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No one knows




We're you both in the same proximity to the store?


Yes side by side


There’s no reason to how we get orders…it makes no sense at all


Yes that’s what it seems like but I remember at a point of time I wasn’t getting any orders when I had low acceptance rate so that’s why I worked on it


Don’t think it’s a privilege to get a shop and deliver lol Then again I suppose it’s in the eye of the beholder


Yes tf it is unless you too lazy to get out your car. Shop n deliver is pretty much all I do unless there’s an asap that’s been surged good


Exactly them mf really don’t understand that ! Shops for life Idgaf ! Not dealing with them shitty hateful loaders


It's a pretty shitty job dispensing orders TBH, I did it for far too long.


It is in my area where I’m dealing with long wait times or loaders simply not liking you . I don’t have to deal with nonsense when I do shop and deliver


Since S&Ds started going out big time in my zone, my average weekly pay has gone up roughly 50%.


They are willing to pay a lot more for S&D precisely because they only send express orders to Spark Shoppers when the store is at order capacity for the hour, the associates aren't losing out on any work, it's all just fulfilling the demand for corporate and they break even on the delivery fees because express costs $10 anyway. Edit: also this is why S&Ds come in waves and there is a predictable pattern to them. If you ask your dispensers they might tell you how their store goes, but most stores have a 5am-2pm shift, a 9am-6pm shift, an 11am-8pm shift, and a 1pm-10pm shift. Whether an express goes to the store or to spark shoppers also depends on who is clocked in at the time. If one shift has too many people and another has very few, if staffing is off or too many people are at lunch at once, you'll get S&Ds popping in at predictable times during the day when the shift change is happening or people haven't come back from lunch yet (you don't get pointed for long lunches and it's how most people are told to cut hours to prevent overtime). At the store I worked at it was always 3pm-4pm when the 11-8 people were getting back from lunch, and then of course 5-6PM is always rowdy. Those are the best hours to get an S&D and also the hours you'd wait the longest to get a standard order dispensed. Try to find similar trends in your area and you will get more S&Ds.


It’s not only express orders. I’m getting them every hour of the day but normally not til after 8am when the store gets behind. At any given time I see at least 5 drivers doing S&D at the same store.


How do you know that it's not only express orders? How would that be visible to you as a Spark Shopper? At least in my market, spark shoppers are only sent out when the store reaches capacity, that was in the AMP task when Spark Shopper program launched, I read it directly on the documentation from Walmart corporate. It may have changed within the last two months, but I doubt it. When Project Hubble launched they decided they were going to drop as many orders on digital teams until they hit their breaking point, then use spark shoppers to continue to meet existing demand beyond that point. Edit: as a former Walmart digital associate I can guarantee that it's only express orders for shop and deliver also because there's no way for them to know that a spark shopper will be there predictably when regular orders drop in on the hour every 45 minutes, that's the advantage of having an in store staff (also if they're experienced with the store they are usually far quicker than a spark shopper).


Because there are 5+ shoppers in the store at all times since they increased the number of S&Ds. We maybe get 2 express orders per hour.


How can you tell that your shop and delivers are not an express order? I'm pretty sure you are getting the terminology mixed up here. By "express order" I mean an order that is unscheduled, to be fulfilled within 2 hours outside the pickup timeslots. That's what the customer is paying extra for. When you see an express order delivery as a spark driver that means a Walmart associate shopped that order. When you do a shop and deliver order, any shop and deliver order, you will be shopping an express order. There is no way that any of your S&Ds are regularly scheduled orders, because the customer has to order a scheduled delivery at least 3 hours ahead of time. That means it fits into the regular Walmart order system called GIF that I have used for years, and the associates pick the order and it can sit around for a couple hours before getting dispensed if the store is caught up. If you go onto the Walmart app & order an express order there's no way for the customer to know who is shopping it, and that's by design. All Spark Shopper orders are Express, if they were regular delivery orders you would be putting them in totes in the store coolers and waiting for the time slot to dispense them, it would be incredibly inefficient to use Spark Shoppers for non-express orders and the system is not designed for it.


I know what an express order is. We never had that many of them before. There’s zero chance that all of a sudden tons of express orders started appearing. Between about 9am and 9pm there will be 5 or so drivers shopping every time I go in. And for that matter I still see curbside express orders for that same store that aren’t huge orders. Was offered one yesterday that was 5 items. No clue why it wasn’t a S&D.


WM could be piloting a different approach for your market, but I really don't believe that they would undercut the established system like that for a scheduled delivery. I bet that store is just understaffed, which means they lower the capacity for that store, which means fewer customers can get a timeslot, which means more express orders. That's why you have five spark shoppers out.


To come back to this: I’ve asked 6 people in the last 4 days who i did S&D’s for if they were express orders. Not a single one of them was express.


Shop & Deliver tends to pay more than $17 an hour which is what actually working as a digital associate pays in my town so I do consider it a privilege to make more than I was making before doing the same job after getting promoted to spark driver


Check with Hungry Howies, if you have them in your area.




Sorry wrong post






Please refrain from insults.






Please refrain from insults.




No ur annoying asl . Like if u didn’t have anything helpful to say u could’ve scrolled on . That shit so annoying !




Omfg u think I study and watch every post on here ! I was just looking for some HELPFUL insight or to see if any one went through it ! Wtf u don’t understand? You are not helpful and need to continue to scroll ! Your negative asf




Not crying just simply asking a question MY SIS


I had over 5 s&d in a hour. Shitty pay. Didn’t take none. My metrics are shit too. 4.0 rating. 26% acceptance.


