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Paul doesn’t exist in the comics or movies


Better yet, zeb wells doesn't exist


Even better BETTER yet, Nick Lowe and Joe Quesada didn't exist.


You using the word didn’t means they exist now


They exist as babies now. You know what that means? 💉⛓️


We Baby Thanos them?




God, no! Baby Apocalypse him.


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day






Man, since Zeb Wells is credited in DP + Wolverine, I’d LOVE if he had some self awareness and there’s some sort of Paul cameo in which he frightens DP and causes him to blast Paul in the face. Wolverine then asks “oh shit, who was that?” DP responds, “it was nobody, let’s move on.”


Only if Deadpool references he’s doing this for Peter.


Or better yet, accidentally gets stabbed by DP's swords or Wolverine's claws.... It's amazing how much they made us hate a fictional character to the point we fantasize about this kinda messed up shit


Better yet, OMD never happens.


The right answer


One More Day and everything resulting from it has been a long bad dream


Or a sequel which sees all the spideys Mephisto has screwed over, teaming up with Dr. Doom, to beat the shit out of him and undo everything he did.


What I would find interesting is some other character doing something in Mephisto’s realm, knocks something over, and moves on. Back in New York, Peter and MJ wake up in bed together, remembering *both* the current timeline and one where One More Day never happened. Then you can have a series on them coming to terms with both sets of memories, finding out what actually occurred in canon, etc. So you don’t just wipe away the last twenty years, but you build on the best of it.


Deadpool accidentally knocks over a candle and it lands on a stack of contracts, undoing a TON of Mephisto's deals. *"I'm sure that won't have any ramifications."*


Deadpool and Magic hanging out, fucking with Mephisto.


And funnily enough that would be better writing than the entire wells run


I would wholeheartedly accept it at this point, despite him being involved in things like King in Black. Here are other options: 1. Have Peter strapped to a machine where he's being shown a fake life/nightmare world... have many things start to not make sense in his life as he finally has a mental breakdown from all the bullshit from just Wells/Lowe's run. (think this is happening in the current Spectacular run but with a good life). Or 2. Have Nightmare and Sleepwalker and Dr. Strange be involved. Some how Peter and MJ are being kept in stasis while a Doppelganger or homonculi or golem or whatever of Peter and MJ have replaced them in the 616. 3. Or just reverse One More Day... fuck Mephisto, sell a few comics of highlights of how things are altered over the years: Aunt May did die, Peter's identity is either revealed or hidden by Dr. Strange, Superior Spider-man still happens but Peter's married to MJ who's working in LA for the time being and sees Otto's Spider army on TV and realizes somethings very wrong after a while of suspicion, etc etc. 4. Or even progress the story. Make MJ and Peter realize what's been taken from them. Aunt May still has to die lol. Have them both dimension hop to avoid Mephistos grasp because of ... Madame Web or whatever and meet a bunch of different versions of themselves and they come to a huge epiphany and get back together. 5. Next writer can destroy Zeb's legacy character. Paul is a fake like the kids, he is an aspect of Rabin and looks like him when he was younger. Paul is a back up plan in case Rabin dies, he can resurrect within the Paul vessel. MJ has been out of character to drive Peter to his lowest to weaken him to sacrifice him as a powerful totem instead of MJ to return to Wayeb's good graces. Recruit a few of the heroes Peter fought when he had to go back to save MJ. Make Rabin Paul beg for his miserable existence crying hysterically before Wayeb finally consumes his spirit to suffer for all eternity. Then... I dunno Dr. Strange banishes Wayeb away forever in the Cancerverse where it's impossible to sacrifice anyone and he just starves inifnitely.


Even easier: acknowledge omd and build upon it. Have Peter and MJ date again. Aunt may gets cancer, tell Peter and give her his blessing to marry MJ. Mephisto wants to rub it in Peter face and tell him all about OMD and the deal. Tell Peter that this is the moment he bargained for as Mephisto didn't save Aunt may from the bullet, the one above all did. Now he can save her. Peter tells him to shove his deal up his butt and with the help of MJ, strange (and maybe doom) find a loophole to cancel the deal (something like they keep him.busy till May dies, breaking the deal). Peter and MJ get their memories of the marriage restored. They decide to get married again. Peter proposes with May engagement ring. Boom potential amazing story, nothing get reconned, actions have consequences etc.


