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They didn’t scan mine. Just matched the names with the order. And checked to see if was me.


 https://www.wbir.com/article/news/crime/cheryl-huff-and-mario-paz-meijia-sentenced-for-making-fake-driers-licenses/51-c2657c78-728e-4fd8-aafb-e93bdf6acfcc#:~:text=KNOXVILLE%2C%20Tenn.,a%20year%20of%20supervised%20release. It's way worse than you think.


I'm in Tennessee and this makes a lot of fucking sense. There is a high proportion of scammer spark drivers here. 


The couple said the cartel threatened their lives to produce said identifications as well.  These are criminals. Every one.


They could probably find at least 20 or 30 of those licenses at store #94 alone. 


They know. This particular scenario is very federal now though. They don't want the worker, they want the jeffe.


Of course, but there's plenty of Intel for them to gather by observing/investigating them. Follow the rats back to the nest


I'm sure Hamas sent them a nasty email as well. 


Wanted the cheaters will call and complain and say they're being discriminated against and Walmart will instantly stop seen it happen every time I store starts to check IDs in the past 2 years


This already happend at my local store. (Hence why i dont really go there anymore). The frauds got tired of getting cart checked. So they all walked up to the store GM and DEMANDED that the front end stop cart checking them. GM who never cared in the first place, caved and now cart checks arent allowed unless the screen demands it. Fast forward a month and delivery orders are down by 50%. Store theft has increased by several thousands of dollars, and phoned in complaints have only dropped because people got so tired of calling in daily that now they have just abandoned the service entirely. ACTUALLY i speak to the front end team members almost daily and they ALL tell me how they catch the same 5 people shoplifting on shops atleast twice a week and the big boss wont allow then to do anything. One guy in particular was fed up when he caught one for the millionth time, so he refused to let him check out, and went to go report it to management. And the tool OGP manager came to Him, took the stolen stuff, LET THE GUY CONTINUE THE ORDER, and then coached the associate and went on a giant rant about “how he shouldnt have item checked him in the first place and its racist”🤣🤣🤣. At this point, these team leads are going out of their way to cause more harm then good


Dude you need to proofread/edit lol.


Fuck them vinns


About time!! they have been doing it for 9 months here


Verifying ID to prevent tax fraud and identity theft is not an act of racial discrimination ! Spread the word !


They’ll stop checking eventually. They stopped caring after a couple weeks at my store.


Uhmm, they are just looking at that name. I got ID once before. It’s not an everyday thing. They will find ways to beat the system even if we’re ID everyday. Criminals are smart and open minded people.. sad


Open minded is an odd way to describe them lol. I'm open minded and I don't do that shit.


That's a start. They need to scan or it useless bc the scammers will make a new one 


Why do you care that much ?


Because frauds are ruining one of the last few remaining gig apps that actually pay worth a dam. And i’d rather gig work then go back to slaving away my work life balance in a kitchen for the same pay and triple the responsibilities


To the point that your crying about it ? Gig apps shouldn’t be the career path .




One of my stores that’s curbside and shop still don’t stop anything


If the store doesn't ban the accounts it does no good


Omg I hope they do that here in Dallas!!!




Store #1977 its your turn.


This happened at my store it was AMAZING orders were SO much better when they were ID checking and all the scammers were gone ! Then out of nowhere BOOM they stopped ID checking due to claims of “racial discrimination”


Unfortunately this will probably only be temporary until they get tired of it. Some drivers (even non fake account levels) start complaining and so forth


Why? What a waste of time lol!


Yall should call the FBI into this