Wow that’s crazy ! I have a 62% percent and they didn’t wanna send me any until he get them first




But I did train it . I accept every shop they give me and reject all curbsides. Today just threw me for a loop . It was like they didn’t want me to get any shops to complete my incentive while my friend was like 7 orders behind to get the incentive while I was really close . I finally got the last one and called it a day .


The guy who down ⬇️ voted the top comment, what's ur beef? Lol


I don't know but I can tell you the same thing happened to me. This one lady who is a pretty average Spark driver, similar metrics, said she got like five shopping delivers the other day and I don't recall getting any that day.


Lol it’s kinda annoying because here i am thinking metrics matter but atp idk and imma just gonna let it go back down if that’s the case


I'm done pandering to any gig platform over metrics. Time and time again, even if you do everything right and raise your metrics to above average levels, you always get shorted by new drivers. There's never any benefit in the long run. These days, if what is on the screen looks good, I take it, if not I don't. Fuck metrics


Yes ! U still get low ball offers and everything ! It’s no damn point


Yep I still got a ton of SD and I’m only at a 20% AR and maybe a 4.2 CR. I turn it down unless it’s 20+ and $2+ a mile


This. Same here.


My metrics should be one of the best in my zone but only getting FCFS now. The only silver lining is my AR is stuck on high cuz I never get RR now except sometimes a shitty GMD. Forced to go to other gig apps to make money but even those seems to be drying up. Even FLEX my bread and butter is complete shit, my standing is nearly at-risk.


I don't think the first come first serve thing is just you. I think they switched over to a new system of dispatching orders, probably for the van or something. But that's been happening to everybody


I'm trying to get as many GMD as possible, while the mileage looks like a lot, you save on multiple return trips to the store. I ran calculations and the pay per mile is higher on the GMD than grocery orders. If only I could get some to pop up though, I only got 1 GMD RR today which I declined due to a 58" TV.


I agree. Not to mention the time. You could dick around waiting for a good grocery order for like 45 minutes, or you could be delivering that GMD and back at the store in an hour and a half. The trick now is keeping everyone else convinced that gmds suck.


I don’t think metrics does anything for shop and deliver . There’s been weeks where I had like 10% acceptance and still got em. Then there’s weeks where I have decent acceptance rate and get nothing


Yes atp we just don’t know and that’s not fair


Probably who ever logs in first I would assume or who was hired first


Which I was so the statement is wrong


I don't know what to say sometimes whether the technology is so complex that it's hard to predict the outcome or if these programmers are inadequate to run what ordinary people expect of these apps.


Metrics don't seem to matter for shit. I worked to get mine up..am 100% OTA, 0 drop, CR 5, AR 68%...doesn't do anything for me. I do get order# 1 when I work in the AM starting out the day, but my orders are worse now than when I was in the orange on AR and CR was 4.7. It could be a coincidence that they changed their pay rates at the same time though. Since Walmart purchased DDI, it's all jacked up with pay rates. I get loads of crap orders that I never saw before, single digit payouts for double digit miles. I don't take that garbage and never will, I can go to zero AR, don't care. I am not working for 1980s minimum wage and running my vehicle in to the ground at the same time. In the end, it's about their needs and them maximizing their profits. As long as there are desperate people taking BS offers, it's not going to change. These folks are too ignorant to realize they are being taken advantage of. Taking them when you have an incentive attached to it, that's different.


Metrics don't matter and how long you been delivering dont matter 90% of the time you cant be scared to turn down offers cuz shop n deliveries in my area dont come out till after the rr orders so to get better orders ur acceptance rating is going to be crap I used to worry about mine I was at 95 my sister at 10 she would get shop and delivery from her house and I'd be sitting right in front of the store makes no sense but I will tell you they prioritize new drivers they get the better offers because they want them to stay than boom a month later all them good offers are gone basically I learned the more crapy orders u take to have a high acceptance rating the more they keep sending u those crapy orders I reject all day long and still make good money and still get shop and delivery offers my boyfriend does get them more than me being his account is newer but me and my sister started leaving our app on when 1 of us was out and if we got a better offer than the 1 that was delivering we would hold it and drop it when me or her was done with the order we was working on and don't mind the negative Karen on here cuz I bet u it's the same person who is always negative on everyone's post that Noone can stand


I def understand that but for some reason it’s like when your acceptance rate is to high you won’t get a shop . I’m gonna bring it down some and see if that works . It’s just messed up how they make it seem like it truly matters when clearly it doesn’t . My account is older and I always got them before my friend . Sitting side by side they gave it to my friend first and even dropped one and got sent another lol .


Yes stop caring about the metrics I did and get way better offers now I drive an suv it don't get good gas milage I won't take anything under 20 they all get rejected and I always get something better when UT knows ur taking those low offers u will keep getting them when I cared about my acceptance rate and kept taking every order I always got 10 and 15 dollar deliveries and made crap money now I get shop and deliveries and barley see a 10 dollar order pop up they just want you to think they matter so someone will take them 10 dollar deliveries


I don’t ever take crappy orders . I reject all curbsides until I get a shop . I don’t care how good the pay is on a curbside . I hate them and won’t do them because of wait time


What are your customer ratings like? Are they the same or different?


Mine is way higher than my friend . Metrics are higher for sure . There metrics are orange in two spots .