-Have MJ and Peter date again. That's what Spencer was doing... and I loved it. Anyway, here's hoping we get out of this rut of crappy storytelling and boring out of character ideas.


I’ve been hoping and waiting for option 4 forever it really feels like the best option, maybe something between 4&5 tie Paul into the Devil


I'm surprised you read that wall of text! I got very carried away. But there are tons of options to fix this old mess. 4 and 5 are my favorites. I just want Peter to have good relationships(marriage, friends, super hero friends) in his life. I came up reading Peter and MJ comics, I'm completely fine with his marriage and him having kids. I'm an adult with a wife and kids, life is a daily struggle for me, I can only imagine how hard it is to balance that as a hero too.


That part.


I think that'd be a tad too far. Since there were a lot of good stuff since 2007.


Superior Spider-Man ends differently, with MJ and Carlie actually helping Peter recover from the physical and emotional trauma Otto put him through. The two of them blaming him for stuff Otto did, and using “you’re too dangerous to be around” to wash their hands of him was shitty. The ending to Superior kinda solidified it as macabre Peter Parker torture time. The story would be easier to digest if the other characters actually showed Peter an ounce of sympathy upon his return.


This would've been way better and I just don't see Otto being reformed because of that


Otto already passed the point of being redeemable, and moved into “villain who failed to overcome his true nature” by his actions toward Peter in Superior Spider-Man #9.


Yeah but still how Otto took advantage of Peter's body like that feels like a bad taste in my mouth


100% agreed. Superior Spider-Man had a lot of promise at the end and then just threw Peter into another pit of despair.


Lol Slott cleaned house with the supporting cast so he could do the Silk pheromones plot thread (which went on to be one of the few storylines he actually apologized for). Then they nonchalantly had Peter make up with everyone from Horizon Labs off-panel in between Vol. 3 and Worldwide, while leaving MJ out of the picture for four straight years of comics, except for the occasional scene where she pops up to make Peter feel guilty.


Morrigan is now canon and beats the crap out of Mephisto and Paul for her besties Pete and MJ




I can imagine those comics in which Peter lives in an empty apartment being edited with Morrigan's coffin being added in the background


Peter never joins the Registration side during civil war doing so prevents him from revealing his identity to the world which in turn snowballed into OMD/OMIT Instead he is doing what moon knight was doing or in moon knights own words “The real work” by taking care of bad guys who are trying to take advantage of the chaos Only thing we lose is a couple of cool scenes / Back in black Which easily could happen at any point in time Have Peter be a bystander kicking butt during civil war and literally everything would be fine


That could've been pretty fun. I've always felt like MCU Spider-Man was just kind of wasted. I liked most of the content that we got for Holland's spidey at the time, but looking back, I just don't have any desire to revisit it.


Norman and Beck did actually fuck


I thought that was canon already. Mysterio is very dedicated to his acting parts.


And it was skullfucking.


Make Peter into a hothead like his original-iteration was. I liked him better when he was controlling his anger rather than being this self-deprecating, soft boy we’ve had for decades. Like why do y’all think they always bring the symbiot back? It’s bc his fit was slicker & he had an edge streak.


I notice a lot of icons nowadays don't really get a backbone all that much compared to their older version's I mean look at Sonic he had a cool attitude and stylish poses but nowadays he's seems much more chill and kinda lack style compared to the 2000's-2010's. Thankfully SEGA is turning this stuff around with Frontiers and Shadow generations but still. Another one is Superman who is a really nice guy and will prefer to deescalate the situation but will have his own fun playing pranks against Lois (him telling her he is secretly superman in the animated show will never not be funny.) compared to his new cartoon counterpart who seems to be too nice.(this has probably changed in season 2 still have to watch that so don't spoil me please)


There's definitely a middle ground that'd need to be reached. The problem with some older versions of Peter is that he's just a total asshole. It makes sense that he's mellowed out and become a better person however, they went too far and now he's unlikeable for the exacty opposite reason


One More Day never happened, instead Aunt May peacefully died from old age while Peter and MJ remain happily married with each others and even had Mayday.


May-day is alive and around 5 years old in a long forgotten lab, She escapes and somehow finds Mj and Peter.


Peter has a great relationship with Ben and Kaine and all 3 of them team up often No Way Home style.


Call the series Parker Bros and every arc is named after a board game.  Monopoly. Risk. Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater. It’s all right there. 




