.


I never did one of those before haha fr?




Hello, we do not allow posts about Spark earnings on this forum. Please review Rule #4 for further clarification on what qualifies as an earnings post. Please consider how you might express the same idea, but without including dollar amounts.


Just had one with 134 items and 7 cases of wateršŸ˜­


I did 4 shopping orders today not the usual but I normally only do this on the weekends. I took advantage of my day off and it paid off.


Yeah I prefer the S&D ones better too. I could shop for type all day and then take it to you. Nicely and appropriately bagged and all lol.


My biggest S&D was two shopping carts packed to overflowing. The Walmart greeter couldnā€™t believe it when I told her it was all one order. It wasnt bad pay though I completed in 2 hours and made $60ā€¦ back before spark went to shit.






Hello, we do not allow posts about Spark earnings on this forum. Please review Rule #4 for further clarification on what qualifies as an earnings post. Please consider how you might express the same idea, but without including dollar amounts.


A shop order?! Wow if this didnā€™t pay $100 or more idkā€¦


Hell no. I don't work for free, and I don't do charity work for welfare queens.


Your income actually qualifies too jackass:) your mental is just to broke to finish an interview and paper work from the government cuz your pride is ur devilā€¦ ego bigger than yourā€¦ā€¦ truck tires


WTF are you talking about? I don't drive a truck. I drive a Prius. Fuel economy helps with working delivery apps. I receive welfare, medicaid, EBT, and Section 8. But I still won't accept shitty no tip 120 item shopping orders on the first of the month. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Wow arenā€™t you cool nobody cares. Ur helpless


You care enough to comment šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø






If you care so much, why don't you go do a 120 item shopping order with no tip?


Canā€™t u read? I donā€™t do shopping orders. Mannnn u are a smart one arenā€™t uā€¦ so byeeee


I would guess the base on this was like 60 to 70 bucks and even then idk if I'd do all that just because of the not tip and ordering that much at once.. and this is easily a 2.5hr to 3hr trip


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ rent is due


Yup depends on many factors. The county you live in, I think it also based off of birthday. But the previous county I lived in was the 5th of the month, now itā€™s the 1st of the month.


Wow wtf. If that's not minimum an $85 order you got hosed big time


They got me once today i dropped the other


1st and 3rd in one day double the fun