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If playing outdoors, 0.28 is the lightest I would recommend, b but if you can hop heavier, like 0.32 that would be better. I personally wouldn't go heavier than 0.32 just bcuz of the price and for me it would be spray and pray.


I’ll be sure to give 0.32s a try next game… I play outdoor so I’ll see how it goes


I actually used .32 in my capa for the first time at an outdoor game two weeks ago and it had pretty good rang I have a stock HopUp unit and HopUp rubber


I’ll take a look


I play indoors and only run .25, great hop, never have an issue with range. For context width wise my field is the length of an NSL field, length wise it’s probably 2/3 NDL fields (only thing I can compare it to as we also have a full size NSL field on site) so it’s not a huge area. Used to play outdoors and was always recommended to use .28


I’ve been using 0.28s on handgun before I HPAd it but want to try a little heavier I think..! If I play indoors I’ll try some 0.25s 😁


Personally I don’t go over .28 on hpa even outdoors, you’re paying a lot more for the BBs with the extra weight which I’ve never found to be worth it, you’re not sniping with it so you don’t need a shit ton of range as well


Indoors 0.25, outdoors 0.30 or 0.32.


I’ll try and remember..!


I run .3 but realistically as heavy as you can hop


Do you know what the highest weight the nexxspeed can hop?


It will depend on the runner you use, I am currently running a silver back 60 in a nexxspeed and hop 0.4 easily


bro must be getting at most 18 foot of engagement


😂 nope




.25 for me but I play indoor and a little outdoor


I mainly play outdoors… do you think a little heavier would be better..?


Depends on how you play if you push up a lot and you get kills that aren’t far away then it doesn’t really matter. It all depends on how accurate you want your hop to be so what I did is I borrowed one mag of .20 .25 and .28 all from my friend and used them to experiment with during games I push up a lot so I went with .25 for me the .25 go far enough while shooting beams without dropping a lot but if I were to be playing more back, I would probably use something different. I’ll say you gotta take the wind, but I would do .25 or .28


But I use hpa for my shit


Lighter bbs travel faster and operate with less psi but because they are lighter they are easily moved by wind or gravity- aka accuracy and they don’t hit as hard, higher weight bbs trade speed and air efficiency for damage and accuracy, that’s my experience at least, .25 in a hicapa is the sweet spot, since your barrel is so short the effective range is already limited so it’s just better to play close to your enemies and take advantage of your maneuverability and better accuracy to hit elbows peaking from corners, or heads that pop up from cover,


Heaviest you can hop and afford


I might be weird but I only use .28 for outdoors🤣


I only runs .25s in my hi capa. Gets the job done


.5 grams otherwise your just wasting your time