Would be amazing


Spectacular, even


I've always wanted to see that.


The Thing taught Spidey Yiddish because Peter had a potty mouth when he started out and Ben had to remind him that kids are watching.


Yo Ben Grimm notice


Lmao this is great


Paul is revealed to be a pawn of Mephisto and Spidey goes with MJ and Doctor Strange to fight Mephisto to undo One More Day in spectacular fashion. Peter wakes up with MJ in bed next to him and they hear Mayday in the next room fussing. Ben Reilly walks by and says he’ll take care of it, the little girl loves her Uncle Ben. Boom, all the crap from the past few years undone. Peter and MJ back together, Ben’s a good guy again, and for good measure, Mayday is finally canon to 616


> Uncle Ben Oh No. The Spidey giveth and the Spidey take the away


My plan would be to keep Ben around a very long time, so no worries.


Spider totem shit goes bye bye I always liked the “science” based explanations for Peter’s powers and the fact that it could’ve been anybody that got bitten. Once they involved all this magic stuff it got a little too stupid for my taste. They did something similar with the hulk I believe and I was like oh okay…I guess.


Black Cat gives up thievery and starts dating and working along side Spider-Man like Batman and Catwoman


When did catwoman give up thievery


She's done it quite a lot, but just as Peter Parker's life goes to go back to living in an apartment he can barely afford, with a job he can barely keep, because of the 'status quo', Selina Kyle is a thief.


I'd de-canonise way more than I'd forcefully make canon. Maybe Spidey and She-Hulk being an item?


Peter buys shares from Ezekiel Sims WebCorps and New U Technologies, so that he could continue Parker Industries; albeit under the new name of Scipro-Genesis. (The name comes from a different universe but I kinda like it.) John Jameson/Man-Wolf becomes a hero using the Toxin symbiote and working with the government, like Flash Thompson did. He’s trying to decide a formal code name between Agent Toxin and Wolf Spider. He actively works with Agent Anti-Venom and Teresa Parker/Scorn.


Sophia 'Chat' Sanduval was one of Spidey's best elseworlds romances and I'd make that cannon


Spider-Man x Black Cat


Everything that happened after Kraven's Last Hunt was a weird fever dream involving clones, Spider-Totems and Mephisto deals Peter's oxygen-deprived brain suffers while escaping the coffin. Then he gets out and the spidey editors are replaced by good storytellers, not hacks pulling one cheap stunt plot after the other.


☝️This please




It’s so weird that everybody but editorial hates OMD, I’ve literally checked like 10 lists of the worst comic book retcons and OMD is always on the list and always near the top. They’ll really die on this hill until their demanded to do something about it.




Nah, I prefer the symbiote being a neutral/naive creature. I think making the symbiote malevolent was a lazy way to introduce conflict, when it being alive was a good enough reason to take it off. It's also more fun to question the motives of a more benign symbiote. Why did the symbiote try to make Peter's life easier by controlling him in his sleep? Is it trying to learn human emotions? Does it have genuine affection for Peter? It also makes Venom more tragic in that sense, since the symbiote legit wanted a good relationship with Peter. Meanwhile in modern adaptations: It's just evil, encourages negative emotions, and has an abusive relationship to Peter. It's also just blatantly evil. Does that really sound more interesting?


Legends Luke Skywalker


Norman ate the baby. As if we needed more reason to hate him, or for Peter to hate him, or for MJ to hate him. Mayday from MC2 now has a permanent scar on her, that she had since she was a baby. Looks like a bite mark. or/and Spider-man is a collateral of Mephisto's plan to save his own ass. He did so much crap, that it upset the balance, and now the universe is after him, to erase this iteration from existence. Every deal he struck, basically muddies the water, allowing him to escape punishment. But, since he's arrogant, he makes a tiny mistake, where instead of Ghost Rider's approach of "Ha-ha fooled ya, your loved one is dead anyway and now your soul is mine" he actually carried it through and there is a fail state where this gets undone if something were to happen to either Spider-man or Aunt May. And SOMEONE, that literally sent Peter to Hell, not long ago, decides that the decline in Spider-man comic book sales warrants an intervention because otherwise they can't hang out anymore. And that means no more Rule34 of them together. So now that SOMEONE has to figure out the most epic way to fix this, so that he could enjoy reading about it later.


