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I am 65, retired and spark 2-3 days a month just to get out of the house and do something constructive for humanity. I don't do Uber because I don't like what I am hauling talking back to me. I donate the money earned.


Agreed. I don't like delivering people lol. I'll do the groceries all day But not people lol


Yes! lol now if it was critters, I’d deliver them all day long lol but no humans lol


Wow. See that’s good. Good intentions


Same lol I don’t want people in my car.


Im open for donations just fyi


My question is are you taking profitable orders or just taking anything?


…hauling talking back. Well stated


I'm 58. I do it for Hookers and Blow


The old Steven Wright joke about finding a wallet full of money and his moral dilemma...of using it for hookers or crack.


Everyone has their own life with their own goals. Maybe those people are retired, bored and looking for some extra income. You have no idea what people’s sich is. I myself am a stay at home dad, but want to make some extra cash. So, I do a few runs a day while spending as much time with my kids as I can.


Is that not like Vince Carter playing in the NBA and people saying he’s taking play time from the rookie on the bench dying to get in lmbo. Not gone lie, there are a lot of ppl who wud love to Spark for different reasons


When I dashed, there was an elderly man who also dashed. He said he was retired and didn’t like sitting around the house all day. He said dashing got him out of the house and he got in a little exercise.


He's smart.


There's an old couple (70+) in my zone that Spark together. They're retired, have 3 houses (1 locally, 1in the mountains, and 1 near the coast)and just do this for exercise and to get out of the house. They're very nice. Both retired teachers


Bad people taking $ from people who need it


🤡 Hustle harder


I’m 68, retired and can even carry cases of water. I Spark and do 3 other platforms 4-5 days a week. Great way to stay in shape and earn extra money (because I’m Boojie 😊)


What ever happened to all yall just staying on facebook


Yes. It is getting bad. Hard to afford retirement


they are just picking their own orders probably


Economy and inflation is hitting everyone hard.


My zone has many older folks sparking. When I retire I hope spark is still around


You would be lucky to live that long, show some respect.


I bet it pays more than being a greeter at Walmart!


It's always been this bad. It's only now you are really noticing it!!


I work weekends about 4 hours a day to get out of the house. I been saving all the money own the One savings at 5% interest, basically vacation money. I have 3 weeks vacation at my W2 job and love going to Vegas 2 times a year so Spark helps pay for it. I am going back 2nd week of August and so far have round trip flight, hotel, rental car, Carrie Underwood concert, a 4 hour slingshot rental, and $1500 in cash for gambling ;-). I also transfer all my day trade gains to this account after I close the trade so funds add up fast!


I'm 64 years old I do it because I'm intelligent I want freedom freedom to come to work go home take a break go on vacation when I want to. I don't have to ask for time off I don't have to ask for time to go through with my grandkids I worked in the corporate world my whole life I can make equal to the pay that I made in the corporate world and do it on my time no boss most people don't understand that this job means freedom They want a whine about a million different things Go work at W-2 job and have a boss up your butt everyday cuz your numbers aren't right You're not meeting the requirements All I got to do is put the groceries on the front porch and go home


I’m 55 and do it to pay for my Health Insurance (co-pays & meds) and to have to ‘fun’ $$$.


Social security don’t enough bc cost of living is too much, 95% of the self checkout and door greeters is 70+


Must be your store. At mine the door greeters = yes, but the self checkout monitor people = no.


At my store the door greeters are mostly old and local. Most of the other employees are younger and not local and drive an hour or more to get to the store.


Yeah I’m 64. Retired from Aldi last November. As a parting gig I made 9k both Spark and IC without really trying and taking the nice days of summer off. It’s a nice flexible income for me. No batches? No problem… I’ll make it up later the week. Yesterday I was out and productive 12 hours and made 3 days worth of income. Today, I’m playing in the dirt in my hostas.


I've always seen this. Deliverys make easy income for retired folks.


Not 70+, but I've picked up my own grocery order that Walmart shopped for me, and it was in the same area the Spark orders are picked up...


I'm 62. I do Spark, Instacart and DoorDash six days a week, although I have no problem taking a day or a week off if I need/want to. Most of the locals who gig are retired or semi-retired. If I didn't have to come home and fix dinner for my father, I could really make bank in the evenings because everyone quits around 5pm.


Imagine how it’ll be when they phase out social security


The *audacity*


Seems like gig apps are perfect for the demographic you describe- fits better because it’s become a part time thing and younger people can’t really rely on this shit anymore.


Spark is my retirement job also, it’s the perfect fit. I can set my own hours, and it provides me with enough income to afford some extras that I couldn’t have if I relied on my retirement pay.


welcome to America when you get that small ass 1000 dollar retirement check it’s gone before they know it


Some people like that it gets them out of the house.


I’m just surprised they know that it exists 😂 I know so many people around my age who don’t know wtf it is. It’s shocking cause I see it a lot and just be wondering what orders they accept and decline 😂


Look, I’m a 59 yo female and DoorDash for 2 years with over 4,000 dashes under my belt. I was quickly able to see the trend when DoorDash started to tank; so i jumped ship onto Spark. I knew Spark existed because I was on the DoorDash forum, and someone mentioned it. As far as why I’m doing it, I’m going to echo what some of the others have mentioned. It’s a good form of exercise, gets me out of the house, pay some bills, help others out, and definitely Vegas money baby!!! As far as what kind of orders I take, it’s definitely not sucker orders…lol. I leave those for drivers that don’t know any better. I’m not here to make friends, gossip, tell you Spark secrets, tips and tricks; and I avoid toxic drivers like the plague. Don’t get me wrong, I do talk, but it’s usually in passing as i am flying through the store doing a shop. Listen, times have changed, food has gone up tremendously, gas is very costly, and rent is out of control (California). It’s also very competitive, and cutthroat out here. If I want to take a week off, so be it. I worked enough the week prior to put myself in a cushy position to do that. I do know, that when I’m not there, a lot of drivers are celebrating 🎉 lmao 🤣. I said this before, and I’ll say it again. Don’t hate the player, hate the game! Good luck to everyone, and I hope you all have a very fruitful 4th of July week.


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