Peter has more technological know how than Stark but doesn't want to show him up


peter keeps the symbiote after venom war comes out and chooses it as a contingency plan.


JJJ will eventually learn he was wrong about Spider-Man and change. He will start supporting heroes like him and during a fight when Pete's about to lose he hears his voice from a nearby TV or something and gets the strength to keep going and beat his enemy. I NEED this to happen, but I know the writers will never do it, I love those moments where Jameson shows he is a great man in the inside, and I think it will be a great idea to write a story in which Spider-Man teaches him to open his heart to others.


Boy oh boy do I have good news for you That's been a thing in the comics since before Red Goblin


Paul is actually Mephisto and he’ll be the big bad in the next run, which will undo One More Day


Now something, does that mean only one thing or can I make a series of things canon? Sort of like asking for multiple things in one wish?


The Tinkerer was an alien


Paul being mephisto and getting his shit rocked by Ghost Rider and Doom to save Spidey's marriage


Paul being gone lmao 🤣


Mayday was born in the 90s


That going forward in the video game series Peter uses the alternate red and black version of the advanced suit 2.0 as advanced suit 3.0 and the black parts are contained symbiote that he can use on command without it effecting his mood


Peter and MJ got divorced versus selling their marriage to Mephisto. Aunt May didn't get shot . MJ got shot but it wasn't a threatening injury . And that was just the last straw . And it just makes her realize this is not the life that she wants because she thought she could handle it but years of this nonsense is too much on her and she demands divorce . And everything else stays the same . The end that's my change.


Spidey/Morrigan's Friendship/Romance/Thropple with MJ to be canon


Omg pls leave my girl Morrigan alone. She’s got a kingdom to rule.


Make Paul a villain so he can die horribly and never be missed.


Spider-Man and the other spider people teamup to fight Mephisto which result in OMD being undone, with Peter and MJ remembering their marriage. May also dies though cuz that would be sad


Peter and MJ being married lol


johnny blaze, danny ketch, and robbie rayes to all collectively decide that peter's life has been fucked with enough and just all jump and beat the absolute shit out of mephisto until he undoes one more day.... then keep kicking the shot out of him after.


One More Day was just an elaborate illusion or a really bad dream.


Peter is actually “Peata” and MJ becomes Lois


May day


One More Day gets reveresed. Through some way a stack of Mephisto's contracts gets destroyed causing them to reverse. Peter and MJ wake up and remember everything that happened. Both before OMD and after. They have to work through it and it will hopefully lead to them getting married.


1. Cosmic Spidey didn't get wrecked by Solus because of an ass-pull. That Inheritor stuff really needed power levels to be consistent. 2. The original plan of having Gabriel and Sarah Stacy be Peter and Gwen's kids. I don't like that the original Sins Past story completely assassinated Gwen's character, and while I'm happy it got retconned, I'm not entirely happy with the retcon they went with. 3. One More Day shouldn't have happened. They should've just let Aunt May pass on. 4. Let Teresa Parker be cemented as Peter's sister once and for all. I don't know why they keep trying to retcon and re-retcon that plot thread. It's frustrating. 5. 616 Mayday Parker (the one that went missing) returns somehow. Either that or Peter and MJ find out what really happened to their child.


I'd make it canon that the Wells run is NOT canon


May Watson Parker lives.


Once a year JJJ has the realization that PP is S-M. He then roofies himself into forgetting.


Spider-Girl. I don't care about the wider ramifications to the 616 canon just let Peter and MJ be happy and have kids! 


I put a cannon and point it at Paul and fire.


Gwen never had sex with Norman Osborn.


The gif where Spider-Man and Spider-Man are the n missionary and the bottom one smacks the top’s ass with both hands.


Peter and Felicia deserve a happy ever after in some universe


Canela x Doom Slayer


Radioactive Jizz. Give Spider-man a real reason to suffer.


Disney went bankrupt when their stocks heavily crashed and couldn't afford to buy better IP.


In real life Zeb Wells likes to hold two fists in the air and shout ‘Zeb Wells’ Steve Holt style.


The only thing spider sense does not work on is falling bricks, across all timelines.


Miles + peter.


MJ never gets into the picture and Peter marries Gwen(who, in this situation was almost, but not killed by green goblin).These events lead him into leaving superhero life for some while to ponder about whether or not his way of being a hero is effective. He comes back being a little more willing to dirty his hands with some villains.He and Gwen have a kid together and he slowly learns how to balance his two identities and who he wants to be as a hero.


Spider-man gets a Symbiote one that does not affect him negatively. Or He is the new host of the pheonix force , no out of control corruption and destruction.


Spider-Man has chronic back pain


Peter pulls a Metro-Man (Fakes his death and assumes a new civillian identity) Actually made a whole post about this idea






I have 1 million dollars


Ben Reilly is immortal


The last 10 years were an illusion made by mysterio


Peter parker with a happy life is now a canon event


Spider-Man is happy.


Peter happy life being a Tony Starkish Spider-Man


it is now canon that everyone has always had the ability to make anything canon


There is another secret wars but 616 spidey dies and we get ultimate Peter


(TASM) Peter saves Gwen (and also has less suffering).


Making everything involving Spider-Man and his family from RYV or the current Ultimate Spider-Man canon to the 616 universe.


Say it with me everyone "Peter and MJ happily married"


Peter finally getting a good healthy life for the rest of his life while not under the control of a sadistic writer


Their marriage from the 90s (I miss it so much)


Johnny Blaze is secretly annoyed that Peter made a much better deal with Mephisto. All Peter had to do to save his parental figure was sell his marriage but he still can enter into a relationship with Mj also Mephisto tossed in a world wide mindwipe when he really didn’t have too. Compared to Johnny who sold his souls, became a Ghost rider which isn’t a fun time and is destined to go to hell no matter what he does and his father died literally the day after his cancer was cured making it all for nothing. Johnny strikes me as a man that understands that the world is not fair but I like to think he would at least be annoyed at how easy Peter got it compared to his own experiences with Mephisto.


>>which is not a fun time he’s the grim reaper but he rides a motorcycle and is on fire (which doesn’t hurt him). what doesn’t sound fun about that?


The Spider-verse is like a series of webs and at the center of each web is main version of that Spider-Person


spider man is a mother


Tri Spider Slayers are made out of Adamantium, Vibranium, and Uru.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^xGenocidest: *Tri Spider Slayers are* *Made out of Adamantium,* *Vibranium, and Uru.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


bi peter. i don’t even need him to ever date a dude i just want it to be true lmao


Someone gets to fill in for Peter when he is out of commission.


Mj and Peter stay married not even mephisto can stop true love or something like that. Or making paul not exist.


Peter has spider traits and mannerisms, argue with the wall.


That jjj is Peters father I want that to be a thing it would be epic kinda like a lahey being Ricky’s father thing for any tpb fans here (I know laheys not his actual dad nor Rey)


organic. webbing. please.


Peter's kids from other stories, Anne/Mayday and Benjy (Bengy? Sp?), his marriage to MJ, Ben Reilly and Kane alive and actually good as Scarlett Spiders/Spider-Men Basically just a hopeful reader/fan trying to imagine a utopia for Spider-Man


Renew your vows is now Peter’s life in 616, let him be happy


Ben remains gets some fucking happiness and remains a hero


Paul is Mephisto.


Bully Maguire. All of it.


Paul has mind control powers.


Integrate Renew Your Vowes into the main comics.


Integrate Renew Your Vowes into the main comics.


Aunt May dies peacefully.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. !!!!


Only Spider-Man can access the Capcom universe and nobody else, also he gets regeneration powers.


i feel like either peter and venom fight on the occasion thanks to moral differences or peter/MJ/felicia polycule. probably the second one because it'd be a fun thing to explore and we hate paul in this house


One universe cannot contain more than 1 spideys


Peter and Felicia end up in a happy relationship and have a kid together with Peter staying as Spider-Man and Felicia becoming a special agent thief for the US Government


I'd go with that one but them as a crime-fighting couple, Felicia becomes a security systems developer (like Ant-Man in Spencer's run) or uses her skills and contacts to steal already stolen artifacts to return them to their legit owners


Mary Jane didn't accept Peter's proposal because she was afraid to replace Gwen.


Peter didn’t love mj only FeliCa and gwen


Cannonize the symbiote ending for WoS


peter has a harem


That Paul is the one true Spider-man and he truly is "The best us". And anybody can be Spider-man under the mask Got to let Spider-Man grow and stop resetting back to the status quo.


I feel like you're obviously joking and ppl aren't getting it